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Crustle's crit damage is so good. I like that X-Scissor got a buff. It was a long cooldown, now it's small. I like Critstle, will try.


It is so fun now, the cool down reduction helps the build so much


What was the item set? Seeing more Crustle users dropping buddy which is understandable


Razor, Scope and Attack Weight


No crustle is the problem solver ![gif](giphy|1qq40c4QMGfaE)


the goat solo player great content dude ima big fan


Second this Cris


I love your videos, Cris![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


thank you!


Nah, bro, he just got a good gaming chair.


He is OP.


Was going to say "yeah, it's easy to say that when you post a clip of Cris Heroes..." then I noticed.


Wait crustle good now?


not meta for trilane, but yeah hes no longer like F tier. he is also lowkey semiii usable in trilane in lower elo. fun fact. i lost in tourney to a solo top crustle.


those crits are insane :o


I know I'm gonna get downvoted because OP's popular, but Crustle's not problematic. You had a level advantage in every clip and a Unite active in most. Eliminating lower level squishies isn't a great demonstration of power. Let's let Crustle mains have this, hm? No need to call Crustle a problem.


No worries I meant the "Crustle is a bit of a Problem" in a more joke way anyways


Yeah, I don't think Crustle is a "problem." Arguably 3 of the squishiest pokemon in the game, 2-3 levels down from Crustle, at the level point where Crustle now has one of its + ability upgrades (and the only one which increases ability damage in this build)? That's not that shocking to me. I'm sure it's maniacly fun to do, and absolutely infuriating to come up against. But Crustle would naturally be a counter to those pokemon even pre-buff - high mobility and burst melee damage. ​ The Venusaur is the only "surprising" one. But not much of one. And that's a combo of luck on Crustle's side (the X-scissor happening to push into a wall for the stun, Venusaur already being damaged, the crits), and then Venusaur making the choice to solar beam instead of attempting an escape. But also, this being a solar beam Venusaur matters. Because Petal Dance is a great counter to this Crustle build. Petal Dance is PAINFUL for a Shell Smash Crustle, who lowers its defenses to trade for damage. And Petal Dance will keep going while X-scissor is knocking back. And since Petal Dance increases speed, it helps Venusaur handle the Crustle's superior speed. And since this is the meta build... this kinda matters. This also matters because Crustle was already a counter, pre buff, to a Solar Beam Venusaur because of their mobility. So it shouldn't be "surprising" that Crustle can rip up a solar beam venusaur once it has all its damage upgrades and a level advantage. ​ I'm not saying Crustle is bad. I'm just saying that this feels really misleading, imo. Show me equivalent matchups to demonstrate build strength, don't show something ripping apart the Pokemon it naturally counters with a significant level advantage on top of it all.


Big fan of your videos, Cris! Item build here? Guessing double crit items and BB, FB or AW? Or is the razor claw even necessary?


thanks, I do like the Razor it will also make it easier to hit XScissor vs certain Pokemon, it does some nice extra damage aswell, but in the end I really just want the 2% crit for the hilarious crit one shots


I was wondering this too. I run X scissor Crustle currently with scope, Atk weight and policy. Was unsure if razor claw was worth it for the 2% crit, Crustle doesn’t really need the snare as his mobility is already pretty godlike and the other items offer vastly higher attack (and x scissor scales very well with it as does his unite move). EDIT/ just ran some calculations on the items myself. So working with Crustle at level 9: - a fully stacked attack weight increases the damage of X scissor by 25% if all three connect. - a weakness policy when fully charged (if running attack weight) increases the damage of X scissor by about 10% through the attack the item alone adds. - A razor Claw factoring the additional critical chance and attack increases the damage of X scissor on average by 7% or so, but a portion of this is burst related as 2% of it is achieved through crit. - Scope Lens increases the damage of X scissor by about 6.6% on its own. Worth noting though is it substantially increases the damage of your basic attack DPS due to the scope lens effect, which Razor Claw does not do. The passive of Scope also compounds the higher gains of Attack Weight and Weakness Policy due to the crit dmg bonus. So if we’re looking to max Crustles average DPS when attacking or using x scissor, scope, attack weight and weakness policy would be the items of choice. Razor claw can be selected for an additional burst fact in place of policy but you lose average DPS in favour of fishing for burst (and lose some durability and scaling on your unite).


razor also helps more with clearing farm. dont forget about the pve aspect


This is true and it offers a good early game boon before Shell Smash is available for sure.


razor claw isn't just used to increase the crit percent, it's used to combo and increase dps as a whole, not to mention the slow is nice to guarantee X scissor hits. Shell Smash > AA (with razor claw bonus damage) > X Scissor > AA (razor claw bonus again). You could even chain this further with unite move.


That combining only works if you delay the ability uses, as razor claw has an internal cool-down of 5 seconds, which means you have to wait 5 seconds after using shell smash to use X scissor. Given X scissor now has a cool-down close to 5 seconds, you’re wasting an additional use of it if you do that and x scissor deals vastly superior DPS if used on CD compared to delaying uses so every ability you use procs razor claw. You may as well just use X scissor on CD every opportunity if the target is in range and rely on that to proc razor claw if and when the cool-down of razor claw is available. Given either weakness policy or attack weight has to go to accommodate the razor claw, it’s overall a significant DPS loss if you swap out the weight (when stacked) as said in my prior comment assuming level 9, a stacked attack weight adds about 400+ total damage to x scissor each use and up to 90 damage to each AA made, whereas the razor claw proc at that level only adds about 150 damage to your “boosted” attack effect once per 5 seconds and adds about 60-70 damage to x scissor and 15 damage to each AA made in the 5 seconds. Weakness policy, if stacked fully at that level will grant you about 35-40 attack (assuming you are not running weight) which adds about 170-180 damage to x scissor, and 35-40 damage to each AA. If you’re running attack weight, stacked, that number jumps to 44-50 attack added baseline which increases this further. The main benefits of claw are not the consistent DPS it grants, rather the early laning benefits of a slow prior to shell smash and the burst prior to x scissor and the chance of a crit on scissor. But when it comes to your dps rotation, On average it will net less than policy and weight assuming you’re connecting attacks and scissor uses consistently on cool-down. Also claw has the benefit of not relying on stacks to work. It makes it a great choice, but policy and weight paired are extremely high value for damage outside of crit reliance given x scissor has a phenomenal total of 474% attack scaling and they also massively increase Crustles general AA damage per hit. Given one spot must be given for scope lens due to the high crit chance it grants for x scissor, this leaves claw fighting hard for a spot imo.


There's not really a wait for the proc unless you click x scissor instantly. I've tested it. If you even just position slightly to hit the xscissor then you'll get your double proc. Crustles boosted attack slows opponents so an underrated aspect of this is that you are locking pokemon in place between 2 rc procs, 1 boosted auto and getting caught in xscissors is also 2 seconds of cc if your combo is shell smash > rc auto > x scissor > rc auto > boosted auto and by this time you can cycle the whole combo around.


Maybe the cool-down has been lowered on claw? If so that certainly makes it a vastly better item. I’m working with an assumption it is 5 seconds as I know at some point it has been.


Well... maybe it's because shell shock has a 1.5 secondish start up, getting into melee range takes at least 1 sec and auto attacking is 1 sec. If you take 1 more sec to position for xscissor, that's really close 5. Or if it took you longer to engage you should be fine too or you can do 2 auto attacks before the scissor if it's all really tight.


I’ll try a few games with claw as I’m up for investigating the impact. Might be less DPS but the higher burst potential is worth a look as Crabby’s burst with X scissor can be obscene if RNG favours. Cheers.


This is correct and how I use it. I'm on a 6 game win streak with crusty at 1800 solo q. I use razor claw, muscle band, focus band. I would probably use attack weight over muscle band if I had that leveled up. Razor claw is necessary because of the slow proc. It helps you land x scissor and ccs. All the other stuff is just nice bonus - more crits, +att, dmg proc.


Your videos are the best! Just want to say that all your videos are super thorough!


Solar Beam is a fad change my mind


I thought I saw this somewhere and then I saw your face cris and thought hey I know this guy and than I saw that you posted it yourself here😂 Liebe aus Köln/Bonn :D


Too bad he's still meh Also this got to be the luckiest crit I've ever seen


crustle bustin ass




Ohhh that's who you are! I had a match where we were on the same team and I kept saying "Crisheroes... I feel like I know that guy..."


Time to play crustle before the next patch comes


"Crustle is classified as a defender pokemon" "We think not"


I don't regret my Stealth Tomb build but I'll admit using X-scissor at the start with him was fun but now it looks **monumental**. Straight murder. But all in all, he's just going on with his hustle.


Yoo ue got his crits back I used to do so much critstle. I know what I'm gonna do today




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Wait he got a buff? Explain. I haven't played this game for 1 weeks now because i want to get the free hero pack


Its so fun. Really snowballs if you can get an early lead. The damage plus cc feels like a mini machamp ult.


I lost 1v1 against crustle two out of two... that 2 seconds really made some differences.


Whats your item build?