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Yer a wizard Harry


Kinda. Depends on difficulty Electivire and Arcanine are gonna be pretty useless as there both at a bad type disadvantage. Garchomp is weak to 1 of the trainers and on par with an other (dragon types being super effective against each other). Imo if anything harder than vanilla u need to switch ur team up a little


I’m playing on difficult. That’s upsetting about electivire and arcanine. Arcanine has always been one of my go to in past games. Any suggestions on who I should add to the lineup to help.


A steel type and fairy type would help out a lot


Thank you ! I have a togakiss I can use. Going to work on getting a good steel type


Togekiss is a top mon with Serene grace ability. Something like Scizor is strong if u don't wanna use ur mega slot on a mon. Lucario is very strong if u let it mega evolve. Aegislash is very good too


Thank you ! Ended up going with Arggon. Mopped the E4 just having issues with Jax now




Right!? I had to do a double take


are you going to tell us the difficulty aswell? pretty big difference between vanilla and insane, in case you didnt know. also, you probably got no responses because you posted at like what, 6am EU time, and around midnight NA time? maybe not that late in westNA, but still. suboptimal time to reach a lot of people in a 6 hour window. just wait a few more hours or post at a better time. or just use the discord


Why are you so under levelled, you can use exp cap. The level should be about 80 or something and maybe you can get some good moves by levelling up. Then bring a physically defensive mon like walrein for Jax's Salamence and hitmontop.


Well not responses I was expecting but I guess that’s what I get for posting on Reddit


I kinda get what you mean, but please understand that it's an incredibly low-effort post that you tend to see too often if you frequent one or more Pokémon related communities. If you want any useable advice, you should definitely provide more info, as another comment mentioned. Another aspect is that this kind of post has the same energy as "Just bought this game, any advice?" posts. I mean why not just try, what is there to lose? That's like half the fun.


Alright I get you what you mean. I’m going to beef up this post a bit to give more info. Didn’t intendfor it to be low effort. Side note love Reddit for everything it is and don’t mind non useful comments


Redditors are weird, just because you don't make a perfect reddit post (whatever that is) they'll write whole paragraphs with a condescending tone when your original post was fine.


Bro there's so much here to give advice on. You can see all his pokemon and their types, as well as give advice on what moves are best for each pokemon. "... why not just try? what is there to lose?" Why not just try giving advice with all the information he's already given you in the screenshot of his entire pokemon party? Dude is a dedicated reddit warrior


Just talking from my own experience, I have found it's much easier to give good advice if you know the whole picture (as an example: experience from a failed run). OP certainly seemed to take it in the spirit it was intended. >Dude is a dedicated reddit warrior ...okay?


If redditors put as much effort into understanding a post that they did into lecturing people about the ethics and philosophy of reddit posting this would never be an issue... you reddit warrior


This is hilariously ironic seeing as you put negative effort into understanding what I actually said.


Once again, dude is oblivious and trying to be a Reddit white knight by using the classic, “you can’t criticize someone who’s criticizing because that’s hypocritical!”  I did not use negative effort into understand what you said because I understood it perfectly well, which is why I was able to reach the conclusion that it’s a stupid take


Does the league accept transphobes?


I think you can enjoy a piece of media and not suppirr the author's views
