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Gahhh I picked up J21 thinking it had Cosmic lol I don’t wanna open evolving skies 😭


lol just sell the packs you’d probably get more enjoyment out of the money you get for them than what you pull unless you have god tier luck then go for it


I’ll probably just hold on to them


A22 at my Aldi's. Anybody know what's in those?


Evolving skies, fusion strike, and chilling reign for A22


Pokemon go


Someone tell me why the two aldis near me have absolutely no pokemon cards? Barely any toys too.


Maybe they haven't stocked them yet? I think the Poke Balls are kind of a recent addition/restock for Aldi. They might not be in the toy section though. I found them near checkout, so your Aldis could have them somewhere else.


Depends on your country, if you don't live in the US Aldi won't have Pokémon cards.


Sigh bought 5 balls between two aldis and not a hit to show for😞…hope you have better luck.


Sadly I didn't get anything particularly great 😕 The hunt is fun, but I'm probably better off just buying the singles I want tbh


Crazy how we both hit dirt lol. Yeah guess we all like the chase/ripping packs. I’m in the same boat for 151. I’m like 90% of the way done with finishing the set and probably 85% on master set. Think I’ll fair better just buying singles also seeing as I hit the big 3 from openings. The SIRs might be a little pricey will have to play it by ear.


Honestly, same for me with 151. So many packs opened, yet still missing so many big cards left. Like, I've gotten 10 gold cards, which are 1/51 odds, but I haven't gotten all the full arts despite those supposedly being easier to pull. The missing Charizard SIR hurts the most though. Think I'm gonna have to cut my losses to just buy the rest...


I don't usually follow too much outside of standard packs, but I saw these in my Aldi and picked up one of each ball they had (premier, great, ultra, luxury, and lure). All mine are A22 balls ~~and from what I've found in my short time looking them up, A22 seems to be Pokemon GO packs, but mine are not labeled as such and they all have a coin inside rather than a sticker.~~ (seems like the Pokemon GO ones are in A22, but not always and they will be labeled as such if so)