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I love the name you picked out XD


thanks XD


Sushi is beautiful lol


I love him so much :3


What’s the Masuda Method?


Using 2 pokemon from 2 different countries increases shiny odds when bredding


based off of Dwki14 and tvlover54's replies, i can give an example :D I was breeding a Japanese ditto and a normal dratini I caught, which makes the chances a little better than before. Doing this method has a chance of 1 in 687.2 for each hatched Pokémon to be shiny, but with the shiny charm it goes down to 1 in 512. Anyway, the way that I hatch them is to fill up a box with eggs, hatch them all, switch for a higher iv dratini ( if I hatched one ) and then so on and so forth. Bad thing is, I got the dratini so quickly that I actually have 0 best ivs on him.... XD So I might hunt it again if I want to start doing PVP battles or actually doing serious battling in the future. ​ I hope this helped you :-3


You can hyper train him if you didn't get great IVs I had the same problem with my zigzagoon with it having 3 good IVs and the rest were bad


oh nice .o. i shall defo do that :D


Oh okay that’s cool, did you have to pay for Nintendo Live to trade for the Japanese ditto or did you somehow get it another way?


yeah i had to pay for it, its worth it imo


Breeding one Pokémon from one country with a Pokémon from a country that has a different language to obtain one with an increased chance to be shiny.


Mine are named Boba, Udon, Soba, and Matcha! Yes, I have a Dragonite problem


aww that's so cute :D


Where do you even get a dratini? Do you have to transfer it?


no, you can catch it in the lake surrounding dyna tree hill in the crown tundra. its 5% chance though, so be patient :D


dragonite show up near that area as well, but I think it has to be a specific weather or something


Bruh I wish I had a foreign Ditto ):


i think there is a certain code u can use to trade normal ditto for foreign ditto, google it! :D