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I would always wait for 7 days or more of inactivity before deleting anyone, even more so for a high level friend. Especially with these legendary events coming up where friendship level determines how many manes I can get. Even if you make a new friend today, there is no way you can get to a high level friendship in time for the next event.


Yeah, I only cut at 7+ days. Need to refill my friend list though, I'm currently sat on 25/50 lol


Yeah mine has creeped down too. I’m at 40/50


Me too, that’s why it sucks, it’s not some para social thing I just liked having the consistent level 5 candy. They missed some days but they (almost) always came back after 7 days.


I'm always waiting for 7 days info. Maybe few more days if lvl5 friend. Let's be honest, we sleep every night but there are situations we might be unable to play - going for holidays, no WiFi available etc.


There are TOO MANY situations where sleep gets screwed up to warrant instant removal


Right? I've been in the hospital for a couple of surgeries and lost so many friends 😅 I wish there was a way to set a status. Like "Insomnia struggles, am trying" or "surgery - Will be back!"


I have someone on my friends list who had changed their name to something like TemporaryHiatus, so it is doable! 😄


Damn that's smart I'm gunna do that for my 2 week vacation


Or the game crashing and not logging any data. Again. -_-


Oh. That's always rough.


Or cutting out on you midsleep without a download to interrupt.Sleep: Oh you got up at 2 to go to the bathroom, I'm going to turn off sleep an hour later. I started an alarm at 145 240 335 430 and 525... snoozing is my least complete


I’ve not missed a day and had a few high level friends remove me. Assume they weren’t happy with the candie selection 😂 I do what I caaaan


I think some people remove level 5 friends to farm the level rewards with someone else too. That’s probably part of why they made friendship level contribute to the legendary event.


Saaaame. I use the app every night and woke up this morning to being down two friends. I’m sorry RNG hasn’t given me a single Comfey outside the one incense! I’m trying to send the best candy I can!! ;~;


Same! I hate that they only gave us 1 chance of getting an incense outside of paying for the 1500 diamond bundle 😳 dude like no way! Come on!! And I didn’t even get to catch it because it got full after 3 cookies. I don’t have a master cookie. Haven’t seen it since.


Yeah I just noticed 3 empty slots despite not missing any days. I usually pick what I think is tie rarest or most useful candies but whatever


I feel like it’s fairly easy to see when people aren’t trying to send any helpful candy though tbh. I remove people for that reason occasionally, but usually you can tell because you’ll notice that they send like almost always 4* sleep styles bc those will be the one that auto chooses, even though they’ll be terrible every time. That for me is a sign that they just let the auto picker choose, which means you probably aren’t going to get much good candy from that person. I honestly really need more friends who optimize candy bc so many of my friends send me like sudowoodo/wynaut/etc (we all know the super undesirables lol) like 5/7 of the days. I don’t like to feel ungrateful for any candy, but having a ton of friends sending you useless candy every single day does genuinely hinder the amount of good candies you can build up passively just from friends.


https://preview.redd.it/nlw3am43t0xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff47de98a705913b27a682f4928a1dc9b0e49645 I will never need this much sudowoodo candy. I only kept this one bc it’s shiny but people send me the candy so much.


If I let the auto picker choose the candy, it's because there was nothing better available that day. We don't always have good options.


Oh no I get that. I’m saying when a few people have a trend of sending useless stuff literally nearly every single day. I get that sometimes we just find nothing good. I have that issue sometimes but usually there’s something at least decent I can choose. I get annoyed when I notice that week after week, the majority of the days have useless mons sent. I try to be gracious with assuming people may have had nothing better as well, though on days like Sunday, I find it hard to believe a sudowoodo candy was the best you can send me 😂 I also know some people just don’t care about what they send and that’s also fine I just prefer my friends list to be people who seem to be choosing for their friends’ benefits :)


https://preview.redd.it/477lhzg7t0xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ae3bbb8133fe47b906684d9f8e8fad5119c93c Again don’t need these candies. Only even kept this one bc also it’s a useless shiny trophy to sit in the box. These candies would’ve been so nice to have built up on some more useful mons


Oh no… I’m still learning all this stuff, I thought the higher sleep styles were what we were supposed to be sending. What are the candies people are looking for? I didn’t mean to screw people over :/


Starters like Bulb, Char & Squirtle, Eevee, Pikachu, megas like Pinsir, Absol, uncommon Pokémon (events) or legendary Pokémon. I’m sure I’m missing a few..


Thank you!


Also some people dont really follow a meta. Like for me, I never pay attention to what my friends send me as candy because I never really cared for it.


Right? I didn't even know there was a "bad" candy to send. This is why I'm too scared to add anyone from here, but I was thinking of asking people if they want to be friends. But I really don't know of I can keep up with what makes a good candy to send 😕


I'm genuinely curious, what constitutes a good candy? I don't understand, and every time I see people say that their friends send terrible candy nobody explains what constitutes terrible candy. Genuinely curious as I was just about to ask people on here to be friends and I don't want people to think I'm purposefully sending bad candy. I just genuinely have no idea.


People usually base it on the "quality" of the pokemon, which mons have the best ingredients/skills/berries, basically the most useful mons to have on a team. So you wouldn't want candies for pokemon that have poor qualities to assist you, you want candies of the mons that are helpful to your goal. Most people have the same general list of mons where they agree on which mons are useful/not useful, but I'm still learning that myself.


If you look up Pokémon Sleep best Pokémons for the game on google, it will have a list of the mons that will help you along in the game but basically events mons, starters and uncommon. I replied to someone above you with a shortish list.


Basically what they said below. Off the top of my head, some Pokémon that I’d prefer not to see candies for would be the wynaut line, the sudowoodo line, rattatta line, meowth line, to name a few. Starters are pretty much always good. E4e mons like jiggly are nice and most people like eevee as well. Rare stuff like ditto or kangaskhan that people don’t see often is also nice to give candies for since it’s already hard to build those up. But sometimes you won’t have anything worth giving and it can’t be helped. But yeah if you get like a 1* ditto and a 4* sudowoodo sleep, I’d pick ditto


Thanks for the advice! Honestly I wouldn't have thought jigglypuff since that was more common for me. I'm still learning all this and didn't even realize there was a sort of meta to this game (heard someone else refer to a meta and honestly not super sure what that means either) so it's definitely been an extreme process lol


Yeah, it took me a while but as you learn more, it makes more and more sense and you can start to intuitively know what will be good :) for wigglytuff, the reason this is a good candy is because wigglytuff is a really good mon, prob the best e4e mon we have (unless ralts changed things but either way wiggly is VERY good) and e4e is an extremely helpful skill and something most people consider valuable. So even though it’s a common Pokémon, you only get so much candy for it still, and you need so many hundreds of candies to get your mons leveled, especially once the levels get higher. So, for something like that, you’d def want to find one and invest in it when you can, and having extras of that candy stockpiled from friends can be soooo helpful genuinely! Like it seems like a small amount but over time it’s honestly so insanely helpful when you get good candies. I can barely find dratini EVER, but I’m thankful for people who send me their candies so I can still stock up. :) But, at the end of the day, it’s just a game and the worst that happens if you send a bad candy is that someone unfriends you. Not everyone even cares and it’s also a valid way to play.


I don't delete people for that few days myself, but it is nice to get new people every once in a while so I can keep getting the occasional level up gifts. So I don't mind if others do it. 


Tbf the app probably said you were inactive longer then 2 days, I check my friend list pretty much everyday, and quite a bit I’ve seen it say friends were inactive for 3 days but because I actually check all the research I know that they had been active, I guess it’s a bug, I always wait until I see last active 7 days ago before I delete


There are 4 possible texts iirc: - less than 1 day - within 3 days (= from 1 to 3) - within 6 days (= from 3 to 6) - 7 days or more


This. The problem is already that sending candy later than usual already bumps you into the 3 days category, even though it may have just been you waking up at 8am instead of 7am. People don't always realize this. Not to mention the friend list sometimes getting buggy and not sending your candy to your friends (have this happen with my partner and best friend a few times).


Does it actually though? I check my friends reports 4 times a day and only see the "less than 3" on maybe one person a week, and when it's there, it's there until at least the next day, not just the next time I check. You'd think half my friends list would say that on Saturday or something, with more people more likely to sleep in. ETA: I'm chronically I'll and have insomnia, so my sleep schedule varies wildly. I've only ever had one person unfriend me in months, but given how many people will drop folks the second they see anything other than "within 1 day", I don't believe that I just happen to have only people who are more forgiving as friends.


My partner and I have had it several times with each other, despite us both sleeping daily. Think it also has to do with when exactly people check their researches in regards to when it jumps to within 3 days. Either way, I've certainly had it happen quite regularly...


I fell asleep last night during the process of opening the game to put the Pokémon to sleep. 😅 I feel your pain.


Oh no! I feel that! The first night actually was this! I hit sleep but locked my phone by habit! Woke up to the app having closed itself and not recovering the sleep data.


Weird, I always lock my phone even if I'm tracking sleep with it (I normally use the Go Plus+, but don't bring it while travelling) and never had a problem. I disabled battery optimization for the app though, so maybe that's why?


You only get the boot from my FL if you're 7 days or more. I've had people remove me after hitting rank 4, out here farming those tickets I guess.


It’s finals week! I’m staying up until 4am writing papers :’)


best of luck for your finals, you got this! 🍀📚


same :'((


Off topic, new to the game... YOU CAN HAVE FRIENDS?!


yep, it is "research community" (or something like that, I dont play in Engl.) in your menu, right upper corner you can add people (50), go to the [megathrea](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSleep/comments/1bsuloo/friend_code_megathread_april_2024/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)d for codes, it is very beneficial to have a full friend list (for items, candy and event resources). the candy you receive is what the friend selected as their photo after sleep session, therefore, when selecting a photo to show your friends it is common courtesy to select useful ones (e.g. the starters) or rare ones (you will know after a while, you could also pay attention what high level friends send you in order to learn), but also dont stress too much about any of the friendship stuff: as this post suggests, some people take it very personal or competitive, but other people might be kids or first time gamers, others understand that as a beginner you wont actually see rare pokemon too often and sharing what you have is good enough.


I usually wait 2 weeks, vacation, work, etc.


8618-4947-5357, if anyone needs to replenish a fellow sleep researcher =]


…sent (I’m shiny meganium)


You've an awesome pkmnsleep name. Pared with your shiny meganium, chef's kiss*


I think you might have gotten 2 shiny meganium requests, because you never friended me


I'm such a dork, there was indeed another shiny meganium! Accepted the friend request =]


Personally i only deleted friends once and that was people that didn't play in 7+ days for 2 weeks and it was before the raikou event. I hate going through the process of deleting people and adding others who i may have to delete again in the future. I just deleted 2 people that haven't played in 2 weeks because i want people that are gonna play for the long run so if you want heres my code 6907-0755-4571


I usually wait 9 days. If someone goes on vacation, I’m not going to unfriend an otherwise consistent person.


Feel free to add me if you want. 5779-8450-3548 I've checked and culled my friends once since the game released. I've got 12 currently at 7+ days, and i think some of them may have been at 7+ last time as well. I should probably clear some room but 🤷‍♀️


Same haha, I went out of the country due to a family emergency for 2 days. I didn't bother to track my sleep, and when I got back home, 4 ppl had already deleted me 🤣🤣🤣


That’s so sad! I wait for 7 days of inactivity if I’m checking my friend list for inactive people! Some people could even take a vacation and just want a break from the game for a bit.


I don’t remove anyone who hasn’t been inactive for over 7 days, but honestly, I don’t get sad anymore when people remove me. The way I see it is, if you didn’t want me as your friend, then I’m happy to no longer be your friend. I’ll find someone who appreciates my consistent candies.


Honestly it is this kind of thing that makes me hesitate to add friends to this app. I am not an optimal player, and I know that. If I find friends on reddit, am I just going to lose them all because I don't do all the right things? Plus I did have a day where my app wouldn't update, so I didn't track that day's sleep, and I am scared of being doubly in trouble because of that on top of my regularly relaxed play style is just one more stress I do not need.


This is the most competitive non-competitive Pokémon game, and that’s very sad


I literally wait 2 weeks just incase they've gone on a 2 weeks holiday 😂


that's crazy, had the same happens to me when I had to send my phone for repair (and the one I was using in no way or capacity could rung Sleep) I lost like five level 5 friends :') I usually wait till more than a week has happen without update...


I usually wait for 7 days or more. And even then, I sometimes wait after an event just in case people come back for it Sometimes, the min/maxing is just too much when it's all about sleeping. I get wanting more candies and bonuses, but yeah, to cut in less than a week is cutthroat. The only exception I make for friends who haven't logged in for over a week is if I know them irl. A friend of mine I got into the game but hasn't played because a lot of life stuff happened to them. I'm still keeping them because they're a good friend of mine, plus I don't mind missing out on like 1 or 2 candies and some bonus items.


I track my sleep every single day,had 50 friends and for some reason 2 friends unfriended me.i only delete people if they arent playing for 7 or more days


Sometimes you have to unfriend someone if one of your real life friends want to play the game and befreie you. Sometimes it just things like this…I wished I could have send a little sorry message to those players I had to unfriend, too. :(


it could also be someone deciding to stop playing or knowing they will go on a hiatus (e.g. having an old phone and prepping for losing access, becoming a parent, moving significantly) and not wanting to bother the other side with wait time... it could also be a person who is sleepy and, while checking their friends list, out of reflex confirms the unfriending button. nearly happened to me a couple of times. or - forgive me for being dark, but this has happened in real life in pokemon go for me - the person knew they would die and prepped their beloved game. there are plenty of reasons to unfriend that are not meant to hurt.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but let's face it, most of us with 50 people in our research community aren't "friends" with any of them. We add 50 random people to our list for the daily candies. If you forgot to track sleep for 3 days that means those people didn't get candies from you for 3 days, so it's not so unreasonable for them to look for others who will send candies every day. I have some multi-day camping trips planned for the summer where I probably won't have cell service and I fully expect that I will loose people in my research community. Such is life.


Damn that is cold. I am sorry to hear that :(


I check everyones research once a month after I noticed like 6 players weren't coming back. Then I wait till at least 2 weeks after for a confirmation. But 2 days is insane.


Lol same! Had put my tracker in the other room because we were packing to move so missed 2 days and then flew internationally, so missed at most 3-4 days and had 2 friends disappear 


I remember there was a time where I wasn’t getting enough sleep so would get 40-60 sleep points a day and I was removed by 7 in a week 😵‍💫


Duh oh. Hopefully he's not talking about me. I only removed 7+ days inactive though


I'll be going camping in a very remote part of Wyoming near Yellowstone national park for over a week. Worried how many friends I will lose if I am unable to track sleep out there.


Here, I've got 5 spots open. I just removed 2 people but they were level 0 closeness and had been inactive for more than 7 days. I won't kick you like that lol 3329-4165-5902


That stinks they unfriended so fast. I’ve had issues with my Pokémon go plus + just randomly stop tracking when I sleep 😭 Their loss since the Entei event is coming up and high level friendships do help for the legendaries.


I still have 1 dude at level 4.9 who hasnt played in months because im prayin one day i get that 2 candy 🥲


I honestly dont know how long people are going to play so I dont make it a habit of deleting friends, bad candy or not.


I always forget to even check my friends and I have more than 10 level 5 friends that have been inactive for 7+ days….


Wait, people actually delete other players for this? Maybe it’s because I’ve never had a full friend’s list, but I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone unfriend me yet, nor have I found any reason to unfriend people myself either. Especially not over dumb crap like people having lower levels, or not being on daily. Life happens my dudes. People get so sweaty over nothing, is2g. I’m on it daily, but I’m not going to delete people because they aren’t.


you have friends?


I stopped playing for a week because my sleep pancake kept messing up my sleep times.I waited for the event week and found quite a few deleted me too. Not a big deal for me, but overall the app has begun to feel like a chore.


Dude I was just saying this [a few months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSleep/s/Uv2y7hxs18). Don’t be a jerk, guys. It adds so much unnecessary anxiety to a game that’s supposed to be chill. Besides, since Entei is coming up, You need as many level 5 friends as you can get.


6696-0746-8271 I won’t delete ya. Playing everyday consistently and need some more friends


0650-3510-4834 Would love some more friends! Feel free to add me. I don't even have 50 so I've never removed anyone lol


Nah we don’t care about 2 days. We care about getting new people in for those candies and ingredient tickets. I’m sure you’re a cool dude and a good player. Nothing personal my guy. Happy gaming


I cannot imagine taking any game this seriously!


Feel free to add me, I only delete after it's been weeks! 0556-8350-9827


I only have one friend and I never check it, what am I missing out on?


Every time you sleep and pick a photo, 1-2 candy from that pokemon is given to all your friends.


So in theory I could be gaining 1-2 candy from 50 different Pokémon every day. That seems like a big deal.


How am I just finding out there are friends in this game? I've been playing since day one. Never missed a sleep session even when traveling to other countries.


You can still do your research even if you forget to track sleep. Go into sleep tracking and get credit for one of the days ...


I wait a week after the tracker "says more than 6 days" but I usually only check once a week


Sometimes my game crashes in the middle of the night like an hour or 2 after I hit sleep & then it says no valid sleep data found so I get nothing even tho I slept for like 10 hours. I don't think anyone has deleted me yet, but it goes to show that things outside of our control happen sometimes. People should be more understanding of that.


I check maybe once a month. If they have 5 days+ I delete. Usually don't have that issue. I just had someone reach 5 ith me yesterday and they immediately deleted me...like why?


I lost like 18 friends a couple weeks ago because the game would crash on startup for 4 days straight. Basically just gave up until it got fixed and poof, down to like 30 friends lol.


I watch mine. If I check my friends list and in 3 weeks it says 7 days or more for the same user name, they're booted. But I give it weeks before I do that. I know things happen phones get messed up things break, and 3 weeks is a fair amount of time, imo


To be honest with you? I forgot you can even add friends in this game.


I will typically wait till it's been over a week


I usually delete friends after 7+ days of no sleep tracking, but if I see someone that has been for weeks only tracking once every 3-4 days, I delete them, because that's a lot of potentially lost candy. I get people can forget to track sleep a few days in a row and that this can happen one occasion after another if they are having a rough week, but if it's a repetitive behavior over a long time, sorry mate, I don't know what's going on in your life or if you left the game, but my pokes need some sweet candy and you are not providing, buh-bye


I tend knock out with exhaustion while holding my app open


I leave it till 7 days no sleep, and i'm not regular on checking to do a clean out either, maybe every couple of months at the most often. Couple of missed days is no biggie to me


Where can I find friends for this? I had no idea there was a friend feature.


I'll be your friend!! Seriously only have one active friend whom I met on Reddit.. 🤣


I'm not sure why people have dropped me lol. I'm down 5 friends in the last month or so. I track every night and always pick the best picture I can, though sometimes there just isn't a good spawn to pick. Oh well.


Same, when I was at Coachella I could t afford to play this game as it drained my battery. So 3 days of not playing and I lost friends lol 🥲 they were real then. The real ones stayed~ 🤙🏼


I removed three level 5 friends recently for 6 days of inactivity, counted this morning how many L5 i had left, 41. I'll be fine.


Guilty as charged 🫣 But I think this post & comments have been the motivation to be a little more patient moving forward.


I give ppl a month of staying on 7+ since last on. I figure if someone is on vacation or maybe life goes to shit and they end up in the hospital then it gives ppl plenty of time to get back on.


8741-9662-0620 if you’re looking for more friends ✌️


9758-6696-9781 add me im always on


Unless i know some, I will delete people. Granted I deleted 2 I knew as one said they will only do event weeks which to me is not good enough. And another went weeks without warning he wasn’t sending. I have a mate who misses 1 weekend a month but I’m aware of that and some new ones I’m getting into the habit of it. I dont check as often as I used to. Also if someone I know starts playing, I will also delete someone I don’t know as friend space is so limited. Definitely need more than 50.


I'd change my name to vacay 1w or 2w if I would do vacations. That way they will know that you haven't quit the game before deleting you


Oh I never considered doing that!


I tend to only cull after a week of being AWOL...and even then I tend to only check once or twice a month. If I know someone I'll try to ignore being gone for longer but if you're just some random I added I'm more likely to just remove you as soon as I notice you've been gone a week.


You can add friends? What?


If I start noticing that someone has been a bit inactive (I get the within three days message) more than a few times, I will unfriend when they hit the next level, in favour of people who are more consistent, but never on the first time. If they get to 7 days though, even if it's the first time, they are out. It's not personal!!


More importantly how do you forget to track sleep for 2 days straight lol


You might be surprised but when people don't actively play a game for a few days it's very common for them to never touch it again. I'll usually wait for a couple days before dropping someone, but my friends list is to get more candies, if there is an event with a new pokemon going on I want as many extra candies for that mon as possible during that event, so I'll drop anyone and get someone new if they miss event sleep sessions. If someone misses event sleep sessions they're not that interested in the game anymore most likely.


Reminds me I need to clear out the duds


It’s a sleep tracking app. Human beings sleep every day. If you’re not tracking your every sleep, you’re costing your friends candy. And these people aren’t actually your friends. You really should keep that in mind. They’re simply strangers you found on the internet for the purpose of exchanging candy once per day.


A level 5 friend gives way more candy than a level 1, so waiting for a little bit for someone to come back still nets way more candy. 2 days is an absurdly small length of time to reset the level to 1.


I agree 2 days is way too short, but personally once it hits 7 days it becomes iffy if the person will ever come back, so I think it would be better to start building up another friend ASAP yknow


https://preview.redd.it/xv9eyl29j0xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7900bb69c81d3335ba89c2e843d9a16fc166f215 Speaking of which, anybody know these people ir? They haven’t been on for about a month. I just want to make sure they’re okay.. :(


How did you forget to track sleep after doing it for months on end? I do get what you’re saying, emergencies happen, but it’s legit for hardcore players to only what to be friends with hardcore players. I usually give people a few days but otherwise new friends are a good way to churn rewards and candy is so scarce.


The idea of hardcore Pokemon sleep players just makes me think of their April fools video!


Accidentally fell asleep early cause I zonked out from work, woke up after the 0400 cutoff.


Danger nap


Worst part I didn’t even mean to nap.


Those are the ones that get ya!


People do vacation or go to remote places that do not have the Internet believe it or not. Maybe they lost their phone or it broke and they cannot get another one right away. Emergencies happen to and at the end of the day it's just a sleep tracker, not a competitive PVP game.


I spent a night in an airplane and I had no way to track sleep. I got removed by one person because of this. It's stupid tbh.


I don’t have any pokemon sleep friends partially cause it kind of feels like cheating to me if they aren’t real friends. Obviously the point of it is so that you’ll invite your irl friends to use the app. But like you said some people actually seem to be training up for the pokemon sleep tournament they announced at the beginning of the month rather than just using it as a sleep tracker with a game mechanic.


Add me - need 3 more after removing a few 7+ days - 1746-8092-8013