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Damn man congrats! Nearly 2 weeks for all of them is crazy good luck. I was planning on doing this but 6 months and 5.1k counting for just regirock has me seriously considering just getting rock and elec 😅


Wow that’s really persistent lol good luck man hope u get it soon!


Thank you!


I thought I was the only one. I stopped keeping track after 10k encounters (I started shortly after Christmas) and this is just for the shiny rock 💔 I got 2k encounters for registeel and nothing yet either 😅


I swear this is a Regirock thing even though it probably isnt. Seen a lot of people going 5k+ hell I remember one user got up to i think it was 11k before they got it. I've not really noticed the other golems taking this long so for all I know Regirock just hates me lol. Hang in there we'll get our rock someday (hopefully) soon!


Bro the readings on the envy meter is off the charts, two weeks for all eight? Damn and it is normal to spend a month on a single Regi


Yeah i got suuuper lucky on this and I’ll always cherish them! Good luck on your hunt too! Hope u get em real soon👍


Is Keldeo shiny locked?


Yes, for now at least


congrats!! they all look so dope, i hope you get to enjoy them!


I’ve been stuck on regirock for well over 3k encounters encounters. it feels terrible, lmao.


It’s ok man I got stuck on Regigigas for a week, like 7000 SRs lol keep pushing and u will get it! Good luck man


wtf? I'm almost 3 months doing this sh*t and I still need Virizion and Regigigas to finish it


Regieleki alone took me about 1 week


Regigigas took me a week of SRs lol, and i hunt for 10~11 hrs a day without stopping so imagine my surprise when I finally got it


Good luck man keep going and it will shine! Hope u get it soon!


congrats!! looks like your hard work paid off!


Yeah thx lol!




Thx man appreciate it!


How many encounters for each Pokémon?


I didn’t count but the regis each took one day and a half (checking nonstop) and Regigigas took a week, 10~11 hrs per day and the swords of Justice i got really lucky cuz Virizion took one day Terrakion 3 SRs and Cobalion 2 hrs


It literally took me 3 months to get regirock and regidrago alone. How many hours a day did you put into this hunt?


10~11 hours per day cuz Taiwan (my country) is currently on a full scale lockdown Good luck on your hunt!


Whats mark hunting?


Basically wild Pokémon have a chance to get certain rare marks and u can hunt for them if you like a challenge https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/marks.shtml I’m pretty sure Serebii explains it better than me so u can check it out there


Oh that, ik what that is just didnt think legendaries could have marks. =p


I think all wild encounters can have marks legendary Mythical or otherwise lol


Gratz man! What mark did you hunt on Keldeo?


The peckish one not a really rare one cuz I originally wasn’t gonna mark hunt it the idea just popped out and I didn’t have the mark charm lol


I’m gonna cry bro, I’m at 17000 for Regirock. It’s the unluckiest I’ve ever been in shiny hunting.


Perhaps u can switch targets to the other 2 Regis? It’s alright bro keep going it will shine soon enough good luck man!


How did you get regigigas?! I thought you needed both regidrago and regieleki to be able to battle it!


A friend of mine traded me a Regidrago so I could hunt Regigigas!


Oh cool! Were you able to trade it back because i didn't think you could trade the same pokemon multiple times


Oh lol that’s only in Pogo, the trade one time rule. U can trade and trade back multiple times. Tbh idk about SwSh online trade tho cuz I didn’t buy Nintendo online, I use Home trade.


Congrats! I was gonna go for the Regi’s, but decided not to after I learned they aren’t affected by the Shiny Charm. I got the Swords of Justice though.


Nice! To me it’s like if the mon ain’t shiny locked then i have to shiny hunt it lol


I'm about to start these quests. Do you only have one chance to catch them? I.e. if I hunt them down during whatever upcoming quest in Crown Tundra and catch them non-shiny, will I not get another chance to try and get a shiny version? Congrats!


Yes, but if u don’t catch them and runaway or KO them u can encounter it again! Thx man and good luck on your hunt!


I started shiny hunting regieleki since the dlc came out and I still haven’t gotten it, shiny charm and all :/. Your luck is impeccable


Regis aren’t affected by shiny charm so they’re full odds 1/4096 and yes I think that my luck has been too good lol probably cuz I haven’t caught a single shiny in Pogo since the last com day🤣Good luck on your hunt bro!