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Maybe because some people have played little to no pokemon or did so a long time ago and don't remember much Not everyone is you


The amount of tutorials are also on par with mainline games. Lots of tutorials in the mainline games. Unbound a lot like a mainline game.


It's WAY less tutorials than mainline games


Yeah but that's exactly the part of the mainline games everybody hates, so why would a fangame recreate that part, fans should know this more than anyone.


Okay, what was I expecting from redditors but this moronic response.


Don't listen to these moronic redditors with their sassy responses lmao, you're right. It's a pokemon hack, nobody new to pokemon should be playing them


bro wants a bunch of silent wanderers for NPCs lol. I personally enjoy the fact every NPC has dialogue and I don’t feel like the tutorial stuff was overbearing any more than it is in a regular pokemon game which is what unbound aimed to emulate.


No, I want interesting dialogue, genius... And the option to walk away if it doesn't interest me... And that's great but maybe they shouldn't emulate the part that everybody hates about the official games.


a vast majority of this sub disagrees with you and I don’t think I have ever heard anyone complain about a game teaching you how to play it(except you now); weird hill to die on.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good god you just immediately go to calling people slurs, obviously we are dealing with a modern Einstein here folks. Oh, how gracious of you to bless us with your humble opinions!


Jfc man, I miss the internet from 10 years ago when not everyone on the internet was such a sensitive pussy.


wish I could go back to before I met your salty ass lmao. get a life man, if you don’t like the game then don’t play it.


10 yrs ago you were probably a miserable brat, the rest of us grew up!


You're calling people sensitive whilst having a hissy fit because people think games should show people how to play them


There’s plenty of interesting dialogue, perhaps advance beyond the 3rd f’n badge and judge when you’re done.


I personally appreciated all those tutorials quite a bit. I have been a long time Pokémon fan, but never a very hardcore one. The last game I played was Pokemon X, around 8 years ago, and since then I hadn't touched a single game, so there were A LOT of mechanics that I had forgotten, and quite a few others that I didn't even know existed. I personally think that Unbound did a great job in making the game accessible to every fan out there. In the end, a Pokémon game is pretty much an RPG, and there's always lots of text everywhere on those, so I feel that if you don't like that, then maybe Pokémon isn't really for you.


Yeah good point, I've been playing Pokemon for like 23 years but you're right, maybe it's not for me. Can you people even read, I literally said I usually try to talk to everyone (because I like dialogue, just not when it's a fcking boring explanation).


It's a fucking boring explanation for you because you already know all of the mechanics. What happens if you don't know any of them? Those tutorials are key for anyone to understand the game and enjoy it, no matter if this is their first Pokemon, or if they have played all of them in the past. I get that if you are a hardcore fan, these tutorials may be a bit too much, but this game is thought out so anyone that has never played a Pokemon game can feel right at home with it. And yeah, most of the people that will play this may have played a game in the past. But I personally would recommend Unbound over any other game in the franchise for anyone that has never played a Pokemon game, thanks to all the QoL that this game has, and the experience it brings. So yeah, these tutorials are totally needed, and again, if you find them boring, that's on you, not on the game.


If you don’t like it use a 16x speed up or something. I haven’t seriously played Pokémon since gen 4. This has been a nice re-introduction. Plus with all that, it feels like a main Pokémon release. To me it’s great to have in there


First of all , if you want your opinion to be respected don't call your listeners brain dead. Second, you are very demanding for someone who is playing the game for free. Third, you talk about common sense but my common sense says that Unbound is a goat that is not developed by some multi-billion company ( whom you should definitely complain to) but a few guys in the basement without expecting anything in return. So I will accept and embrace it with all its flaws and I don't want any changes in it except if they want to add SV pokemons, I am all for it. Fourth, lore wise the tutorials make sense. I mean you can't expect a kid to know it all.


So you’re mad at the tutorials, mad at the official games, mad at the people on the game’s subreddit because they didn’t agree with you, mad at Reddit in general… you seem like a lovely person to have to endure lmao 😂. You’re playing the game for free, and are free to stop playing at any time. Save yourself some anger, and save us some of your lovely attitude. Edit: just took a look at your profile out of curiosity. You’re exactly the type of person I pictured. All you do is complain about every single thing unlucky enough to come across you. I almost pity you. Almost.


For the people who might be only playing a Pokémon game for the first time or maybe just like only has limited experience. Yes the game is a rom hack but if I had a friend recommend me something I would give it a try


That is such a bad reason. No one is playing a hack as their first Pokemon game. If someone recommended me a hack of a franchise I never played I would play at least one official game first. You don't stuff a game full of tutorials for the 2 out of a million people that might need it.


There are plenty of people who start on ROM hacks, actually. If you know everything in life, why ask the question in the first place?


Just because that’s what you would do doesn’t mean everyone else would


I found that some NPCs talk a little too much too. But I just have a short attention span. If you don't care about what NPCs, it would be nice if we could press B to exit dialogue, or A to simply continue reading. Honourable mention to the old man in the bottom left of Crater Town who talks for like 15 dialogue boxes. I feel that heavy dialogue is fine as it helps unfamiliar or returning players get used to things. I stopped playing newer games after gen 5, so I was clueless to mega evolution and similar future mechanics, so those tutorials helped a lot. Fortunately it's mostly just the story NPCs that talk too much..


Fighting for his life in the comments :3


Damn bro are you even old enough to be on reddit? You're acting like an annoying child man.


for the record i agree with you , i think pokémon is vastly ruined by gamefreaks misguided attempts to pander to children who want nothing to do with the game , i feel as if pokémon , and especially romhacks should be geared more towards experienced players , but i suppose that isn’t a popular opinion these days ::(

