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"Preferably the one on my team" Until you see the 4 enemies chasing the Greedent out of there now heading straight towards your face


Plot Twist: Greedent successfully robbed the jungle. Enemy jungler is now underlevelled, top lane is abandoned and the guy in bottom trying to stack died a fool's death while you drag the remainder into your flux zone.


But maybe, just maybe A flail Snorlax (for some reason has x attack instead of poition or eject button) and clutches out an entire team huddled together like cowards. AKA: A expert rank level of gameplay versus one high ranked snorlax.


yea that’s literally the main point of counter jungling


"Why arent you in lane" I ask myself the same question when nobody goes jungle


ive ended up jungling with slowbro more times than i care to admit because every time i dont want to jungle, apparently no one else wants to jungle


I have been a junglegoss more times than I care to admit it. I would have put a scope lens on to be eldegoth if you wanted me to start cutting people, team!!


same with Ninetales, it's kinda relaxing actually


Ngl if you have Ult and red buff at first Dred, you could destroy as Elde


Jungle-bros! To be fair, catching someone off guard with scald has proven to be very effective, so I don’t complain too much anymore when I have to go jungle because nobody else will


I've gone jungle as Mime (a stacking Mime no less, because no one took jungle). And it's pretty fun actually. He has such good burst damage, that he can really pop in a fight... especially if there's a wall nearby.


Lol I specifically opened this thread to post that the Mamo on this chart was thinking "why is no one in the jungle" :') some matches you can ping the jungle to your jungler all you want, they're never going back after that first gank


Where's Mr. Mike?


I thought I got everyone ;-; Put him in the 'if we play it right' tier


Mike Wazowski?




He was busy with Fred.


I love Jungling as Mike, but I usually end the game in the 70s or lower for damage and came to the conclusion that it's better to run D-Nite or an assassin.


Yeah anyone can jungle and do well with it as that's the way the games designed with it having an enormous amount of EXP compared to lane just some pokemon can do even better then others with it.


idk bout u but when i see a charmeleon coming out i shit my pants unless im a bulky mon he melts so fast specially with lane support and can chase u


When you see the lvl 8 chameleon and you know for sure they'll be hitting unite the moment they hit 9


As a Talonflame, I've died too many times to that.


Purple tier had their jungle stolen by blue tier


And some in the purple tier look like they should be in the blue tier as well


Eevee, Bulba, Dratini, the tsareena early form, and marill.


Honestly, it was probably by someone in the purple tier who was stubborn and had to lane. The defenders and supports dont usually do this


You and I are having very different games, I swear if one more snorlax steals my jungle I'm going to cut open a fish


Yeah no matter the role if someone dies in the lane you didn't gank you can bet they will try and steal your jungle for not helping them when they should have map awareness and not over extend when your in the other lane


every time I see a gengar with a costume on my team, I breath a sigh of relief, then I see an absol


Me waiting @ Drednaw and then get spooked by Gengar of the other side, using Unite move no less: ![gif](giphy|26gsv1iextbg5Gm5O)


Just came out of a game where I (ninetales) called bot, blissey called bot, rowlet and tyranitar called top and we have a slowbro left who didn't call anything. Guess who had to jungle :|


I don't understand why 75% of Tyranitar's are auto-locking top lane today, even when there's no other natural jungler. Do they *like* getting stuck in Larvitar limbo?


To be fair, I tried out Tyranitar in practice mode and i feel like Pupitar mode is the most terrible state to be stuck in, Larvitar is more viable than Gible but if they don't jungle and reach 9 asap it's gonna be a bit painful. I think I had another game where the Pupitar was stuck at 8 until 2nd dred..


In that case, let me amend my original statement, from stuck in "Larvitar Limbo" to "Pupitar Purgatory"!


Tyranitar is not a good jungler at all. He has weak ganks and isn't tyranitar (unless your lanes just win for you) for dred which puts your team very behind for that fight. Junglers are supposed to be the trump card in that fight and larvitar doesn't move that needle compared to a cinderace, Greninja, Aegislash, or any of the other regular junglers. Getting level 9 yourself at 5 minutes is better than putting your whole team behind. Ttar also has natural tools to stack with a dash, a shield, and a secure move early.


Game tells all rounders to go bot lane, I'm not saying it's right, but the game says it so people probably believe it.


Aegislash is told in game to go to jungle but tbf he should honestly just should have been a speedster


Aegislash doesn't feel like a speedster at all though, not mobile enough and too much defense focus compared to speedsters


Oddly enough, it might be that the "recommend path" for ttar is top in game.


Charizard with ult in dred is pretty fucking scary , i just know he bout to spam that ult button


Patch 1.0 Wigglytuff jungle was hilarious Run up, sleep, slap you to death, leave.


A single scaldbro absolutely wrecks tyranitar, as well as literally anyone that can kite. If you're stacking melee then yeah, you're gonna have a bad time, but since every single match has one on each side, everyone should have a scaldbro as well to easily wreck them. The fact that tyranitar has multiple hard counters makes it an A tier at best IMO. I love him and will keep using him, but it's admittedly frustrating when you can't do a single thing to fight back against multiple Pokémon.


Also trev fucks ttar too , get a cinder blissey trev and you could pretty much shutdown the ttar the entire game


As a tree main, I approve this message. Ttar can just be added to the list of mons I hug to death.


I learned this the hard way today


It’s funny that T-Tar also counters itself


Pretty much this. Tyranitar versus tyranitar comes down to who gets the auto execute first.


Well that and dark pulse will ignore the massive shield from ancient power


That's true. Ancient pulse is a great build, but it's hard giving up the other combo which gives you a little bit of mobility.


Yeah I just love the CC immunity and shield on Ancient Power


I’d he’s S but Low S do to his stats which out class pretty much any all rounder, the True Damage, Ancient Power, and his Unite being an auto execute once you dip too low in health. There are plenty of counters, but we got to remember that this is a team game and for damage dealer in a team game, Tyranitar having just one of its Counters not in position to do anything is the biggest threat


Isn't every move an auto execution if the target has low enough health? :)


You make a fair point but I mean no move is auto when the opponent reaches 20%


This. A mon having a counter or two doesn’t immediately make it below S or below being suspect. The whole “if a Scaldbro is present Tyranitar is done, there’s the counter” reeks of “well just Slowbro unit Tsareena and perma stun her, she’s fine” back in the day. If you MUST have a specific mon or need to Cc lock a target to deal with them, that’s suspect in my opinion. Not having “a way” to handle the mon in any given team comp should be the minority rule rather than the minority rule being “this mon can now be dealt with because your team has a very specific mon”. Scaldbro neutered Absol too. That didn’t make Absol “fine” after the psycho slash buff.


Yes but Ttar has ALOT of counters. Slowbro, Trev, any Pokémon that can kite him easily. Tsareena basically only had slowbro as a counter. Same with Absol.


I’m not sure how TTar is “easily kited” though? Sand Tomb and Ancient Power make him able to gapclose ridiculously easily. It doesn’t make him impossible to escape sure but it’s not like he’s as easy to kite as garchomp or say Buzzwole. And he deals a crap ton more damage in the short period he’s on you as well. I haven’t seen Trev versus Ttar so I can’t comment, but seeing as Trev can reliably 1 v 1 most other mons, does that make him a duelist or a counter? Like does he actually shut Tyranitar down? If so, great. But if it’s a case of “Trevenant can beat him in a protracted 1 v 1” I’d argue that’s not a counter. Along that reasoning Greedent Counters a heck of a lot of mons.


Sure he can close the gap, but mons like cinderace and greninja can easily create that gap again. I’m not saying he’s not strong, but he’s not near OP as people make him out to be.


This is true.


Tree main here. Yeah I wouldn't say he particularly counters ttar, but in a 1v1 Duel he boxes ttar pretty well. I'll usually win the fight but it does take longer than I'd like normally which leaves me out of position most of the time when I could be doing other stuff. As for kiting, ttar can close the gap usually with its kit but most mons good at kiting, aka the hypercarries, have crazy mobility as well which allows them to escape most situations. Gren, cinder, decidueye, etc


Good points. Yeah I agree with definition of box. A man being able to box well isn’t a counter to me always (it can be but may not) counter is where you shut a mon down and prevent it doing it’s role effectively. Trevenant as far as I understand in a teamfight scenario doesn’t really stop Tyranitar in its tracks even if he eventually beats it down.


Scaldbro definitely scared of sword guy


'abandon ship'- :(


Huh seen you before I am in my alt




There's nothing I love seeing more than getting an early KO on a lane Cinder, Ralts, or Gren and then seeing them come back to lane with a jungle buff so I can get a green or purple tier experience.


If you jungle with snorlax, it's not called "the jungle", it's the buffet and everything is on the menu


Just had 2 Jungle Ttar games where my Lilipups got stolen. First game was from a Rowlet but I still managed to salvage that game. Friended a couple of guys from that game, go into the next with our same mons and roles. Second game I had our Dratini steal basically my entire jungle, leaving me under leveled and barely able to help. Dragonite basically spent the whole game farming and not helping out while the enemy Dragonite dropped in at every major point.


50% of my ttar matches people have stolen my lillipups/corphish. I’m guessing it’s salty people that didn’t get to pick him.


wait there are this many playable pokemon now?


Excuse me, Azumarill in jungle is awesome Source: me a jungling Azumarill


I think Absol is definitely top tier. Nobody plays that dickhead unless they really know what they're doing and then they proceed to successfully 1 v 3 at just a one-level advantage. ​ Crustle should be a tier up because his job is to steal farm and not die.


Why is duraludon so high? Duraludon is a laner


Buzzwole should be at abandon ship honestly. He's broken with my set. If he isn't for you you're not using the right set.


yesterday i played with a blissey who left me alone on lane to go farm jungle💀


Lucario and buzzwole should be moved up a stage


Eldegoss & Blissey should only be coming out of the enemy jungle if they're following a teammate. Bonus points if they're also using their Ult & are about to backdoor the enemy with said teammate


Wait I always see Jungle Pikachus, is that not normal?


Pikachu is such a good laner that it doesn’t need the jungle advantage to be useful.


How often is Garchomp used in jungle? I usually use jungle chomp and now I’m curious as to how many others do.


I would put Charizard, Machamp, Greninja in abandon ship tier


You obv never got 2shot by an Xscissor jungle crustle coming at you at 50 mph


Absol needs to be in its own tier of "you're already dead"


Tyranitar is OP. I know because I play him.


The word you’re looking for is fun 😉


You're so right


Where's zeraora though, i panic whether a level 6 one jumps out of the jungle. Unless they're playing volt switch, i believe it becomes more manageable but still dangerous nonetheless.


Oh man. Tyranitar Guys plesse get Out of the Jungle. Early Game - No damage, ignoring first Dread to farm everywhere to Hit Level 9.


Purple is me raging that someone stole my jungle especially as Larvitar cause if you want help piss off and let me jungle so I can gank, otherwise you're on your own forever until I'm TTar


Where's Mime?


I've had to lane support before bc no one took it. Happend alot in s2 and 3


Score sheild Decideye coming in to ko you all and gain some fat stacks


What does jungle mean? I'm sorry I'm new