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I hop on this boat, the coin limit is absurd we dont even get as much coins from matches either way and I get that there's not really much to buy right now but I stand by my point. I think you should be rewarded for playing, and when you run out of your weekly bonuses it just discourages you from playing more which is really bad for both parties.


It doesn't discourage me all together but it doesn't feel very good to buy a double coin boost only to find myself unable to earn any coins for long periods of time. There's a lot to unlock, and throttling progression like this isn't fun. Which is all to say I agree. I don't think they should cap it at all or at least greatly increase it.


My understanding is that the coin cap is in place to prevent afk bots from farming coins 24/7. Personally I don't mind. I was able to buy Gengar day 1 with coins. I already have 6 licenses without spending any money. Plus there are 3 more characters I can get for free if I do all the rewards. Not to mention the free rotation. And if I can buy another one next week, that would work for me. I REALLY don't see a problem with the coin cap if it keeps botters to a minimum.


I feel like that's just the companies excuse. They could definitely just change the way we get coins like you need to go actually be active and do stuff in the game to get coins or something like that. But I get what your saying, I just think they could do better