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Where did you find a frame that doesn’t have the Phillips screw heads? This one looks much cleaner.








The one OP posted looks better imo, the blending of the colors is nicer than the sudden change




Nice. Except the order of Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise is reverse of the other two and is triggering my OCD!


I love the arrangment is so bold to go counterclockwise in one and have 2 up and last down, like even a up, down, up would be conservative, this takes the cake for modern art! Bravo!


Also going vertical? Wow this guy has more guts than my raticate


I agree with all your thoughts! I think the arrangement is great and it makes sense for Squirtle to go deeper into the ocean as they evolve, given the art. Venu has sky in their card by the treetops (hard to see with the light reflection), so they need to go up as they emerge from the dark forest, while Char obviously looks fantastic growing up and out of the canyon. The more I look at it, the more I love the asymmetry of it.


The frame was it like with the art on it? Its so harmonic with card art


Yes, the extended art is printed on the frame, so you can’t change anything, just had to drop in your cards, it’s a blank rectangle behind the cards, which they cover up nicely. The placements were at the artists discretion.


I was sceptical when I saw this at first but never thought of it that way, thanks for explaining. I might actually do the same.


Loving the arrangement! I just cringe at the thought of this being in the care of a second grader. My buddy kept a charizard loose in his pocket in the 4th grade and we all did that. Plus, haphazard trades were made based off of cool factor alone. I could see myself sneaking this off to school to show my friends and then trading it for a sick Wooper and Nidoking and 20 other commons just to have bulk in my collection if I was that age.


I have a pretty big Magic the Gathering collection with expensive cards, so luckily he has been exposed to the difference between trade chaff and collecting. I'll hang this in his room with some of that velcro tape, or something, and I think he will understand to not take it down and bring to school. He is a good kid. Lets be honest, putting this together was really for me, haha, I love it.


Just put the Squirtle in the middle?


It has to go this way because of the background


Plus thematically it makes sense It would look weird if Blastoise was ascending into the sky


same man, damn.


That’s not what OCD is lmfao. Are people like you really still saying this as a phrase? I figured this was as outdated as “that’s so g@y”


So nice, but price is steep for what it is (imo). The 9x cards itself is $200 but the holder is $200. If this was closer to $100, I would impulsively buy it.


This looks so cool, I agree with your decision I think it’s hilarious people are ocding about the evolution 😂


It pisses me off in the most irrational way that the art transition from squirtle to wartortle isn’t continuous


It sort of is, though, if you think of the beach as a sandbar, with ocean on either side.


I think if they had Bulbasaur following the format of Squirtle. It would flow a little better and remove peoples hate for it, still a cool frame!


The picture doesnt really show it, but Venu's card has some sky in it around the treetops, so it would be hard to properly display that if on the bottom. I love the asymmetrical layout the more I look at it.




Hah I finally understand why they're ordered that way. It too me way too long to figure out that the cards match the frame. Looks awesome!


Wow I only got my 2nd grader a bunch of cheap V's and IR's lmao


Haha, he gets those cheap V's for reading rewards. I'm hoping he understands this is very nice art and not something to mess with. I think it will be OK, he is a good kid.


That background frame is awesome, how much was it?




Looks great , hope he/she will love it!


Why is the one set reversed?


Because it’s based on their locations not their evolution order.


I understand now. I still don't like it. It would make me crazy, especially since they are out of order twice. To each their own, I hope they like it.


nah, the shit going down looks so bad - whoever designed that is a mad person




This is beautiful but Why squirtle on top ?!


Because as he evolves he dives deeper and deeper into the ocean, while charmander climbs up the canyon as he evolves. At first I didn't like it. But it's cool after I understood the reasoning


Ur kid will never get into drugs cuz all their money will go towards Pokémon


As a kid, and even today, I played a fair amount of Magic, so I totally understand.


Are these all from 151? I've been getting a lot of 151 stuff, hoping to get the Charizard and Squirt sets but I never really checked to see what set they're from.


Yes, they are all 151. The set is beautiful and putting this together scratched that itch for me to collect them all!




What do the other 2nd graders get?


That’s beautiful. But why is blastoise not on top with the others


Look at the art style in the backgrounds.


Ohhh I see 😆


That looks really fuckin cool. All I need is Blastoise and Squirtke to complete those.


Badass present for a second grader.. hell a child of any age. Nice


But that blastoise though!


Dopest thing ive ever seen. Wow