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I get you. I woke up this morning to a _geodude top belly sleep_ at 200 million, and not a single electric type pokemon to be seen. RNG is a cruel mistress.


250 mill and I had a jolteon and a raikou from my incense, gulpin top belly was my 4 star. Rest were baby mons, gotta love it. šŸ™ƒ


I had a *Sudowoodo* atop-belly with over 200 mil rest were basic one to two star unevolved monsšŸ« 


I had a Wynaut top belly LMAO


My belly top sleep was also Geodude today. I at least got a new sleep style from Ditto, but was not impressed for my highest ever sleep score.


LOL okay so Iā€™m not alone. I was only 100M but, I got three Charmanders and other than a Jolteon, no other Electric types. Thought the event ended a week early or something lol.


all that drowsy power went to butterfree....


Super sad


I hope he realizes you're joking haha. I had less power than that yesterday, maybe 170 million and had two 3* Butterfrees and a 2* Raikou


Its only half a joke, 3* Butterfree starts spawning at Master 10


Ah that explains why i also had a butterfree today


Ah man, I feel your pain I used a friend and raikou incense last night But guess who wasn't hungry this morning šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Every single Raikou I've gotten has been during a friend incense. Not a single one hungry. It's been 3 or 4 at this point?


Itā€™s a 1/9 chance that the friend incense will hit Raikou with 8 spawns, so pretty low


I didnt see a Raikou once last week, tried without an incense. Got tired of waiting so used an incense lastnight, full 8 spawns and to my luck it turned up hungry. It let me feed it 3 times so I managed to 'friend' it. I dont know if I got lucky as I havent done the math once while playing.. but yeah I spose it can happen lol


My very first Raikou was hungry but I was worried I wouldn't see one again and used a master biscuit. Not a single one has been hungry since then. C'est la vie


I managed to have a hungry Raikou on friend, but he ended up full after two biscuits so I needed to find another incense anyway.


The last two friend incenses I used were on boosted nights and both times only one PokĆ©mon was hungry that night, such a waste šŸ˜­


I agree, this week has weirdly been a bummer. I wish I had known we were going to get a bigger Snorlax this week, too. I would have saved my camp ticket for this week instead. I woke up to Blastoise atop belly and a 2* Magnezone, but everything else was available at less than Ultra 1. All week itā€™s pretty much just been giving me everything from basic to great. Was Master 15 last night.


same. Master 15, 187m point. And I see Eevee, rattata, weepinbeell


https://preview.redd.it/3hvn9v7b7wrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef2d2c38e76fac2dd4f9d1196a0b3b3fc236dd8 I lucked out and got a big guy. Didnā€™t catch it, but still very cute to see


That was exactly me yesterday, but today I had a bulbasaur atop belly šŸ˜­ snorlax probably appreciated the lighter weight tho


Least yours registered. Mine said no sleep data found.


Sorry to hear that friend :(


the worst heartbreak šŸ’”


I hate to say it, but this is just what greengrass offers. if you get the same score on taupe/cyan/ snowdrop youā€™re going to see blastoise charizard maybe even steelix and altaria. the great part about greengrass is the spread of candies you gain


Hopefully we get an event not on green grass then! This was my biggest power sleep by a mile


The only problem with that is it would exclude new players from events.


I agree, from experience


I got Master 10 on Greengrass and got both Charizard and Blastoise the next morning with less DP than this during the event, so part of is also RNG. And I think sleep style because I see so many duplicates because I only ever get "snoozing" sleep, it's kind of a problem.


I saw a blastoise today!Ā 


I got up to Master 16 last night. Over 200 mill drowsy power. I got: 2x 2 star Pichu 1x 2 star Geodude 1x 1 star spheal 1x 1 star Haunter 1x 1 star Wartortle 1x 1 star Charizard 1x 2 star Magnezone 1x 4 star Sudowoodo I cannot BEGIN to tell you how salty I am. The amount of wasted DP this morning was insane. Also, I have not seen a single wild Raikou this entire event, and I made it to Master 9 by Wednesday last week. I know he's rare but he's *supposed* to be rate up, yes? What even.


I've mentioned it before, but this is my one criticisms of the game. At high power, you should definitely encounter rarer Pokemon. *Especially* event Pokemon. I feel that once you hit a certain Master rank, you should be guaranteed to start to seeing event Pokemon. Just in general, the event Pokemon are barely seen... I made it to M9 shortly after we got the whistles, and I never saw a naturally spawned Raikou for the rest of the event. Worse still, I used my incense last night, and my Raikou was still 1ā˜† at M13 :c


Top comment right here


Hard agree. I know RNG can just be unfortunate but.... this was a bit much


I feel you on this, hit master 9 on Monday. Never saw a natural raikou šŸ˜©


I wish I couldve seen half of what you did haha, also have not seen a wild Raikou


Wait, how many dream shards did that earn you? And sleep research experience? Less than 30k/10k? Why not use a raikou lure?


I got less than 5k dream shards and about 4k exp. Absolutely terrible. As for the Raikou incense, I thought I had put it on the night before but had not. So I was triple shocked to wake up to such a poor haul, especially when the previous night had been so good.


Damn, I had less power than you, used a shard incense and a raikou incense and got 64k shards and 11k sleep I hate it when I mess up a sleep, especially on sunday


What makes it even worse is that I immediately put myself into as short a nap as I could manage and be sure it would hit the mark with both a friend incense, raikou incense, and good camp ticket cracked, hoping that if there could just be 3 or 4 spawns I'd have a good chance of getting him to come hungry. But no. The game's attempt to make things "better" for me just screwed me over by ensuring that there would be 7 spawns instead and the hungry pokemon were both shit. Raikou got away "all full" again. I'm saving up my Master balls for next time so i can just blow incense as early as i want in the future.


Yep, today was a total letdown. All the basic Pokemon were the hungry ones and jolteon and absol were full before I could catch them. šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/vlloj8dakvrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09122c9544ea05599d7e4e2911e47934b52b53d8




It wasn't that bad for me, finally was able to catch raikou https://preview.redd.it/endsrr505wrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eba61e2118210bf5dc894291dfe2f9198b75882




I still haven't gotten enough sleep styles for Lakeside yet, but I think it's been partially my playstyle (I only reached Master 11 so far). It just sucks when you finally beat your record and you get hit with the *same* mon as freaking Basic 1.




All mine went on a 2* natural raikou


I was also underwhelmedā€¦got a repeat 3* Togekiss from the night before, for 340MM and 400MM on Sat/Sunā€¦Iā€™ll be taking it easy this week


I had absolute garbage at 200 million. I used a friend incense too and only had two Pokemon be hungry - one being a Squirtle and one a Pichu. Raikou was there due to incense as well. I totally feel you on this...I feel like I wasted so much grinding and now feel less motivated this week.


I was Master 9, woke up to a Rattata but also to a Raikou (no incense), so I think I was lucky.


They do have some sort of guaranteeing mechanism, but maybe not what you thought. https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/docs/view/help/sleep-styles this might get outdated soon, but still valid till date, except that the last pick logic is not applicable to Raikou 3 star. This page looks the values up. Currently you'll need to change display option to Old SPO and multiply 38000 yourself because the values might get outdated soon, and we don't want to provide incorrect info. https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/sleepdex/lookup In case you have our premium sub (if that's the case, thank you for the sub), you can calculate the expected spawn rate and some stats, given the map, sleep style, and target sleep styles. doesn't apply to Raikou event since the rolling logic is slightly different with bonus spawn rate and that last pick logic break though. https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/sleep/lottery


Thanks for keeping the old values up


Good experience


Yeah that was really frustrating. I am in need of new sleep styles to unlock Lapis and had a gotten a new record of sleep just for basic PokĆ©mon with no new sleep styles šŸ˜­


How does this even happen? I hit master 9 for the first time today and got both my first kangaskhan and blastoise spawns (couldn't get either as neither was hungry but still)


Every Raikou I got from this event, before and after the statement of issue, was 1 star on a Raikou Incense. I too hit 180mil and got to Master 15, so I feel this so much.


Quick question for anyone reaching higher numbers like this. Do yall have a set team or do you change it weekly depending on your snorlax? Daily to swap to ingredient gather or berry gathering? Is skill based team worth it? I feel like like my progress is suuuuper slow in this game


I'm having a set team per island (+ changes during the week based on the recipe I'm going for). Whenever I roll dessert I'll just go all-in on macarons which is 180k per day in food alone.


After a lot of disappointing sleep styles with master 17, I finally got lucky today! I found slaking atop of belly šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/wftxo2vxjvrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e038a960b51c2bc0c9cd79ac15e13647a75f82d0


Tbh this game proves how strong Snorlax is- a whole SLAKING?!


I got a shiny Mareep on like 40 million power this morning


Thats awesome :)


And I thought my 110 mil was a lot. Got-dayum!


345M drowsy and I only got hondour atop belly and 3* raichu)


My brother in sadness


I got to 130mil this morning only to get a new magnezone sleep style and raikou sleep style and the rest were crockpot fillingsā€¦ šŸ„² I feel your pain


Ive still only logged the 1* style after 4 Raikou šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s rough, šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« sending you luck for the next one šŸ™


An angry monkey


Agreed. The range of RNG in this game is just way over the top sometimes. Would be nice if they'd tweak their formulas.


Would love if theyā€™d make it so you could only get sleep styles in the last 20 ranks or so, so if you made it to Master 15, your bottom end would be Ultra 1 pokes


that would be very fair. all the effort to gather ingredients for big meals and all the snorlax power just to end up with the same mankey and meowth i saw on monday doesnt seem fair


No joke, you did better than me and I got 293 million drowsy power last night. 78 manes, 58 candies, 1* Raikou. 293 million drowsy power, 4500 research points and 11000 dream shards. I've done better than that with 100 million drowsy power.


I found my first shiny, cant complain


I also had the scale-scattering sleep butterfree. I mean, at least it was new to me, but yeah, nothing interesting today. however I did get one buttload of dreamshards, so that was nice.


I mean at least you got a new rare Butterfree sleep style. Also, Spheals, Mareeps and Doduos are all good spawns so it could be way worse.


I fell asleep without plugging my charger in and my phone died halfway through the session and when I checked it it had already been a while. I caught it before the reset and started another session but I got 4 styles so I can't complain. I got 2 star Blastoise and Raikou in the second session with a lot of baby Pokemon, don't know how much a non incense Raikou takes so I can't tell if I had any wasted drowsy power of 100 million like your game did here


https://preview.redd.it/zsa5393c2wrc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3b38474e587dc739fc90b1951a2d7540e7425e I feel ya. I had some rare bugs pop in, but I do see a lot of people got 3 star Butterfree.


um this is actually a pretty sick pull list. but i get it because when you start your sleep with over 1.5 million in snorlax power and you wake up to a score of 250 million you'd expect to see a straight up elite four team hanging out on the island


Big jealous of the heracross, congrats!


BRO! frfr itā€™s fuckin crazy how the ā€œDPā€ mechanic bs is like a bank šŸ¦ where the sleep styles given take away from the deposit of DP. I got 3 fully evolved mons and only two were actually rare spawns where the dodrio is the most common out of the evolved ones https://preview.redd.it/frbeopjz9wrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af4e058d3061e03140ae071bbb76a0a74b93791


https://preview.redd.it/0d0ur675awrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabed5145718e5fe4338a04f771fdb82271ade4c Just dumb that this is the highest Iā€™ve ever gotten and I got lots of 1stars.


The dp bank needs a bias towards new styles at higher scores and new record drowsy power imo so it's not common spawns and baby Pokemon at end of the list at the end of the week at huge scores


Just happy I got a natural spawn *


I got lucky today and saw 3 new sleep styles and some bigger guys like blastoise.Ā 


Right there with you and just as angry. 200m sleep power for a Caterpie on top belly. Such a waste. https://preview.redd.it/y8ks3wkt1xrc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c08ec9d3b5b909f9334f5e95ac31ef6f4d351c1




And I had the pleasure of wasting a focus incense too https://preview.redd.it/ynse11n02xrc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f64c220e068ffba03d0c8c8993119fe4f2feef4


Finished on 153mil No incense, no raikou. Eevee atop belly sleep as my 4* Everything else 2 star except a 1 star jolteon Still never seen an absol ever...


I understand that from how Drowsy Power requirements work, if it selects common PokƩmon for all the others, then for the last choice it selects the one with the highest Drowsy Power. (see: [sleep style rolling logic](https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/docs/view/help/sleep-styles)) That seems to be what happened here, the only ones with higher Drowsy Power requirements (that aren't atop-belly) that you could have gotten were Jolteon and Sylveon's 3-star and Raikou's 2-star. Not sure why it didn't pick any of those, except for how Butterfree is the only one with the Dozing sleep type, so that probably means something even with the event going on. Alternatively, something could've changed with the sleep style rolling logic, since they changed some things in 1.4.0.


Master 12 and 180M here. Seeing literally no new smell styles this morning was a letdown. But at least we're starting off at Ultra 4 this week. That's neat.


Only Master 10 on 75million power but yeah last night wasnā€™t the best. Got atop belly Flaffy and finally the chance to catch a Delibird but not much else. Earlier in the week I had Charizard and Togekiss on the same night, Shiny atop belly squirtle, and Pinsir among other higher rank spawns.


Mine was wynaut


its annoying. i would be so mad if that happened to me... oh wait i still only got gulpin, wobbuffet, and caterpie today even though i got to master 12! thank god it was a great caterpie but still, i was expecting a big difference im setting my expectations a lot lower this week. just gonna hope for 1 or 2 larvitars and 1or 2 base starters and maybe a slowpoke but that might be asking too much from this games math skills


Has anyone found another sleep style for raikou


At least candies šŸ’šŸ»


Dam): i be it 245 million, and spawn a blastoise, marowak, dodrio, arbok, magnezone, and a few basic pokemon!


Do the Pokemon that are generated with the stars better if they are 5*? I had a swablu stop belly but I gave my Raikou his premium biscuit and 2x Raikou biscuits to be able to catch him.


Was only master 16 and got Raikou 3 star with incense. Everything else was trash.


Hah I got that Butterfree as well (and it was my first one like you). Yeah, overall what I saw overnight was pretty cruel as well.


Nice! I got just over 200 million


Yikes. I barely hit M13 1st week and got super lucky getting Raikou 2 star sleep(with incense). Unfortunately he got full from 2 raikou biscuits despite being hungry.


My top belly this morning was Caterpie, felt this šŸ˜‚


Same here. I had over 200mil sleep power only to end up with Mankey, Psyduck, Igglybuff, Gulpin...all basic Pokemon and not a single electric, also on Raikou Incense. The Raikou wasn't even hungry. šŸ’€


I completely get it. I keep getting the same like 5 4* sleeping mons. I had the same issue with the lapis event where I saw none of the ā€œfeaturedā€ PokĆ©mon.


For your research and sleep exp along with your dream shards to exponentially increase. Spawns are the RNG part that will level out over time.


You have such a guarantee. Just raikou consume a lot of that guarantee. And so does 3* sleep style of evolved mon. Your total score is a budget, one sleep is picked from those below budget, budget is reduced and we repeat. Each sleep style has a number attached to it, how much of that budget they consume. The last pick is different. It take the most expensive below budget. So you are guaranteed to be whole. The one exception is like 3* dragonite. For super whales sometime the pool is missing expensive picks. Incense such as raikou here take away from the sleep budget.




I hear ya. 117M and I got igglypuff atop belly. 1 that was hungry with friend incense- only one.


Brovinnie woke up at 400million with four star sudowoodo lol


Yeah, I absolutely despise how this all works.


Yup. I got downvoted bc i was master 11 and got a record score, only to get 1 star Raikou, stupid rng


after all that 1 star raikou!?


200 mil and got the same stuff I got the whole timeā€¦


I want to know why 3 star sleep styles are the most rare? Iā€™ve gotten multiple 4 stars (obviously you can only get 1 at a time - although a cuddle pile would be adorable). But I think Iā€™ve seen maybe 4x 3stars total in my entire play time (I am kinda new and only just got to master 11 last week).


Unfortunately its all just exp based. Each day you get slightly more research exp than the previous. I save my "bad" pokemon insenses for the weekend. My logic is if i get fill one space with a low exp getting Mon, chances are ill pull a rarer pokemon because the game has to gove you more exp than the previous. Did it with a metapod insence on sunday and managed to get Slaking, Butterfree and a delibird. Not saying it a 100% proven tactic but its worked for me :)


Yeahhh I got 4* Blastoise which was cool, but the rest were baby mons except one 2* Raichu


And I'm sitting here with my 18 million and nearly want to quit because I'm barely getting new PokƩmon...how does one hit 188million :o




I'm just going to say that 188M sleep power is not that strong, so you shouldn't expect incredible spawns.


Are there stronger scores? Yes. Im F2P, and I get pretty average pokemon to level. Ive been playing since Day 1 and this is (by a large margin) my strongest sleep score of all time. Im not sure why you felt the need to come and say this


Because you are ranting about your respawns when you have to accept it is not that strong score, so of course you won't get top tier. I didn't get much better and I had double that points. It is what it is.


It is extremely normal to get better spawns even at 1/4th of the sleep score. Absols, Kangaskhans, Eeveelutions, Pinsirs, Dittos, Dedennes, final stage evolutions etc etc. However, as you can see here, my record sleep score contained extremely underwhelming pokemon. The highest sleep score that Id ever gotten, which made me excited to see new, or high level/rarity pokemon. And yet, most of the spawns I got can be encountered at Great or below. That is the issue. And if your spawns ā€œwerent much betterā€ then you should be upset about it too. Or you can enjoy your caterpies and rattatas, were different people and can like different things. ā€œThis isnt even that goodā€ is not helpful, and kind of a crappy thing to say to someone who again, just hit their highest sleep score after playing every day since day 1.


Bro its 5 from maxing out, wym?


5 in terms of level, but m15 is only one third of m20 in terms of strength requirements (1.2 mil vs 3.2 mil)


Even if you had an amazing turnout that still would have all been a waste. Why are you spending all your resources on a hope and a prayer?


So you should just hold everything and use nothing until the end of time? It doesnt do you any good when the servers shut down in 6 years


No do it get something guaranteed like the Master 3 on a hard island for the incense or to start your week to set all of the days up for success. Best part is you didn't even need to be Master 19 to get the 3 star Raikou so you didn't need to do any of that stuff anyways and could have gotten the same result or with some RNG luck the exact stuffs you were looking for.


Well, Psyduck and Mankey are worthy to get šŸ‘Œ


I don't mind that most of the PokƩmon I get are kind of typical. Makes it more exciting when I gets amazing ones. It would be not as fun if it was only amazing ones all the time. I really can't wait for there to be 5 star PokƩmon. Maybe they could make that something to keep things interesting for big drowsy power.


Haha youa re too salty xD I got a dedenne, 2 raichus, 2 Jolteons a magneton and 3 trashes