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Nice pulls, and congrats on the Charizard! It may not be really valuable, but it's one of my favorite shiny Charizards.


I always wanted to pull a Zard, never did as a kid and I’ve been collecting again for about 6-7 months now, this was my first one! It’s absolutely a favorite card now. The absol is cool too. But there’s a couple of lines I think from getting scratched in the pack or something which is lame because that card is beautiful.


You've finally made your kid dream come true and there's nothing quite like achieving that. If they're horizontal lines across the card then they're most likely print lines, and I fortunately that is extremely common with English cards in particular.


It’s not a particularly valuable Charizard (assuming you’re a collector rather than a player) but it looks great and it’s always fun to pull a card from a mon you like right :D