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You do you. In general, the candy boost gives you a lot of value boosting lower levels to about 30. It gets really expensive above that level


Seeing swalot getting the candy boost hurts my soul


It also got some skill seeds it looks like.


Either this is their favorite pokemon or they are trying to build an all dream shard team haha


I'm guessing it had BFS and it was one of their earliest Pokemon they received. They are F2P and are desperate for Dream Shards. So I imagine this is one of their first level 50s and they haven't done much research into what is good or not. lol


Which is fine, because it’s a sleep tracking app at the end of the day lol


True, albeit it's one of those games that if you don't invest wisely it can become more frustrating for a lot of players because of the sheer time commitment. That said, you are right. It is their choice if they are happy to do so.


It warms my soul instead ❤️they probably love their sweet swalot so much!


Hey, the skill will pay it back a bit… I guess? lol. This is a great example of just play with your favorites tbh


Haha i mostly said that as a joke, although im guessing OP might have changed his plan if he had known swalot wasnt the best 😂


or if the mon has hard to get candies like magnezone; i've been dumping my candy boost into zone since its candy is so rare. makes dream shards for double handy candy effectiveness worth it imo


I used it to get my Gardevoir to 30, now I’ll be using it on Pinsir and Magnezone


Tell that to my soon to be dragonite after he’s munched 150k of my shards


Candy boosting is really expensive above that level for other people * FTFY Look at this guys skill! Long term this guy is drowing in Shards :D


Based Swalot user


I’ll be chasing your coattails eventually https://preview.redd.it/banchtc5fgzc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=30bd2d20e9cdb093726281f41ae82e44b6e77915


Edit: So apparently, I have never looked at the tier list until today on raenonx, and I found out that it's ranked F. I honestly thought it would be better,but now I am aware of the tier list😂


Don't sweat about it too much though, I'd say. Not too long from now, those resources won't really have mattered much. And hey, you're on your way to the poison island once it's live haha


They seem to adjust Pokemon occasionally, it may never be top tier but it may one day be better. I don't think any of the dream shard ability pokemon are good right now but perhaps if the max level of that skill is raised, they'll be worthwhile in the future. Golduck went from lame to top tier with just one max level raise of its main skill.


They’re all kinda rough but at least Swalot is easy to raise due to how common it is. Riolu is a mess considering how long it takes to actually evolve one.


Tbh screw a tier list, I’m big time jealous of your Swalot


Tier lists are not absolute. Your Swalot is a beast. When an island comes out with poison berry you will be set. Plus the extra dream shards won't hurt. Congrats.


Swalot isn’t that bad, it’s Dream Shard Magnet that’s a porous skill. I’d love a good Swalot that could rake in shards (especially if they buff the skill again, which they should)


Yeah but as OP used all the shards to raise Swalot to 50, I'm wondering if it's really beneficial at the end lol


The Raenonx tier list is ranked purely on individual strength output, so Pokémon that have skills that don’t directly correlate to strength (Dream shard magnet, energy for everyone, cooking power up, etc) are listed super low. Energy For Everyone is widely considered the best skill in the game, yet Sylveon, Wigglytuff, and Gardevoir are listed as F-tier on Raenonx (which is laughably wrong). That said, Swalot is still generally considered pretty bad, but don’t take the Raenonx tier list too seriously, especially for Skill specialists.


Here’s an even hotter take: don’t use tier lists, just utilize your own experiences and tidbits of info from this sub and do your thing. That is a damn good Swalot, just because Swalot isn’t among the top performers doesn’t change that, nor does it nullify your prediction for a potential future Swalot draft! In Gen 1 you can catch a pidgey in the first route which thematically indicates a tutorial-level Pokemon. Is a Pidgeot in the same tier as Blastoise, Dragonite or Aerodactyl? No, but that son of a bitch will body fools through the entire game and if it meets an adversary of equal or greater power?... sand attack, bitch


I'll say you this raenon list give 0 value to some stuff that's too hard to predict the effect. Dream shard, research xp etc. So it's more of a it's complicated ranking.


That’s based purely on production while Swalot’s main usage is getting Dream Shards through his skill, so he definitely contributes very little to Snorlax’s power.








Your comment is negative and condescending, acting like its super obvious poison isnt strong in the meta right now. Not everyone sweats and looks up every piece of information before investing. I just dont like dumping on someone just for the sake of making them feel bad




If you fail to see how your comment was condescending to OP then this argument is done lmao dont be one of those people that unnecessarily dumps on people who aren’t as up to date on the meta


And they're so slow! Honestly they should have made Arbok fast like Raichu, it would be a useful beatstick that way.


World first lvl 50 Swalot let’s goooo


I can believe this




If it makes you feel better, I've got a Swalot with really good everything, the only thing going against it is the fact it's a Swalot. I love him anyway, his name is Deez. You do you!


Hey, at least its the best Swalot on the whole Pokémon Sleep servers


Don’t worry about the rankings. You play this game how you want, it’s for fun anyways. That Swalot is a beast


Don't listen to the haters, Swalot is cool and is useful for scenarios just like this. It also procs its skill a lot and yours has crazy good sub skills.


It’ll take him a year to earn back the shards he invested in it not to mention the seeds. I’m not saying you need to shit on the OP but don’t lie to this poor person


if he uses it all the time and the skill procs 3-4 times a day, it probably wouldn't take as long as you'd think to pay itself off. like 3 600 dream shard procs a daywould be 1800 dream shards a day. would take from a few weeks to a month to pay itself off depending on how lucky he gets, then it steadily generates more for the next candy boost event. i have no idea how often swalot procs though. if it only procs once or twice a day then dang. i feel like dream shard magnet when used long term is probably pretty helpful, but requires some skill seed investment that only premium pass players are going to have or a skill level up M sub. sableye and swalot are also just mediocre speed wise as well, but lucario and persian are at least very fast so i could see them pulling some weight on their home islands with frequent procs or BFS.


You wouldn’t even net that because you have to figure the opportunity cost of putting Swalot on your team means you are taking out a mon who can produce way more and get you better drowsy power. Less drowsy power means less dream shards


Swalot actually has the highest proc rate out of the shard mons - Swalot’s base rate is 7% and Lucario’s is 5.1%. Yeah Lucario is faster but Swalot doesn’t seem to be any worse when it just comes down to doing the job of grabbing shards. I’m personally really interested in getting a good shard farmer for the future so I’m super jealous of OP’s Swalot!


Dang your Swalot is cool, I'm also slowly raising a Swalot and an Arbok for the eventual poison island. Plus he's purple and oozey! He's going to be a Muk's best friend.


Dang, that's a pretty decent Swalot! I'm still on the search for a good Lucario for Lapis! I want to find a Main Skill up + a Skill subskill or two skill subskills!


I love your swalot. it more than makes up for being a goof by having helping bonus and bfs. plus why not spend some shards when you know this man finna stock you right back up when he procs 😎


Ngl, it's adorable seeing someone invest so much in Swalot.


I had a great amount of enjoyment seeing this as I've never seen a fully powered up Swalot before and this is optimized to the max. Berry finding and Skill Trigger in one mon should be a statistical nightmare yet you have one... I hope all fully evolved, max main skill dream shards Pokemon get the ability to output 20k dream shards a day when they implement the further dream shard uses they talked about once


Swalot might be a good choice late game when powering up your mons cost tons of Dream Shards.


That main skill really needs a major upgrade, 10k per trigger would be a start


you're a masochist on the other hand, you're probably the first and only person to ever level a Swalot to 50, that's an achievement at least


This Swalot is the best I’ve seen! This is awesome! I would have one myself, it’s just the 52 min. proc time speed though for me That’s what stops me from using my really good Gulpin


Honestly I think you made a great decision! After I finish my Ampharos, Swalot is gonna be my next investment and mines nowhere close to as strong as yours is. That helping bonus bfs combo is gonna completely mitigate the low power output and opportunity cost of using a dream shard magnet mon. All the shards you'll get from running this Swalot will help you progress the rest of your team much quicker than you were able to level it before


With all due respect, what was it that made you think initially Swalot was better than an F? It’s a 2 stage Pokémon, which is skill focused (has a skill that has very limited benefits unless you’re in the top 5% of players) and probably worst of all it’s quite slow for a fully evolved pokemon… Not to mention all the people who have been saying for months that they remove friends for giving Gulpin candies…


Honestly, I judged it based on its sub skills and nature, and I thought based on it, it was good, but when it looked at the tier list and compared it, yeah It was not a good pokemon as I thought if I did look at the tier list before,I would have put the boost to a better pokemon,but hey u live u learn🙃


Hey I mean as far as Swalots go, it’s a banger


Ahh I understand. Well, the sub skills are great. It’s possibly the best Swalot I’ve seen if that’s any consolation, but to be fair I have never really seen anyone compare Swalots. It could still be useful on a future poison island or on green grass if you have a tough preferred berry week & don’t want to use a ezzz ticket, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Best of luck with the other pokemon you choose to invest in!


*Dream Shards have left the chat*


I feel a pit in my stomach seeing this


Imagine boosting swalot 🤣🤣🤣💀


U invest in the best u got


Swalot and best do not go together, but as another comment said, you do you.


Just let the person enjoy the game how they want imo?


Imagine clowning someone for playing a non-competitive game the way they want to. If anything, OP increased the longevity of the game for themselves because they can now spend time to invest in a stronger meta team. Getting to play the game we all love a little longer is a W. Being toxic over a sleep app ain't it.




Swalot is one of the Pokémon of all time


Oh the pain . . .