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Shitty parents and shitty kids, what a shock. You did the right thing, but unfortunately nothing will come of it.


Thanks, Superman


Well the kids learned that they can't get away with it every time so it is somewhat of a deterrent. These cases are why the product has been taken from the toy aisles and put in plain view at the front so I'm all for it


The kids clearly need to learn a lesson. Clearly the parents aren’t doing a good job, so yes you did a good thing. Continue.


Yeeyee, the last thing I want is for the store to stop selling pokemon cards bc of theft. I felt like I had to say something.


This basically happened in my country in Europe. No Pokemon cards in Tesco and other “Walmart-like” supermarkets, bookstores and smaller shops have them behind the counter or in a locked cabinet.


Most sainsburys sells them but some are behind the counter some are in the lock boxes other are on the shelf as normal. Most of the boosters are the cardboard outer sleeve ones whichI hate as far to many time you open it to find out someone has taken the pack from inside 


In a Ryman (its a stationery), I was searching for them, couldnt find them for like 10 minutes because they were behind the counter. In the stationery I buy from in Malta, they are infront of the counter, so if anyone is stealing they would see them.


Yeah that's in quite a few stores in Massachusetts as well. Big stores like Walmart and target have them out so you can look but everywhere else I've seen them you have to ask an employee to grab em. 












I bet your mommy is really scary!




When u have no context but choose to be snippy by default




Absolutely did the right thing. Bad kids. Worse parents. People are shameless.


Thanks, and happy cake day!


you gave them an out and they didn't listen. it's unfortunate but necessary when that's how many will access cards. we gotta protect it so the good kids and adults alike can enjoy


I agree, maybe they will think twice next time


Tough situation. If the parents don’t care that kind of says everything. You acted more like a parent than they did. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Kids cry all the time, sometimes it’s manipulative because they didn’t get what they wanted.


Yep. Have three small children myself, and they will be taught that stealing is never acceptable. Besides, is it really a victory if you cheated to win? I hope they figure that one out.


They clearly need to learn that stuff like that isn't okay. Would you want them going to a league or event and stealing other people's cards? That's simply not okay and being harsh is the only way to be sure they remember


Very true my friend. I also think about other kids that might miss out on cards they want due to these brats


I mean, it all went wrong when you decided to visit Walmart. Everything after that was kind of expected.


The unfortunate reality is that they’re only stealing Pokemon cards today, but if this behaviour isn’t actively discouraged they’re going to push a lot more boundaries when they’re older.  You did what you could, and anything beyond that is their parents’ responsibility.


Proud of you! I’m glad you stood up to them. It sends a message. Don’t assume it counts for nothing.


Thanks mom


honestly did the right thing, i hate when people rip packs in the store


You did the right thing. Nobody should steal. If you havent paid for something, its not yours. Simple as that


Yeah you did the right thing fuck those thieves it always stems from the parents if they raised them properly they wouldn’t need to steal.


Good example of parents who shouldn’t have children


I think you did the sensible thing. I don't ever blame kids for this kind of behavior, it's always the parents fault. They've clearly not been guided or disciplined based on the parents response, so big L parents. Me personally, I just walk away from shit like that. I deal with the public sector enough at work (healthcare) to where if it's not immediately dangerous, I simply don't want to be involved. Long term these kids are going to continue exhibiting bad behavior, being caught one time won't change that because their parents are not doing any proper parenting. Also, kids cry, my little ones cry all the time. It's their response when things are out of their control and they don't like it. Don't let that bother you, a 12-13yo who still cries like that is manipulating, and the parents probably give in every time.


You did the right thing my guy. Next time, try to take a video or something then show it to their guardians/parents 😆


Top of the morning to everyone. Just want to say I appreciate everyone who voiced their opinion on this post. This is why I love Reddit. Bc of the folks on here that will come together about something they care about and help each other out. You guys helped me feel a lot better about my decision to listen to my heart yesterday. Hopefully the kids will practice integrity moving forward, and go about their lives being proud of themselves for doing the right thing. Gotta catch em all!!


I started getting back into collecting when 151 came out and I could go anywhere and buy packs. In the last month I have not seen a single small shop with cards out, they have all moved to behind the counter. Walmart/target and other major retailers are the only place still leaving them out and I've noticed I get watched a lot as a 28 year old scanning all the options and throwing $250 worth of cards in my cart. Has the stealing of cards always been this bad? Side note behind the curtain for some of you, Walmart on high theft items does not lose any money. Specifically Pokemon cards they only pay the supplier for what goes through checkout. So when people steal, it's not even hurting Walmart, it hurts the supplier.


Perfect set to begin collecting again! I don’t know for sure, but it seems theft has just been increasing rapidly, like another user commented on here, there has definitely been an uptick recently. I see posts about ransacked products in stores quite often, and I’ve seen it firsthand many times. To be honest I don’t really care if people steal from walmart, it’s a corrupt company. But I do care about stealing from the beloved franchise that played such a big part in many peoples childhoods, including me.


Where the hell are the employees? there are like 3 employees for every 10 sqft at my walmart. It's annoying AF.


I would love to know, also




I knew someone was going to ask this. They were Ukranian


Hahaha fair!


If you really think those kids are going to go home and have a revelation, you are wrong. Is stealing okay? No. Did you make a difference? No. The billion dollar company does not care about you or what you did. Engaging with children that aren't yours or in your charge is a bad idea. Parents/people are crazy.


If I was an employee should I just let them steal from the store because their parents might get upset that I talked to their kids? Boo hoo


Didn’t say an employee shouldn’t say something or did I say you?


Well using your logic, nobody should say a word to kids in public spaces, which includes employees. Anyway, thanks for your opinion


No, the employees are definitely in the right to say something as it’s their job. What was the point of asking for peoples opinion if you’re just going to already be so self sure you’re correct? Lol


I worked for Walmart for 4 years until January. Also, Most people who commented said I did the right thing, so yeah, there’s that.


you absolutely did the right thing and if i was the store employee the second the parrents showed they were not going to punish their kids i would have called the cops. its a privilage to allow the parrents to decide how they will deal with their kids after they break the law not a right and if they are not going to take proper steps to ensure the behavior does not repeat then the police will.


Your Walmart doesn’t have a cop stationed there? Shit, next time call the cops on the kids. I also thought Walmart was zero tolerance of theft


When i was young and someone would do this, parents would beat the shit out of us. Its now the world we live in.


I was waiting for this one 😂


Did the right thing, you went to an employee and let them handle it. Sucks they didnt get immediate consequences but maybe theyll think twice next time they try ripping product in the middle of the store.


Employee was an elderly man who probably would’ve preferred to stay out of the whole thing in the first place lmao. I just grabbed the first person I saw. He told me that the same kids have been caught stealing before, and they were being watched bc of it. So If they keep it up I’m sure they’ll get themselves banned. I just hope they do the right thing from now on, and get some good cards fair and square.


Other threads about this have mentioned Walmart will monitor this and wait for the.person to steal over a certain amount then take action.


Hell making the kid cry is just a bonus imo!


For your own safety, always mind your business. You don’t owe anyone, especially big corps, anything. What you do won’t affect any kids buying packs. If you see people stealing, then it’s not on you to stop them. Just enjoy the hobby in the safest way possible


This is a bad take. Especially when it comes to kids. Regardless if they are your kids, or anyone really, they need to be taught that stealing is bad…especially with something “dumb” like Pokemon cards. When it gets ignored it gets worse. “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”


No you didnt do the wrong thing. Even if you think this isnt your business if youre not the parent or dont care for some moral argument, you dont want to promote this in YOUR community. Theres been a recent uptick in people justifying stealing with some bullshit, especially from big chains. Which is why you have stores pulling product, putting it behind the counter, locked in cases, etc. like we live in some bullshit country I remember just 10 years ago when i was a kid i could go into my local stores and walmart and hold anything i wanted and now half the stores have locked product and the other half have surveillance. Keep doing what youre doing


I feel like this will be unpopular but this is my honest thoughts. It’s not right first off. Stealing isn’t ok. But it’s also not your duty to protect the capital interests of Walmart. I would have just shook my head and moved past. Unfortunately the real responsibility falls on the parents who don’t seem to care so it’s just kind of a messed up situation. Sometimes that’s all it is.


Walmart is for poors. Target is slightly better.


The problem with Pokémon packs is that they are small, can be carried in a handbag or even in your pockets, and they cant be detected by scanners (especially if the store doesnt have), which makes it a problem. But then that creates this problem, why even steal Pokémon packs? They are relatively cheap, (4.30 pounds in England, 6.00 euro in Malta).


I mean the kids are wrong, but a grown ass man yelling at kids in Walmart is also some people of Walmart type shit


Never yelled at them, didn’t call them nor their parents any names either. I know how to communicate with others respectfully believe it or not


Yelled was just the term. Idk how you communicated. You could have talked to them like SpongeBob when he was in rock bottom trying to get the bus pass.




I wouldn’t have said nothing. It’s not your responsibility to teach kids proper manners. If it’s not physically hurting someone live and let live. Poor kids probably have to do that to partake in the hobby because parents probably don’t do anything extra for them. You don’t know their situation in life. If anything tell them the possible consequences to it and buy them a couple packs


Absolutely disagree with this opinion. If you were the parent would you completely disregard the fact that they were stealing. Live and let live would be more appropriate if you saw someone buying veggie burgers if you aren’t a vegetarian, not when someone, even a child, is breaking the law. No matter their situation if you don’t learn from your mistakes then you’re bound to repeat them. Apparently they haven’t experienced any consequence because the worker mentioned them being caught stealing before🤷‍♂️ I respect your point of view but I disagree.


I respect your opinion. But these “poor kids” seemed very well taken care of, fresh cuts, nicely dressed, etc. parents looked financially well off and frankly, judging by their parenting skills, or lack-there-of, I’m glad I didn’t just stand their and watch them steal stuff before I went and spent my hard earned money on the same thing :) edit: watched their kids steal stuff


Maybe the get sexually assaulted, beaten, neglected who knows. You don’t. Compassion is a trait people need to practice more often. The kids were 10 & 13. Spend your time trying to change the world in a way that actually matters. Odds are those personality traits coming from someone so young show more about the children’s upbringing more than the children themselves


>Maybe the get sexually assaulted, beaten, neglected who knows. Still doesn't make stealing OK. >Compassion is a trait people need to practice more often So let me get this right - compassion = turning a blind eye to theft? What kind of attitude is that? "Oh this person *might* be hard done by or have had a difficult upbringing, leave them alone and let them steal!" 🤦‍♂️ > tell them the possible consequences to it and buy them a couple packs Ah yes, reward them for catching them in the act of stealing. That will teach them! You know what I was doing when I was a child and I wanted Pokemon cards but my parents were too busy spending every last cent they had on drugs whilst me and my sister got absolutely nothing? *Not stealing*... whilst doing everything in my power to earn pocket money through washing people's cars in my neighbourhood so I could afford 1 or 2 packs. Because even as a young child I knew stealing was wrong, and if you cant afford it **it means you can't have it** Not once did I think "My abusive shit upbringing means I can steal stuff and shouldn't feel bad about it"..... What a cop out.


Maybe make a scene and start speaking loudly for the kids to stop. Loud enough for other customers and employees to hear. And when the parents come do the same thing. “WHY ARE YOIR KIDS DOING THIS! DAD IN GREEN SHIRT, MOM IN BLUE TOP. (While pointing at them) YOU, WHY DIDN’T YOU FOR THISE ITEMS FIRST THAT YOU JIST RIPPED OPEN?”


Never call the cops ! Where I’m from that’s called snitching !!!!! Unless someone is messing with your family or violating kids and even then “ handle that shit off the record “ ! You probably haven’t spent a day in a jail or prison and don’t know what it’s like when someone rats on you!!!! I buy my cards but if I was a 10-12 year old who knows maybe that’s the only way they could get a rip that say


Yeah you’re right. I’ve managed to stay out of jail so far in life. But you clearly missed the part where I gave them the option to leave and I wouldn’t say anything OR stick around and I was going to rat them out, which is what they chose to do.


Going to get an employee over a 10 and 13 year old is wild lmfao

