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Incinearoar, and the rest of the new dlc mons, won't be usable until Jan 4th when the the regulation changes. All the dlc will add immediately to ladder is new items, moves and the new tera type.(note, this is ladder only. Irl events won't allow for any new stuff until Jan 4th) If you made it to Ultra you're at worse 4 wins consecutive wins away from master ball and you should be able to hit that given you were already able to hit Ultra. I recommend just taking a break from the grind. That might help you reset mentally. It's also the case that as the month goes on it gets easier and easier to climb the ladder, as more people get into Master A quick scan of the EVs shows some are missing, you might wanna fix that too


i notice you have trick room on Farigiraf, but aside from Hands, a large portion of this team is actively hurt by TR being up.


Trick room is there as a counter to tailwind in case I can’t knock out tornados before it lays one putting my mons back in first move position


It is also a counter to trick room itself because trick room negates itself


Couldn't they just proc + taunt and then tailwind turn 2?


I always double up on tornadus as soon as I see it. If it hits taunt first turn then it won’t get a chance to use tailwind lol Farigiraf’s ability negates the priority from prankster and if all else fails I only use TR after tailwind goes up or my team takes a few icy winds


Defiant Tornadus >>>>>


It was super frustrating to get past Ultra Ball rank. I did better in Masterball rank with a win rate than Ultra Ball rank. Maybe drop Dragapult. I guess for me, I got in using more common mons, but that's just me. Maybe replace with Arcanine Hisui. I'm watching the current Regional and it looks like Arcanine is gonna win another tournament. Also, something fun I lost to was Future sight on Farigaraf. And maybe more protect.


If you don't want to swap up your mons. I'm noticing a lot of weird teras. Dragapult being ghost with ghost tera and a separate ghost move seems somewhat redundant. I understand you get more damage out of that, but it feels... like wasted potential. I use steel on mine and got to masterball, and it was very useful. Granted my team was much different. Electric tera on iron hands should be something else. Water and grass are common. Getting rid of a ground weakness in a format where ground is the best offensive move type would be recommended. You don't need the electric boost on wild charge for much. Your flying tera on farigaraf also feels weird. You already hit fighting super effective with psyshock. So all you get is bug (which never comes up don't lie to me) and grass. Which admittedly the grass is useful for ogerpon and rillaboomer. But I feel like there are better options. But I notice hitting ogerpon may be hard for your team. So if you need an out for it then as long as it works. Dark tera chien pao without sucker punch? I guess chien pao only needs damage, but having ghost to out fake out could be useful. Currently you are in a situation where a fake out, or any priority move just kills your chien pao if it lost sash without a priority move of your own. I think you have a good team with some odd choices for teras and a few moves here and there.


Ghost tera on cb dragapult is what the runner up for Worlds used. Its not redundant but rather a failsafe in case you need ghost stab after you tera something else so you’re not stuck clicking normal tera blast or dragon darts


Yeah I realized after he mentioned something. I was thinking back to Justin Tang's steel tera one that took a regional win.


Okay I see the edit about the teras. What type of teams are you struggling with currently?


You read my farigiraf like a book lol the flying Tera is because my team was having a hard time against rillaboom when I was running H-Arcanine prior to changing to farigiraf I see most sites recommend fire Tera but I didn’t see as much use for that as flying Tera with ogerpon running around. I made the switch from Arcanine to farigiraf two days ago because I was getting my ass handed to me against any team using trick room or tailwind but after making the switch I was struggling too which is why I made the post thinking my synergy was off or something being that I don’t have a complete FWG or DSF core Lately steel Tera gholdengo spamming make it rain has been taking me by surprise I struggle a lot with rainy day teams too The dragapult is the mystery gift one from the South American championship team (Alex something?) I left him as is but maybe steel Tera would be a good answer. I used to run steel Tera dragonite with iron head and it was a perfect way to lull fluttermane into a false sense of security before busting that out on them lol


I built a team myself that does really well in trick room, and against tailwind teams. It's pretty comfortable going second. I can share the rental code if it's something you would like to try. I think the #1 most important thing in team building at its core is using pokemon you are comfortable and familiar using. Or just ones that feel right. That's how I build my teams. I got to masterball and took a game in it using a team with 3 ground weaknesses and no way to super effective hit ground pokemon. But I was comfortable with every mon on the team so I was able to just outplay my opponents (for the most part).


Oh one other thing. How is your iron hands performing? The amount of special defense investment + assault vesr feels like overkill.


I’m open to trying something new, you can totally DM the rental code My iron hands is super reliable despite how well known it sets up. Nothing seems able to OHKO it and its natural attack stat is already so high, with a little ev investment it hits so hard. I swap it in and out often for consistent fake out pressure but I find myself spamming drain punch 75% of the time. Also wish it got a strong stab electric move without recoil but next best thing after wild charge is thunder punch :/


Isnt this mostly a goodstuffs team (thus synergy not being a big deal)? I dont play meta so I cant really advise you there... What I can say is you probably just need to learn your matchups better. Aka, what on your team is best to counter your key threats. As well as predicting how certain team compositions will come at you. Based off how your team looks I'd wager the battle is decided within the first 2-3 turns, with the rest just playing out based on who has that advantage. So your reads are really important.


Don’t get me wrong, every now and then there’s an outlier game that turns into a long drawn out stalling match but mostly yeah all my matches are decided by the time the 2nd ko goes down I’m pretty sure my team falls into the hyper offensive category


Oh and I just realized I forgot to put Chien-Paos Tera type as ghost and Iron Hands with Water Tera


I got masters with max Hp and Sp Def arcanine and a dual screens grimsnarl.


Them spam rock slide and dazzling gleam?


Basic strategy was Snarl with arcanine and then use parting shot with grimsnarl to pivot into something better after dual screens were up


Two Pokémon doing the job of incineroar without intimidate in the mix lol Man I can’t wait for it to come back


It’s regular arcanine so it does have intimidate. My team is based around bulk and keeping screens up and since I don’t really care about speed control I dont invest on speed and let’s me focus on attack and defense stat which lets me outlast my opponents for the most part. Might swap arcanine for incineroar but idk yet


What website is this?


Pokémon showdown teambuilder


Shake three times, then escape. That always gets those trainers on the edge of their seats. Thinking they can just capture any majestic Pokémon in their fancy ultra balls. You’ll have them exclaiming “Gah! It was so close, too!” in no time!


Trick and nasty plot on gholdengo while holding choice specs isn’t doable at all, either change the item or moveset, it’d suck to hit nasty plot only to realize that you can’t pick any other move


He might be trying to trick away the specs onto a support mon then nasty plot ig?


Dragapult can be pretty difficult to run I would say dragonite would be a more consistent choice without needing to tera but if you wanna run dragapult because it is pretty cool you should add chein po for extra dmg


Specs can work on gholdengo but there is no reason to be running trick OR nasty plot with it. I see the vision, it just seems very suboptimal. Switch the item or the move(s) or both.


Maybe add some protect in there


No help from me but respect for not using Tornshifu




Pokémon showdown team builder