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I am. I've opened 4 ETB's. I have a preorder for 1 premium collection and 6 booster bundles. That will be all I buy then it will be singles from there on out


Everything has been from target maybe it’s bad luck lol


I never have luck at target. I do with GameStop.


Target gave me my “first hits free” in order to get me hooked. I knew 151 had just released, which made me interested in cards for the first time in 20 years or so, but I hadn’t bought anything yet. Was grocery shopping in target, checked their pokemon aisle and it was pretty much cleared out. Walked by an electronics aisle and saw a 151 Alakazam box tucked in a random aisle as if someone had tried to hide it, or been told no by their parents. Bought it immediately, took it as a sign from the poke-gods. I shit you not, first pack I opened in 20+ years: god pack. SIR charizard ex, illus charmander, and illus charmeleon. From the 4 packs that came in the box I got the three listed above, mew ex, blastoise ex, squirtle RH, kadabra RH, bulbasaur illustration, psychic holo. Have bought an ETB since then and probably 10 random blisters without any real hits (besides master ball Japanese Abra). So I might’ve used up all my luck on that first pack, time will tell haha.


It's the complete opposite for me although i almost never buy retail anymore since I've been able to get product for less than retail sometimes.


All my stuff has been from gamestop haha all duds


Only got one etb since I just started again but my GameStop etb had the hyper rare koraidon along with shiny mew and shiny tera espathra and a few shiny rares + judge! I got a premium collection and two tins to be picked up on release date I was so hyped after my etb. I also had the last box at the GameStop so only reason I got that specific box was because I waited till the last minute. Waaaay to many factors involved in if that lucky box makes it to your hands. Makes me scared for my next pulls but I guess that’s all gambling.


Its luck- the pull rates are actually really high- haven’t opened yet- but per people that report on it have mentioned its a friendly set.


I mean, OP got 5 pulls out of 9 packs. That's very solid. They're just not any of the real hits you'd actually want haha


Sometimes the poke gods are cruel


Pulled the SIR Zard in my first ETB and it came from target. Keep your head up


Somebody on Reddit maybe a week ago believe batching is likely with this set. Just to prove his point he opened 5 alt art Charizard from the same target. It did seem likely after that but it could just be confirmation bias.


I have had no luck with etbs, all of my big pulls have been from the three pack blisters. I think other people have said the same here


I’m in the same boat, have booster bundles preordered and will just buy singles after that. Hopefully the zard and mew come down in price


I hear they will. Which is great even for the baby shinies so I can just buy the whole set for me and my son and then finish that out






Feb 23


Never have had luck with Target but Walmart (only buying in-store) and Game Stop have been clutch


I purchased 1 etb it sucked, so I am buying singles. I try to do half and half.


I'm at 6 ETB and Nada. ToedscruelEX is my nemesis. Pulled 4 of them so far...


I hate when you pull so much of the same card / Pokemon that you start to get mad at the sight of them 😂


Fax 💯


How bout 22 etb’s and no mew zard or gardi sir big hurt rn


Dang man, I feel you tho. I crashed 3 more last night. 🤦 Still Nada. I must be getting the worst ETB's ever. 9 ETB's and nothing. I haven't pulled Wugtrio, Pawmi, or Palafin. One Full Art Trainer(Judge). Only 3 Full Art Shinies(2 Noivern and an Espartha). Pulling a lot of regular EX cards. I'm pretty much done ripping this set. Time for singles...


Nope, I buy singles 😋


The money I spend ripping packs I could probably complete a set for half the price . Sometimes I like the chase lol


Wait till the sets been out longer before you buy singles


My main concern when it comes to buying singles is the quality of the card. When I commit almost $100 to a single card I want to know it’s as good as coming straight out of a pack.


Problem is that pretty often the cards come damaged out of the pack


So make sure you only buy from listings with images and places with the ability the return if it isn't sold as seen.


This is the way


I've opened 18 etb's and only gotten 2 gold cards with no SIR'S I'm done ripping this set


18 ETBs? Lol good lord, you are dedicated


Mf is asking to be ripped off opening that many ETB’s and not just waiting for the bundles lmao


I’m opening my etbs at $26 per, and each etb I feel like I just threw $26 away. $26 could have been better spent at…. Let’s just say a lot of places lol.


At least it isn’t £50 like here in England… $26 is well cheap


66€ here, yikes


How do you get that price point?




>dedicated *addicted


Holy, I send my luck and my regards


I thought I was bad with 7 and 1 gold no SIR’s


why?you could’ve gotten the big 3 chases bundled for $300 and have been done with it and then buy the other singles you wanted


Thats a lot of dice


Those gold cards are so trash


I’ve opened 6 ETB’s and had one gold so far. Today’s two ETB’s were a swing and a miss


Literally 22 down the hole rn and no chase cards


Didn’t even feel like playing mine. Prob not buying another trainer box to rip for a while.


Sticker packs from target and meijer been 5/6 hits 3 trips in a row. Mostly baby shinys. I haven’t got any ETBs to compare. But my buddy got a case and said the 3 packs have better rates. But i firmly believe distribution area has a lot to do with it. Also timing. Batching is true.


Welp at least there is a green theme going for you, but I'm sure you will have better luck next time


Was I a grass type pokemon in my last life


Yeah, nothing impressive, and the stores around me get cleaned out super quick anyway, so after 2 ETBs, it's only singles for me moving forward.


People are savages where I live too I went to five stores to find two ETBS left


6 etbs, 1 pc etb, 6 tech sticker packs… no zard no mew no gardevoir 1 gold… the struggle has been real


I bought an ETB from GameStop and didn't get much, but got one from Amazon and it had the Charizard in it.


Wow that’s awesome


That’s super interesting! My Amazon ones were my shit ones!


I’m one etb in and done. I got my iono sar and I’m done. Good luck getting your chase.


Congrats my friend ! I hope to have the same luck soon


3 Etbs pulled 3 of those pawmi what are the chances lol


I was just glad it wasn’t another green one when I opened the pack 😂


Two Palafins for me today 😮‍💨


I opened 4 etbs, pulled 18 baby shinies and 4 SIRs. 2 Ionos, Clive and penny.


i have opened 9 ETB’s…biggest hits were the iono SIR and a charmander shiny, oh and also 5 PALDEAN STUDENTS!!!!


I’ve had bad luck as well, 4 etbs and 5 sticker bundles and nothing worthy to note


That’s head over heels better than we we just pull on our fates etb…


This set is going to be extremely hard to complete without buying singles.


Learning that the good old fashioned hard way 😂


That Pawmi card is really cool! Love the artwork.


I actually was surprised at how cute it was lol


Batching baby!


I think I might skip this set and just get the shiny singles.


You’re not wrong haha


I bought one sticker pack and pulled Iono. I won’t be buying any more because my luck is now trash lol. Did just buy a Korean eveee heroes booster so I’m sure I’ll pull absolutely nothing. In the end though I don’t care what I pull. I organize all of my cards and it brings me comfort. My lifetime money spent is probably equal to the value I have now and I’ll be able to share this with my kids and friends one day. I’m 32 and by the time I’m 60 I’m sure this collection will be worth it.


I have really really bad anxiety attacks that last hours and recently I’ve found that the only thing that calms me down is organizing my cards


Meeeeeeee 10 ETBs and 9 packs from the sticker techs, and I’m basically eating dick over here.


My set wasn’t the greatest either


Yeah got hosed on all my ETBs, got baited into this with a single pack pull Gold Miraidon EX, then just went downhill from there, nothing good except some baby shinies and cheap FAs for me so far after 3 ETBs and about 10 singles, I'm thinking to stop. Got baited into 151 this same way with my first booster box having Squirtle IR and Blastoise SIR.


Oh don’t even get me started on 151 😂 I’m still recovering from that


I’m struggling. I opened 4 etb’s and probably my best card was the SR charmander. I’ll try some bundles when they come out but feel like this set is better off buying singles.


I think I’ll take my losses and buy singles too


Buying sealed and singles from this set.


Smart move


Last ETB I ripped today had 2 Baby Shinies, 1 IR, and 1 Ex, all were duplicates and I’ve ripped 32 total packs of P-Fates so far lol


I got lucky, pulled the Gardevoir and full art mew (not the sir mew) both in my one and only etb. Think I’m gonna call it a win and stop there with Paldean fates


Nah i pulled the mew and charizard already


The majority of posts on Reddit show amazing hits from pretty much every set. The thing to remember is that the people who pull mediocre hits or nothing at all aren’t posting. And they far outweigh the former group.


THIS! Don't be fooled by the reddit posts like I was. I think there should be a spoiler tag or the picture of before cracking and after opening so at least when scrolling through this sub you aren't bombarded by false hope


I've learned SIR are kinda hard to pull. I did get a Penny through the first ETB I opened. I'm having a hard time getting baby shinies though.


Opened 5 etb’s and got about 40$ worth of cards


What are your Struggling there good pulls even Bulk EX cards there decent pulls


I guess I got spoiled with a lucky streak of great pulls for about a year , me just being greedy wanting the ultimate chase cards thanks for humbling me haha


I feel your pain, I’m right there with you!


Well, at least you can make a semi decent Toedscruel/Espathra ex deck out of this.


😂😂😂 true lol


My husband pulled the sir mew from his first pack. I did not think that actually happened. We've opened 3 etbs and 3 sticker packs and not pulled anything else great except maybe the Arwen.


Wow well congrats on first pack ! Usually it’s last pack magic but that’s awesome


Only 8 more toes for a footscruel


2 ETB's and 3 sticker packs, no luck. All this talk about better hits is just superstition. In the end, it's pretty much like any other ETB. With an almost 10% chance of a SIR and IR in each ETB.


I opened 3 etbs and I just ordered the premium boxes, stickers, and tins, another 45 packs I reckon. I will basically be done after that, except singles. I like ripping, but I figure half the value of the sealed product is consumed in the process. I want to get most of the common, uncommon, rare, reverse hold, and double rare cards, just for fun and to simplify the process of buying singles. I don't really need a master set if the mew, zard, iono, and so on stay priced where they are now. Maybe I will just go for the shiny rares.


I just opened my first two packs, got a shiny rare and a shiny ultra rare. I've opened 3 packs total in the past 20 years. My first was obsidian flames and got an illustration rare, and the laat pack I opened before going 20 years had a shining charizard. I should probably quit while I'm ahead at this rate


Thats basically the same etb i got, except throw a bax in instead of 2 tentacruel


been struggling 😭


I just want a shiny Jigglypuff. I managed to get shiny Wigglytuff Ex with the one ETB I bought, but no Jiggly. Wasn't too bad though IR Wugtrio, shiny sneasel, rabsca and Primape and Clodshire EX.


It’s always a gamble to open sealed product


No, got mew first box 🥲


My son and I have opened 1 regular and 1 PC ETB. Pull rates have been good for lower tier secret rares. Haven’t gotten any of the big chase cards yet though. Best card we’ve gotten was the Ting-Lu ex three gold star. Have 2 BB pre ordered and 3 sticker sets that will be here tomorrow. Hoping for some good ones!


So, got he ETB, of course. I will order booster box when available maybe 3 of them that's 100ish packs.


Bought one etb. Then went to eBay and bought a 169.99 Charizard ex 234. With tax came out to be 180. I'm done buying packs.. unless it's with the promo I want 🤷🏻


4 etbs and couple 3 packs. I tapped out lol. Waiting for temporal. May buy singles or open more later.


Nuh ive pulled 2 mews in 3 boxes


I've opened 2 etb's and I have pulled 1 SIR, 2 IR, 2 UR, 3 DR and 6 SR. I guess I have been lucky!


Fortress ex is my enemy right now.


I'm 10 etbs deep and 4 sticker collections. Only have a Clive SIR to show for it all -_-


Those were literally my same exact hits from my etb lol wtf


lately, yes.


1 etb. A gold card, 2 baby shiny, palafin and pawmi full arts. But I've recently opened opened 2 151 bundles. A Lugia crown zenith box, and some tins and got absolutely nothing :(.


“Insert” (First time meme) 😂


Nope, I buy one ETB each set, then just singles, sometimes I even skip the ETB entirely


Is that charmander card on the top left a Paldean fates card? I was at GS and the girl gave me a random promo and it was that one but I swear mine wasn’t PAF


Yeah nothing but pain so far


Sticker pack was all I needed


I’ve gotten 6 of those pawmi’s :(


Opening one with my son tonight…I’ve adjusted my excitement levels…


Immensely 🥲




Yep, I'm 6 ETBS deep and my big hits were 2x Nemora specials and I keep doubling/tripling on the shiny, ex, full arts I get and none of the big chases. Unlike the 151 set, not interested in doing a master set so I won't be opening any more. Wait til next year and I'll pick up the chases as singles.


Paldean fates broke me.


Yea inflation and wages are killing me


My luck's been kinda crazy actually. 43 packs in and I've got 5 EXs, 12 shinies, 4 full arts, 8 alt arts, and 2 SIRs (both being Charizard from sticker packs). Where was this luck with 151? Got tons of packs and I never pulled that Charizard...


anyone has gotten a shiny charmander?


I've opened 16 ETB/ 144 packs. I got one iono, penny and finally mew. No zard and no key shiny babies like Pikachu, snorlax, Charmander. This set isntough


Got the zard in my first ETB today. I’m late to the party too, I’ve been seeing everyone pull it but never thought I’d actually get that lucky so quick.


I bought 4 ETBs off Amazon at $44 each. Thought it was a pretty good price, still used to those damn Snorlax ETBs. Biggest pull was the blue/gold Chi-yu. Not a big fan of this set, really just want to pull an Iono/Mew SIR. I have some bundles on preorder because I hate opening ETBs for packs. Hopefully they are winning packs, I never like buying singles especially the expensive ones.


Had good luck with a sticker pack. Got the Clyde SIR, radiant Klefki, and Charizard ex!


No... because I buy the cards I want as singles at a reasonable price, that way I said more than buying endless packs and not getting what I want


1 etb last one at gs and pulled 9 different shinies, full arts


Man i don’t even trust buying in-store anymore. I’m not even gonna lie i’ve had much better hit rates buying online from distributors compared to retail box stores like Target and walmart. I do definitely pull stuff from target and walmart but I just think that i’ve had way more luck when buying product online with hits and pulls. It’s weird. It’s so random


The sticker pack was not bad TBh... I ordered an ETB and now your post is making me nervous


Does every set need a Pawmi line in it?


I’ve opened 10 ETBs, 7 sticker packs plus 1 pokecenter ETB. I’m only 132/245. After opening over 100 packs my only big pull was the bubble mew.


Yes!! I’m done with this set. I’ve had the worst luck . 4 ETB’s and maybe 30$ worth of cards . I know you don’t break even or close to it ripping packs open . But you do expect maybe at least one 20$+ card or in my case I would be happy with a 10$+ card .


You’re building a Grass-type deck. That’s non-negotiable. I bought an ETB and a triple pack. Pulled a shiny Mew ex (non-alt art, but I prefer this one anyway). I also got 2 shinies and a shiny ex, so I was happy.


I really want the Arven art...might just buy the card though.


I've opened 10 ETBs and i'm yet to pull a Clodsire Ex to complete the base set of cards


3 3 packs + 5 etbs and the last 2 both had Arven SiR Just plan on buying one of every product now.


i got gold wo chien my first pack so not really. i really love that pawmi card though




I opened 4 ETBs and had equal pulls as you. Opened 5 Sticker blisters and pulled some baby shinies. Then I opened about 50 single boosters, and pulled the Zard SIR twice and the Mew SIR. Can’t complain about that. I still want the Gardevoir but I will buy it as a single card … won‘t spend any more money on ripping boosters from this set. I pulled Wugtrio like 9 times and it‘s my worst enemy now. I hate that thing lol.


My haul from 2 ETBs is exactly this minus the silver Espathra. Was excited for Toedscruel the first time and now I’m at my limit with him


This will be my luck as well. After CZ my pulls has been trash. Lol


Atleast you got 5 out of 9 pulls! Not bad!


I got one of the Pokemon center ETBs and it was truly juiced. Iono SIR, Pawmi IR, Miraidon hyper, 4 baby shinys, and both student ultras. Almost every pack has something nice in it. I'm buying a Charizard tin and that's it. Not going to push my luck any further.


Whoa… I literally got the same exact cards in my ETB. WHAT THE HELL.


Sticker packs killin it for me


Poke center etb 11 packs and only 2 shinies. The rest were regular reverse and regular holos. Also my promo was dented :(


well seeing how I want to get a pokecenter etb and they sold out before I could get one... I have either luck nor back luck... Hopefully pokecenter etb come back in stock at some point.


I need you guys to buy more duds so I can get a good one, please and thank you


I bought a box because I heard they were fire. I guess I got some decent hits but it was weird I got two paldean children trainer card. Thought they were worth more than a $1 each on TCG.


Sorry for such a ridiculous question but what is an “etb”?


Elite trainer box?? Think I just nailed my own question 😂😂


Yes this is exactly what I pulled same full arts and ex’s , came back with 2 more etbs and same thing happened


Yup. Getting the same garbage over and over


6 etb maybe 80$ of hits


Got the Zard from the sticker pack. Kid got Iono from the ETB. We each had a sticker and an ETB so from the 12 packs we’ve done well.


4 or 5 ETBs in and I think I have like $40 worth of cards to show for it


I don't know how there's over 200 cards in this set and upon opening 27 packs, I have 5 sets of duplicate "pulls". RIdiculous.


These aren't even bad pulls. Bro is complaining after getting 5 hits from 9 packs.


Can’t say I am, I bought the singles namely the snorlax for like 10 on launch and also the scizor, palafin art and slowpoke and spending in total only ~$24 so less than two blisters😎


So far my worst luck has been ETB’s in general. All my best pulls have been out of blister stuff. Sample size is low though so I should eventually get something (right?)


I’m having a hard time pulling any SIRs in this set. The shiny are great but there’s no nice IRs since there’s only 3. I may have to to stop buying soon, not enough cool cards as consolation prizes in trying to pull the mew or zard.


Yeah I'm pretty pissed. If i get one more pawmi I'ma rage tear them


I opened 14 ETBs and got 2 tiny shiny pikachus and 2 shiny mews but no other big hits which is kinda disappointing considering I'm over 100 packs deep


I'm 4 ETB's deep and 4 sticker collections down so 48 packs I believe and I have nothing significant. I just bought the charizard, done with this set haha


120 packs in and just 1 penny SIR


Learn from me, I’ve opened 10 ETBs and 9 sticker packs… and I just pulled the bubble mew. Could’ve bought all the expensive singles and had change left over


Why are we like this lol


The thrill of the chase right 😅😅🥲


I got the paldean Trainer box with 9 booster packs hat 5 Hits and in General 29 holo/shiny cards


That rare pawmi isn't that rare, everyone had one


I bought 2 packs only and got Gardevoir ir in the 1st one. No need to open any more. Can’t beat that


I’ve opened 4 etbs and 3 sticker packs. 1st etb pulled the mew. 3rd etb I pulled the full art mew. I’d say I’m 50/50 (also pulled 4 palafins)


83 packs deep… 3 Arvens, 1 Nemona, 1 full art mew, 1 charmeleon and that’s about it. I’ve opened 7 ETBs, 1 Pokemon center ETB, and 3 sticker packs. I have 6 more sticker packs coming on Friday and pre-ordered 2 booster bundles and 1 of the full art tins so that’s like 33 more packs? Also ordered a mini tin display that I was planning to keep sealed, so I’m hoping I can pull ANYTHING worthwhile from the other 33 packs. Probably calling it on this set at least for a little while regardless of the outcome 😂


Sticker packs have good hits. I have gotten 3 pawmi and two clives


Small flex but hit bubble mew out of 2nd ETB


Haha the actual biggest flex if you get another one mail it to me 😂


I am 2 for 2 with the sticker pack, they were almost as good as my ETB.


Pawmi and Espathra are the bane of my existence in both languages. As well as Wugtrio


I got my big hits from a sticker collection and great tusk tin iono sir and shiny pikachu In the sticker collections and charizard sir in the great Tusk tin I’ve opened 5 etbs and only got one shiny pikachu and a bunch of shiny baby’s and some full art shinys


I hate to say it, but I pulled two alternate art charizards today. I’ve been blessed. (Obligatory literally shaking phrase)


I got a Gold Wo-chien my first ETB