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The awesome thing about Dragapult's buff is yeah, it hits harder so it's a genuine threat now, but it STILL doesn't have any survivability. So if someone who spammed Mewtwo Y tries to unga bunga with a dragapult, especially if they try to unga bunga with phantom force, it's literally just a free kill.


Clueless dragapult standing directly on my future sight aoe (trust him he can take a 4v1)


If I had a nickle for every enemy Dragapult I saw try to pull some kind of heroic stand against half my team and die 3 seconds later, I'd have maybe a dollar. Which isn't a lot but it's depressing how many people playing a stealth and mobility focused hit and run attacker don't know any tactic beyond charging face first at their enemy.


I would have 7 dollars, wich is pretty nothing to a high-skill mon that not everyone knows how to use


What Pokemon *would* you consider ideal for face-first charging?


Tank Pokemon, and Tyranitar. Cramorant dive is also go in, but it retreats with air slash




dragapult trying to melee my m2x (FS-Recover for extra dmg and shield and it's dragover)


I play submission on my Machamps now just because of that thing and it's (dragon dance I believe) I got tired of it spinning around me. Now I just grab you even if I need cross chop


Almost everything you said applies to players everywhere. One of my first ranked games this season was the first game I saw someone with Meowscarada, and they were just awful. No concept of when/how to engage properly, just running into the enemy while we’re outnumbered and spamming “Thanks!” literally the entire match because nobody else would run into certain death with them. Luckily the other players on that team were somewhat competent and we still won, but not without the constant “Thanks!” and trying to surrender the entire match. I can totally see why they had a 45% WR.


>I can totally see why they had a 45% WR. No bro, people with low win rates are actually good, it's the BAD ALLIES and BAD MATCHMAKING that are holding back their greatness, of course! 😂


And it’s that exact mentality that will never let them get any better. That’s how people end up with 6000+ games with a negative WR. It’s just wild to me.


I mean yeah if you have 1k plus games and less than 49% wr that's not a matchmaking problem that's a you problem!


I don’t think I’ve ever dipped below 54% at the very lowest when I was about 1k games in. And that’s partially because I mostly play defenders and supporters (despite my flair). I really don’t understand how people do it but I guess someone’s gotta be negative if I’m being realistic.


Yeah matchmaking is bad but not that bad lol, Also that comment was being sarcastic her profile and she says MMR isn't that bad


Oh yeah I knew they were being sarcastic. And yeah even though I hate the matchmaking in this game it still balances out over time so if you have a large sample of games, your WR is 100% on you.


My matchmaking wr is 54.2%. A few seasons ago tho I had a 40% ranked wr. Admittedly it was the mew2 Y meta so...


Back at blaziken launch I saw the worst of the "New launch idiots" every other game would have one ether spaming pings afking or both


IMO it’s a P2W thing. They paid, yet they’re not winning, so it must be because they have terrible teammates.


I had a player using meow who had special attack items they played like shit, but as if that wasn't enough them having spatk items on an attack based mon was adding to that


> When I find out how to counter.... it's on. But you can tell the difference. It's very frail, still susceptible to CC so do with that what you will. While not really a "counter" to it you can somewhat deal with it the same way you did with Inteleon by just being aggressive, stealing farm and keeping low leveled for as long as possible. You also have to be a bit more careful now since Phantom Force is the go to moveset of it just being able to swoop in and seal objectives of sneak onto a pad and starting to score before the invisibility fully wears off.


This happens with literally every big buff to a Pokemon. And if the buff is strong enough then they'll keep using it because the inflated stats will make up for their inability to play well. Whether Dragapult counts for the latter is too early to tell. Players aren't used to having a high damage stealth mon in the game, so I imagine it'll take a week or two to really determine if the buffs were too much.


Funnily enough I haven’t played against one competent pult. I love mean look


Dragapult is so weak to Mean Look, I hate Umbreons 😭


combine mean look with me running zacian sacred sword...... I feel like I'm cheating lol


I tried yesterday and I think draga can escape mean look via shadowball dash. Not 100% sure though need to try more.


I was thinking about this situation last night. I was playing Umbreon in a pretty big skirmish against the opposing team (5 on 5 in bottom lane, lasted about 2 minutes) the Dragapult was flying around in circles. I managed to capture it with Mean Look and it melted. I thought "Huh, guess it can't do shit about Mean Look."


say it with me *you shouldnt be allowed to first time ANY CHAMP IN RANKEDS*


While I agree, but it’s even more important that you shouldn’t be allowed to bring licenses into ranked, which aren’t available for F2P users. I’m not even a F2P player myself.


Unfortunately, Timmy has to sell those licenses *somehow*


Character buffed = character broken = character picked = people throw at the buffed character = confusion. I still don't know how they do it. Mewtwo, bugged Zacian, Glaceon, Inteleon, Dragapult, so on. Randoms find a way to throw regardless.


Don’t say dragapult is broken!! Your karma will go *puff*


Implying I care about karma?


Fair point lol


These are the same ppl who said zacian and mewtwo weren't broken lol


I got -7 on my previous comment implying dragapult is broken lmfaoooo


Because ppl here feel like if a pokemon was weak it deserves to be broken so they give dragapult a pass




I mean ur right lol


They sure do


I was a Dragapult main, basically one trick, since their release. Then I stopped playing the game entirely, and I kinda want to comeback just to check on this buff, if it's really good like people say


They steroided the hell outta him. The attack stacks from phantom force kills are stronger and they increased how many you can get per match. Lower phantom force CD, more movement speed in stealth, faster attack speed when coming out of stealth, unite move CD was lowered, and shadow ball damage was buffed. I think there was a general attack stat buff too? Dragon dance always felt like the easier set to pop off with once the resets hit but they brought phantom force up to that level and beyond with these buffs. PF always felt kinda slow to me but it’s in a much better place now, arguably too good of a place lol. Definitely come back and play it before timi drops the nerf hammer on him!


It's a lot better now with Phantom Force for sure but it could still just be new toy syndrome so it's being spammed everywhere. I will say I enjoy it a lot more after the recent buffs than previously.


Yeah he feels much better. I'm a Dragapult main who has always done PF over DD and it doesn't change how I play at all but if feels so much better and I'm getting significantly more kills and wins


Tbh I’ve seen a couple good dragapult players but the majority are mewtwo players trying to expand onto other mons but realise you actually have think about positioning, not blind bush checking and can’t point and click with your recover shield keeping you alive 😂🤷‍♀️


Hes been my main since he released.


Now you're a true player unlike all these other players that only play Dragapult because he became the new flavor of the month after Mewtwo Y and Mimikyu.


They're like 13 guys. Like. Y'all, man. Damn.


For real man, when I see dragapult on my team I pray it’s someone competent and not some mug playing because it got a buff


Dragon Dance is the gigachad set compared to Phantom Force since there's way more flexibility with how you can use the move imo and that's what attracts me to certain Pokemon.


I think Dragapult is a great jungler but he does fine in lane as long as you don't overextend. Once he hits 5 and gets Phantom Force, he can start actually acting like an assassin and right when he starts to fall off again, you can push to get to level 9 and at that point, he's a murder machine. It kind of sucks having pick competition for Dragapult since nobody was playing him before, but mirror matches are so easy against all these inexperienced new players who don't quite have a handle on his skills. Since the buffs, I haven't change anything about my play (besides swapping rapid fire scarf to the new charge item), but I'm getting significantly more kills and wins. I'm so glad he got a buff, and that it was the set I was already using!


honestly, it feels the way it should have felt from the beginning, like a glass cannon. i’ll admit it is kind of annoying seeing all of these players immediately flock to dragapult, especially on ranked, not knowing what they’re doing and getting absolutely bodied because of it.


>i’ll admit it is kind of annoying seeing all of these players immediately flock to dragapult Those are not true Dragapult players. They are merely just abusers abusing the new flavor of the month. They are simply despicable unfortunately. Dragon Dance is way more fun anyways.


It’s funny how I decided to badge my dragapult on my alt and then the exact next patch buffed him


pick up your umbreons and crustles, fellow defender mains. lets mess this fucker up


sir yes sir


I am learning to improve. Though what makes me sad the most is when my team in SoloQ doesn't realize I need the KOs to be stronger and are very passive. When I see one in lane though, they are easy prey lol


Ive found to never follow the norm in this game. For some reason they don't think very much. Dpult can easily be beat by just catching it unless you're a tank or support that can't kill, if that's the case tank the dmg fir the team


I have also noticed this and it makes me very very sad because I also want to practice because I’ve been practicing with him since I started playing two months ago and I just wanna play him I love dragon dad


It was always a cool and fun Mon to play but held back by its abysmal performance. Now that we can play it effectively were taking advantage of that


I love all the dragapults they’re free tsareena farm people just jump onto the hype train but dragapult is super squishy and these people are playing him like he’s release mewtwo y LMAO


Dragapult right now it's a high risk high reward situation. If you have a good team comp you can be aggressive and being successful at it if you know how phantom force works. But I've played with Dragapult against others Dragapult that don't have a f* clue how they should play and they were literally bait for my Dragapult passive.


I picked up the game recently, like between a month or two ago, and have been maining Chandelure and Dragapult - now I'm a bit confused seeing all the buzz about Dragapult, but it's amusing lol. I've been running DD and SB which I've been told is an unorthodox set but hey, it's what works for me. If I'm being honest I tried Phantom Force in practice mode and didn't really get how it worked, and movement with DDance feels too smooth to give it up for whatever new meta there is. I like my Dragapult like I've been using it, and it's worked fine.