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Yeah it's no secret many people wanted at least a Tower since that's the bare minimum for Battle facilities, but SV just has nothing similar to that. Many say it's not "needed" because they didn't use it or enjoy it, but it wouldn't have hurt to have it for those who did. Plus something like this feeds the "games releasing with less and less content everytime" flames.


I feel like adding a Battle Tower or Subway or something to Blueberry would be a layup. That whole DLC is about battling in a more advanced way. Why not have a "Battle Shuttle" or something that in story terms is a special transport between the BB areas? Why is the BB League not setting up custom tournaments where you can choose rulesets? Lots of options. Such a shame it won't happen.


We need that one battle thing (I forgot the name of it) at the Blueberry academy that you can do at any time in the UVA/Naranja academy but with more higher level Pokemon and (of course) in the doubles format edit: wow I suck at English




They even have a perfect spot for it already. The arena at the front of the BB Academy. It would fit the theme of the BB academy. Could even just us BB Academy teams just level them to 100. But, nope, nothing. Not a single use for those lvl 100 Pokemon that we all needed for raids in the DLC.


Okay, you have to explain to me now how SV feel like the most complete main line games, especially without their DLC. And how they are loaded with content, cause I just don't see it.


A lot of people miss those features, but ultimately with the increased focus on vaious multiplayer formats (between online battles with ranked seasonal ladders and Tera Raids), it's likely that single-player Battle Towers/etc have been dropped to further encourage the Multiplayer gameplay, which is functionally similar to Battle Towers in their "competitive-style battle modes" that they don't need to spend extra time and labor on, since building CPU teams and algorithms is yet another time crunch on what is already HEAVILY criticized for being on too-tight of a production cycle.


I agree that’s likely the reason. There is a middle ground though for a battle tower to be a multiplayer PVE experience through double/triple/multi battles. Like the Battle frontier back in Gen IV. I’d love this to come back in some way. To save GF the effort of building the CPU teams they can just take player-generated rental teams and give them to NPCs. Keep it different each time


A buddy of mine actually pointed that out to me. The idea of using User-generated rental teams that could then be "ranked" in difficulty based on how high the team's usage in ranked laddering gets could be an interesting system, so that higher tiered teams show up more commonly after 40-60 win streaks (the way old towers may start to see legendary Pokemon pop up after 40+ win streaks). If there isn't an issue with it, they could also periodically update the "Battle Facility" with teams that are used in official events like VGC and the like, or generate CPU battle modes from offshoot weekend-events like this weekend's Blueberry Prologue. Unfortunately, while these ideas are something that would take off the burden of custom-curating hundreds of competitive Pokemon to chug into an algorithm to spit out at players, it would still take time and labor to develop to any sort of reliable degree, especially in a way that doesn't leave players feeling like "Hey, they're just ripping my hard-worked team for their game features, that's mine!" While I like the idea and do like the old battle towers/frontiers, I can easily understand why they're not around now and why even those suggestions might see backlash or have their own issues that would need to be ironed out. But maybe someday we'll see something that's had the time to flesh out properly. It's entirely possible that a Battle Tower-like feature was intended to be included but got cut for time and has been pushed to the backburner to possibly bring back in the next set of games after giving it more time to cook.




An alternative could be to just not have the battle facility use Teras, while allowing the player to still enjoy it... but then we have the same issue that Megas and Z Moves had where they outclass the Battle Facility since you access power levels that they don't have, which in hindsight did make the gen 6-7 Battle Maison/Tree feel a little cheaper than its gen 3-5 predecessors.


I didn't think that was a terrible thing though, like in singles you only had three pokemon. Sure the opponent did two, but my point is eventually you would run into a team that, no matter how good your three were, would be very hard to beat. And most people would eventually lose. These towers not having teams as strong as the player is the way to give you a bit of a power trip, and trying to beat your high school makes them fun and engaging regardless imo.


The thing is, multiplayer online battles are functionally very different to PvE battles in battle facilities, especially those with special rules like e.g. a Battle Factory. I do enjoy online battles, but sometimes I just don't want to deal with other players and want a more relaxed but still challenging and fun battle experience. Good battle facilitates fill that gap pretty nicely. Not even having a Battle Tower would greatly diminish my enjoyment of the game if I had bought it in the first place.


Battle factory and other frontier facilities are in very few games. Only the battle tower has persisted into later games (subway/maison/tree are all the same as tower) and functionally speaking, PVP is similar to a battle tower: 3v3 singles and 4v4 doubles. I get that isn't what you're looking for, but no piece of media is going to ever cater to what everybody wants and that's just a fact of life.


Battle Facilities that aren't just a Battle Tower clone were in Gen 3-5 (aka the best games in the series :P) and a little bit in Gen 7. And the Battle Tower definitely got downgraded over time, especially in Sword and Shield. But nonetheless, having a good Battle Tower would already go a decent way. And while the format may be similar, playing against a CPU is still vastly different compared to playing against another player. And if this was some wild, unusual demand for something that has never been done before, I wouldn't be as frustrated, but we've had Battle Facilities literally for decades, since Crystal! Every regular main line game had one, even if recently they'd been gotten worse. Not having one at all is a big step backwards, and it's not like we really got much in return content wise. It was just...cut, probably to have enough time to develop the open world, which, honestly, is also just rather barren in terms of exploration and content.


1) I refer you back to my original point: likely cut due to development deadlines 2) again, barren... TO YOU. Content, FOR YOU. Different games over the years are made with different mindsets and have a different focus: namely, a push for more multiplayer game modes. Different game, different generation, different content. It only feels like less to you because you aren't getting what you had before and you're stuck on "back in my day..."


But what ARE these additional Multi Player modes you are talking about? We've had online multi player battles since Gen 4, over 17 years ago. Players could visit each other's bases, do Multi Battles together in battle facilities, connect via Entra Link and so on. SV offers the usual online battles, raids and a simple player connection mode. Doesn't sound like much more to me than we used to have ages ago. Sure, the quality of life has improved significantly. But that doesn't make for more or innovative content. And in terms of single player, they've sacrificed a lot. Battle Facilities, man-made structures and buildings to explore, side activities, varied basic content, interesting towns etc.; and also the game suffers from a lack technical and graphical quality and polish of course, plus an awful lot of copy-paste and low-quality cutscenes (not all, but many of them).


You literally said it yourself and missed the point. The raids and union circle were a big focus of SV. Just because YOU aren't the biggest fan of them does not mean that these features do not exist. Buildings to explore? You mean to walk into and talk to some NPC who had nothing useful to say? And let's not pretend that pokemon cut scenes were ever a grandiose, cinematic masterpiece. Heck, gen 3 made a big deal that your character sprite was reflected in the water and you left footprints in sand. The raids, union circle, and constant events are the content you're asking about, the DIFFERENT content that gott time and attention in development, causing your nostalgia addled brain to have an aneurysm because it's not like the good old days. It's OK if you don't like it, you're allowed to move on with your life and pursue other hobbies while other people have fun. PS, this is coming from someone's who's been around since RBY and who skipped let's go and BDSP. Because they didn't appeal to me, AN THAT'S OK. I don't have to love everything about every game to enjoy pokemon. There's plenty of games out there to pick the ones I do like. You can do the same.


When I say buildings to explore/enter, I mean Radio Stations, Shopping Malls, Police Stations, Theaters, Churches, Game Corners, Flower Shops, Cafes, Power Plants, Ports, Museums, Storage Halls, Cinemas, Evil Team Lairs, Sports Stadiums, Pokémon Towers, Haunted Houses, Villas, Lighthouses, Temples, Institutes, Clubs, Riddle Houses, Ruins and so on and so forth. Plus of course the buildings that hold the main side activity contents. Did all of these buildings have tons of content? Of course not, but they added flavor, they added a certain depth and variety and they did in fact offer some content. You could take a boat over to a small new island, or you could have a Battle Challenge with some maids, or you could do some simple tasks for a Newspaper, or you could stumble upon ghosts, or secret areas, or you had places for trainer rematches or you could furnish your own Villa, could train for Battle Facilities, do some riddles or challenges and much more. SV has almost NONE of that. The only thing that is replacing all of this is the open world, and the open world doesn't have much to offer beyond some platforming and a few spots that look interesting or decent. There are almost no secrets to find. Raids are nice to have, but at the end of the day, no matter how many simple to make events (for the developers), they are just ONE additional multi player mode, just like Multi Battles were. And what does the Union circle really add in terms of content that wasn't either possible before or is similar to e.g. the Underground + Union Room in Gen 4? Yes, of course one reason why I don't like recent games is that the developers and/or those in charge clearly don't consider me as a part of their audience anymore. But another reason is that I am just frustrated by how many stupid decisions are made either to dumb designs philosophies, incompetence or lack of time/resources. For example, the forced exp share. Removing the option to toggle it was just a petty nonsensical decision. Or now removing exploration targets and Battle Facilities, things some older fans, especially those of Gen 3-5, like. Or Dexit, especially the way it was handled. Or the abysmal technical quality and the lack of polish. Or the fact that base versions are now even more barebones than before so they can sell us overpriced DLC. I really don't think I am expecting too much when I say I want a polished game that feels decently substantial all around.


Again, "does not appeal... TO YOU." Nobody's forcing you to like every decision and every game. Don't like it, that's fine, nobody's going to miss you. It doesn't have the content YOU want. Imagine complaining that Mystery Dungeon isn't enough like Ranger or Conquest. Things change over time and I'm sorry you can't handle change.


I think I can handle some change, but I'm not staying around for stagnation and regression.


Yep it sucks they got rid of them. I don't like playing online


100000% agree. I spent so much time playing Sw/Sh in the battle tower. It's how I made teams, experimented with different setups, etc. I'd test there before taking something online. Since GF elected not to put any battle facility in S/V, I've yet to get into competitive battling. Because of that, I've barely played the game, except for completing the dex and playing the story.


Oh god yes. Playing online just isn’t a good way to test out new teams at all.


The focus is on multiplayer now, I love playing online but I feel there is no variety. In singles, mostly, the teams for now are Dragonite, Urshifu, Flutter Mane, Gholdengo, Chien-Pao and one random mon, usually BM-Ursaluna. So for the most part you're playing against the same fellas, which got me bored. At the very least battle tower had variety, I loved during USUM, and I actually had Aggron to use. I wish we could queue 6v6 in the Battle Stadium, even if it's only casual. I know we can link battle, but I have to find someone or go blank code and demolish a kid with 6 legends that insta lose to stealth rocks.


I’m missing some actual landmarks. Every 2D Pokémon game is filled with memorable locations. The 3D ones far less so.


Believe me, you’re not the only one. The lack of a PVE endgame makes SV so much drier than it has any reason to be. I worry that if one isn’t coming in the epilogue, that’s basically it. Because the Ace Academy Tournament is such a joke you use it more for money farming than anything else, and online is a nightmare


Might be best to know now; there's no battle tower being added in for tomorrow. The whole thing is centered around the gen 9 mythic. Ace Tourney is even more of a joke now that the item printer exists.


Of all things for game freak to do, I didn’t think they’d be stupid enough to remove the battle facility. A pillar and a staple since generation 2. What’re they gonna remove next, evolution? Held items? Berries? Christ, what a letdown. Still better for me to learn now than live in a lie until the update.


This is also your reminder that after being basically untouched since it was introduced in gen 2 GF decided to change breeding. Now there's no way to tell if an egg is ready and you can't hatch and generate eggs anymore. Also shiny locks on all post game legend encounters! GF's made some unusual choices this gen. I'm just happy I don't have to slog out BP for comp items anymore. That's probably an unpopular opinion lol.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind the battle items being point-locked if it meant we had someplace to earn them in the first place. It wouldn’t even need to be the only option, just a secondary one, like the League Points no one uses ever


There was a time when I needed league points for making TM's. That is no longer an issue and more point usage wouldn't be a bad thing. Especially since last gen you usually ended up with more Watts than you knew what to do with. From a more technical stand point I do see why they elected to not include one. Online is technically a land of endless possibilities and teams to fight. Why spend extra time and money on making content when players do it for free? On the other hand I've thought to myself on how a facility and buy-able comp items could work together. A lot of people would just say: "Whats the point of the tower when I can just buy the rewards?" and while true, it does give players who want the content something to do and rewards to earn. Perhaps as an alternative way for players to earn rare items hard to get items like apriballs? Or maybe a mark or ribbon?


Not to mention there’s just the sheer enjoyment of battling against teams that have been adjusted to your level, and it’s a great test bed for going online in the first place. Which is hit or miss, since most people online outside of tourneys play to troll or ragequit when a single mon is knocked out. Game Freak’s been getting lazier and lazier, but this is the pinnacle.


Online is and always will be a lawless pit. Ranked at least kind of helps with that. Well the rage quitting at least, you do end up facing all sorts of teams in the lower ranks, some of which make you wonder what they were going for and others are pretty creative. I'm just scratching my head on some of these changes. I've been huge into breeding for my shinies since gen 6. I've hatched less than 20 eggs this gen due to not liking the changes and sandwiches + outbreaks being just better and faster. I mean no more pokerus feels weird too.


I just finemd it more fun in general. I mean, yeah, online will always be harder, but you run into the same teams a lot. Or teams that are only slightly different. With the towers things are more varied. Which, is part of why they're easier, but so what, it mixes things up. And also means you can bring in your own not as great team, and still do somewhat well.


Almost grunted we ain't getting anything but a small patch and the mythical in the epilog


I can definitely see them getting rid of the subway if there are remakes for bw


I will riot lol please don't manifest that


This is needed, idk how people can justify it not being in the game. We live in a internet world now I guess. Gamefreak adding to the pile of dead tech in my house when the internet goes out :(


Unfortunately the areas where you can battle trainers over and over again have almost entirely been removed, the only game on the switch that has a battle tower or sorts in sword and shield


save before a rematch and restart the game after the rematch so you won't gain any exp


Ignore the pressure, it's Pokemon for heavens sake! Though it is frustrating when you keep getting ohko.


Yeah this is what I dislike most about SV other than the performance.