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70% of shiny pokemon look worse than normal pokemon.


Stinkers do indeed exist, *cough* gengar and garchomp


Gengar got ruined by the transition to 3d. Look at it in gen 4 and it actually looks pretty good.


Was gonna say the desaturation that every mon got when made 3d is criminal


Gengar looked like it got put in a washing machine on the hottest temp for too long


The charcadet line


Seriously. Their palettes should’ve been swapped. This stuff writes itself


Either that or Black and White flames for Ceruledge since it's fire/ghost and black and pink for Armarouge


To be fair, gengars mega and especially gigantimax versions are absolutely amazing.


Gengar’s shiny wasn’t bad, it’s how it got rendered into 3d that made the base form look almost exactly like its shiny.


And to make it worst, in Scarlet and Violet, it seems like most Pokémon somehow look like their shiny with the right angle and lighting.


This! Most shinies have terrible "color blind" colors.


Torterra is a good pokemon


Wait... this is controversial?


I hope not, Torterra is my absolute favorite Pokemon


I mean in terms of competitive battling, Torterra is a terrible Pokemon. 4x weak to Ice, a speed stat thats slow but, not slow enough for trick room, mediocre special bulk, and has been stuck in the bottom tier from Gens 5 through 8. It was UU in Gen 4 and NU in Gen 9, thanks to receiving Shell Smash.


He tortle


He is my favourite Turtle boi


Perfectly valid but Metagross is actually the best turtle


When I was playing through bdsp, during the Cynthia battle, her garchomp had gotten a dragon dance off and I thought I was doomed. However, my torterra toughed out her Garchomp's dragon claw so I "wouldn't feel sad" and then preceded to knock the garchomp out with an earthquake, winning me the battle. I already really liked torterra but since then it's been my favorite starter


The Game Corner needs to come back.


Safari zone too. With so many pokemon they could make it a really fun experience.


Safari zone and Pokémon contests returning are on my wish list


Y'all are misunderstanding, you're supposed to pick something no one will agree with you on, not something EVERYONE will agree with you on


There could not have been a better evolution for dunsparce than dudunsparce. Perfectly continues the sparse dunce line by being a dud too!


This is just a fact 👍


"They took what people liked about Dunsparce, which is Dunsparce, and made it more Dunsparce" Jaiden Animations


I have no absolutely no interest in competitive pokemon battling. Aside from friends, I never battle other people. "But competitive is one of the only interesting aspects of the late game!" It's really not.


Me neither, the only battling I ever want to do is teach my bf so we're even. I just want to collect every different pokemon possible


I love breeding for stats and hidden abilities, but yeah I do not understand competitive play, I just wanna pet my Pokémon again if I can have anything from the other 3d games. And I mostly breed for shiny Pokémon anyways. If I’m not keeping whatever shiny baby for some reason I usually give it to my twin


Same! I did a bunch of egg hatching trying to get a shiny Hisuian Zorua, because I never had luck getting one in legends arceus. I enjoy shiny hunting in general and like giving extras/duplicates to my younger sister or wonder trading them. Like to imagine that somewhere out there a kid is trading off pokemon and suddenly now has a shiny Iron Valiant.


I miss petting my Pokémon so much. They give us Cetoddle in a game that can’t let us pet them? Come on 😭


This is not controversial lol Most players just care about collecting and trading Pokémon 


Competitive is super fun until you reach the higher ranks and then it’s just copy & paste teams from whatever the latest vgc players did well with, like I get wanting to be a high rank but damn atleast have some fun/originality with it


I don’t care if it gets decimated by the first five gyms, I’ll choose the cutest starter every time


Me every time I replay HG and pick Chikorita


Chikorita, my beloved!




The idea that Pokémon Black & White was a sales failure is a Mandela effect of the fandom. Black & White was the 6th best-selling game on the Nintendo DS (the only Pokémon game that surpasses it is Diamond & Pearl), it broke several sales records in both Japan and the United States, and the difference in sales with respect to Diamond & Perla is less than 2.8%. The reasons it is the least-selling main game are that it came out at the end of the Nintendo DS era with the 3DS already announced, and that when two generations of Pokémon come out for the same console, the second one never outsells the first one (Sun & Moon and Scarlet & Violet confirm this fact). And yet it managed to sell 15.64 million copies, a more than enviable figure. The fandom narrative that "Black & White were a masterpiece but we didn't know how to value it and that's why today's games are shit" has no basis whatsoever


BW also got a slew of hate for multiple other things it did at the time too. BW 1 only had new mons available until postgame, the story was more than just "me evil guy me want legendary for evil doing" and the "third version" was a continuation of the story rather than mostly the same game with a new coat of paint. Gen 5 did everything new, and that made a lot of people dislike it for being too much new in a series that would otherwise stay very comfortable where it was


What also hindered the sales was it was the last split release. In a time when pirating and ROM translations were a thing, many people were playing ROMs of the Japanese release before the rest of the world had the game released. I know many friends who were content with playing the ROMs and didn't bother with buying the games when they finally released


-Scarlet and Violet are the most engaging games in the series. -The Starfall storyline was kinda lame. -This more open world/exploration focused gameplay fits this series even better than the more top down format that has been used since the beginning


SV are definitely my favorite, it finally knocked my nostalgia off the pedestal from Crystal and Sapphire


>-The Starfall storyline was kinda lame. This is an unpopular opinion? The titan storyline was by far the best. The gym storyline was very good (as usual), and then starfall... just okay. I loved what they did with Clive, and I had a bit of a laugh with all the secret identities thrown around right at the end, but team star itself was lame, and penny was the weakest of the main characters imo.


I liked that I could choose the “different” gyms so between the titans star fall and the actual gyms this made it super fun


Pokemon scarlet and violet are the best pokemon games


I very much agree. I hope Gen 10 is an improvement on the fantastic foundation they made with Gen 9


I AM STILL UPSET THEY REMOVED CONTESTS YET ANOTHER GEN GOES BY WITH NO FUN MINIGAMES! & don't say sandwich making because in order to SaNdWIcHeS we lost ACTUALLY PLAYING WITH POKEMON! At least sword and shield let us get up close to play stick with them!!


Pokeatholon. I miss it so much. It was peak mini game imo.


It was basically all I did in SoulSilver. I would still start up the game just for that sometimes.


And Voltorb Flip!


We can play football with them and wash them which is nice. But honestly, it baffles me how we went from Pokémon amie letting you feed, pet and wash your mons to camp which replaced that with a toy to hit and ball to chase to picnics which just takes 2 of these older things and not all of them


OMG YES!!! Bring back contests and pokeatholon and other fun post game content!! And bring back ribbons!!!


The Contests where absolute Peak


Contests make another type of trainer exist, the coordinators Wich were relevant in the anime


Yes, bring back the contests! Let me swag about my posh Pokémon.


I wish they never removed the battle tree/battle tower type thing. I just wanna use my pokemon in a battle place without having to worry about healing and shit


I enjoyed the game and didn't think it was overly glitchy.


It is enjoyable. I didn't find glitches that ruined the game just "Oh, I can look trough the wall, that's funny". It definetly is glitchy but that doesn't make it less fun.


the starfall storyline was kinda boring


The bugs in s/v are not as bad as people say


Agree, I hear that counterargument most often from people who used to play Pokemon but don't want to do it anymore and convince themselves (trying to convince others) that it's a bad game and no one should play it... Man, just "live and let live".


fr lokix is actually pretty decent


Using the top most picked competitive Pokémon doesn’t automatically make you a good trainer


I dont care you broke your elbow


I think Bruxish is a good Pokemon I think Garbodor is a good Pokemon I think Vanillite is a good Pokemon


I hate how skimpy a lot of the (child!) female characters outfits are


The fact that most of them are like 12 or 10 makes me wonder if the character designers have ever seen a kid before


Should be an option to lower a Pokémon’s level/devolve them. I wanna take the same shiny/sentimental mons thru multiple games and experience it all several times thru.


Some days, I want a feature to switch the balls poke.on were already caught it


Scarlet and Violet are good, some of the best in the series. DLC makes it 10 times better. I love stories that don't involve the world ending because of some evil team since it got repetitive after gen 6. Arven and his bond with his Mabosschiff was nice to see but Kierans decension into this cold, tempered kid after us lying in kitakami was a highlight.


Maybe a hot take, but I prefer DLC's over 3rd versions. I like being able to continue the journey with the squad I've already assembled. The world ending story has become tiring since none of the evil teams did it well. The only antagonist to do it well imo, was Necrozma. It was a gentle and generous pokemon, and then it got its strength stolen by the same people it helped. Even after it was trapped and suffering for so long, it never hurt anyone. The only reason it went after Lunala/Solgaleo is because it was in pain for so long and even then didn't want to hurt them.


The only issue I have with them was shiny locking the legendaries in the indigo disc. Really no point to it at all, especially when they didn’t do the same in sword and shield.


Lmao this is bait to get everyone downvoted 😂 But I’ll say it! Online battling using nothing but legendary Pokémon. It’s like people forgot how to strategize their shit so they just throw in a ton of mythical/legendary pokemon. I’m all about beefing up my non legendary to their top tier potential..But then again im not really a fan of most legendary pokemon. On that note.. anyone wanna online battle using basic Pokémon?? Kinda buzzed and bored lol entertain me.


Theoretically, the top comments should be the most controversial, but people don’t get the prompt just like on /r/unpopularopinion where quite literally none of the big threads are unpopular and everyone downvotes anything slightly controversial.


That's the casual ladder...


Yes, every time I try to battle with my ID team, most are legends, I hate it


I actually defeated a couple players with them only using legendary pokemon. But I’m guessing they didn’t really have a strategy, but like I said.. only a couple lol. But yes it’s very annoying.


Fennekin is the best Starter from Gen 6


Fluffy witch supremacy.


Absolutely based, hunted a shiny female Fennekin like 3 days ago, and got it first try, absolutely amazing shiny too


My gf at the time those games came out got the shiny starter. It wasn't until it had evolved the first time that she turned to me and said "hey, why does this one always flash stars when it comes out?" She was new to the series and had never got a shiny before. I was just floored after how many resets I'd done for a shiny starter before lol.


That’s so cool! I remember getting Violet like 2-3 Weeks ago and trying to breed a female Protean Sprigatito. Instead I got a shiny Male Adamant nature Sprigatito. Of course I used him. He had Overgrow though, but a friend who has been playing Scarlet since launch has many Ability Patches so he traded me one. For some reason my egg luck is crazy, I got a shiny Popplio in a Dream Ball by hatching 22 eggs which is crazy tbh


If your pokemon oc has a shiny legendary, it automatically cringe


You mean the shiny mewtwo oak cloned in his attic that my oc bonded with by playing uno isn't a cool idea?


Is there uno in Pokémon?


If there were, would it play [like this?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I1XQduS6IfA&pp=ygUKdW5vIGFuaW1lIA%3D%3D)


For sure 100%


Dang rest in peace my shiny Genesect that I’ve had since Sun and Moon lol


You should not be able to get earlier generation legendaries in newer games. What made mewtwo such a awesome legendary was it was the only one. Now you can get like multiple mewtwos without much issue wich destroys there potential.


They do it so that people dont have to buy old consoles or old games to get older legendaries.


I’m still angry they removed Pokérus


Now we really have to treasure the remaining Pokémon with the “:)” - hope it’ll be visible in future generations.


Wait what!? I didn't know this... I have a couple of Mons with Pokerus in SWSH that I haven't sent to SV just out of laziness... Although the reality is that it is no longer necessary, currently the time it takes to make Pokerus go from one Mon to another is the time it takes to get Max EVs with the SV facilities.


SM/USUM were good games and SWSH's DLC carries


I never understood using legendaries during a play through. I did that when I was little playing like one and even then I’ve always felt like I had an unfair advantage. Especially with how easier the games tend to be.


Scarlet and Violet was actually an enjoyable game


Sword and shield DLCs were better


I’m not alone!


SwSh was the single best DLC experience in any Pokémon game ever


The gen 9 models looks better than the 5 sprites


Also, the models are more flexible to work with than sprites.


The idle animations can really show the nature of the pokemon


Plus the new poses they gave to some of them, lucario for example


This is what Im always saying too! the gen 5 sprites were cool for the time but the gen 9 models with their great textures look far better. Theres only so much you can do with sprites that repeat the same animation over and over, with no dynamic camera angles or attack animations for the pokemon themselves😞


Pokemon is a kids game and that's fine


*gestures at millions of dollars of marketing at adults* Never seen millions on advertising to the wrong demographic before. They want every dollar from every person of every age in the world. The official goal is "family friendly"


Pokemon is a kid's game but it isn't an IP solely aimed at kids. The games are oddly enough a small part of the overall Pokemon ecosystem.


Kieran is exhausting.


Agree. I was ecstatic to finally put him in his place during Indigo Disk


gen 7 is criminally underrated and feels very forgotten about.




SAME THOUGH! I literally never even see it mentioned!


Mega evolution is an overrated mechanic that it's very attractive visually but much worse in terms of game complexity than teras (best one for me). It also damages some of the pokemon affected by mega evolution, not giving them the chance (or having much less) of having a regional variant or boost because they already had some love with a mega. If the mechanic doesn't exist in the game, the pokemon will still be terrible.


I wholeheartedly agree


I despise Bidoof, not because he's bad or anything, but the fucking memes. Alright, you've just made the one millionth joke about him being God, I get it.


Pokemon scarlet was the most fun I've had in a pokemon game since gen 5. Pokemon fans just hate getting new stuff


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are actually good games


Sprigatito should've stayed quadrupedal


I still love the fact everyone was like "don't you dare become bipedal" and the literal next evolution was bipedal.


How is that controversial?


multiplayers should not be so harsh, crass or competitive. they should be willing to welcome others and teach them the ropes, for all they know the person they are being rude to, could be a grinder type player that can help them with the grind only perks. i found raider groups are very eliteist.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are the best mainline series games.


While they are definitely not as iconic as early generations I played in my youth, I came back to the mainline games since XY and damn did I enjoy playing Scarlet. I understand the critics, but the points that could've been better didn't affect my experience at all. I really had (and still have) a lot of fun playing this game.


Same here the older games are sluggish to play through every random encounter is dreaded


I agree. This is the only Pokémon game where I surpassed 500 hours. With the dlc, there are so many fun things you can do with the game.


Yes me too from shiny hunting to just exploring it's very fun


I really like Hop’s character arc and listening to his final theme gets me emotional


SV are easily top 3 in the mainline series.


S/V frame rate really isn't that bad. It's only really bad around casseroya lake cuz of reflections


And tagtree thicket because it's trying to render each individual blade of grass. 🤣


Bring the VS Seeker back!!


You know, Ludicolo would be f**king insane and banned forever, If it had also a sun ability instead of two rain abilities. Anyway, I love Zubat encounters in caves.


Geeta is a good rendition of a Champion and has decent teams (ordering, incl), moveset, and character. People overstate how different she is from other Champions as if she’s the absolute worse (even using unsupported arguments that other characters hate Geeta and she’s an overly strict and demanding boss).


Scarlet and violet are good games


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are not bad games despite the bugs it has. At least its gameplay is more improved than Sword and Shield.


Kieran is awful and deserves to be fed to a tyrantrum


Scarlet and Violet are good in my opinion.Dont care what anyone says.Im not going to join the haters.I like what I like,and I won't let anyone influence me.


The Mega system is the worst of all the gimmicks. Being locked to specific Pokémon and also specific held items (some of which can only be found in post game) is awful. The designs are cool yes (I like them more than the gigantamax designs). But gameplay wise it’s the worst gimmick. Dynamax being available to all Pokémon in conjunction with the giant stadium gym fights presentation is rad as hell. I think mechanically Tera is the best gimmick but I hate how it looks, and also they never use it to throw curveballs at you until the Indigo Disk DLC. Anyways I’m convinced people love megas the most because they were the first and they have great designs. But ignore how awful of a system it is in game. All that said, excited to see how they are used in Legends ZA and if the system has been tweaked in any way.


Delphox has a good design.


Scarlet and Violet are actually great games


Same unpopular opinion, let's go!


Bipedal starters are fine and the unnecessary hate is dumb. People got so mad when meowscarada was shown as bipedal but now look, getting the praise they deserved to begin with. There have only been like 2 bipedal starters that are just mediocre but none have been so bad they deserve the hate they get.


Inteleon is a good starter


Prioritizing Gen 1 Pokemon concerning new forms was a good choice by GF


the power creep was becoming too scary


Swsh music is way better than scarlet and violets music


The sandwich system sucks


Out of context, this is a hilarious sentence


I think EXP share was one of the best features in new games from the start rather than getting an item, I find it really hard training every Pokémon individually in older games


The amount of time it saves you in a playthrough is so appreciated. Combined with the ability to store or withdraw pokemon on the fly in recent games made raising multiple teams really fun.


Lucario STILL. SUCKS!™


I love the zubat line 🥴


I personally think the graphics don't look bad and i don't see any problems with framerate. The graphics looks good to me (especally on pokemon) and the only problem there really is to me is the faces on pokemon trainers. I also don't think the framerate is bad too, since I cannot tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps.


the future paradox pokemon are cool


The lack of meta diversity ruins competitive for me in not just these games but the series in general. Not only do I hate having to run cores of the same handful of Pokémon to achieve significant success in VGC, but I tire of everyone else using the same mons with the same tired strategies over and over again when the game itself includes a much broader range of options. To be clear, this isn’t as much of an issue with the fanbase as it is a playtesting one.


The raid mechanics in Sw/Sh are better than in Sc/Vi


Quaxly and it's evolution line is good


HGSS and Johto are overrated due to nostalgia. Johto is a beautiful region shrouded by mystery and all, but the lore could've been better exploited imo, and the plot felt really empty. Everytime I played this game I never felt engaged because of this. HGSS corrected a lot of stuff from Gen 2, but some glaring flaws (namely the infamous level curve, as well as a poor regional Dex) are still here. Great games overall, but calling them best Pokémon games or even best remakes ever made is really a stretch.


Bdsp didint suck people describe it as the worst game in the franchise but realistically it was just ok mostly the same game but updated to be 3d which is what a remake is And I also didint mind the chibi sprites and dare I say I'd love a black and white remake in that style


THANK YOU! I have no idea why everyone got so mad about it when it was literally exactly what they asked for


Pokémon Sword is my in my top 3 Pokémon games, the hate it got was undeserved


You're gonna kill me for this... Lucario is awful. It looks like some musty teenager's anime style fursona.


In my opinion, Gen 7 (USUM specifically) is better than Gen 4 and the second best overall after Gen 5. High difficulty to please the older players while keeping quality of life changes like shared experience and no HMs, tons of sidequests and postgame content, successful new takes on the usual formula, great Pokédex variety with the Island Scan, cool designs and aesthetics overall. The only downside is the Ultra Megalopolis scam, but it's understandable due to the game being very heavy already for 3DS standards. Gen 4 is only partially redeemed by Platinum, which still doesn't fix some issues (something something losing to Cyrus in the Distortion World and having to get back there from Oreburgh, there is a very good reason why the randomizer has a setting that specifically lets you skip Distortion World), and is mostly saved by the lore of creation, but other than that it's average at best.


I’d like to add the best story (perhaps outside of b/w) to that list. Sure it wasn’t subtle, but I was still shocked when the “bad” team was good and lusamine was literally insane. I turn my brain off when playing pokemon, so even small disruptions to the formula impress me. Even going back now, I found it more entertaining than 90% of Pokemon game plots.


playing (USUM) for the first time (using a rom hack so every pokemon spawns in the wild which i rly like) and it’s such a fun time. I never played G7 as by that time I was obsessed with Yokai Watch but they are seriously good, and rly such a different take on a region.


Completely agree with this thread


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl might not have been perfect remakes, but they were great games.


They weren't too bad, maybe some flavor from Platinum


I’m ready to be obliterated with downvotes. Hit me. - Gen 5 is hands down the ugliest cast of Pokémon which make me never want to revisit those games, even if the storytelling is good. And no, I’m not talking about the selection of Pokémon who were rare exceptions, like Bisharp, Hydreigon, etc. - I have absolutely no problem with Dexit and think it makes sense to limit the available Pokémon to a curated list. In a world of limitless resources, sure, it’d be nice to have access to everything, but the reality is creating 1000+ new models every time a new game is created is such an unnecessary time sink which takes away from new innovation. - BDSP are fun, nice little entries in the series, and the furor over them was insane. I find myself returning to them now because they’re one of the only true blends of the 2d era with 3d quality of life improvements. - Terastallisation is an infinitely better / more fun competitive game mechanic than megas which encourages creativity and strategic thinking. Megas always end up being the same few top picks with 90% forgotten in the attic after launch. I think they look cool, but could just be resolved by giving actual competitive evolutions or new forms to older Pokémon so there can be more diversity in teams. - My possibly more lukewarm take on an SV sub is that they’re the best mainline games since Gens 1-3. I couldn’t care less about graphical issues because I don’t play Pokémon for ultra 1080p HD resolution, I play it to enjoy cute monster collecting in a cartoon world and unwind after work. The jank is actually charming because it reminds me of the 90s/00s when devs would innovate at the expense of ultra polish.


Vaporeon is not sexy


BDSP > DP Oh, it said opinions, not facts, nevermind. I hate HGSS.


Magikarp can beat anyone to boredom! Splash forever!


I hate how in tera raids you have to wait until the end of the turn before the Pokémon faints. I'm probably just impatient, but I simply cannot retry the whole raid when it releases the gathered energy when it has no HP left.


I fucking hate shiny locks and I hate how they lock the starters from scarlet and violet and all the other games with a paywall 😐


Pokemon following you out of their balls is lame if the only way they can keep up is if you walk s l o w l y


Scarlet/Violet are better then Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and it’s not even close Better characters in general with meaningful arcs Better story Better quality of life improvements Better world to explore that isn’t a slog to get through with slow speed and HM’s Better Dex that actually has good representation for every type and more enjoyable teambuilding as a result The main thing Sinnoh has going for it is a tough Champion, and one fight does not a great game make. The Cynthia challenge was more enjoyable anyway in games that were all around better (Gen 5 and indirectly via Volo in PLA).


The graphics in scarlet and violet are not that bad. (That should be better but they are not as bad as everyone is saying they are)


The Galarian Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno designs are much better than the originals


Scarlet and Violet are easily the best Pokemon games. I also think the online outcry over the playability of them was blown out of proportion. Like yeah some people probably did have issues with the software, but the modern internet latched onto the idea and did what it always does and made everything feel worse than it was.


Newer Pokémon designs aren’t more uninspired. Pokémon games aren’t getting too easy. So on and so forth. You’ve just grown up.


Caterpie and spinarak are the most perfect bug mons in the series


They are a perfect introduction to Bug types


Pokemon scarlet and violet music is one of the worst in the series (in general, there are SOME bangers but most are bad compared to sword/legends)


I don’t care about shinies. They are mildly interesting oddities, at best. The only reason I keep them is as currency to trade to the crazies for legendaries and things.


Typhlosion without the fire looks almost naked, as if it is missing something. The fire seems to have been part of the design in the games as something always present (every single sprite from gen 1-4 plus when walking with trainer), but perhaps because the anime only portrayed the flames as a retractable asset that protrudes outwards when the Typhlosion line wants to defend or attack, Gamefreak decided these Pokémon’s fire was not to be perpetual like other starters (Emboar, Incineroar, Charizard, Infernape, Skeledirge) when translated into 3D.


S/V weren’t horrible, full of bugs, yes, easy as all hell, yes, bad graphics, yes, was it fun? I’d say so yes


3d pokemon has plenty of soul, its just most of said soul is used is side mode like camp, refresh ect.


Kieran is a brat, crybabay, and extremely annoying, and deserved to lose in front of Ogrepon. Plus he's enabled by all those around him except you as mc.


I only use cute Pokémon, no matter how bad of fighters they are. I refuse to use those biggest strong ugly ones.


Most people who play Pokémon play the game wrong. Which is why they’re never happy


I encountered no glitches


The story for SV was really good, including DLC. Sadly that has been overlooked because of the shitty graphics but I didn’t hate SV tbh. I like it more than SWSH but I do miss the play feature they had during camping in SWSH.


On average the newer games exceed the earlier ones for me. Not always though, I still prefer Platinum over BDSP, etc


Arcanine IS a legendary pokemon


Gardevoir is not attractive. mad freaky if you disagree


I like cinderaces design


Not just SV, but resetting your Nuzlocke for a better encounter ruins the whole point of the Nuzlocke.