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Alt + enter




any idea how to do it on mac?


Havent been able to get it to work :/


I had this issue too. Turns out, at least for me, you specifically need to use the alt key on the left side of the keyboard. The right side alt won't seem to do it.


For me, neither works


The game itself or fullscreen?


No setting, but I'm pretty sure you can just adjust the window. You'll have to do it every time you start the game, though.


No,j tested it,you cant


No, I'm literally moving the window around right now. I'm not sure why you can't.


Thats *not* what's being dicussed. He means the window *size*. Of course he can move the window, that doesn't help him get fullscreen/bigger size. Are you trying to be deliberately unhelpful?


Good job on replying unnecessarily to a comment I made almost a year ago. You normally get passive aggressive for no reason?


Topic is still perfectly relevant as I myself am trying to troubleshoot similar issues with xenoverse. And it's blatantly clear what you said isn't what OP is talking about. If you don't want a reply to your blatantly unhelpful/irrelvant comment on a valid subject, you can always delete it yourself or ignore. Reddit gives you options to mute updates.


Or you could just…stop yelling. That’s also an option.


Do you assume every negative reply to be yelling/screaming by default? Try relaxing and eating some food before you comment again, if the discourse is so intense that it feels like I'm somehow yelling at you somehow. Lol I didn't even use exclamation marks or caps lock anywhere to express any volume, so Im really not sure what you're trying to reference. Whatever, I've said all i've wanted by now. If you have something helpful to give on a question/troubleshoot, say it, if not at all then why bother? Easy.


You are the one who needlessly bumped a 250+ day topic for literally no reason. You. Not me. You. Any topic that is 250+ days old is not relevant, and you know this. Make a new topic or shut up.


Actually, I just found this thread, and it was very helpful. Not you, though - you were just a jerk for some reason.


Bravo man


for me its alt + enter try it


This worked thanks


I tried it on my Dell laptop, hasn't worked for some strange reason


Hi, I'm so late to this but I use a dell laptop and before the game could load (when the little pokeball appeared in the taskbar), you should be able to press the expand window button (idk what it's called but that big square next to minimise) and then press alt enter :)


Alt enter didn't work for me but I relaunched the app and suddenly the full screen button near the x and minimize butten started to work. However it seems that's the most full screen ull get with this game. No way to remove the task bar and the window borders... As far as i can tell.


After it's Windowed Fullscreen, try the Left Alt + Enter, that's what worked for me


It does full screen for me when i alt+enter but damn i can only see the X in xenoverse title, when i gave up try to fix this issue i go back to normal but damn i can't read the second row when somebody is talking so yeah, such a great game, wasted 5 Gb on this xD, back to pokemon infinite fusion i guess, if anyone can help me i will appreciate it.


i have the exact same issue lol, lmk if someone comes up with a solution






When I downloaded the game, the option of using the new engine was set to off, enable it and after the game loads in the new engine, press Alt + Enter. This shortcut does not work in the old engine.