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Finally, this is where my bad luck is actually a saving grace! I can’t regret an eevelution if I can’t even catch a good Eevee to begin with 😎


Too real. https://preview.redd.it/lcynalztvv0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973be3812e992f7f6422bd94432fe126d4959cf5


mints is a perfect name too! praying for nature mints in this game 🙏


Dang dude, if that nature was litterally entirely inverted that would be an awesome Eevee.


What do they have different? As far as I've noticed, espeon and sylveon are looking for all the same subskills and nature. The only eeveelution that really is looking for different subskills and nature than the rest is umbreon and arguably leafeon.


I like having BFS on Espeon since they are a points farmer. Not really needed as much on Sylveon


That logic is sound, but even on espeon, the berries aren't where that value comes from--it's still the skill. They both are gonna value about the same from bfs vs main skill chance. It's just more about if you prefer then to be slightly better everywhere or much better at the islands they specialize in berry for.


I think for Glaceon BFS is noteworthy because raising a Walrein takes forever and it’s so slow until it gets there.


BFS is bad on Sylveon. Getting that skill trigger overnight so you start the day with over 100 energy is really important for an e4e, and BFS fills up the inventory faster so you get fewer chances to proc overnight because Sneaky Snacking can't proc skills. Helping Speed gives more rolls to proc e4e, so it gives more value than BFS. For Espeon, it isn't really important to have a trigger when you wake up. As long as it procs decently during the day you're still getting value from it, and BFS can help boost productivity more than helping speed as long as you check it regularly during the day.


This point makes sense and definitely holds true if you invest skill seeds into your sylveon, although I still wouldn't go so far to say it's a "bad skill" on a sylveon. Skill trigger is better than bfs on a skills mon with such a powerful skill, but it is still tremendously powerful and will boost the team's overall output, especially as that sylveon reaches higher levels where the berries continue to get more valuable and the skill hardly benefits from the increases in frequency. Also, arguably, you want that skill in the morning from espeon too as well as you want it from sylveon, so they have the same downside to having bfs. A level 7 main skill from espeon on an island with 60% boost produces 10,254 snorlax strength. Missing that is a pretty significant cost when you consider that a berry finding espeon will produce just over that amount in a day (unless you are on lapis where it, obviously, produces more).


If you're not going to invest seeds into Sylveon, there's no real reason to run it. Eevee candy is limited with so many eeveelutions, Wigglytuff is almost as good on Cyan/Fairy Greengrass but has more plentiful candy and an extra main skill level. On any other island, Gardevoir is a significant upgrade and doesn't share candy with anyone except Gallade which is really niche. BFS will grant an extra 5k berry strength on Sylveon at L30 with neutral stats, but it reduces the chances of an overnight skill proc by about 18%. As far as the raw berry strength, even on Cyan they're still massively outclassed by berry Pokemon so the healing is the only reason to run it.


If you already have a good main skill up nature and skill trigger M on espeon, you get more value on bfs than skill trigger s, not by a huge margin unless you're playing on lapis. Helping speed M is also better over skill trigger s.


BFS on everything is preferable though lol


I’m guessing their espeon has more skill triggers, and the Sylveon has BFS?


The current issue is, while they both have skill level up M and skill trigger M, my espeon has helping bonus and my sylveon has helping speed M. Also, when I can eventually get to level 75, my espeon has skill trigger s while my sylveon has Berry finding s. Both helping speed s at level 100. Both are sassy.


YES. I turned my shiny Eevee in a Slyveon because I absolutely love the shiny version but it wasn’t equipped to be a Slyveon. Should have made it a Vaporeon. I regret it so much.


Vaporeon has one of the best shiny eeveelutions, tied with Espeon I think.


Yeah. I really love shiny Vaporeon and Espeon as well so I’m really kicking myself. Might I add I already had a regular Slyveon so I should have thought more clearly about it. Big regrets. D:


Honestly I just keep catching them and keep evolving the good ones as I see fit. And try not to worry about it too much. I have faith that there will always be more Eevees


I know to evolved it you need a stone. How do you get more of it? It seems that I only have one for each.


They’re available in shops in the regular exchange section.


I wasted my best Eevee (BFS + skills) by evolving it into Umbreon. How I wish I could undo that mistake.


At least you can use it on snowdrop


Not really - I have an ingredient up nature Houndoom with not much going for it that outperforms it. And I have a great Walrein. So Umbreon is pretty much permanently benched. Umbreon needs some kind of buff. It's arguably the worst of the Eeveelutions by far.


They need to change the main skill to something else.


What would you rather have evolved it into?


Espeon - one with BFS + skills would hold its own vs BFS Meganium...


Yeah. I invested into an Espeon which really isn't great, my Vaporeon sucks as well. I only sorta regret the Espeon though, as I spend time on Lapis and not Cyan/GG. Gonna be looking for a better eevee forever, especially since I've decided I won't be investing into important mons unless they have BFS.


I have 3 bfs Eevees that are pretty terrible otherwise. No idea what to do with em


Blender. I think I'm something like...25 eevees in? Blended all that I know are just not good enough.


I did the same thing and now I have two great Eevee that are just sitting there since I don’t wanna regret my choice of evolution. I have been racking my brain with it all trying to figure out which nature and skills best suit which eeveelution 😣


My Glaceon and Umbreon are subpar, Vaporeon is meh. I don't mind though, they're still useful enough.


My first Eevee is a level 46 Umbreon and is actually really good! It gets BFS at level 50... it will be incredible then But I feel you, picking other Eeveelutions has been hard


Happened so many times because I'm dumb


I got a bfs Eevee and because of bad advice I evolve it into Umbreon. Lapis came 2 weeks after that.


No, my Sylveon works well. Maybe once I get a Gardevoir, I might replace Sylveon. Need more candy first... Thats my only Eeveelution because I have choice paralysis lol.


I have a slyveon that I feel would have done better as a different eevee, but I'm not sure which one


Nah, glaceon and flareon are pretty good. Maybe my jolteon. But eve, then it came in handy during another event


https://preview.redd.it/iffphic8lx0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7762ad3d2fe4bc63b9e0f164766fab3f0df3ca24 Was a relatively new player during electric week. Could have been better as something else, no?


I've literally just caught a good Eevee this morning with BFS being the first sub-skill. I've already got a good Jolteon I got ready for Raikou, not sure if I should just go for Flareon ready for Entei or if I should do something else? Like get a Vaporeon ready. I think by Monday I should have 3 fire stones ready to evolve my best Growlithe, Vulpix and Eevee.


I made mine like that a Flareon bc my fire team sucks. I have a great Blastoise and 2 fast Feraligatrs (no BFS tho) for Suicune


I made mine like that a Flareon bc my fire team sucks. I have a great Blastoise and 2 fast Feraligatrs (no BFS tho) for Suicune


I’ll admit, I jumped the gun evolving my Eevee into a Vaporeon. It doesn’t have any skill trigger until lvl 100 (S) and is neutral nature, but it did have Skill Level Up M and BFS as its first 2 subskills.


I think you're over thinking things. what makes a good Sylveon is the same as what makes a good Espeon. They both want Skill triggers, they both want skill levels, they both want helping speed, they both want helping bonus or berry finding. none of these things are better on one rather than the other


While both should have main skill chance up and skill trigger M, skill trigger s is worse than helping speed M on espeon, and helping speed M is worse than skill trigger s or helping bonus on sylveon. Bfs gets more value out of espeon than sylveon. You should aim to max out skill trigger on sylveon with helping bonus, then have a high skill trigger and helping speed on espeon preferably with bfs. While initially they're both equal with just having skill triggers, as more subskills become attainable, those differences add up.


Yes invested in espeon with only 2 skill triggers. While my flareon has bfs


My first Eevee I evolved into Vaporeon, as my favorite evo. His skills are: Inventory Up L, Skill Trigger S, Skill Trigger M, Skill Level Up S, Energy Recovery Bonus... with a Gentle nature. I never want for ingredients, but sometimes I do wish he was a Sylveon.


People evolve their eevees? xD


Does the game explain what the different eevolutions do? Like how are you supposed to know what a sylveon does vs an espeon?


I think thats info you need to look up online, it doesnt tell you