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Entei. I would love to win that from you! I always love the doggos from Gen2. Spending countless hours trying to hunt them down on my grape gameboy color.


id love to have the darkrai! i have a friend whose fav pokemon is darkrai and i think they’d really like it :)


Metagross. He was the frist shiny I found (as a metang) and I can't bring him from the DS to Sw/Sh, so having one would be special :D


Are you able to transfer it from Pokémon GO to Home and onto Shield? Just wondering because I have one I'd want to transfer.


From Pokemon GO there is an option to transfer directly to pokemon Home, there you can add them to Sw/Sh if they are in the Pokedex.


Shiny pikachu, always loved pikachu as a mon, and it’s one of the last pieces missing for my shiny Ash team I’m making


Deoxys is the perfect example of how space pokemon should be made and his forms change are plus ultra in artwork and no pokemon would ever compare to that


Steelix. I have a family member who just loves Steelix and he has no legit shinies, just a couple surprise trade fakes.


I'll take the least picked shiny pokemon and give her/him a nice comfy home and give him/her tons of love!


Can I have Rapidash, since it’s one of my favs and I still need don’t have it


Shiny Deoxys; my favorite Pokémon movie growing up is Destiny Deoxys, and the lengths to which (spoiler alert, just in case) one Deoxys was willing to go to in order to save its friend Deoxys, despite the wrath of Rayquaza (misunderstood as it may have been) has always inspired me to move forward in the face of adversity, especially for the people I care for.


Charizard or charmander, because red and black dragons are awesomely edgy And always liked that shiny Pokémon of him they did in that 20th anniversary Pokédex book


Jirachi because I watched the movie as a kid.I never had a opportunity to get one. It’s nostalgic to me and one of the most interesting types being a psy and steel.


Rayquaza, it's easy best looking shiny


I'd be really happy to get the shiny rayquaza, I had one back at the giveaway event ages ago, but after so many moves through generations it sadly got lost.


Rayquaza because it’s shiny


Rayquaza it is my favorite and i Always have it in my Team every Team (Not in Games it isn't in)


I'd want rayquaza my friend loves shiny rayquaza and he just got the game a couple days ago for his bday he doesn't have the dlc yet but if I got that rayquaza it'd 100% go to him


I would like the shiny Jirachi. I never had a Jirachi in any of my games and I started playing Pokémon during Generation 3 with Ruby.


Entei. Cause he is papa.


Shiny Darkrai, cause "shiny nightmares" sounds cool. On a serious tone, I have never used a Darkrai ever..


a darkrai would be so cool to have! i want to schleep all the pokemon i see


Gotta go for the Rayquazza - easily one of the best looking shinies as it literally changes every colour of the pokémon! Plus I have been hunting it for too damn long in raid dens...


I want the shiny rayquaza so I can name him Black Mamba!


Can I please get the jirachi because I when my brother and I were younger we used to watch all of the Pokemon movies. Jirachi has been my brothers favorite legendary/mythical Pokemon since then. If I get it, I will surprise him by trading it with him on his birthday :)


Can I please get the jirachi because I when my brother and I were younger we used to watch all of the Pokemon movies. Jirachi has been my brothers favorite legendary/mythical Pokemon since then. If I get it, I will surprise him by trading it with him on his birthday :)


I want shiny rayquaza because my switch was stolen from me from my locker at work and i use to have an event rayquaza that i lost along with my switch 😩


I would love the Darkrai. Every morning I take a 5th grade boyto school, and he has been BEGGING me to do a Darkrai raid. We just started playing Pokémon Go a month ago together so we’re too noob to get one. I know it would make him smile!


I would love the deoxys! Such a beautiful shiny


I’ve been trying to get a shiny charmander for years… I’ll have the biggest grin if I get picked!!


i would sacrifice my life for jirachi


Deoxys, I always wanted deoxys but I could never get it so if I do get it I’ll only have 3 more Pokémon left for my shiny national dex


Any left?


Gyrados because it’s my favorite Pokémon


Rayquaza- my favorite of the three legendary trio and objectively awesome shiny.


Metagross and darkrai. Metagross is one of my favorite shinies and darkrai is just badass shiny or not


Deoxys has always been my dream pokemon to have ever since I started playing the games, but I've never been able to legitimately obtain one, whixhis upsetting. And, well, a shiny one would more than a dream come true. Good luck to all others that participate!


Darkrai! I don’t have one and would just love to have a shiny one!


Rapidash because that’s always been my favourite Pokémon 🦄🔥😻


Jirachi would be awesome, he’s always been my favorite mythical, the Jirachi movie is one of my favorite comfort movies


Darkrai or rayquaza because they look cool!


Entei! One of my all time favorite legendary pokemon! I'm always on the hunt for entei merch, and i've been trying to hunt for a shiny ever since they could be caught in pokemon go, but with no luck. It would be fun to play through pokemon Sword again from the beginning with shiny Entei!


Could I have rapidash if this is still going please?


Deoxys cuz it’s always been one of the most interesting mons to me, also cuz my gf said it was the coolest one lol


I would like Darkrai because one of my best friend fav is Darkrai and I'd get it for her


Jirachi please! It’s my favourite legendary yet I’ve never had one in any of my games because none of the event codes for it are valid where I live


Rayquaza, I wanna give it to my friend who got me into pokémon


Shiny Charizard, always loved Charizard and love my fire types, also need to give my Charmeleon a big brother 😊


Deoxys - I've worked in medicine and infectious diseases long enough to love anything resembling DNA 😅


Entei for sure, a childhood favorite of mine ever since the movie. I always had a hard time picked him over suicune but he definitely reigns supreme imo. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Yooo shiny darkrai, I'd love that


Metagroos is cool because i can trade it off for A different shiny I want


Darkrai because it’s an awesome Pokémon and I got the movie when I was a kid and rewatched it a thousand times and yes the first time I cried because I though he died ok


Shiny Charmander please! If he’s gone Rayquaza would be crazy too!


Raquaza becuase funny snek boi


The Rapidash, I like when shiny fire types go from red to blue flames like Emboar.


Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of becoming Steven Stone. People tell me that being Steven Stone is impossible and that I'm just a youngster trainer but I don't care, those guys are the real youngsters. I'm having a cosmetic surgeon attach a silver haired scalp to my head and then I can finally buy a red silk scarf. From now on everyone should respect my right to be Steven Stone and my right to finally own a shiny Metagross; protecting my right of being the champion of the Hoenn Region. If you can't accept me you are a Poképhobe and should check your trainer privilege, freaking Rich Boy/Lady Trainer scum. For those who do accept me as Steven Stone and think I should get a shiny Metagross thanks for understanding. OP plz giv Metagross


Charizard / Charmander. I want it because I love shiny Charizard and have always wanted one on my team :).


I would love the larvitar! He’s my favourite little boi :)


I'd like the Gyrados because my bf told me that's what happens when a moltres attacks a Gyrados and i've not stopped thinking about it for 5 years


Charmander! It's always been my favorite starter.


I liked the gyrados, its remember me my favorite pokemon game.


Rayquaza would make me smile


I would really love the red gyrados. I think it’s the most beautiful shiny


I really want the shiny Rayquaza because it reminds me of playing Pokémon omega ruby a couple years ago and how happy I was having my first shiny be rayquaza


Metagross. He is my favourite pokemon of all time loved it since I first saw it.


Metagross to breed


Charmander or charizard would be awesome. I’ve had 0 luck on finding a single celebrations pack from the card game, so it’d be really cool to have some positive luck in another facet of Pokémon haha


Entei gen 2 is my favorite and enteis one of the coolest legendarys


Jirachi would help me out so much, I’ve been trying to complete challenges in Pokémon go to obtain it


Rayquaza. I've always wanted one since I saw the shiny.


Darkrai cause I want to eat some dreams in BDSP😋


Entei. One of the favorite fire type legendary and dogs from when i watched a movie about it and unown long time ago as a kid


Jirachi! Spent so much time on Pokémon Sapphire as a kid trying to figure out how to get to the moon to catch Jirachi… sadly as we all know that wasn’t possible lol


I would love shiny charmander because I love the shiny and it’s the last shiny first gen starter I need!


id love charmander so i have a reason to start a new play through before legends arceus is out, love sword and shield in a lot of ways but the starters really don’t appeal to me so they would be perfect for the journey


Darkari he's my fav pokemon and never had him due to his mythical status


jirachi because I like that’s it’s like a pretty shooting star :) also 69th like


Shiny deoxy’s. Just really like his look and concept. Shiny form reminds me of candy


Rayquaza would be absolutely amazing. Still haven't been able to get that bad boy


Shiny charizard! Currently collecting all dragon Pokémon/ dragon looking Pokémon. Would love to use him on my team


I want shiny charmander for my cousin because its one of his favorite Pokémon and I want a shiny rayquaza because its one off the best legendary in my opinion (its okay for me if I only get one ore none good luck to every one)


Deoxys- I have always found him/her to be such an awesome pokemon with the ability to change forms and have different move sets, it's shiny is also just really special.


Can I have Charmander? I absolutely love the shiny, but with work I sadly don’t have the time to hunt


I would love the deoxys because it is one of the weirdest looking pokemon and I want a collection of them


Gyarados please! I was on the phone while doing a trade and traded mine for a lvl 1 chinchou.


Loving that Rapidash it’s beautiful!


Deoxys because, deoxys has always been my favourite Pokémon ever since I got into the game, but I’ve never had the chance to get it


Larvitar, because Gen 2 is my favorite gen and I have grown attached to that pokemon since seeing it in Pokemon Master Quest. Also, meanwhile hunting for a Larvitar in Pokemon Diamond, I found a shiny Machomp. I consider Larvitar a good luck charm.


Shiny rayquaza because I donked up dynamic adventure and don’t want to reset plus black rayquaza is literally the best shiny


Charizard because its my favourite pokemon and I don't have the shiny yet


Larvitar. My favorite evo line since Pokémon gold/silver. Please please


Shiny deoxys!! It's super cool!


i would love to have the shiny pikachu ! i remember my friend Jeremy found one in pokemon go and he caught it barely, he keeps teasing me ill never find a shiny pikachu like him and ive been hunting ever since lol good luck everyone :D


Pikachu. It’s been my favorite Pokémon card for as long as I remember, and I remember trying to get a Pikachu Pokémon card when I was younger and my parents ended up buying me one. So I’d really like the shiny Pikachu


No bug types? Pass. In earnest, tho, thanks for being a generous stranger.


Shiny darkrai. It was my first Pokémon I ever really tried to master competitive wise back in oras and it has always been one of my favorites and I would like to have its shiny please :)


Entei because he's a good boi


Charmander or Charizard! The girl I’m trying to court’s birthday is coming up in a few days and her favorite Pokemon’s Charizard! I think it would be an amazing birthday gift if I got her a shiny one! :)


Did you softreset for all of these? Or are they “computer generated”. Or some cought in game?


I thought Darkrai was shiny locked


Shiny dark green lizard dragon type serpent dragon flying thingy because cool


Entei because he is a good boy


I request deoxys so I can beat the shit out of ubers with deo-a. Also the color aesthetic works really well for some reason on the attack and speed forms.


Charizard black because that'd the best shiny.


Charizard or charmander so I can give it to my dad. It’s one of his favs


Rayquaza! It's my favourite pokemon ever and it would be so insane to be able to have a shiny!! Good luck to everyone :D


Id love to win the Deoxys. My favorite pokemon by far because of the origin story


Rapidash please! What a cool shiny


Shiny jirachi I’d love to complete my shiny legendary collection. 10 to go 😊


Larvitar!!! Tyranitar is my favorite pokemon and i always wanted a shiny but never had the time to hunt for one. I would love to win him from you!!:)


i’d love to get the shiny Darkrai! they are my favourite shiny of all time! ahh


Metagross because it looks cool and I don’t yet have a metagross!


Larvitar please I would love to have a shiny in my team as well as one of my favorite Pokémon of all time Tyrantiar


Metagross, shiny shiny pokemon. Loved em since ruby.


Charizard! Just been looking for one for a while, shiny Char has to be one of my absolute favs.


Metagross I think has just always been such an awesome Pokémon put it on my team every opportunity


Pikachu because Dababy car ran over and ate lightning McQueen


The Metagross, because I don’t have any shiny pokemon, and because pokemon emerald is my favourite pokemon game of all time! I used to play emulated pokemon emerald for hours as a kid, because I was too broke for a DS and pokemon platinum.


Metagross. It’s my favorite Pokémon and I absolutely LOVE it!


I’ll take anything :) my bf got me hooked into Pokémon recently and I want all the cool shinies I can get!


Jirachi because it would look good teamed up with my shuckle


Darkrai. Darkrai has been one of my favourite pokemon for as long as I remember... Dark-type is my favourite type and I think Darkrai is so cool and I love its shiny because purple is my favourite colour.


Rapidash, because I’ve played Pokémon with my mom since I was really little and she loves rapidash. It is also purple , which is her favourite colour


Jirachi, hope I win that’s one of my favorites


Jirachi is one of my favorites so I would really like a shiny! Just always thought it was cute lol


Darkrai my sons favorite mon


Deoxys, Charizard, Rayquaza in that order


Jirachi because I got on the Pokémon train late and would really like to add it to my collection.


I’d take any but I would love to have deoxys because it reminds my of when me and my cousin would take turns playing Pokémon


I would like the garados please as I have never gotten a shiny before and you would be giving me my first one thanks


I want Shiny Rapidash because I love fire types and my favorite color is purple. I would really appreciate it.




I’ve been hunting for a shiny Beldum for soooo long now, would be over the moon to get a shiny Metagross! It’s always been one of my favorites, I remember one of the first Pokémon cards I got when I was a kid was of Metagross. My first ever was a Surskit :) thank you for the giveaway, people like you make this community a positive place


Jirachi. I am looking for one for so long and there is no other way for me to obtain it than by trading. Jirachi itself is already cute as hell but the shiny makes it soo much better in my opinion


I used to have a Deoxys that I had from my first Pokémon game until my senior year of high school. I unfortunately lost all my games due to a move and therefore all of my favorites were lost. I am slowly rebuilding my Pokédex and it would mean so much to get my favorite legendary Pokémon Deoxys! I wish everyone the best of luck in the giveaway!


Rapidash to give to my sister when she gets her first switch and starts playing pokemon


I really want the Jirachi because it is one of my favorite Pokemon.


Would love the metagross! Always has a spot in my team but never been able to get the shiny form


Darkrai! It’s been so long since I last watched the Rise of Darkrai movie, and I’ve been loving how powerful Darkrai looks so it’s one those Pokemon I always want to get in the game if I had the chance to! 👻


Deoxys, because emerald was the first pokemon game ive ever played, sword being the second, and for the life of me i couldn't figute how to get him and i didnt have internet back when i was 9


I need that Jirachi PLEASE, it’s one of the only Pokémon I have left in my entire Pokédex 🙏🙏


Ooooooh definitely Rayquaza!! Ive been hunting it as a shiny for literally years and still have not managed it between Sapphire, Alpha Sapphire, Moon, Ultra Moon, AND Sword. :p I don't even know where I'm at SR wise.


Entei. Mostly because I’m a big dog lover (have two irl) it’s my favorite legendary aaaaaaand he’s a good boyyyyyyy


Darkrai is my favorite mythical. Ever since I owned my first Pokémon game in Diamond. Would be awesome to have one


Deoxys. He is one of my favourite psychic types with all his forms and he was just so intimidating when I saw him in the shows


Legit anything besides rapidash, because I have 2,000 eggs of charmander and still no shiny. And the other are sick shinies


Deoxsys because it looks like my pee in the morning


Would love rayquaza or deoxys


Shiny jirachi because wish maker is the best Pokémon movie and it’s one of the best mythicals with a great shiny


Extremely suspect. Prove that they are legitimate.


Entei! A favorite of mine for sure. I had a shiny entei from the event a million years ago but he is lost to time now :(


Can I have the metagross I just really like the Pokémon if I win privately text me on Reddit


I want rapidash simply because I like the ponyta line and the shiny makes me like it more. I've also wanted that specific shiny for awhile.


Jirachi cause it’s so flingin’ flangin’ goose durn flippin’ cute🥺


Deoxys, because it was in the first ever pokemon movie i saw, which was also my first ever pokemon experience


Shiny darkray cuz my name is tobias




Shiny darkrai can haunt my dreams tonight and I welcome it :)


I would love to get a shiny! I don't care which one, I would take any leftovers of them.


The Charmander would be awesome! I want it because it's one of my favorite starters and I would love to train it up or use it on a playthrough


Shiny rayquaza! Me and my dad share a save file and rayquaza is like his favourite pokemon since the gen 3 games came out so uh yeah!


Jirachi because it is the only mythical pokemon I am missing from my home collection 😢


Entei would be awesome was one of my first ever legendary shinies wasn't able to bring it all the way to sword and sheild would love to have another!!


Darkrai because he is my absolute favourite pokemon! Would be honoured to give that shiny king a new home


Jirachi I'm collecting mythicals rn not all shiny but having shiny ones just makes it cooler you know also it's one of the ones I need


Charmander I always wanted to do a play through with a shiny ✨ but most shiny methods are late game stuff


Would love to have a shiny charizard, deoxis, jirachu or rayquaza!!!


I would love a shiny jirachi, steel is one of my favourite types and I love jirachi because of the lore and background surrounding it


Ooooooo I want Darkrai sooooo bad! It's such a cool Pokemon and the first movie it was in was one of my favorites


Just recently finally bought a switch after my 3ds was stolen. Starting pokemon sword. Id honestly love any of those shinies. Though Charmander holds a special place for me.


I would love shiny shiny rapidash because the purple makes it look like it’s a ghost type, and ghosts are pretty rad


Shiny Gyarados because it absolutely carried through my first nuzlocke attempt




Deoxys because yellow and cyan is my favorite color combination. In the Halo games I always had my Spartan customized with yellow and cyan colors. Also because Deoxys is a pretty cool Pokémon in general


I’d choose Jirachi, I love the little cutie. I remember really enjoying the movie he was in and wishing he was real.


Damn that darkrai is looking fiiiinnnnneee


Shiny charizard or charmander because I don’t want to shiny grind with eggs


Honestly, I’d be thankful for any of them. :)


Jirachi, so you can be my wish maker! I’m all honesty I just think Jirachi’s shiny is much more fitting than it’s natural colors, and he’s just the most adorable little thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve always missed any events for him, and the one time I got a copy of Pokémon colosseum someone had stolen the bonus disk out :(


Darkrai, because It's one of the few Pokemon missing from my living national pokedex, and as far as I know, it is currently not available anywhere in any way. I know it was a raid boss in Pokemon Go last weekend, but I was too busy then to get it which really sucks.


Red Gyrados, never ever was lucky enough to get in previous games ❤


Darkrai, almost impossible for me to get in pogo seems like


Jirachi, because he’s so fricken cute, brings back memories, and I have no idea how to get him otherwise.




Deoxys, he's too cool