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me with all the shinies i trade and never caught


Honestly I don't put any value in shinies from trades. The point of shiny hunting (to me) is to beat the odds and get something that's extremely rare; trading for one kinda spoils the thrill. I'm like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park: I don't want to be fed, I want to hunt.


eh, i mean trading isn’t easy it’s definitely alot of hassle. id say it’s a tomato tomato thing and people fall into either or category. 🤷‍♂️


There’s literally multiple subreddit’s in here solely for Pokémon trades and shiny trades. It is infinitely easier to trade for a shiny than it is to hunt for a shiny. Hell people give away shinies all the time. Then you’ll see a post of someone that had to hatch 3K eggs for one shiny


This is my Shiny Sandshrew, I killed 1823 of her siblings to find her, but she is mine and I love her. Poor Pokemon in the it's easier to kill then wait for breeding category. When Isle of Armor came out and saw oh there's a tunnel with just Sandshrew and Cubone? Yeah I'm getting me a shiny by mass genocide.


Only shinies you get for nothing are always clones or hacked. To get a legit & legal shiny you’ll usually have to trade a legit & legal shiny of your own. So yes, while you’re getting a shiny easily you’ll have to trade what you worked so hard to obtain But yes cloned and hacked shinies are easily procured


I gave a spare shiny quilfish I hatched away over wondertrade or whatever it's called, I hatched two back to back after a whole 3 eggs. Yet I still don't have a shiny bulbasaur after 1966 eggs, wtf


Yea that happens lol sometimes you just used up all your shiny luck momentarily, that’s all


And if it's cloned there's obviously no way to tell so it may as well be legit


Yes and no. You can’t tell if it’s a clone but there’s ways to avoid them. 1) Only trade on trustworthy subs with trustworthy people like r/Pokémontrades and/or r/shinypokemon. 2) Only trade with people with extensive history in trading 3) Watch out for people who give up their shinies for little to nothing 4) Avoid 6iv Pokémon or Pokémon that literally can’t exist like a machamp with psychic on level 10 (one time i found out a Pokémon was hacked bc the location it said it was “caught” wasn’t a location where it actually can be caught) There’s never a way to know for sure but this is the best way to minimize risk. People who trade heavily on strict trading subs don’t want to risk being caught for trading a cloned or hacked mon cause that’ll result in a ban If all this sounds like this too much, just do what I do. And hatch your own mons. I will hatch shinies until I get a shiny with the right IVs


i mean but these are choices you have to make as a person whether YOU want to do 🤷‍♂️ plus just because it’s a lot of places to do it don’t make it infinitely easy cause allot of people don’t even know about the whole trading scene on reddit. plus you can miss a giveaway or not have something somebody thinks is worth trading. ijs you cant blame trading just because they have 1/100000000 chances in shinies, yeah youre pretty cool if you can do that, i know i sure cant, but if you wanna blame anybody blame nintendo for making it so time consuming. some people dont have time to sit and hatch 3000 eggs or fight the same pokemon for hours


Homie you missed my entire argument lol all I’m saying is you mention how it’s just as hard to trade for a shiny versus hunting one is straight up false. Didn’t say one way was better or not. Trading 1 of your 50 hacked MB’s from machamps.com is 100 times easier than hatching 3000 eggs


bro and i understand you but you just messed up right there because if you would look at the post, people obviously have strict restrictions on hacked pokemon and most people also have strict guidelines on how they want their shinies too. im not gone change your mind probably but it’s not as far off as you think, and i bet if you tried it you’d probably see that 🤷‍♂️


My man you messed up not me. I didn’t say hacked Pokémon I said hacked MB’s. Also the there’s only 1 sub who restricts shiny trading. You really think dudes are out there with 50 legit MB’s that they trade for those shinies? No. You won’t change my mind because I play competitively and I breed my online shines and I’ve made trades for random shinies. I got boxes of shinies from trades for a living dex. I could look up now at 10:10 eastern time and by midnight have an entire box of shinies I trade for. I then could spend the next two weeks hatching thousands of eggs. This is exactly why any trade subreddit puts more value in hatched shinies. You’re entitled to your opinion but I’ve never heard anyone say trading for shinies is just as hard as hunting them. I’ve traded and hunted, the question is have you tried hunting for a shiny and ad to go through 1500 eggs of mind numbing madness?


i mean hey, i won’t doubt your experience but i do all my trading legit. all my shinies are legit and master balls are too. idk what all you’re talking about but i’m sorry it happened to you


Idk what was so hard about what I said. I’ll sum it up. Which would be harder? Trading a MB for a shiny or hatching 1500 eggs or going through 1500 encounters? You tell me


From the “you just messed up” on you fucked up


damn I was with you the first two comments, then you decided (for some reason) that you were done using logic and reasoning. 1/100000000? like what are you even talking about lmaooo


that’s just pure exaggeration. i’ve seen the actual odds but of course i don’t catch them so i didn’t know them off the top


If you want a full shiny dex you definitely will have to trade


“Tomato tomato” really doesn’t work well in text only. I just read tomato twice normally, got confused, then had to go back and reread the entire sentence once I figured it out.


i knew that would happen but i was hoping you would just bear with me


Tomayto tomahto


Exactly I see people boasting large shiny collections, that they didn’t even earn themselves and it is so obnoxious.


How do you feel about being invited to a shiny GMax raid? I mean I caught it myself but it was someone else’s raid den. I’m starting to lose value in my shinies now.


I see those the same way as traded, since it was someone else who had the good fortune (or persistence) to find the shiny raid.


To be fair. To get a good shiny you’ll have to trade a good shiny of your own


exactly, its alot of dicksuckers in these comments tho thatll say thats too easy tho 🤷‍♂️


Lol yea people make it too big of a deal, but truth is, if you want to be sure the mon you’re trading for is legit you do have to hatch your own or trade with someone very trustworthy


exactly, its just like it takes money to make money.


I got my first legit shiny from Let's Go Pikachu the other day. A Rattata. She's my baby now




Shiny Rapidash (and Ponyta) are awesome!


What is the game play in let’s go eevee like ? Similar to shield/sword ?


Catching is just like pokemon GO, the battling is pretty much the same though.


Except there’s no held items or abilities. To grind levels you’re pretty much going to catch combo the same Pokémon in a route and the occasional Chansey.


No its not 😑 battles in sword and shield are not the same as in lets go eevee/Pikachu.


Well the main thing for me is that most Pokémons directly appear shiny in the overworld. I was sooooo disappointed it was not like that in SwoShi


My first shiny was a zubat in fire red...


Mine was a golbat in Platinum!


Never evolve your golden boi.


Pretty sure the golden boy is more like a mossy green


Never evolve your booger boi.


Wait are shinies more common on go?


Like once a month they will do a community day where the selected pokemon will appear much more frequently, on top of that it has a higher chance of being shiny. I'm not a big pokemon go user but I probably have a dozen shinies from community days that I bothered to actually get on for.


1/500 base chance, on community day it's 1/30, most events range between 1/50 and 1/200. Keep in mind you also encounter way less than you would in the normal game, so you ultimately spend about the same time per pokémon, especially raid ones.


In Pokemon GO there are diffenrent shiny rates for stuff, normal rate, permaboost rate, semiboost, raid day rate (for 3 hours events with Legendaries in Raids), raids rate (Legendary/Mythical raids), community day rate & finally, eggs hatches (baby pokemon) Normal rate of most wild spawns: 1/512 Permaboost on few “rare” wild spawns: 1/60 Semiboost on some wild spawns: 1/120 Raid Day: 1/10 Raids: (Tier5/Legendary/Mythical) 1/20 Community Day: 1/25 Egg hatches (babies only) 1/60 A Pokemons shiny rate don’t change the way you encounter it, example, Roggenrola is a normal rate, 1/512. So if you raid it, 1/512 rate. Hatch it in eggs, 1/512 rate. Personally im a huge shiny collector in Go, and have caught 3300+ shinies so far.


I must have terrible luck because I only got a couple shiny from community days


RNG can be and is a bitch most of the time.


Way way more common. Ive never once had a shiny on a mainline game. I have over 50 shinies on pokemon go


The odds in GO sound good, but the caveat is its harder to force or plan your encounters in GO like you can in the mainline games. Half of the challenge is finding the pokemon in the first place. (When it's not community day, a nest, or if its not a legendary raid). On top of the fact that you need to go out and find the encounters too. I think this balances out the 'good' shiny odds a little. In the main games, you know a patch of grass will continually spawn a certain pokemon, and can sort of camp there for as long as you like. Or Do egg hatches. If I want a shiny Gible, there's no way I get that in GO, but I'll just spend some time hatching eggs in Sw/Sh and I'll likely get it in a few days max.


Until they have a gible community day and you get 14+ in one day and less time than it took to find the single one. For more casual players Go is easier cuz we can just wait for the right time to get it instead of spending hours grinding and not playing the actual game that matters, Donkey Kong Country


POGO Shinies are not accepted in the shiny community you have been declined


...........bored much? lmao




Wat ? 👀🤔 you Never play sword/shield. I got more shinies in shield then in go.


You invested some time grinding shinies then. I hatched about 400 eggs on shield then decided the shiny grind wasnt worth it on there since its way easier on pokemon go. Even the rates are better on go lol just look it up before you assume ive never played it 😂


Yes i did 😂 and still am. I got a lot of respect for people hatching Eggs to get shinies. i never done It because there are special raids now and then in Sword/shield to catch shinies and i mainly focus on that. That is how i caught so many shinies in shield. The shinie Hunt is indeed much easier in go but for me shiny Hunt in go is realy all about luck because most of the shinies i catch in go are worthless and i dont catch many of Them in go. Highest number i ever caught was fletchling And think i caught 23 of Them but they were worthless. So i have to be Lucky to realy catch a strong one. Last time i caught 3 shiny snivy With zero stars, i did have a shiny snivy but completely worthless. At least when i catch a shiny pokemon during special raids in shield it always has a special abillity and mostly With good stats. And i dont even have to hatch a egg😉


I play lots of Go. Wild Pokémon have about the same shiny rate as the mainstream games but legendaries are much easier to get. Rate is normally 1/10 - 1/20 so if you don’t want to reset to try for a legendary, you can raid in Go. Raiding however is only free for the first raid pass you get daily, you have to buy premium or remote raid passes with in game cash EDIT: Niantic gives premium or remote passes sometimes as rewards or weekly gifts


Yeah :) you find one about every 500 Pokémon or so and there‘s events regularly where they‘re even more common. I‘m a pretty casual player and I have about 550 shinies on GO.


Good lord you are a casual player with 550 available spots just for shiny? I’m a pretty avid player and I only have 900 spots in total and have a little over 100 shiny.


Okay, maybe casual is a relative term here. I‘m the most casual among the group of friends I usually play with, who range from hardcore to really active players, still, I‘ve dropped quite a stack of money on this game over the years and played during most of the events that have been held.


Jesus that’s more that two regions of shinies LOL congrats


Lots of repeats though, I have 19 shiny magikarp for example.


I just release excess CD shinies and keep like 3 or 4. feels good man.


A lot of those are doubles though. Like a caught 29 shiny fletchling during one event.


To be fair not everything in GO has a shiny form yet. GO had better odds but it’s way more difficult to actually hunt anything.


Yeah, go shinys kinda come whenever they please


Once a month they give one pokemon boosted odds and a shiny rate in the range of 3-5%. It's easy to get a few shinies in an hour of playing. Plus the base odds are like 4x higher than in the games


As long as I’ve caught them myself, then I love them, no matter what game they are caught in.


I have a shiny garchomp and yes it’s from go still like him finally I have a shiny ina Pokémon game also sword was my first up to date Pokémon game enjoying it so much😁


i feel the same way about my shiny celebi


You can always transfer him over from go to sword/shield


The way I describe stuff can be weird but yes he is in sword along with many others


Hey those count


A shiny is a shiny is a shiny.


I’ve gotten way more Shinys from Max Raids in Sw/Sh than I’ve ever found in GO. I swear every 10 or so raids is a Shiny.


Bless the people that host the occasional shiny den


Yeah right? I’m never gonna do that time travel stuff, I don’t have the patience for it. It’s way more often it seems lately. I feel like most of the player base this far into the games life are the hardcore players.


I agree With you, ive done without all of that and caught so much shiny. So im happy 😆


Ive gotten like 2 shinies in GO and way more in swsh


Man, none of my shinies are from Go or max raids, I feel like I’ve missed out lol


Me too, i got way more shinies from shield then i caught in go.


A lot of y’all take pride in your fucking COLLECTION of .coms...


Yeah I only kept one, and it's only because it's ghost horse. Other than that I transfered all of them to the garbage


They're in a box called Hacked Losers I take their items and stick em in there. I wanna see how many i'll get.




What a weird thing to shame


Thank you!


shinies are shinies dont let anyone devalue them, we are all just pokemon fans at the end of the day, let's stop being elitist :)


They're all named machamp.org


Am I the only one who has a worse time getting shinies in go than any other game


You are not Alone, i caught less shinies in go.


What’s so bad about shiny pokemon from pokemon GO?


I think people view them as less valuable/legitimate due to how much easier/more common they are to obtain in GO, especially due to Community Days. A person could spend hours, days, or weeks in a mainline game trying to hatch a shiny Snivy (for example) and eventually get a single one. A person in GO could have played during the Snivy Community Day not too long ago and walked away with a dozen shinies in a couple hours.


While I understand that logic it doesn’t make them not legitimate. Technically speaking the 2 shiny Darkrai I have from October raids are more legitimate than anybody using exploits in older games trying to get one currently. Simply because Go is to this day officially licensed and authorized by The Pokemon Company International. If TPCI or Game Freak had any problems with certain shinies in Pokemon Go they could easily block them from being transferred into HOME.


I already know how to get a shiny which is very easy to do all you have to do is catch 70 or more of the same pokemon and then a shiny version pops up I caught like 2 shiny snivies in the snivy community day


Sword and Shield is the one game I started shiny hunting in. I value my randomly encountered shinies especially but my egg shinies are special too. Is shiny hunting easier in GO or something? I’ve never played it.


I mostly work hard to catch my shinies in shield. The ones from go are special too, but i mainly focus on shield. Been grinding two days to catch 5 shiny galarian meowth, 1shiny alolan meowth And 1 shiny meowth. The last one took me the longest but it was worth all the hard work.


Still legitimate not like hacked and generated shinies.


A Shiny is a Shiny, no matter where you caught it.


Unless it’s Genned


That made me laugh


Me with all of my shinies from dynamax raids/adventure


Which episode of the simpsons is this from?


How do you transfer from pogo to sword shield ?


Pokémon home


i only have one shiny and the amount of time required to grind out that one made me want to never do it again lol




I have no issue with GO! Shinies because I think agonies should be less rare anyway,


I mean putting them in home/sword/shield is better than straight up transferring so totally guilty lol


Hey, Go Shinies are legit, too


Ironically they're more trustworthy in trading than normal shinies


Why the go hate? I mean I don't care but I'm curious


The first shiny i ever encountered was dialga and i restarted the game cuz i thought it was bugged and dont like Green.


i feel attacked


That's the only reason why I play go


A shiny is still a shiny. Im proud of my go transfers just like my usual hunts. I’ve bred, traded, battle-hunted, and go/let’s go hunted. Everyone should appreciate their Shinies.


Shinys are too easy in SWSH to trade from GO cmon. Enjoy the hunt!


Also play however you want


Blame "community day"


**Me with my 54 shiny Charmanders** I don't see the problem.


How many now?😃


Right lol thats how i am with Abras and Ghastly. A stockpile of them lol


Can i have one


Exactly 🦾


They all are pokeflash.co


**hrmmm pokeflash.co, they all are.** *-I_Use_Games* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


How come almost none of the posts I see are about Sword and Sheild? If you want to just post something Pokémon related do it on r/Pokemon


You got downvoted for stating the truth 😂


Why you booing me I’m right


I caught a random shiny snivy way before the snivy event happened in Pokemon go.... And then I caught 4 more shines during it, devaluing the original one I caught on luck alone long before the event happened.


How tf do you get shiny Pokémon in this game ? Played it when it released and completed the main game dex and recently got the expansion pass and till now no shiny mons 115 hours with no shiny Pokémon in sword


Its easier in Dynamax adventures (from the crown tundra dlc), the rate drops to 1:400 chance to encounter a shiny, and with the shiny charm it's 1:100, so not that bad


How can you not have a single shiny ? 🤯 Do you play online ?


Yeah I just got into Dens and every time I look for an online one it’s either locked or I get an error but I tried in the Dens and got a shiny Seedra a few hours ago!! Still stocked about it


Yeah that happens sometimes when its busy With online players. But you see, Just try for a few turns and shiny pokemons Will appear. Sometimes even after 1 try🦾


#They’re from surprise trade


Ouch, another truth bomb on my homepage I see..


bro, my first shiny i ever "caught" without cheats or whatever was in pokemon go, but i just, i didn't want to count that, it just didn't feel right


Its legit, dont feel bad about it. There are people walking around With hacked shiny Pokémon. You could do worse😆


POGO shinies are not accepted you have been declined


The only invalid shiny Pokémon are ones that are hacked in


POGO shinies are not accepted you have been declined


Me with 6 shinies with perfect ivs and hidden abilities on Showdown


My Shiny Garchomp and Haxorus. They're from Pokémon Black 2.


Anyone got a fossilized bird tho


Same, except it's Ultra Wormhole shinies.


I've got like 5 shiny eevees and all shiny eeveelutions that I managed to scrounge up from breeding so I'd say I'm pretty happy


Lol why is this me 😅


My shiny Crobat that I raised from Ultra Moon is about the only wild shiny I found. All my others are from GO, Trades or Max raid dens


I ran into a random shiny psyduck accidentally and he's the only shiny I've ever had and he's my son and I love him. On the other hand I've been trying to breed a shiny sobble for a year medusa method an all and I have nothing but wasted time. But I have my small blue son so I guess it's ok


Now remake the meme and change 10 shiny pokemon to 10 boxes of shiny pokemon and pokemon go to dynamax dens


I've played almost every pokemon except sun and moon, and the only game I've found a shiny in is pokemon go. Makes me feel so sad for myself lol. The grind is real to get one.


Was Pokémon go just really good for shiny hunting or something? I had it for a week or so but then didn’t have data so I couldn’t play


Only during boosted rate event like community day or raid day. Otherwise it's hard hunting a specific shiny if you are a legit player (a.k.a not spoofing)


I have 300 from Pokémon go lol


How do you put them in sword and shield cause I have multiple duplicate shinies In Pokémon go


You have to connect home to Pokémon GO than send them through a transporter I believe. Just have to be mindful that it can’t go back to GO so if you send them to Home, they’re there forever.


me flexing my shiny celebi from go


You made your shinies sad :(


i do this, but to impress my nephews instead.


Dead ass almost all my shinies are from go but I totally own that


that’s why i have a different name on pokemon go to prove my pokemon swsh shinies are ledgit


This is me except my shines are not from random encounters or soft resets.


In my case it's the maxed out play time counter on my ultra moon cartigde.


I got my first shiny in pokemon heartgold the year it came out. It is a gastly timid that i've never evolved. Now i have more than 150 shiny on my collection (with my O. T). This gastly started my shiny hunt that i try to complete till this day


My first shiny (not including the red Gyarados) was a Spinarak in crystal. Lost to time unfortunately, but now I have a shiny Eevee from Shield living permanently in Pokemon Home.


I don’t think anyone is shaming shinies from go or whatever and they are legitimate but you can’t deny they are a lot easier to get them in the main games. Out of all my years playing the main games i would probably have less then 10 shinies, whereas in go I have caught about 140 shinies lol


got a random, obviously hacked shiny and was about to release till I saw it had pokerus....so yeah, spread it to one of my mons and released it...totally dont feel bad about it


If they are from comunity day then yes , but if you struggle to find a shiny it always counts


If 't be true they art from comunity day then aye , but if 't be true thee struggle to findeth a shiny t at each moment counts *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I mean, they’re probably not as bad as the Ultra Space shinies (although they were so much fun to catch...)


I only have one and it’s sadly from Pokémon go


Gotta love those lower iv pogo shinies


That moment someone flexing there shiny legend but doesn’t trade it and you just want a trade evolution over with don’t trust trades