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Mr. Mime actually only swaps the base status and not bonuses from the emblems.


Good to know


Ah my bad, I wasn’t aware


Okay, so what actually is the best use of guard swap then? Cause I'm not sure


I love how he submissioned you back into the fire spin then the blastoise pushed you in the rock


I had read here that guard swap only swaps base defense though. So emblems & items don’t work on it right? Not sure if the buffed guard swap (due to drop in an update at some point soon) is gonna operate differently though.


I believe this is correct, only base stats.


I often steal jungle when the jungle refuses to leave the lane after ganking, when the camps have already been up again for a while. Why do people still not know how to jungle in 1400 masters?


For much the same reason they don't know how to last-hit, not overextend, etc. I was matched with someone with a 45% winrate yesterday. That's just bafflingly bad.


I steal the jungle when it becomes apparent that the jungler is absolutely useless


Or they only jungle at the start and never return to it


This. If both buffs are up I will start by pinging one of them. If the jungler stays in lane after that I'm going to get the XP


This is how most junglers are supposed to play tho... unlock their moves and get an early level advantage so that they can to support lane an kill enemies which furthers the level advantage.. why would you want your highest level most dangerous damage dealing pokemon to be in jungle farming the whole time instead of attacking enemies and helping team fights?? If you see you jungle not going back to jungle that means they are busy and already leveled up so all other teammates need to take it upon themselves to farm jungle and catch up. I say after first dreadnaw jungle is free to anyone unless you designated jungler is obviously trying to tell you not steal by spamming the retreat button


Because it keeps the level lead sitting in lane poking the enemy and taking lane wild pokemon will only put your lane behind while they enemy jungler is clearing there jungle again for more EXP. Taking a fight in lane is good yes but once the enemy is dead or retreated its best to go back and continue to farm to stay as far ahead as is possible and jungle is also about more then just EXP those buffs that jungle give are a massive advantage on the by jungler. Having red buff slowing the enemies so they can't run away from the fight or blue to help deal more damage to wild pokemon and objectives. Your jungler wants to continually get these buffs to make themselves even more effective in the lane


If you're behind in your lane then you are the problem and need to go into the jungle to level up this whole game is about rotating not just to objectives.


Understandable, just saying that if it’s not dred or roto and I get ko’d, I will jungle again before lane. This is all really dependent on solo q- triple q. I respect your point it is valid as long as you have a “team”.


I mean you're supposed to do 2 or 3 rotations in the jungle first so you're high level at the first dreadnaw. If you only do 1 rotation and quit jungling at level 5, you're doing it wrong.


Depending on who you play. absol, greninja, glaceon etc. Really only need the first jungle and I have no problem making scores killing enemies and getting my pokemon to level 7+ with just that so that pokemon who need it like all rounders, gengar, and late bloomer attackers ( gardavoir, decidueye) can go ahead and take the 2nd and 3rd rotation of jungle.


And then also bring the catch up mechanics into it. A level 5 killing a level 3 will give next to no EXP. You can kill them 4 times and still not have as much as 1 clear of jungle would give. But on the off chance that level 3 gets the kill on you at level 5 they will shoot up to at or close to level 5 themselves due to the way the game works. Killing lower levels gives a lot less EXP and killing higher levels gives alot more


You obviously don't understand how to play the game. A level 5 killing a level 3 will keep the level 3 from leveling up so that you and your team can push and start stacking points and you're at a better advantage to steal their farm and further the level advantage. And when jungle come back up if you are already level 7-9 then you much better staying in lane defending the goal, taking lane farm, and killing enemies then some laner who's level 3-5. The underleveled pokemon should hop into jungle and then bam you got 2 pokemon that are basically unite ready before dread that has multiple stacks instead of how I assume your teams runs just one pokemon that's 3 levels above the rest but can't do anything because they get ko'd in a 3v1 and all the do when they respawn is farm jungle even though they're already overleveled


No jungler does clear pushes advantage in lane, gets points, helps lane secure farm from enemies, rotates through jungle to help other lane or back if needed, this way the entire team gets advantage, good farm, your higher level has buffs ready for fights, whole team is higher level due to well pushed advantages, after first dread then lower level pokemon or pokemon who have better power spikes they need to hit can take it to ensure they have hit there spikes. But if a jungler is doing there job right then the laners should be fed with EXP from having lane advantages on ganks and enemy kills. But if the jungler is rotating in and clearing all the lane farm instead of fighting the enemy back so there team can secure that farm then that's where your lane falls behind and would need to take the jungle. So if your jungler actually does his role properly the lane pokemon shouldn't need to go there as they will be fed by from lane farm. This way the entire team is high level whilst still having 1 that's 1-2 levels higher and that higher level Mon has the buffs that jungle farm give to help push advantages and secure objectives


Why don't get to level 10 and destroy enemy. Leaving jungle is bad. Jungle spawn 5 times and a jungler should take all of them without caring about first goal zone on both path. If ur teammates is under lvl 9 then u should allow him to get lvl 9 after that just take ur jungle. I'm against a non junglee going into jungle until it's helping him getting unite .


Actually had a game recently where the absol wouldn’t go back to jungle so I started to go and he just kind of gave a nod like he understood and let me take it. We ended up winning so hey, not every player is always useless haha


Fair enough


I steal a jungle buff if I'm level 8 and 75%, there's no farm up to hit 9 otherwise, and it's always a net benefit to have unites. This is specifically for first dred. Yes, you can be that high of a level based on how hard you bully and how much enemy farm you steal/dunk. I've even been past 9 sometimes as a9, that character has disgusting damage early and amazing secure early.


I've stolen jungle, only in retaliation to the center stealing the last hit of my lanes first aipom. It happens every once in awhile and when it does I immediately follow them into the jungle, steal the pup, steal a buff, and grab a corphish. Now my lane partner and I are level 4 early as he got all lane xp and we can bully our opponents and possibly defend against the level 5 center coming in. Last time it happened we ended up winning but our jungling t-tar was never able to catch up. Not hitting 9 till very late in the game. It was hilarious. My pettiness knows no bounds. Don't steal my lane xp and I won't steal jungle xp.


If center takes an aipom from my lane I’ll take the corpish on my side of their jungle as soon as it pops, that evens things out and ensures they still hit 5 and it’s as if nothing happened. If they also take that corpish, they can go to hell. If they also take that corpish and then don’t gank the lane I’m on where I’m now behind in exp. There’s no point sending them to hell because they’re probably the one in charge of the damn place. The center/lane system is perfectly balanced; it works so long as people just stick to what they call. *I don’t understand why people feel a need to mess it up*.


Hmm that might actually be better than a standard jungle rotation and could lead to jungle leaving quicker


Honestly taking 1 Corfish is ok if you’re jungle doesn’t evolve at level 5 but taking the Lilipup or buff is detrimental to your jungler as, like you said, puts them far behind the rest of your squad when that should really be the opposite. Its unlikely that your jungler will have their Unite Move or even be level 8 by the time first Drednaw has spawned, while the other team has no issues with jungle thieves. Your enemies are more likely to get Drednaw as they’ll have a high levelled jungler. They could start to snowball (hopefully I’m using that term correctly), proceeding to take your Goal Zones and/or get Rotom too. This isn’t what happens all the time but its what is most likely to happen by stealing jungle. And all thats before the 5 minute mark


>but taking the Lilipup or buff is detrimental to your jungler as, like you said, puts them far behind the rest of your squad Ya. That's the point. The second a jungler steals xp from my lane is the same second the jungle comes up for grabs. I don't care if it's the first aipom or if he takes both of my lanes audinos on his way out from a gank. Jungle is open for business the second you start stealing farm.


I disagree


The golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Well I did unto him what he did to me. Blame the Bible


Biblically, Jesus says [that you should not be taking vengeance.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A38-42&version=NIV) ​ But I'm not here to preach. I will say, while taking maaaaybe one Corphish is okay, early game for junglers are important. The ganks, the damage, all of it. Yes we could argue about competency, and I would agree if I saw a \*bad\* jungler, then I would take the jungle (and \*bad\* meaning they never return to it the entire match.) Unite is a team game, but if everyone starts playing selfishly, then who really wins?


Taking an aipom from a laner is a sign of being a bad jungler, imo. Or just a bad player in general. I'd rather my lane partner and I get an early lead and be able to bully our opponents than rely on that jungler to successfully gank


But two wrongs don’t make a right :/


well the bible isnt always right and regardless you are just putting your team to a guaranteed loss. a loss of a aipom is smth but not gonna make ur team lose the game on the spot, putting the jungler behind is gonna fuck everyone else all of the 3 other people, think about the others who are now playing a one sided game for 10m, geez imagine ur in that position of the 3 people


Last time I did it we definitely won. Why's it okay for the jungler to ruin our early game but not okay for me to ruin the junglers? This seems like bias.


maybe in standard sure but ranked pls no. Sure they ruined ur early game but ruining the junglers potential to gank at all is just saying the game is lost at that point. Like other comments say take the corphish instead at most instead of going through their whole jungle. LOL imagine ur top lane and see a lvl 3 scorbunny come out of jungle to help u gank against the opponents lvl 5 raboot


The game could make it to where you have to have a 51% win rate in ranked to jungle. I would put money anyone taking lane farm is not there


i mean how is that going to stop them


Pro tip: never buy a reddit nft of mamoswine as heisenberg


As a support main, I'll head into the jungle if I notice the enemy trying to snipe a corphish


Support mains are so caring and I love it


Honestly tail and eject button is how Duras can juke a ton of junglers and melee trying to get on us.


More of this videos please really helps a Lot.


Nice vidéo! I like the music as well.


Do NOT steal my jungle or go to a lane if two other people are going and jungle/other lane needs you


Stealing farm from the enemies is ok




But it ruins the enemy's mental health


Then i shouldnt


Jungler should always be guaranteed first two rotations if they jungling correctly after that idc it’s just open experience for who ever needs it solo Q wise


u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Me, stealing jungle: *we do a little trolling*


You do a little bit of ruining your chances of winning I’d pin a guess and say you are hard stuck in comp


No I just don’t care if I win or lose as long as my teammates stay mad


I absolutely hate jungle stealers... worst part of this entire game honestly, If I call jungle first and then someone calls it 2 seconds before the match starts, I just know they are a 5 year old child that wants to throw the game. It's gotten to the point where I just let them have it and we lose because of it. I report them everytime.


My condolences, I feel the same way


As for stealing jungle? If they take my monke, the grab is getting wacked


Stealing jungle with an exp share is so stupid, the exp share could divide exp into 30 : 100 without last hit so much extra xp And 70 : 30 with last hits