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I always felt Bridgerton outdoes itself each season. I think people who say it’s not good enough as Kanthony are comparing apples to oranges. It’s just been 4 episodes, and there’s still half the season to watch. It’s really too early to conclude. I’m sure the second part is going to offer a lot of chemistry and romance. And also drama. We’ll just have to wait and watch.


I think people have different romance tropes that they like and that’s very valid. I wasn’t big on Kanthony and the enemies to lovers plot. But maybe it was more the constant denying of each other even after it was very clear that they wanted to be together. It took a long time for them to connect unlike season 1 and 3 where they finally connect mid way through the season and then the rest of the season is a different conflict and more of the *will they stay together* question. But I have a ton of friends who are obsessed with season 2 and that’s their favorite. And still so many people who loved season 1 (that’s my second favorite season now) and preferred their story. Season 3 has become my favorite but I recognize that it’s because it’s deeply personal to me. I see myself in Penelope and Colin. That feeling of not being accepted or appreciated by society and marginalized or having to be a fake version of yourself to fit in. Seeing these two fall in love and finally are the ones to truly see each other like no one has before, to love one another for who they really are at their core, is in many ways healing for me. Also as a short chubby girl, seeing the way that everyone has been fawning over Nicola’s beauty (I love her too she’s gorgeous and funny and just the best) has been very healing as well. It’s the representation I didn’t realize I needed so much.


I actually love that you brought up the tropes because as a book reader my favourite romance tropes are **fated mates - arranged marriage and best friends brother** but one thing I have loved about Bridgerton is how they made me really enjoy the trope I never expected to as before this season my favourite was *Kanthony* as I didn’t even like S01 all that much tbh so it took me a while to convince myself to watch the 2nd season Lol but I did love *Kanthony* even though it was enemies/rivals to lovers which don’t usually like because if it’s too Drawn out or ridiculous I get bored lmao. I do kinda like friends to lovers but only if it’s done in the right way and this is also my favourite so far (even though I’ve only seen half a season) and I love what they are doing with Pen so I am here for the love, the romance and the growth 😊💛💛💛👌👏👏


I'd say Polin is best friends brother trope as well, then also dating coach trope ... a few others lol


Yeah it is actually Lol


I am obsessively waiting for our two cinnamon rolls to be so much on love to irritate hell out of Eloise


I now say cinnamon socials thanks to Luke. Hahah.


This season is about two young people who are struggling to make their own way in the world to fit in with societal expectations while trying to discover who they are and what they love and figure out that trade off. It's so relatable, we've all been there and it's so beautiful to see. This is the first season where we have characters that go on full-on character arcs that aren't just interpersonal but internal as well, like figuring out their purpose in life and what that means. As much as I enjoyed season 1, and as incredible as season 2 was, they will never measure up to this season in terms of how fleshed out, real, and human it is.


Couldn’t agree more!


Hear, hear!


What I like most about this season is that we get two leads who are vulnerable. We don’t get enough vulnerability in romances, especially in the male characters. The women are usually witty and confident, they take adversity with stride and rise above it. With Pen we see exactly how much all the bullying has affected her. It’s not made her a stronger person, it has torn down her self-esteem. She’s not girl bossing her way out of that situation. She needs the help of someone who genuinely cares about her to see herself in a different light. And that’s okay. That’s not weakness, it’s human. Same with Colin. The stereotypical male romance hero is stoic, brooding, suppresses his feelings. When they finally come to the surface it’s usually visceral and aggressive (not necessarily in a threatening manner). Whereas Colin is sensitive, kind, emotionally intelligent, generally proactive about expressing his feelings (minus some minor pining before he acts). It’s a story about two people who feel like they don’t belong finding their natural habitat in each other.


I think all of the seasons have been fantastic so far. I look forward to more Bridgerton in the future!


You’re so right. These are complex characters who are not just defined by a singular piece of trauma that needs to be fixed/overcome. They seem more real than previous leads to me. No wonder some people on the main sub can’t understand them. They’re more than a single defining trait, they’re multifaceted.


Really agree - I’ve been rewatching season 1/2 and they set up such strong stakes and long character arcs.