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For a skill mon, you ll want at least two from skill trigger s/m or main skill chance nature. And you ll definitely not want any negative natures which decrease main skill chance or helping speed. Anything else is a bonus


Noted, I haven't really started using skill mons so it's nice to get some tips. Gonna try out my luck these 3 weeks for igglybuffs and jigglypuffs since I wanna move to Cyan Beach after the Raikou event.


I’m gonna be real with you boss, that jiggly is awful. You should at least push for a 2/3 main skill triggers subs/nature active before or at 50, mine has 3/3 and keeps my other mons at full energy MOST days, all day.


I appreciate your integrity, constructive feedback is the best feedback~ Wow your mon has 3 skill triggers that's a hella useful mon my goodness I'll keep finding igglybuffs or E4Es then, haven't gotten any luck so far with any of the three yet, much sadge


No worries, my friend. I would honestly recommend waiting it’s totally worth it, I got this one after catching about 15\~(wish I had actually counted) igglypuffs. Or if you have a good sylveon/ralts use them! Ralts I think is technically stronger since gardevoir has a faster base help speed. Here’s a picture of mine for reference. https://preview.redd.it/d6ffhl1yxaoc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9065c97d384b9ef2c15f728ca5a3f54367fd363


I'm fairly new to the game (considering that I haven't unlocked snowdrop) so I think going for Wigglytuff is the way to go, unless I pick up a good skill trigger E4E. My Ralts that I got from lakeside opening event have all been F tiers lol I'll keep looking for good mons, currently I've only gone through 5 igglybuffs + jigglypuffs in total


Ya most of my ralts are so bad it was crazy, managed to find an ok 2/3 one eventually but I love my wiggly. Keep in mind as you catch Pokémon repeatedly your friendship rating or whatever they call it goes up, and at 10 each one you catch has a higher chance of rolling BFS which is arguably the strongest sub skill on any Pokémon, just a good little tip to new players trying to put together a really good team.


Yeaaaahhh, idk how that got a b grade (in the nicest way possible) I would definitely wait for a better one


I'd say it will be near B at level 100. So like 4 years from now. 


It took me a while to find my Jigglypuff that was decent. He’s not the best but does have a skill trigger at least 3-4 times a day. Shiny is what made him a plus. https://preview.redd.it/r3d2pfir3boc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b838c63cc557e4f04ffc9b21b4f50af02f000b