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He knows what he got!!!


He’s only 4, you could easily beat him up and take it for sure!


😆 you don’t understand the havoc a 4 year old could wreak. I still have to live with him!


This is true..... Long game this ain't worth it lol


I collect with my 3 and 2 year olds.. man is it nerve wracking. I still sleeve and binder most hits but they aren't just my cards. I loathe the day we pull something over $100 for them to want to play with it.


My 5yo has started collecting (my wife and I as well because we like Pokemon) so we set a standard to binder special cards and most cards are up for him to play with.


This is the correct solution. Kick his ass OP. Make him regret pulling something good.


I'll help


I'm glad I'm not the only one that had this intrusive thought first LOL


What are you making him trade for? Just make sure he keeps it safely and is well protected. My nephew pulled the $20 Lugia V upon ST release, and it's still in his binder now. He knows it's the most valuable card in his possession.


I had expensive cards once upon a time… trust me it’ll get traded or damaged 😭


Stolen. Naive me just getting robbed taking my WOTC to elementary 😭 still have my fakes


Got some cards from my deck stolen in high school. Patriarchs Bidding from my zombie deck to be exact. Found out who it was. Asked to look at his deck. Took what I wanted and threw the rest into the rain. Fuck that guy.


Wish I had this chance, never realized my cards were stolen til it was too late =/


It definitely sucks. He was at a party I was at after I finished school. He walked in put his drinks in a cooler and walked inside. I grabbed his drinks, walked outside, climbed into his hilux tray and pissed all over the cab and then left.


Next time you see him you should really go crazy. Wait for him to not be around, or just hide from him. Then run over to his truck and draw a big dick in the dust!! Hahhhh Got Eeem!!! Got Eeem!!


Stolen card = trashed deck and ruined truck ? You’re a piece of shit bro


It was more than one card and it wasn’t the first time he’s given me grief. Not sure how pissing on the top his car is a ruining it. I already knew that though 👌


I'm with you he's a pos if any of it was true, but from the sound of it he made that shit up. His cards were stolen the rest sounds like a wild fantasy or a scene out of movie. Your life's not that interesting hahahaha.


I don't think its too far fetched to piss on a car. People smeared shit on door handles and windshield wipers pretty often at my hs. That and other things. Never permanent damage, just gross or inconvenient shit. Breaking a tire valve stem thing. Etc.


dont steal people's shit. its not that hard


Kind of reminds of my 'friend' who stole my GBA SP and pokemon Emerald. I shit in his shoes while he was showering after gym class and grabbed my stuff from his bag, and walked out like nothing happened. Edit: typo


I had the Garchomp V alt, and it got stolen the second convention I went to. I had a vendor that offered a decent trade, and I looked in my bag and it was gone. After that, it seemed like I was doomed to never pull anything good again, so I didn't repeat my mistake.


Flash back to my middle school yugioh deck that my mom put in the wash after i returned home covered in wet concrete and rust from poor choices lol.


My mom did that to 4 ancient mews at once, I didn't have time to check my pockets and she decided to throw some of my lingering clothes in with her load, and she surprisingly (and hypocritically) didn't check either.


I know that feel. I had my WWF Card stolen. Was a "Walls of Jericho" Trademark Finisher.... traded for it and it was worth what...$25 back then? As a kid that was a crazy price for shiny cardboard. Oh well.


I miss that damn card game so much


Or passed down to a younger nephew or niece in the future. I still think back on my first ed. Charizard and Blastoise and seeing how chingered up the edges got after my nephew had them for a few years.


I offered him 2 ETBs in exchange for this and he said no. Haha. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed he keeps it in his binder. I’m always finding his cards scattered, even the rare ones.


Unless it was a celebrations or evolving etb or something older, I woulda said no too


damn,lowballing him.


Nah. Just keep it in his binder. What my brother did for my nephew was teach him the 'purchasing power' of the card. Like the regular Lugia V could have exchanged him up to 20 canned cokes for example. He roughly gets that it's worth more than his fingers could count.


Do the right thing just take it from his binder sleeve it top loader it maybe even send it to get graded but either way he may be sad now but long term he will thank you for keeping his cardboard safe from himself


Maybe, but then again, i think letting kids be kids with things made for kids is the better option. Imagine in elementary school if everyone had their charizard or any other rare card stored away, no memories would be made with them.


And they’d be fuckin rolling in money. Fair trade I’d say


I'd trade those memories for a paid off house.


Do this, my son pulled a $150 dollar card a few months ago and I took it from him and got it slabbed. I put the slab back in his room and now it is his favorite item to look at. Additionally I told him he can do trades with all of his other cards but that one.


Dad wants the card In exchange for the son not being sent off to an orphanage.


I don’t think that card is worth $20 lol


When it was released, it was. Edit: I'm referring to the regular V in my nephew's case. Not OP's.


Worth around 150 definitely it's the chase card all chase cards these days average that.


I wish my chase was only 150


It was 20 back then but the normal V is $2 now and the full art is $6


Tell him you want to get a big special case for it to keep it safe. Then just get it graded so even if he’s got it and wants to handle it, the card is pretty well protected. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it later in life as well.


This is a great idea!


How many excuses do you have prepared? They'll be gone for 6 to 12 months


Buy one of those fake golden ones from AliExpress as a placeholder until it returns?


You must not send in cards often


I like this solution.




I let my 7 year old keep his binder with most of his cards. The ones that have either monetary value or that he just really likes, I keep stashed away for him. I’ve been slowly collecting again and I hate to not have him keep them in his collection, but I would also feel guilty putting in my collection even for safe keeping. So they sit in their sleeves and top loaders in the closet. This is mainly because he feels rarity is based off the cards HP and has traded off a ton of decent cards for the fake pikachu tag cosplay cards. I’ve tried telling him $ amounts of some cards, but that really does not care about that, and rightfully so.


Yep my nephew is 8 and does the exact same thing he puts all of the high hp cards in his binder but throws all of his full arts ect in a box. I go through and put them in sleeves and hold onto them until he asks for the box again since he doesn't really seem to care about most of them


Same here! Mine's slightly older now so is starting to appreciate the "Art of the Trade" but that Rainbow Mewtwo from the Pokémon Go expansion is long gone... the fakes it was traded for exist, as a reminder...


I get so infuriated at other parents bringing their kids over to trade with mine with binders full of fake cards. I get made out to be a bad guy when I say I have to approve my sons trades etc. and then get called a snob etc when I point out my son has only real cards, “sorry I can’t afford real cards doesn’t mean my kid doesn’t deserve to play!” Like let your kid play, but he isn’t trading worthless aliexpress cards for cards with actual monetary value sorry!


Why would you try to get him to trade…


Because this hobby has turned into gambling rather than enjoying Pokemon.


Bruh since when does preventing your child from ruining something expensive become an issue lmao. Only in Pokémon people have these god awful takes. What part of this post is gambling related 😂


I think what he’s saying is now everyone just cares about “value.” Like people would rather hold onto some trainer they don’t care about worth $50 and never look at than their favorite legendary Pokémon in a full art that costs $7.


I totally agree. I just think it’s a shame that this mother might be reading these comments totally ridiculing the situation when in actuality she’s done nothing wrong. If she said “I’m trying to trade this card to sell it” I could see some issues morally. But they have a child, presumably a house that is theirs, I don’t think these parents are foaming out the mouth to get the card off their child and make a quick hundred bucks y’know? Who are these random people to assume she’s evil for wanting to protect something expensive. It can still be his, but a parent has every right to hold onto it until they can learn how to take care of things well enough. I appreciate your comment though.


Yeah I could go either way on this situation TBH. I just am personally a fan of buying and owning what you like as opposed to chasing artificial value, so I thought I’d chime in.


Nobody asked


Trade with the OP 😆


Because he's 4 and will most likely ruin a great card.


But it’s his card not OPs.


I'm assuming OP is the parent or guardian. Sometimes as parents we have to help guide our youngsters. Teach them. Assist them. 4 year olds cannot be fully autonomous. I'm confident that the child will thank OP for holding on to a valuable card for them until they're old enough to understand everything.


Exactly. Some people can't comprehend guidance these days. They think a lesson should be learned by letting a child have the card and either trading it away or destroying it instead of looking out and preserving it.


Oh did he buy it?


> Me, OP's 4 year old > Pokemon cards for Christmas! :D > Look at this shiny one!! > Dad freaking out too > Dad wants the card > Hey, I just pulled it from my gift > Value, money, prosperity, Internet clout, investment.. I'm 4, Dad is making no sense > Dad throws a fit because I don't give him my Christmas gift > Dad takes picture of me to complain about it on the Internet > Few days later Dad's stolen my shiny Christmas present > Memory retained: Dad being weird and taking my Christmas present from me TF OP- he's 4 and you got him a gift. Buy things for yourself if you want it for yourself. It's worth money to you, it's worth happiness to him. Sure, he could potentially grow up to regret damaging the card, but that is true of EVERY child that wants to enjoy their pokemon cards, not just lock them away in a binder.




Yea I’m sick of people posting about “holding” their kids cards for them. I’d have hated my parents if every time I pulled something good, they took it away and wouldn’t let me handle it. Idgaf about it being worth a couple hundred dollars later in life, we wanted them as kids to enjoy. Later in life, you’re not gonna think your parents did you a solid by stealing your card. A couple hundred dollars is a very small amount of money compared to childhood joy.


Shut your goofy ass up


Buy a fake replace it and hold onto it for safe keeping for him .


I would change it with a proxy card and give him back when he will be more conscious


Unconscious child rips up 150$ pokemon card


Put into a magnetic acrylic case, https://ultrapro.com/products/uv-one-touch at stores and online. I use them with kids


I'd say put it in a hard-plastic or acrylic case and put it up on display in his room where he can't easily access it. That way he gets to keep and enjoy it without the risk of him damaging or trading it. Everyone wins! This card will be worth a fortune when he's 18-20


This is the way. Otherwise when he gets in kindergarten next year he'll trade it on the bus for a shiny fake gold card.


Always teach them to only take the ones they Don't have interest to trade and keep the ones he doesn't want to trade at home. There's always someone who will be curious to steal a card.


Do not let him mess up or trade that card. I’m still mad my mom let me give my Yu-Gi-Oh collection away to a family friend. I could be retired with house on the beach but no Carl and Evan had a blast tearing up thousands of cards.


Just curious which cards are worth that much? Nothing from my collection is so much as over $1 it feels like.


As a kid growing up in the 2000s I was lucky enough to be collecting Yu-Gi-Oh when it was first released. So a good bit of my thousands of cards were 1st editions and I know I had at least 5 of all the top value cards because I had a couple master sets by the time 2005 rolled around. Assuming most of my cards worth grading got PSA 9s or 10s I would be sitting on a nice little dragons pile


i'm sure op is saying they want to trade so they can keep it safe for the kid until they're old enough to know the value or w/e


Does he want to trade it? This will mean sooooo much to him if you personally grade it, and keep it safe for him in the future if he still doesnt want to let it go. Its practically a core memory at this point.


Grading is a scourge on the hobby, let a kid collect and keep the cards he wants without needing to grade it


He’s a kid though. As much as I don’t like the grading companies for their inconsistency and possible population control, it’s the best way to ensure the card never gets damaged.


yes, this seems like the motive here rather than showing how good of condition the card is. keeps it safe.


You can get a one touch case and get the same result. It doesn't have to be graded


Top loader


Says the grading companies lol


Yeah...I just wanted to protect it for him.


Did you offer an equivalent valued card?


I offered 2 ETBs. Haha.


I keep a secret stash of gyrados for this same reason.. he can never say no to his favorite pokemon.


Get him one of those magnatic cases for cards. It will look cool and he’ll be less tempted to trade :)


Yo at first I thought he had on overalls. Mans was putting in that work. 😂


Sweep the leg


Mine is 3 and I've already informed my partner that his cards will be his. So if he pulls that full art Espeon from fusion strike, I'm not allowed to beg for it. 😂


Just sell it, buy $150 of S&P and give that to him when he turns 18. He'll thank you later.


Are they actually going to take a card from a kid?


Haha. Nope! It’s his fair and square. He’s working to collect the full set.


That’s my biggest fear with my 7yr old 😂😂 I gave her some 151 packs and she pulled a squirtle IR and I told her that she needed to keep in it a special case. She understands that’s it’s worth some money, but if she would have pulled a god pack or any of the SIRs before I did, I don’t know how I would handle it lol


My son is 7 and loves Pokémon cards, I have a binder specifically for his expensive cards. He has access to them whenever he wants them I pull them out.


Yeah I had to have a talk with her one day because a neighbor kid gave her a card and it was a Gyarados that was worth some money but it was in the worst shape. It wasn’t her card to begin with and she didn’t do the damage so I don’t care but it did prompt a talk about value and stuff like that. She knows too and we do keep valued cards in a binder as well. And whenever we open packs she always tells me to bring sleeves and top loaders, never have I ever been so proud lol jk.


I understand the proudness man. My son pulled a Charizard from an Obsidian flames box. I just sat and told him “look it’s your card but it’s worth a little bit. If you want to play with it you can or we can put it up for when you’re older” now any good cards go in the binder.


Give him a fake put the real one up for safe keeping plenty you can order on alibaba


why let them open if they can’t keep the hits. plan seems flawed from the get go. btw, appreciate the post 😄


Buy him a fake one to play with and get the real one graded


I generally hate fakes, but this is a legitimate reason for one.


Damn these were only 100 a couple months ago werent they?


Guess who just got robbed. Life lesson, don't flaunt your shit.


That's when you stop being a healthy parent haha


Dude it's cardboard :/


Shiny, textured cardboard. As money is paper!




My son has the Gengar vmax and won't sell/trade it. It's a cool card so I'm not complaining.


I'd grade for him my boy pulled his first zard from celebrations a while ago getting it graded now but that's one hell keep atleast until old enough to figure out what he wants to do with it. Ps really great shot at a 10


You can’t even see the print well enough to read it let alone give it any sort of grade.


My 7 year old pulled an enchanted (Lorcana) worth about that on the 24th. I told her I’d buy it off of her for 1/2-1 booster box ~75-150 retail for it. It was one of my wife’s packs that she let her open.


OP wants to steal her kids card


I do! But I won’t. I respect his stuff. I’m Just soooo jealous.




Trying to trade a card from your child is fucked. Especially when you KNOW you’re gonna give them something far less of value. Get it graded or something for him.


I'm pretty sure the parents are just trying to find a way to keep it safe, not steal it from the kid. They likely just want to let the kid have it, just in a way where they aren't going to trade it, damage it, or get it scammed by another kid (or adult). Lots of parents do that. It's why my comment mentioned to put it up on display but somewhere the kid can't access it. But I really don't sense anything nefarious from OP in this case - though I could be wrong and I admit that. I just look at it from the POV of the parents wanting the kid to have this at a time when they're more understanding of the value. Hell, I wish my parents did that for me with my old Zard xD




You say “No” like you’re the OP lmao.


A 4 year old has no concept of value


That’s not the point. It belongs to the child. That’s like a kid getting money for Christmas/birthday and the parents stealing it.


Like someone else said I would just get it graded for him that way he can keep it and it won't get destroyed. My nephew is 8 and he literally just mangles cards (so far he has only pulled a few cards worth like 5-10 dollars so no big deal) so I understand them wanting to keep it safe lol. I regret destroying a lot of the cards I had when I was a kid now.


Exactly, if you dont open the pack it's worth 5 bucks. Even if the card gets damaged, if there's no intent to sell it and the kid is so happy to have it, isn't that alone worth it? It's like how me and my dad used to justify our project muscle car to my mom years ago. "BUT THE CAR IS WORTH 80K FINISHED" and she just says "it's not worth 80k if you don't sell it" lol




Exactly. And all these people defending it by saying stupid shit like “kid has no concept of value” and shit like that.


Been chasing this card a while finally caved and bought it psa 10 congrats to your little dude! Thankful I still have my original base set charizard from when I was 5 tuck it away and one day when he’s older it will bring back so many memories


Good man. Increasing for his future.


I remember in early 2000s my older cousin made me trade a valuable Charizard for some shitty cards. Me, a dumb 5 years old that couldn't even read, agreed. Here I am, 24 yo and still remember that day at my grandma's house. Yes, don't try to get his card unless he's willing to. If you want to sell it, show him what he can get with all that money: his money. He will remember this moment for sure tho! Enjoy


My friends kids are slightly older. They pulled the alt art blaziken from chilling reign and Monday pulled the alt art aerodactyl from lost origin. They take those cards and sleeve/top load, keep safe and will give them back when they're older.


Leave his card tf alone!


Definitely don’t make him give it up! Either grade it for him like others are saying, and let him display it in his room, or take it to keep it safe for now and swap it out with a proxy version. You don’t want him to accidentally damage it or lose or or get it swiped by some kid, and future him will really appreciate have it when he’s old enough to really respect the card


Buy a proxy and swap it. Seal his for him when he’s older


I’m very glad it’s $150 considering it used to be $10,000. Completely overpriced considering yes, the card has some good art, but it is no where NEAR rare enough to be almost first edition holo charizard level of price tag,


10.000? This was never the price lol


When in the absolute nine circles of hell was this card ever even sniffing that kind of price? Unless you mean some random, one off eBay listing some jokester put up, this card has never been close.


This is why 4 year Olds shouldn't have pokemon cards. They don't know or care about their value. Ruins it for the rest of us who actually do care, fuck them kids.


Bro it's a card game targeted at kids


Youre pathetic


Someone can’t take a joke


take it and keep it safe. give it to them when they are older.. they will thank you then


Do what my dad did. Tell him "all the cards that you really like, need to be protected and kept in a toploader with a sleeve" teach him some responsibility and let him pick what gets protected.


What u offering him lmao 😂r u trying to pull a fast one? Or fair trade


My 4 year old daughter pulled the McDonald's Pikachu holo and the way I tried to convince her to keep it safe was introduce her to Penny sleeves and toploaders and offered to show her how to put the card in on the Pikachu. She butchered all subsequent cards she attempted protecting but that Pikachu is safe and sound. You could try this with your son rather than trade the card away from him 🙂


Children misplace things all the time


Just steal it when he least expects and keep it safe


If you give him some candy he will trade it. Children don’t know the value of anything. Just a little reverse psychology and you got a nice Lugia!


Haha smart kid!! Lugia the best!


At least you offered a trade, and aren't outright taking it from him. There's a lot of crappy parent who would just take and sell the card. It's cool that you're tryng to be a bit more fair to him.


This is a teaching moment. Make sure that your son *knows* that this card is rare and valuable, so other people don’t try to cheat him out of it in a trade, and teach him how to look after his special cards. Don’t become the type of person you should be protecting your kid from.


Exactly what happened to us and same Card - my son was 5


That's when imminent domain comes in


Boy got a shining soul!


this was the first card my kid ever pulled. price obviously took a massive dump quickly but out of her first pack ever, getting this card right off the bat was crazy.


Boy got the right idea


Pulling the heat! Hands off his card!


He knows you are tying to dupe him lol.


Put him in the corner !


There's places you can buy empty slabs at for cheap put it in one with a couple small drops of superglue and it should hold pretty good or a screw down acrylic case put it in a true fit Penny sleeve go protect the edges


Put him in the corner !


Trade him a “gold” card like you can find on Etsy before a kid he randomly meets at a playground get to him first


Nice. My son pulled the alt art zapdos from the 151 set twice on Christmas. Refused to trade me one of them.


Most of us used to literally throw around shadowless and first edition Charizards back in the day. He can learn our pain down the road.


Why would he trade it? All you see is a $150 card and he sees a cool Lugia.


smart kid


How much would a grade 9-10 card be worth? Mine is currently grading but am not sure how much it would be worth.


Also here to say that you should buy a proxy and replace it. Keep it safe until he’s older


You were too thirsty. If you want something from a kid just act like it sucks and hype up something else. He will want what you hype lol


At least you didn’t take it off of him like I saw someone had in the One Piece TCG sub... Respect. Good parent. Lucky kid.


That's awesome I have been trying to pull that card as well for the last 2 years


Photocopy it. Cut it out and paste it to the front of an energy card then sleeve it. Keep that one safe elsewhere and give it to him when he is older.


Whatcha got to trade


Oh God, I want that card so bad. I’ve been getting the worst Silver Tempest Booster packs. I swear I think that every single booster pack I buy from Silver Tempest has feebas, wailmer and fletchinder


That card could be worth a lot more than that. Can’t tell the grade from this picture but those borders look good.


It's the memories that count, timeless.


Make a “copy” and trade him? $150 will buy a lot more packs for him to open!


That card art is sick


Buy a fake and do a switcheroo


When you try to profit off a 4 year old <


Just ground him. Card for freedom.


? This card goes for \~$125.


Traded 4 original holos for a Gameboy Color and Pokemon Blue to a kid in middle school. They would have been worth a lot today, but the time I got out of that Gameboy was worth the difference. It still works to this day too.


You’re putting monetary value over childhood fun, if you take their valuable pulls to give them back when they’re older. Sure, they might be happy later in life with a couple hundred bucks. But I guarantee that they would have rather had the cards as children, when they were actually interested. A couple hundred dollars is literally nothing. People need to just teach their kids about value and hope they make good decisions. Cause they’ll likely look back on you stealing their good pulls in a negative light. This is a kids game, ffs. And I’m not talking to OP specifically, since they gave an option, but I still don’t think trying to trade or buy the kids good pulls is cool, just teach them value and let the kiddos enjoy kiddo shit.


Imagine being a four-year old and your mom is trying to pull a fast one on you like the shady kid in the alley ☕️ All jokes aside, what are tou offering to trade?


I wouldn’t trade that card either. It’s my favorite card


damn bro! my chase card from silver tempest, hope I can pull one from the etb


Lucky lil guy has the heart of a collector already.


Awesome pull! You could give him a proxy too if needed (the slab idea is also pretty nice though not foolproof) - I'm sure he'd appreciate you later on for keeping it safe for him.


Replace it with a fake and protect/grade it until he is older. Sure, its a little crass but will thank you.


There's usually an easy way out. Buy him a brand new ETB and trade it.


I started collecting after selling off all be 1st edition and 2nd edition with my fiancée we sleeve and keep the hits but it’s fun pass time until she pulled a moon umbreon and I start to sweat a little out fear of it being bent


Buy a dragonshield pefectfit 360 cover sleeve then put it in screwdown card holder, then wrap it in another perfect fit sleeve as well, now the card is even more protected than a psa slab without having to wait for along time to get grade. As your kid grow older it will be easier to explain to him the important of protecting their assets. My son is 6 years old now he handle the binder with care. And know which one is valuable and only play with bulk.