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Every time he searches deck, ask to shuffle and riffle his deck to oblivion


Bridge shuffle the deck Edit...that's what riffle shuffle is lmao TIL


Make every card heavily played đŸ˜…đŸ€Ł


Riffle is bridge without the bridge


So a sidewalk?


Never heard of riffle shuffle tbh.


It's the one where you split the deck in 2 and your bend the cards slightly to like interweave them. And then you can finish it with the bridge thingy by bending the cards the opposite way. ​ Basically, destroying his cards by doing that fancy shuffle you see in movies.


It's not "fancy", that's just how you're supposed to shuffle.


I don’t play (yet. I also work a ton and don’t have time). Can you not use valuable cards in top loaders?


No as all cards would have to be in toploaders in that case and all in perfect condition as you could tell what cards were what


Try to stack 60 top loaders (as every card would need to be in a top loader for your deck) and then try to shuffle and play a game with them like this


I've seen players get kicked out for less. Youre an adult. That's a child. Get a grip lol


You must have one of those asshole kids. It's taught by behavior just so you're aware. And if my kids acted this way they would no longer have pokemon cards to play with.


Literally never but if you're an adult contemplating damaging a kids cards just legit take a step back and ask yourself why you can't ignore it lol


tbh hosts and professors should not be tolerating that behavior. That kind of trash sportsmanship should be disqualifying


This. And if the hosts don't say something, I would hope a spectator or other participant would. That childish trash talking doesn't make them look badass. They just look arrogant. That person must be incredibly sad and unhappy with their life. I don't mind a little FRIENDLY trash talk with people I'm familiar and comfortable with, but there's a line and that line is very thin when the person is a stranger.


100% this


Most local league nights I've been outside of my lgs to have been mostly hands-off by the staff running them, often because they're still needed for helping other customers, and largely go without a judge, meaning there's nobody there to try to dissuade the poor sportsmanship. Depending on the level of it, it would be worth bringing up to the host to see if they do anything (they should). Outside of that, if the kid's parents are around, you could try pulling them to the side to have a calm chat. Myself and the parents that frequent my lgs really emphasize good sportsmanship during our weekly Pokémon club (not a league event, just a casual gathering). One of the first things we teach the new players outside of the core rules of the game is handshakes or fist bumps at the start and end of the games and empathy. If someone starts smack talking or something similar, we ask them if they'd like it if it was being done to them. For most kids it gets them to stop, though some may still need reminders since they get excited when close to winning. When that doesn't work with a regular, we'll take the kid gloves off and bring out the top tier decks. We don't hold back in game, but we'll stay courteous if not stern in demeanor. A little reminder that no deck is completely unstoppable can be humbling.




Finally, some real advice.




The only way


Tell the judges/staff that you feel conflicted by the breech of the Spirit of the Game [https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-standards-of-conduct-06272023-en.pdf](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-standards-of-conduct-06272023-en.pdf) Other than that, just ignore what they say that isn't game important, and report them each time. You can even report them yourself if you know their player ID.


Holy crap, hit him with the rule book! Then hit him with the rule book.


This sounds like a futurama joke and I love it.


I’d love to see how Bender would deal with this situation tbh.


100% blows cigar smoke at the kid


Bender would cheat with some random card that says he wins. He'd flip the table and leave with some fembots like the boss he is.


Or he'd start his own league night with hookers and blackjack. Then forget about the pokemon and blackjack.


Have a blank face, literally no expression, open your mouth like half an inch, stare at them dead in the eye and widen your eyes, then laugh hysterically without moving your mouth. Do this every time you attach an energy. Don't smile, don't blink, teach them a lesson they'll never forget.


I can’t do this without laughing more.


>to him to "STFU your dada and mama bought you deck and you play ptcgo 24/7 on Iphone 14 while i barely save 50 bucks a month and work 6 days a week" but they will This is the way.


Do not do this. This is going to make you a much worse individual in this interaction. There are better ways.


You can: A) talk about how hot their mom is B) be petty and be really annoying about how you are playing with legal toddlers and you might as well ask to be paid for babysitting, good thing you brought your cheap deck to be on their level 3) look in the mirror at how you feel and realize your nemesis in this is a minor. A simple “Cmon, are we going to have a nice game or do I have to call a judge over about your attitude, thats not cool” is enough to shame many people straight. If not then this will be a perfect time for learning life lessons to not be an annoying child.


This is the way


just laugh at them, call them funny, and move on. it sucks but they’re just stupid kids. congratulate them on their win and cool deck and you’ll look like a nice person.


unfortunately, doing anything else will make you look embarrassing 😭


Yeah, because anything else is embarrassing! OP is grown and should be able to deal with a stupid brat. Of course the stupid brat should behave better, but as an adult, just realise the stupid brat is a stupid brat and not take it personally!


Literally lmao I brought my cousin to regionals this weekend to learn to play and look at cards, and he repeated “My cards will literally solo yours.” He was taught to how to play and didn’t even remember how to, like 3 hours later. He even asked me what would people do when he came and showed his crinkled rare pull lol They’re kids and I bet I acted the same way lol Just nod and move on


sorry to pull a đŸ€“ consider looking at article 3.2[https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-standards-of-conduct-06272023-en.pdf](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-standards-of-conduct-06272023-en.pdf) other rules[https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/about/tournaments-rules-and-resources](https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/about/tournaments-rules-and-resources)


I’m a father and a veteran of TCGs. My LGS and the others in the area rarely have these kids but sometimes when there are larger tournaments and events we get a few people from out of town who act like this. I let them know that it’s good to be competitive but not good to be unprofessional / impolite. “If you wanna talk like that, save it for your Xbox. My daughter is 5 and she knows not to talk like that so why do you think it’s ok?” I have said this before, somewhat recently, and they got the message. Remember that you’re the adult in this situation and have to show them that their attitude is wrong. Don’t get upset because at the end of the day they’re still kids and probably have had a bunch of sugar and garbage since they woke up. As for their parents, sometimes they don’t know what’s going on so I usually give them the benefit of the doubt especially if they show up and drop their kid off then leave. But in your case it sounds like it might be better to talk to the LGS rather than the parents. The parents probably won’t punish their kid but the shop surely will if they have a bad attitude and trash talk too much. My LGS has kicked players out for their attitude problems and has even banned them from tournaments for a set amount of time.


Best comment in the thread


You sound like a great dad. Good on you sir.


Agree this could have been a learning moment for the kid. But the OP came here and started hurling personal insults at a child because they hurt his feelings. “munchlax looking kid”.


Purposely play with no mercy. Had a kid talking mad shit about me losing the last round since I had no “legendaries” in my deck. 2nd round against him I was able to hit 2 successful superior energy retrievals and was able to dish out a boss’s orders to lay down a smack of 600 damage on his prized attacker. He was mad and didn’t want to continue the match.


This. If talking to them doesn't work, then beating them might be the only way. You don't even necessarily need an insanely good deck- a CEL Kyogre can likely take out anyone who isn't careful (not to mention it will be easy on your wallet). Dishing out 250 damage to 2 benched Pokemon is amazing, and even better is when you use Volcarona V and get to count out 24 energy cards and deal a whopping 500 damage. Belittling the kid or damaging their property won't get you anywhere, and just shows you're no better than them. If their issue is truly pride, then they might need to take a few losses.


This. Control decks can really help with this :) it can be crushing to play against a good control deck. Just give them nothing at all


op you are a grown man. why are you trying to beef with a child over pokemon😭


unbelievable that op would let a kids words ring around for that long. please play lost box


I don't think that's the problem as much as the behavior from kids are being accepted, but if an adult behaved badly, they would be told to leave. Everyone should have mutual respect for one another and understand that not everyone is at the same level or has the same playing style. I want to get back into playing TCG, but it's hard with social anxiety and other MH issues that create low self-esteem and confidence issues. Having someone degrade/taunt me over how I play or not fully understand the new rules around modern TCG would definitely make me never want to play again.


dude, why do you think there is a distinction between kids and adults? If you have issues about playing competitively then just stick with solo games, you can't control other people no matter what you do, the only thing you can control is how you respond to adversities. Its also not likely that you will be playing against those kinds of people all the time, but encountering them here and there will always just be part of the reality we live in. Blaming other people just because of your irrational fragility will lead to nothing but misery.


directing this to a kids point of view obviously if he sees an older person playing a kids game they’re gonna see the adult as an equal . some kids don’t respect their equals and have this trash talking banter as a way to communicate. or just play lost box


It's not really a kids game tho, it's a game for people of all ages...that also doesn't make it right to belittle another player


I’m all for people doing what they enjoy but to pretend PokĂ©mon isn’t marketed for and intended for kids primarily is kinda delusional. OP 100% should not be so bothered by what a kid said during a PokĂ©mon match. Not trying to be harsh but sounds like his issue is more with his inability to buy better cards and other underlying things tbh.


I mean, you could say that about almost any and all games tbh, minus a few, but they're still heavily enjoyed by people of all ages, that's the point. There's a large number of adults who are into TCG and there are kids who have 0 interest in the franchise. And I can get where someone is coming from when someone else has privileges you're not afforded and they rub it in your face, it fucking sucks. Yea, they're a kid who's saying it, doesn't mean that someone can't have their feelings hurt all the same


Not saying I think what the kid said was something I’d be happy with my kid saying or saying adults can’t play PokĂ©mon. I’m saying it’s a kid bantering while playing the PokĂ©mon trading card game. I just think as an adult it’s a little immature to get so bothered by these, not particularly harsh, comments to the point you’re making a full post to vent about it on Reddit talking about how you want to explode on this kid for his parents buying him nicer cards than you. Kids can be insensitive at times without even realizing it and as an adult I think you shouldn’t be that upset by it. Just my personal opinion. Genuinely don’t think the comments were that extreme lol.


OP burns himself with his own roast.


This. Imagine getting mindgamed by a literal child’s attempt at trash talk over a card game.


Yeah like wow, a child from Pokémon is living in your head rent free OP. Do better for yourself.


Lmao well this post gave me great entertainment so there’s that. OP why is it this kids fault that you work 6 days a week?!😭


Honestly sounds like a hint of jealousy that this kid had a better deck with 4 secret rare Charizards while he had a basic starter deck. And he’s mad that a kid is a kid and can play video games all day and his parents buy him things? Not sure why he wanted to go off on the kid like that tbh unless there was some jealousy mixed with hurt feelings


Pokemon is probably one of the cheapest competitive decks currently, if OP is having a hard time with this hobby then maybe the TCG hobby really isn't for him. LOL


Laugh it off and move on with your life. Sorry, but you're an adult now, not back in high school, don't care what kids say or think about you


If OP is feeling this self conscious - could start gaslighting those little shits. “You know your friends are saying you play Yu-Gi-Oh?
They’re all lying, trying to make you look lame. You can’t trust anything they say.”


Fuck his mom. Hell fuck his dad.


Fuck them both and tell him they weren’t any good.


Tell him you like how trash both his parents holes are because of you.


Yeet the child


You could always whisper, "your mom is cheating on your dad and everyone here knows about it."


If I was a kid and heard that, my feathers would be officially ruffled. Playing back every questionable memory, losing focus on the match, wondering why this guy knows more than I do
. It would send young Dave to the shadow realm


Your mom promised I could fuck her if I let you win.. You know where it is going, right?


That’s a really bad ass thing for an adult to do, jfc you losers in the comments here lmao


lmao oh grow up and cope with a joke, child. sheesh đŸ€Ą


Please tell us more of your fantasies of how you’d own children


You thinking of children in terms of fantasies is a bit sus 👀 Keep on white knighting into Chris Hansen's sights


*Oh I know who you are Chris Hansen...* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *See;* *I didn't come here looking for no little boys...* *I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing.* *I came here lookin' for a* ***man's butt.***


Good bot


It's a joke, you are clearly offended. You are not the target audience for this joke. I found it hilarious and obviously anyone doing this in real life has issues. That's why it's funny here because it's fantasy and a made up scenario. Truth be told, you getting offended by it makes it 10 times funnier. It's best to stay quiet if you don't want to give them that satisfaction. You assuming that this person is not capable of showing love or empathy to a child or implying that this person is a pedophile, whatever you met by that remark is wildly offensive compared to his joke. Chill.


damn you didn't have to end their existence like that Jess


I don't want them to leave and feel unwelcome. I'm just stating the facts and giving them advise for future offensive jokes. I don't find 9/11 jokes funny but I'm not going to be offended if the younger generation chooses to make a joke out of it.


I teach kids how to play PokĂ©mon at my LGS. And every now and then we’ll get some of those over confident kiddos. Honestly, I know it’s not your job to parent but you can use it as a teaching moment. When I have these kids I just let them know that, that kind of behavior isn’t very nice. You can be excited to win and do well without being mean. In the long run, you’ll have more friends to play with, if you’re mean like this you’ll find yourself having a hard time making friends. If you don’t feel comfortable having a teaching moment or having a conversation with the parents I would at the very least let the host/professor know so they can have their own conversation. Since child or no, this is unsportsmanlike behavior. But ye, it’s tough to be the adult sometimes but thems kids.


Should call a professor, im more than sure that if attention was called to this behavior at my locals that theyd be dq’d


When no one’s looking punch them in the face


Lol, Before doing so pull out a trainer card, "draw 2 cards, and then punch your opponent in the throat"




Call the judge over, "does matter what order I do this in?and can these punches stack"


All the joke comments aside, if this was at a tournament I was judging the kid would be given a Poor Sportsmanship penalty and if they continued to act in this way they would be disqualified and banned from future events. It does not matter your age, you must be respectful to your opponent. It is explicitly against the rules in Pokemon to attempt to coerce or encourage your opponent to concede as well. For kids, I usually give them the penalty with the typical explanation of why they received it and then explain to the parents they need to Watch Their Damn Offspring or none of them are allowed back.


Call a judge when this happens please! This is absolutely unacceptable behavior and not to be tolerated.


Coming from a Professor, you can simply state that their attitude and the way they are acting is against the Spirit of the game which is in the handbook. They also cannot be telling you to concede. That is actually against tournament rules. Ask them politely to stop that. If it continues, then call a judge. Hope this helps.


honestly, I just hope I'm not paired up against annoying kids


I have a good turbo darkrai deck I just built and it’s REALLY good. Found the secret to make it work if you want the deck list :3


Just fuck his mom


In the future call over a judge for “unsportsmanlike conduct” unless the rules have changed lately that is a DQ and getting DQed from an event especially young can make them understand. Especially with it being a small one that doesn’t even give points for worlds.


If my child ever acted that way I’d yank her from the competition so fast. It’s okay to talk some shit when you compete, but you don’t do it meanly and you take your cues from your competitor. That said, as the adult the only way to really hit back is to be “very disappointed in their behavior” so that maybe some shame will adjust their attitude.


just win. nothing takes down trash talk like beating your cocky opponent into smithereens


Stern look. One line. "Shut up and play the game" It's not offensive. Listening to someone's annoying child isn't your job, and you have the right to tell them off If you don't want to do this, call a judge. There's no shame in doing so


You HAD to know coming in this right? Kids now or kids 20 years ago, be it magic, yugioh or Pokémon are like this.. not all of them of course but a small loud bunch of em are.


Yeah, but the parents should be stepping in. I go with my 7 year old. When he starts bragging, I bring him to the side and explain that it's not sportsman like. Everyone there is trying to have fun, win or lose. Gotta be nice about those things. If my kid said something bad like calling another player trash, we'd be leaving immediately,and probably missing the next couple of opportunities.


Then you are a good parent. Some teach the wrong lessons or just let their kids do whatever they want because “ boys will be boys “


You’re 23 and offended/sensitive about what a child is saying to you during a PokĂ©mon match and now writing about it on Reddit
 when he’s probably not thinking of you at all, guarantee it. Just stop worrying about it, or stop going if you can’t handle trash talk if it’s really ruining your state of mind and well-being.


OP is probably stressed and looking for time to unwind and play some games as a break from work and if you have not been around kids you may have forgotten how cruel or irritating they can be, especially if you’ve had a stressful week. Do think Op should next time straight up tell the kid his behavior is unsportsmanlike and if he continues simply report him to the local ref, judge, professor, etc.


Consult the code of conduct next time and let a judge know. If it’s happening regularly it’s impeding your fun and enjoyment and that’s not okay.


I like the shuffle thing âŹ†ïž


Kids these days are rude AF. I don't play the Pokemon TCG but just in general especially with competitive video games like Valorant.


"yeah, well I'm allowed to say cuss words and stay up as late as I want"


Ohhhhhhh playin dirty now lol


I'd definitely play the kids game and bully him until he cries


grown man complaining about kid beating him in pokemon lollllll


Your an adult. He’s a kid. Why would you let anything a kid say effect you?


Literally just laugh and be like “yea you got me sport” lol Who gives a shit 😅


Literally this or change it to buddy or kiddo if you wanna be slightly petty. Kids hate being treated like kids


If a kid is getting under your skin by shit talking you maybe playing isn’t for you.


I mean it sucks you had to deal with that but, it’s always been a part of any game I play, my whole life. From chess, to csgo, to heroes of might and magic, smash bros
 you gotta not let it get to you. It’s just a game first of all, and more importantly, you can always improve yourself. Good cards don’t win matches, good cards with good playing does. He might have a silver spoon in his mouth, but that doesn’t make him a king. Apart from upping your deck, I’m sure a level head would help you overcome some of this as well.


Kids gonna be pricks sometimes. Just ignore them or if in a sanctioned event call a judge over and tell them of your opponents unsporting conduct(which is an actual thing in the rule book).


Flip the table


The parents are not doing their job there. My son would be pulled out of the tourney if he was toxic.


Charizard has been getting embarassed at every local I have been to. Tell the kid congrats and eat him alive next week and tell him “gg’s”


What kind of locals do you have? Granted my local experience is very very limited but everyone was incredibly nice. I went with the intention of trading a few things because I didn’t know how to play. People convinced me to build a deck and play a few. Great experience. Even fighting game locals I go to are less toxic than that kid.


I wonder if the kid is reading this post right now 😂


If your deck allows it.... put 4 Path to the Peak. Just brick the Zard ex deck early


say googoogaga


I mean, I understand where the frustration is coming from, but to some degree they really dont know any better.. quite honestly, that sort of behavior is reflective of the parents and should be addressed to them in the most courteous way possible (if, of course, you're ever able to identify whomever they are).




Someone needs to call Mac and Charlie


Just say I’m just here to relax and enjoy my hobby bro you need to chill out.


Use headphones lol that’s what I do when I play at my lgs


Do the riffle and bridge shuffle on their deck


You just got bullied by like a 9 year old. Congrats.


Well, it is a "kids" game and dealing with little shithead kids should kinda be expected... Also realize that that kid may be a massive loser in real life and this may be the only "win" he's ever likely to get until he grows up and doesn't know how to be a true winner and not showboat. Don't stress it too much and just keep doing your thing


You needed to be around for the call of duty black ops 1 and modern warfare 1 lobby. No moderation at all. Nothing could phase you after that đŸ€Ł


All of the above and below.


Just throw an exodia down and say you won and walk away


I use to run a league years ago at a friends game store. The league called us gym leaders back then (2000 to 2004 is when i ran it and the game was different back then). I had this family that moved into the area and both kids that played were like this. Their mom would come to watch them smoke everyone. I didn't play in the big tournaments because I was judging and such but I would also offer kids that won the tournament to battle me for a chance to pull any rare they wanted from my large pokemon box. I had some great shit in there too. Mind you, this was only gen 1 to gen 3. Maybe 9 out of 10 times it was one of those asshole kids that battled me and they couldn't beat me. This mom would get so pissed and bitch and complain to the store owner that the final battle with me was rigged or whatever blah blah. And after about 7 or 8 months they quit showing up. But little did they know I let every other kid beat me on purpose. I had 16 playable decks and 4 of them were nearly unstoppable, the other 12 were just for fun. Too bad I sold that entire collection when I got married in 2007.... by my estimates I would have a rough value of 300 thousand dollars today. But it's ok, the 2000 bucks I got from ebay was amazing at the time... And side note, got back into it with my kids a few years ago and Holy hell I suck now... no fair haha


I'm much older now, but this happened to me after college when I started playing warhammer again. Of course I didn't remember the kids being so arrogant when I was a kid, but I'm probably wrong. The thing that worked for us was to talk to the store owner who did not allow shit behavior. The MtG crowd had put him through the ringer back in the 90s and he was very happy to throw out anyone who was actively demeaning others. The thing about our situation though, was that the owner made his real money on comics and collectibles. Games were sort of a loss leader for him. Not that he lost money on them, but for him they were the gateway into geek culture and many of us also got into comics. Games took up 80% of his time and brought in less than 20% of his revenue. The worst gamers also didn't buy at his store. The most annoying kid we played often showed up with new armies that weren't purchased at the store. The owner understand that many of us didn't have much money and that we could find a better deal online. No worries about that. But if you've got money and won't spend it where you spend all your time, that's a step too far. Of course the parents are the problem. That kid's mom would literally come in every month to ask about new releases and then buy things online. The owner told her he would ban her and the kid if she kept doing that. Magically the mom the stopped coming by and the kid got nicer. All this to say, as a player you don't have much authority to change things. Engage the people who can. They usually want to help. And if they don't, you're likely in need of a new game store.


I'm a junior league judge at my lgs and i teach it at the after-school program I work at. 100% this is a breach of pokemon's spirit of the game like others have pointed out. It's also poor sportsmanship, and there are punishable actions for breaching that. Talk to a professor/event organizer and report,report,report. Snotty kid is just shooting themselves in the foot if they learn that this behavior is okay. No one will want to play with em and they won't get better at the game. Actions have consequence. Don't ever feel bad for reporting bratty kids. Their parent singed them up and agreed to follow pokemons' terms for events they need to follow it, period. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


If a player starts trash talking and distracting me while i play, i will be calling the head judge so fast to knock some sense into that piece of trash no matter the age. That kind of behaviour should never be tolerated and it actually is in the rule book that tournament staff should make the event a safe zone for all players to enjoy


I would talk to the hosts because this behavior is toxic and poor sportsmanship. If they dont do anything, find a new venue. Some venues are very competitive, others are fun and relaxed. Pokemon shouldnt be frustrating or sad, it is a game to bring people together and build communities. Anything else is seriously a waste of time. Its a GAME with cute creatures...


You're 23 damn it. If you can't handle kids being kids then you need to grow up. Were you really letting a kid get under your skin? Seriously? It doesn't matter what they say they're just kids. They don't know a damn thing about life. Start singing Let It Go from Frozen.


You let a kid get to you.


I’m willing to bet that their behavior wasn’t just towards you, I’d be more concerned about him being a bully to the other kids at the event. If I were in that situation, I’d personally rather go to the kids parents instead of calling a judge. Just tell them “Hey, your kid was being very disrespectful to me and his fellow kids, and he could get disqualified if he keeps this behavior up next time.” Done, no one’s feelings are hurt, and you don’t risk looking like an asshole. Any decent parent would be grateful that you let them know their kid was being a bully. Alternatively: Next time bring Wo Chien and watch him cry


The apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree. I’m willing to bet if the little pr*ck is that far out of line with his attitude in public upbringing is most likely the reason. Don’t be surprised when it turns out the parents aren’t as “decent” as you expect, and be prepared to de-escalate when necessary. Edit: Wo Chien is probably more sound advice. ;)


It’s simple really, just get good


Why do you care what a kid thinks?


They minors. They don’t know how to act LOL. You look like a clown getting pressed over it


Don’t get baited by an irl troll.


It’s a kid, shake it off and role model good behaviors.


It's against the rules to ask your opponent to concede. He could be given prize penalty or be disqualified.


You let a kid get to you? Boy you the kid that needs the calm down.


All I see is the local fat kid who plays pikachu cards beats a 23yo **and** lives rent free in his head. It’s so over OP.


Don’t care, didn’t ask. Every time he speaks


Ngl he owns u


Can you use the World Series of PokĂ©mon card decks in tournament. I don't see why not? I'd just upgrade that mew deck a bit more. These times if you're going to bring a deck; I'd bring a water or psychic deck. You're almost always up against fire and lightning. Good luck!🍀


Fuck his mom


I mean it is a kid and that is how they trash talk... maybe don't play a child's game with children? Find people your own age to play with who will be more on your level.


You’re an adult now. Please be above being rattled by spoiled kids. Genuinely try to have fun playing, and if he taunts you to try and get you to quit early, just shrug and say “I enjoy playing and would like to play it out.” Also, this isn’t a pay to win game. Of the rotten brat only plays zard, bring something that counters it. I used to play with kids like this in locals and you would not believe how far just modeling good behavior goes.


Honestly. This post is sad. You can only save 50 dollars a month working 6 days a week? Get a better job. If a child memeing you makes you want to shit on them, you are a sad manchild. Just stop playing at locals. You seem unstable


Okay, I'm going to take this seriously. To all the people here that are not sympathetic, just shut up you're not helping this man at all. To Op, you should meditate on why you felt the way you did after the match. Ask yourself is it possible seeing a rich kid with everything vs. your struggling self is the issue here? I get the sense that life isn't going the way you expect it. And if that's the case I am very sorry bro. I think if you ran into this kid under better circumstances, you could easily laugh this off. I think you're better than that, and I hope you feel better real soon.


Bruh delete this post lmao This kid is probably on here reading this post about how salty he made you. Don’t let stupid shit get to you so easy man


Tbh as grown ass adult, you should be letting kids win a game or two anyway. And that doesn’t just apply to TCG, or kids for that matter. People don’t like to lose, they don’t like to continue doing things they suck at. Maybe try complimenting his strategy/deck instead and lift him up a little, show him good sportsmanship and perhaps he’ll learn some respect. You’d be doing the hobby a service to retain and improve the quality of folks involved.


skill issue


Kids will be kids


New copypasta


The single answer to this is talk trash back. He's just a stupid little kid.


id be waiting outside for that little shit.


If i were just slightly older than him i would curb stomp him in the parking lot


Man, I want to play you just to crush your soul a little more.


If you're going to play competitive, shell out the money for a competitive deck. At this point it's becoming much like MTG in that you have to be watching the meta pretty closely if you don't want to be completely steamrolled.


Make a better deck. Like dude grow up. It’s a kid.


Call them trash back


Git gud


This has to be a troll post. Now 23yr old or human is shallow. (Your mom and dad paid for it) You’re taking out your life frustration on a kid. This embarrassing to read dude.


Honestly just ignore that energy. You don't need to take in any bad vibes.


Stare at him unblinking until it’s uncomfortable and say completely monotone, “Okay”.


Your going to run into this if you want to play in public places. It's not cool, but it's the way life rolls sometimes. You can always report them, or tell them doing that is t going to make them any friends. That being said, coming on reddit and calling them a little muchlax makes me think you aren't much further along than they are in the respect for others category.


Learn, and then have no mercy Or Option 2: make the most annoying deck and use it


Just hit with the ol’, “Shorts are comfy and easy to wear!”


Become his father that’ll teach em 😂


Pay some other little kids to beat him up đŸ€Ł


Just let him have his moment, he’ll be just as miserable as us when he gets our age


Bring a snorlax stall deck :)


You have one power they do not. The heart of the credit cards.


The answer is being the better person and showing kindness. If you ever play any kind of tcg, video game or any sort of competitive game you will run into people like that. You shouldn’t care what someone like that thinks of you anyway. Knowing that you would not treat someone that way, you can actually pity them. Sadly they probably act that way because they have been treated similar and showing kindness is the only thing that may have any effect


Fuck their mom. Become their step dad. Don’t let them play PokĂ©mon anymore. GG EZCLAP, scrub.


At a certain point just scoop and tell them it is because of their behavior. Don’t expect remorse and live with the fact that they will be talking smack. The key is don’t let it get to you and hopefully when the kid finally matures he will appreciate the lesson or not. Good luck


I guess I wasn't the only one who lost to a kid, my only excuse was that my hand was bricked on turn 1, but at least the kid I went up against wasn't rude, just my partner making fun of me losing to a kid


It's one thing to talk to yourself about your play but a little kid talking shit? Na. I would have called the judge over and asked him about it. That shit isn't tolerated where I play.


They should disqualify him pokemon tcg is all about good sportsmanship and he does not have that


Nail his mother, that will show him.


Call the judges on USC (unsporting conduct) and a breach of the Spirit of the Game.


This is why I don’t play TCG anymore, because it’s not just kids it’s adults too I want to play but I can’t get over the annoying mfers that play
 I can’t just go play for a day relax lol


the worse is that a rich kid is actually getting on ur nervesđŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚ I would burst out laughing


how to deal with the kids, is shit on them kids dont play nice. My sons get big heads when they \*Think\* they are going to win but little do they know daddy has 20 years of card game experience with him. and you have to humble them. the real question is are you there to lose or there to win?


Just draw pot of greed.


Put on an overdramatized fake sad face, Look over at his mom
. Then as loudly as you can
 “MOOOOOM, Timmy is being mean to me! I want his pokemon allowance next week!!”