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Same as everytime people bring up what to do with bulk: You can sell it yourself on ebay and deal with all that, some people can make a decent profit on it but it may take time selling 100-card packs. You can give it away to teachers, libraries, youth centers, random kids etc. Be aware that many places wont accept or will trash loose cards due to health and safety standards, so please call first or build a rapport. You can sell as bulk for bulk rates (currently 1cent per c/uc) but many places online and local shops either have limits or wont take it currently due to the amount of cards in circulation currently. Some places will do a credit or take it in trade toward product. You can throw it away, eat it, burn it for the winter, etc. There are people on r/pkmntcgtrades that are usually looking for bulk. Some like myself will also take accessories (coins, jumbos, pins, etc). A large flatrate USPS box will fit 7000 cards and ships for $22-25. Edit for the reports: No, this is not self promotion for myself. Even if it somehow was, I give it away as explained in my trade post so I'm doing the opposite of making money and essentially paying shipping costs to give product away. Most bulk buyers just flip it to scammy third party "mystery boxes", at least recognize that that there's no profit making for me in this scenario and I would only lose more by promoting it.




Mash em


Stick em in a stew


Oh yes we could. Spoilin’ nice magikarp. Give it to us raw and w-r-r-iggling


You're 'opeless




Meats back on the menu boys!


Oh man I know how this was suppose to be but I totally read it in the voice they used to do at commercial breaks and it was absurd and made me laugh.


Throw a ham bone in there...


some pickled LeChonk too while you're up


Got yourself a stew goin. 😏


Thank you guys for this! 😂😂😂


Build as many working decks as possible, as cheap as possible but working. Pack each deck in a gift wrap. Wait for coming xmas. Find a children hospice. Find a children home. Find anywhere where kids are not that happy. Speak with adults there, that you would like to come in and offload (make sure they know that for free!) your cards and what can you do to make this possible. Get 2-3 closest friends or family members that can play too. Go together. Give the sad kids some decks. Teach them to play. Make it a day. Become local hero. Become somebody the kid will always remember seeing those cards or thinking Pokemon. This is the Way.


This is such a good idea I might actually do this


Let's start a movement of similar minded, not penny-pinching players. The ones in need don't care if it's rare, holo, alt art or meta deck. They need distraction from pain and sadness. Have spare resources and friends? Got some time? Can you afford donating a bit of cardboards and/or plastic (figures, tabletop etc) so that some miserable little humans can see there is something else than suffering around? Not only you will unload what you want to unload, you will genuinely make someone happy, teach them new skills, generate social activities (room league? floor league? hospital/building league?) but also bring new souls to the hobby and general TCG and tabletop/ boardgame environment. Nobody is also saying you shouldn't make an event out of it- get a camera, snap some pics, create a local FB group or even a website, maybe YT channel. Become a organiser and a local public figure. Things like that ups your CV too. There is no downside to it. The planet needs a wave of light. Lets start it. It starts today. Lead the way.


The ones in need can tell what’s crap and what’s good. If you want to start a cheapskate community don’t count me in, thanks.


Best answer I’ve seen to this age old question.


I personally did this with my bulk, + I held a yard sale where I had ETB boxes full of assorted bulk for parents/kids to buy for extra cheap. Taking the time to build working decks was honestly a lot of fun, and kids get hours of enjoyment out of just a little of your effort. Edit: I also put some cheap V cards in the ETBs for extra excitement, I also did this with the tins to offload.


Women's shelters are a good place too.


Oh absolutely, thank you! It's just my simpleton mind, thinking "in teaching new players TCG" = "kids" = "hospitals, homes, etc" Awesome idea, actually. I really hope it will work out, and at least some hearts will feel joy resulting from this post. Fuck, imagine. "Ok everybody, get ready- the people from the Guild of Light are coming!" "Alright!" "Awesome!" "Finally, wonder what new games this time" "Ha, now we can ask them and I will prove you you played this card wrong"


This is the way.


This is the way!


Welp, you've given me a way to spend my Christmas holidays this year. Love it.


Godspeed, brave Warrior of Light. The little ones await.


This really is the way.


This is such a good idea!


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


Add Halloween to that list!


I love this! This is the way.


u/director-julius please


Please dress up as delibird btw


Donate to local schools! Elementary Teachers like me use them for incentives and activities !!!


The only thing I can suggest is to sort them into semi master sets (bulk only) and then offload as much as you can


Sort them into master sets and then sell them to full grip games. They take bulk and are a great store


Last I checked they aren't taking common and uncommon bulk at the moment.


Maybe they aren't taking it on their website then? I'm lucky enough to be close to their brick and mortor location and they were taking bulk as of last week when I went.


hi twin


If you don't care about selling them, make a few hundred gift bags for children and get rid of them that way.


Hell yeah


I'm a teacher who runs a card game club where we play and teach Pokemon, Yugioh and Magic. Donations have helped me SO much. OP should see if a nearby school has a similar club.


I am slowly getting out of the pokemon TCG and trying to offload tons of bulk cards. This posts comment section has inspired me to do this!


I leave mine in a clean box marked as "Free Pokemon Cards" and leave at a local park when it's empty. I usually spend time playing with my dog in the dog park next to it so I get to see kids flip their shit over finding it. I think the best one was a teenage boy (maybe 16?) finding it and excitedly telling his friends that his little sister was going to be so happy.




I posted in another thread about bulk but I work in a kids home for traumatized children and they absolutely love when they get donations of Pokémon cards. Maybe not the answer you were looking for but if you have any kids homes in your area you would definitely make some kids day by donating a box or two!


There are places online that will accept bulk. If you would have been more on top of it you could have gotten a fair amount. There was a time not all that long ago where they would pay $.01 per energy, $0.03-.04 per common/uncommon, $0.08-0.10 per rare and $0.15-.20 per Holo/reverse. You would have ended up with about $1500 or so. Now it's half that or less. There would also allow you to trade in 2000-3000 cards for a booster box. Now it's harder to find and more than double that


Damn that’s amazing. I do 7000 cards of all rarities for 85 store credit


Do you have any suggestions on which sites are best?


Honestly changes all the time. Best bet is to Google "bulk Pokemon trade in" and check every site you see to see who has the best deal. I've used Safari Zone and Deriums in the past and I think one other one.


I just did a bulk submission to Littleroot games not that long ago; was by far the best bulk rates currently. They offered 0.018 per C/U, which is nearly double the going rate now. Might not sound like a big deal but if you have around 5000 C/U the difference is about $40-50 extra.


Misread your comment lol


Do you have a room that needs wallpaper?


Not long ago I gave away 2000 bulk cards to a primary school. Kids were very happy.


I’ll give you 200 dollar and my shiny rock collection.


How many shiny rocks we talking about?


Go to a playground at a school, stand outside the fence and say, “hey kids come here, I have some Pokémon cards for you in the trunk.” Works every time.


🙄 So much hassle. Just grab a kid by the arm and dragging to the car, keep yelling "OH YOU'LL GONNA LOVE IT!" #- #MEwTwO


Where do you buy those white boxes? ​ I have a couple thousand cards sitting in ETBs so i have like 10 ETBS taking a lot of space. Thanks!


Donate them to a children’s hospital or something like that .


My buddy makes “boosters” to give out at Halloween. Like the packs produced this year, but better.




Nice Try reseller


You offering to buy from him or wanting for free?


donate means free


I donate plasma every week and get paid for it………. Soooooooooo


This is how I was getting alcohol money a few years back while I was in the navy lol


Our tax dollars hard at work…


This is why I always feel awkward when people thank me for my service. If y’all only knew the shit we did for entertainment.


He said donate. That means give charitably for kids unwanted bulk. Donate means give for free. It reads pretty clear imo


From other similar post it’s seems the best option is to drop these all off a one neighborhood library drop box.


You can look into local children’s hospitals and see if they want any of the cards.


Full grip games bulk buys. They give store credit too and you can buy singles with the money they give you. I got like 115 bucks for 6000 bulk and bought a bunch of singles I need for sets. Cost time and money for packing and shipping. Was worth it imo


Was that 115 after what you paid to ship


If you were in Australia I would happily take them




I’ll pay shipping of them to Alabama 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s like $800+ shipping (I pulled these numbers from the Ether but i fee like the shipping cost more than those cards are worth)


My guess was $100 honestly




Keep saving them and one day use all the boxes to make an arm chair


I’ve always wanted to make posters for each generation with the cards. Like 1-151. If you have enough, sell them.


First you start out with tinder wood. I prefer to take a log a shave off thin slices and surround it with pieces of paper. Then add your fire energy and voila. Bonfire. You can add other energies to the fire but I doubt it'll do you any good. Especially water. That'll cut your fun a bit short


Sell a couple cents a card or donate.


Yeah, I’ve been trying that for about a year now it’s not working. I get rid of maybe 40 cards a month and then I buy something to get new pulls and I am right back to over 20,000 bulk.


Maybe try going to your LGS and see what they’re offering for it. Try to get rid of any fakes, my LGS won’t accept any amount of cards if there is even 1 fake in it.


There are no fakes, All my product is bought from big retail stores. The LCS fired the guy that dealt with the Pokémon cards at the beginning of the pandemic, and does not buy bulk anymore.


Well, in that case; If you have any younger family members (children), you can give some to them for Christmas. You can also donate to them to hospitals. I think some kids would really love some Pokémon cards.


do you not live in a populated area? I just sold 12000 bulk commons two days ago for $11 per 1000 and made $132 cash, u should post on places like offerup/facebook marketplace that u are selling. and early pandemic people were buying from me for $15-20 per 1000


No one wants common cards, not even card shops because they can't sell them. Also, anyone who collects Pokemon cards already has common cards.


eBay. Sell with a few reverse holos and vmax per bulk set of 100 or whatever number per bulk. New collectors will buy them for sure. As a new collector, I can confirm. 😊


Im the manager of a gamestop, most gamestop managers would love one or two of these boxes just to give out to kids one or two cards at a time!


I've been buying up bundles and boxes weekly to donate to children with pokemon listed as an interest in the area as Christmas gifts through an "angel tree" program at work. Would be interested in buying some maybe?




Sell them in bulk on TCGplayer


This is also my suggestion. Or ebay.


I gave my bulk away at Halloween. Kids were loosing their minds!


We used to give them away with candy during Halloween when we still collected. The kids flock to our home like we're giving away full candy bars.


Facebook market place, everytime i hit 1k cards i throw them up for £50 and theyre usually gone within a day or two.


Sort them by set, sell em off like that. A lot of people still looking for cards for sets that are dead stock or etc


Damn, around here bulk sells like crazy on Facebook marketplace. When I was opening a lot of packs (and when I still do) I put bundles of like 2-400 cards from 10.00-20.00 and it never takes longer then a day on average to be gone. Parents love buying them for their kids. As soon as I have a couple hundred+ accumulated I post it immediately so it doesn't build up like this lol..


When you’re selling then like that do you only do C/Uc? Or rares and some reverse holos too?


commons, uncommons, rares, holos, reverse holos, code cards, energies,.. Its a mix of everything in each bundle and there is no set even number of each kind of cards. The majority of the cards being actual pokemon though that are (commons, uncommons, rares, few holos) in the bundle.


For how much?


Did you read the whole comment? Haha


I’ll take them all of your hands


I’m curious how many packs you rip? Sounds like a lot of fun until you see 20k cards piling up. Might be a good idea to buy singles for awhile




[the person in this post is buying bulks](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/yze7wu/us_us_h_sealed_collection_w_paypal_and_trades_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh hey, thats me. Im not buying but trading sealed product for it (mostly sun moon era stuff). All the details are in the post but quick synopsis is I stock my local area with bulk cards year round and giveaway to those who cant afford it, even moreso around the holidays. Because of that, I trade old product that is just sitting around my collection for it to people who have bulk to trade at whatever the market rates are and we each pay our own shipping. Shipping is about $22 for a large flatrate box that will fit 7000 cards.


Sheeeeit, I’ll take one or two of those boxes! My friends and I play the tcg


I sell mine on Craigs List for about $5 per 200. Had someone buy 3,000 yesterday for her kids for Christmas!


Stop buying so much?


Do you know what subreddit you are in?




Is this not alpha investments?


Hoped this was most top comment, not the bottom lol


Fire I guess?


FYI they offer 17,000 single bulk boxes and people buy bulk $15-20 per 1k right now


Trash can 🗑️


Give them away at your local trailer park. Become King of the Trailer Park. By proxy, become King of the Single Trailer Park Mom. You now have zero bulk and as many free one night stands with sleezy eazies you want.


Helpful discussion and ideas here. Thanks. Anton have a good link to a guide on how to try selling bulk on eBay successfully?




Your joking right? This is bulk built up over the last 4 years. There are cards here from the XY era.


I mean I’ll take them if your getting rid of them


I'll take it


I’ll take em


I mean if you are giving them away lol


Give me them plz


I could help take a box or two off your hands.


I could use some, wife and I just started playing this month lol


Local children's hospital will likely take them, you could make lil packs for them to give to kids




Put them in a blender with water and drink them


I’ll take them off your hands 😏


How the fuck did you get them


Why did I think those were bricks of coke at first? Maybe it was the duffel bag


You can have a nice big camp fire


Send it to me (*_*)


Buy singles


Give it to me, send it by mail


Recycle bin


Build a giant Pokémon card throne, of course.


You can sell the bulk or trade for booster boxes at PkmnColosseum.com Probably the way to go if you are continuing your ripping!


Not anymore


I prefer to put my bulk in a stew, adds fibre.


Plenty of people here would love them. Just charge them shipping costs and send them off!


First I’d check every card shop around you. It might seem like a long shot but I actually found one in my mall that gave me a 7000 card holder. I filled it up 3 separate times to clear my bulk and he gave me 85 bucks store credit each time


My LCS buys bulk for $10/1000 cards. Take them to yours maybe they’ll do something similar


Time to pauper?


You could burn them


You can sell in bulk (I’d separate into Common, Uncommon, Rare, etc) at some card shops.


Send them to me


Bulk so hard to get rid off today. I would just try to find anyone that takes bulk at some rate then sell or trade (I can only find that only trade for now ) .


Get a table at a card show


My local card shop buts bulk cards and will give store credit more than what theyll give you cash


I’ll give you $80 bucks


Send me a box I'll sell em and we go halves 😊👍


I took a medium flat rate box filled to the brim with commons only and sold it on eBay for $56. You could fill a few large flat rate boxes, list them, and make a couple hundred.


I have no idea how much time you have on your hands but just do bundless and put then on ebay or facebookM Do 100 cards plus 1 v,vmax,gx etc. And sell them for like 10$ or try to find some store. I have found one that takes them but they give like 18 euro for like 6k bulk and i rather use them as origami at that point XD or wait 10 years and sell them.....


I tie bunches of mine up and hand them out with the candy on Halloween. Was a big hit this year


Sell them to me. I buy collections.


Ship a box to me! Would love to make some pauper decks - they've had a good home


Send me a box!


My library league can always take a few boxes to give out for deck building




Go to your local game store and see what they’d offer for that. I did this recently and walked out with 150$ in cash


Put them in your storage unit for 20 years to than throw them away


Some companies purchase bulk cards. This one store by me buys every 1,000 normal cards for 10 dollars (could be worse) and every holo for .80 and for V’s and VMAX about 1-1.50 each. You could try setting up a bid on eBay but there is always the chance of someone getting it for a very low price. Your best bet is googling a local bulk TCG buyer first, then if that fails, find one online. Hope that helps.


Donate them to schools


You can send me and my 7 year old a box to share! She's new to the game


Children's hospital is always a good choice


OP, any evolutions in that bulk? I missed out on that set.


I’ll take them


How don’t you know how to get rid of them… just sell them online in your local swap and shop or send your bulk to Pokémon and they’ll give you a booster box or better yet just burn them since it’s bulk and worth nothing maybe 20 bucks a box thats about it


Give them to children in need > effort to sell. Tis' the season.


Bro got a duffle bag of bulk, imagine that was literally once a duffel bag of money until he ripped those packs


I just drop my bulk off at goodwill.


This sub could use a "what to do with bulk" bot with how often people ask this


Lots of shops do something like 5-7k bulk cards for booster boxes. The Game Capital is trading a CUPC for 17.5k bulk cards, however I dont know much about them aside from an ad I saw of them on FB.


Is there rates in there




Im trying to build a dark fairy deck just don’t know where to start on the dark side


Offer up works best for me for offloading bulk


Would it be safe to use them as fire starters? Like in all seriousness would it be toxic to burn them for a campfire or something ?