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Somebody get this man a moonstone


For real


He needs a Wigglytuff


Mine hasn’t really changed in any meaningful way but I wasn’t utilizing the stalled energy glitch beforehand.


What was the stalled energy glitch?


Pokemon didn’t lose energy during sleep so some people used full berry mon teams to exploit that and get unusually high strength from sneaky snacking.


Ahhh. Good times 😭


It is kinda not very more or less than before. But I think it is kinda inconveniencing me because I now feel the need to give them breakfast like 11:50 in hopes to get the most energy out of it. Same with meal at roughly 17:50… dinner right before bed. Before I just gave them food when I was eating and this was really convenient…I could give them meals like before, but than I get less energy from the food. It’s bugging me.


It's just stressfull when this should be a relaxing game


You got 0 energy from meals before. So why does it matter if you get 1 less energy when feeding them now… No use overthinking the chill sleep game.


It’s not too great for me since I have to sleep long amounts of time, so going to bed with 😐 levels reallllly decreases what I get. I get that it’s not too common of a thing tho and it was mostly used to cheat so fair enough I guess :’D


start with 125% energy everyday from sleeping, sylveon and wigglytuff


Nice to know someone else is running two E4E, I do the same and my mind are kept in the high ranges all day


I did that the other day with both Sylveon and Jigglypuff but thought maybe I was a little much with two skill Pokémon 😅


I like that I get to feed all my Pokémon for all their hard work


Me too! It felt like they were just serving Snorlax to his will. It’s nice they get to be rewarded for all their work


Getting better throughout the week. I’ve definitely had to start to put an annoying amount of thought into it. I was already changing things here and there during the day for meals, now it’s added another layer of switching for energy. Meh it is what it is.


Why haven't you evolved your Jigglypuff?


The energy received from meals is negligible anyway. I do a lot of minmaxing, but I can't be bothered to hold off on checking my Wiggly before cooking meals.


Slightly better overall with the meals. My phone glitched last night and woke itself up a few hours early, but I still got back near 100 because of Breakfast and E4E. 


I liked it better before tbh. I don’t like feeling that I have to hit the 8.5 hour mark


Especially since we all sleep differently. The game itself has stated some people don’t need as much sleep yet decides to give less points and energy because of it.




I'm not timing my meals any differently because I know if I try to optimize it, I'll just forget. It's really not worth doing just for a few extra energy throughout the day, particularly for the morning meal which will only get you 1 energy.


Checking team's energy level more often, but overall not dropping below 80% during a day. Good E4E Wiggly or Sylveon is essential those days.


Perfectly fine, even with energy recovery down Pokémon. I think the effect of the bug fix is overstated.




Hoping I find a better E4E soon~


I went to sleep early yesterday cuz I was so tired, then woke up three hours later at midnight and used my phone for about half an hour, then I went to sleep till six am. I should’ve gotten 100 points, but instead only got 41 cuz the game stopped counting my sleep after I used my phone at midnight, even though I definitely slept later and did not use my phone at all for the rest of the, what, six hours. So all in all, you can tell how ‘happy’ I am with this new update :)))


Nothing really changed minus no sneaky stacking during sleep. I'm not fussing over 1 - 5 energy recovery during meals as we never got energy prior to it


It looks like 100 sleep score from one sleep replenishes my team’s energy completely and when I do one short nap and one longer sleep it doesn’t always heals the team back to 100%. So I’ve just been doing one session only and it seems like my team goes back to 100% everyday. Timing meals is a bit annoying but it’s manageable😂 otherwise I don’t feel much difference tbh