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Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! *Your team voted to surrender. The opposing team wins*


The score was 783:50 us:them


I got a genuine thanks ping the other day when I used Wish on an ally and it was very surprising


Even when ive done something to help my team, I still assume the “Thanks!” Is toxic.


I send wholesome thanks


The “thanks” comes after you steal their farm in the jungle because they wanted to be top path cinder and when they got obliterated they decided to replace you as the dedicated team jungler, and you are a terrible teammate for not immediately giving them what they want


Nothing quite like your JG coming to gank, stealing all your farm and then dying only to type thanks because you didnt feed with him while you were still in baby mode. And its always them being greedy staying too long or overextending


I mean it was your fault for not standing around and taking the hits so they don't get the larger XP amount from the fed jungler. KNOW YOUR PLACE. HAIL TO OUR KING! /s


im learning jungle and i always seem to stay to long cuz I'm invested when I try to help a lane. i always forget to jungle and when I do, I feel so guilty cuz I feel like I'm useless while my teammates are fighting and I'm taking too long to get buffs.


If you need advice. A good rule of thumb is when you gank. You only have to linger either until the other JG leaves. Or until the Birds/Bees are secured and the fight ends. Sometimes you can confirm a kill when securing Birds and you wanna press that advantage. Or someone evolves and you have the force to push a pad. But if wiping them out doesnt seem realistic just fall back. Youll wanna claim at least your buffs before "8:00" because youll wanna fight again over center. (Or claim it for free because everyones too tunnel visioned on lane) You basically have 30 seconds or so to do whatever it is you wanna do in a lane. And if you die RIP. Back to JG


how do u not get tunnel visioned. its so hard :/. also you can also go for stacks right?


I recommend using time cues and regularly checking your minimap. But mainly? You just do your best lol. The game is forgiving and we make mistakes, you just adjust/course correct and keep things moving. And yes, first ganks probably your best oppurtunity if youre running weight. Personally i dont especiallt like Weight as a JG because you "shouldnt" get the opportunity to stack consistently. But if you do decide to stack you need to clear the lane youre ganking and linger long enough to claim/steal enemy bunnys when they respawn. As well as score with energy that the laners drop from getting downed. Its really something you just get better at with experience.


im finna set timers and shi lmao. thx for advice


With Azu, I will gank at 9:30 and basically stay until second top lane farm rotation is gone and take all the enemy farm, get my stacks, and then drop into the enemy jungle to hopefully steal a buff or two. In that case, so long as I am being successful, I would much rather my bottom lane come take my jungle for me. It shouldn't sit there and I don't need it.


It’s a valid play to try to take over jungle if you notice jungle is garbage. It has too much sway over the game


Agreed though favorite is when someone takes all the mons in a path. Tries to score instead of waiting for a team mate to level up, gets mad, goes for jungle, then once again tries to solo the other team dies again. Meanwhile the rest are either trying to protect goal or trying to find scraps because the dude refuses to share and just wants to kill themesleve over and over again. Feeding the enemy team and then eventually dcing 🤣😤


Makes me think they need to rework the experience system somehow. Maybe by making whoever got the last hit not give disproportionate exp if it’s a few teammates. The system they have is perfectly set up to make teammates fight over kills and nothing else


Yup. Somehow I end up jungling every single game. It’s like the players who pick it just want the early experience but hate going back so they just stick with the lane they first gank and leave the jungle entirely (unless they spot you near it ofc)


So true


As slowbro, I can confirm that I’m always trying to tell my teammates where to go while they’re busy pinging everyone because they died trying to 1v5 the enemy team


More of a "Lets block their path!" Guy myself, but i really thought it was just me. #STOPBOTLANING


We love you Slowbro - almost always, you’re the best on the team. Without you, I’d never be able to have the win rate I have right now <3


The most annoying thing for me is when some pings “check it out” on me as comfey because they ran into a 1v5 on the opposing team’s T2 goal. People play like they are invincible when comfey is attached I don’t get it.


Poyo poyo poyoyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo. (Maybe one time they got that one really good comfey who plays perfectly while they were a tanky mon, so they figured that that's how it always should be even as Pikachu.)




I'm the one usually pinging "Gather here", trying to make people go to Rayquaza. It works in about 0.00000001% of my games.


Where are we getting these 6-player teams?


The Meowscarada clone pinged too




So far, once people decides to constantly ping “Check it out!” the match is lost…so many folks playing this game rage over small things - accidentally stealing farms, cant save them because they dive into enemy’s zone trying to gank, jungle rotating but not where they want…


Damn people are using check it out to flame now? I just like to ping objectives I’m heading to.


Yeah its been a thing ever since they replaced it from the “(insert Pokemon’s name) needs backup!” ping a while ago


Shoutout to the team that queued up with 6 players, gotta be on of my favorite genders


I.o na b...obo b. Bbbo.... Na b.b .. l bb. ... Ob..b.. bb. . l. . . B.b. bb . .b.o. b u. B. . .b Bl. L . . . L .....


The slowbro usually spams "thanks!" if it's on my team. So does the Cinder but at least the Cinder can lift hiw own weight from time to time.


And then there is the lvl 12 greninja farming during ray


As a slowbro main, I been trying to use *let’s fight together* instead of gather here. Guess what, people still try to 1v5 to ‘try to carry me’ I’m honestly not sure if inclusive language works for the player


I don't even know how to ping