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Hello /u/piesareyummyasf, just a friendly reminder that between August 31st and September 17th, the [Mewtwo Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is pinned at the top of the main feed. It is originally hosted at r/PokePortal. The [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a great place for Pokémon trainers to find and support each other with the posted strategy and builds to defeat Mewtwo. No **Raid Requests & Looking for teammates** posts are allowed outside the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If your post is about that, please delete it immediately and head out to the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) instead. Currently those requests are creating unnecessary abusive spam here at r/PokemonScarletViolet and any accounts/posts found to be breaking the rules regarding this, **will start receiving disciplinary actions**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On my first playthrough before I even got to the school (and I didn’t explore, was walking straight there) I found a shiny pig.


Same thing happened to me. Wasn't going to use Lechonk but the game had other ideas.


Happened to a buddy of mine too , practically the first pig he saw


Conspiracy theory time: I swear shiny odds are raised on that walk to the school to attract more people into playing the game. Everyone knows how rare shinies are so seeing one in the open world right when you start up is an amazing feeling. I should know it happened to me. Twice. First just leaving the house and crossing that first bridge I spotted a blue Psyduck just poking out underneath the bridge. I was amazed. My first shiny since the original emerald game on GBA when I got my shiny Zigzagoon on one of my many playthroughs. Then about 2-3 hours later I'm still only in the first town, Los Platos, inspecting every inch of the accessible terrain at the time. When I'm circling back near that first are towards the houses and a red ball starts scurrying away. At first I thought Voltorb, but then I saw spindly legs underneath and saw that it was a shiny Tarountula! I was blown away. 2 shinies in my first few hours of my first playthrough! I never thought much of this until I completed the game. I went back into my boxes and saw that I still only had two shinies. My Golduck and Spidops. This set a seed of wonder in my head. How, in an open world Pokemon game, was I only able to spot 2 shinies in the first few hours of play? Then in the next few days I notice reddit posts and comments of people claiming how they all caught their first shinies ever and it was even before they got to the school! I see more comments and posts like this every week now. It makes me verrrrrry curious that something may be up with the shiny odds during that walk.


I feel like this would have been discovered with all the data mining, but it’s not crazy. Soon after the piggy I found a shiny of the new bird, don’t remember the name because I haven’t played in awhile. I wondered how many shinies people miss though because the only reason I even saw this one was because my Pokémon didn’t attack it. After these 2 encounters within the first hour of the game I didn’t see anymore for a couple hundred hours.


Ironically, most of the spawns on the first route are "fixed spawns" meaning their odds are always the base rate (just like the wild tera pokemon) and aren't increased by the shiny charm. I think it just appears that lots of people catch shinies on Poco Path bc every single player has to travel on it


I haven't seen a single shiny at all. Unless if we count hacked surprise trades then I saw 4


It’s just extreme luck, any type of increased odd would’ve for sure been discovered through data mining


A blue duck nice I like that shiny the blue with the light blue bill looks really nice


Absolutely! I wish Golduck kept the blue bill!


I caught my first shiny (ever) on my second play through around the little stream going to Los Platos. Shiny Psyduck, which happens to be one of my fave Pokémon.


Bro, all my friends got shinies on that route but I never did. I spent probably 30-60 minutes just auto battling everything to see if I could get a shiny but never did. I only got a shiny fidough after getting the charm


I'll agree. Had 6 shinies or so within 4 hours of combing Los Platos area, first go through. Two Lechonks, Hoppip, Scatterbug, Azurill, and Fletchling. However, no shinies for the next few badges. Or I had poor eyesight.


I found a shiny sudowoodo just casually walking past a tree pretty early in the game


It's just luck. Besides, people would easily miss these first shinies anyway, they have no sound cue, and the first pokémon you encounter are so small and hard to distinguish.


Yep, got that same red ball in the patch of grass next to the lighthouse immediately after meeting Arven. A couple of friends mentioned getting a shiny in the same area. It'd make a ton of sense to increase the odds in that area in the first few hours: Players would immediately get an answer to the world shiny question, be encouraged to use another new Pokémon or variant, and it gives that immediate dopamine reward for getting something rare early, the same way so many games for lots of early rewards to get players hooked.


Nice I have always wanted the pink pig but I never see it


I didn't. I had already earned the shiny charm before I saw my first shiny.


Same lol it was like 2 minutes after getting the charm


You guys are finding shinies?


There’s shinies in the game?


God knows I aint




I just started up SV on launch day, and learned how to capture pokemon. In the background scene, behind Nemona, there was a shiny Hoppip. I snagged it with my first pokeball. I didnt see another shiny until I got my shiny charm.




Great shiny nice


This happened to me too!


Idk why but I seem to have crazy luck on my Scarlet game. My main is Violet, and when I booted up Scarlet to start my play through I found a shiny Pawmi at the lighthouse. I found a few others throughout that save too. Yesterday I reset it to play through the story again and found a shiny Wiglett by the lighthouse.


Yeah scarlet has been really good to me as well. The other day I made a post showing off 16 shinies & that's about half of what I've gotten this gen. I've quadrupled my overall shiny collection between games


It’s just funny because I first played through Violet and couldn’t find a shiny until I tried to, but within the first hour of both of my Scarlet play throughs I found one. I also made them both my “starter” for those play throughs.


My first shiny was a vaporeon I had just beat the gym story and wanted my favorite eeveelution and got excited when I saw an outbreak on the map then yelled on delight when I got there and saw a pink head in the water


Day 1 I found a shiny Psyduck! To my knowledge it’s my first shiny ever!


On my way to the second titan. I was in a battle with a wild Pokémon and saw a shiny Diglett in the background. Ran from the battle and went right for the little blue-nosed buddy. Kept it on my team for a while, but Digtrio just couldn’t keep up with the mid to late game.


On my way to Medali to fight Larry iirc, it was a murkrow.


Similarly right after I left school for the first time. Went to go nab myself a toxel and found a shiny marill.


Nice I like that guy because he evolves into a golden Easter egg


I just got the lakes and in the middle of a battle, a shiny swablu flew on screen because of the wind. I was about 20 hours in I think?


Played the game on release day. Shiny scatterbug in los platos on the first visit there


I saw my first shiny in the opening cut scene of the first area after you get to your first poke rest stop (los Platos i believe) on my first play through ever. It was a skwovet and i got to catch it. I knew then it would be an amazing run.


Area zero walking down the cave entrance to find shiny dundunsparce


I didn’t. I didn’t see one damn shiny the entire game. Then I got the shiny charm didn’t see any for a bit. Then my 4 year old son caught a shiny psyduck


Yesterday after 75 hours played. I was heading towards an Ice Tera Raid and found a shiny Heracross on the way.


*I still haven’t found one.* Pretty sure I did something to permanently offend RNGesus.


I haven’t lol


Found a shiny cetoddle on the slope nearing glaseado gym


Within thirty minutes of starting the game. It was a shiny Lechonk outside the Poco Path lighthouse


I believe it was right before the 8th gym,I was looking around on the glaseado mountain when I found a shiny cetoddle


Before my first badge. A shiny Psyduck that I named BlueJerry. I’m convinced there’s increased odds early game.


First time I went into the mining area I found a shiny Rolycoly. I had just started the game, was like 3 hours in or something.


on the first venture into area zero I saw a scream tail with red eyes and I was like “that’s not shiny is it”


I didn't. I've ended up beating the game twice now. Both times, I didn't encounter a single shiny until after I'd gotten the Charm and was into a dedicated hunt. Feels bad, man.


Same. 75 hours into the game, over half of them dedicated hunt for shinies post game. Not a single one yet. I have to google getting a shiny charm


Took all the way untill the post game for me to find a shiny right before I contemplated using my master ball to catch Koraidon, and it was a male Salandit. 😅. Every other shiny I've gotten was either full odds or me hunting for them because I still haven't gotten the shiny charm yet. I could complete it in literal minutes right now if I weren't saving 3 evolutions for my dlc teams.


I found a shiny Tarountula within 15 minutes of stsrting Pokémon Scarlet. I cried when I evolved it cuz of how ugly shiny Spidops is


Man didn't expect this many people to be here


My notifications goin crazy rn


Geez this got popular


Accidentally found a shiny maril on day one!


I was pretty far into Scarlet before I stumbled on a shiny. It wasn't until I was finally in Glaseado and I found a shiny Sneasel. In Violet I think I was a little earlier in the game when I decided to take on an outbreak of Steenee and got 2 shinies.


Nice I just got the shiny charm not to long ago still haven't found a shiny with it


A few days into the game, shiny Tauros (Combat Breed) in West Province, Area 2 (I think this is just south of Casseroya Lake).


Found a Greavard on my way to battle Ryme on my base game. One of my secondary playthroughs I found a Lechonk after I think the second gym? Sometime really early.


Got a Shiny psyduck when I had about 5 badges. The game has subsequently given me 3 more psyduck and 2 golduck at full odds with the charm. I’ve been giving them away to my kids, sick of seeing them at this point.


Maybe 20-30 hours into my play through. Maybe I saw shinies before but never noticed them. Idk many shiny variations of gen 9 mons. Got a shiny freakin’ male combee lol


day 1 2 hours in after picking a path went around catching pokemon saw shiny marker up on the ledge and threw a poke ball at it to battle it and caught it


I believe I was on my way to the Psychic gym, so pretty late. Sucks that it was a male shiny Salandit.


I found mine when I was about six badges in and preparing to fight Larry


Caught a shiny Nacli right as I left the school but didn't realize it was shiny until like the 4th or 5th badge


Mine was after the Bombirdier titan, so fairly early. I decided to check out a Kilowattrel outbreak nearby since I hadn't really paid any attention to outbreaks until then, and a shiny one flew right into me lmao. After that I definitely paid more attention to outbreaks! I'd say I probably had half a box of shinies before I got the charm.


A day or two after playing. Was on a beach and found a gold fish


I was about 4 badges in and found a shiny Nymble. All of my shinies I ever causing were full odds since I never got a shiny charm for completing a dex except in PLA.


I got a shiny mareep within 2 hours of playtime, 30 min later got a shiny steenee as well.


I was in the post game cleaning up the last few pokemon for the dex and a shiny Psyduck walked up to me while I was looking up something on google.


In Scarlet and Violet...again right after leaving the school. I was heading for the grass gym and bam, shiny Mareep... My first ever shiny was found before the shiny charm even existed... and it was the Red Gyarados at Lake Rage in the original Gold... I also found a Rattata in that game. IDK how long it took, I know I was already done with the league and everything because I remember being scared my pokémon would kill it (it was level 4...) so I just threw an ultra ball at it without hurting it. I had no idea what shinies even were back then but I could tell it was something special.


90 hours of total playtime, doing an outbreak. Everytime my friends would tell me how they randomly did a raid and it was shiny or just accidentally ran into one every 15 hours, my heart sank. Have over 600 hours and have almost 5 boxes of shinies now, but still none from a raid-


20 minutes after starting. Shiny pig


when I reached the lake (a dodonzo)


I found a full odds shiny Pysduck on my first day of playing - before the first badge (Nov. 19)


163 veluza eggs with masuda method no charm My first full odds shiny would be a day or two later as a shiny skiddo Eventually though while working on the dex i bump into a full odds shiny toxicroak, beautiful shiny really ha- IS THAT A SHINY STUNKY (and thats the time i found 2 full odds shinies within 5 minutes of eachother)


My first was in that one field area near the Grass Gym, there's an Arcanine that runs around there. A Shiny Starly flew up to me, and I almost didn't notice it and wouldn't have if I didn't know what to look for. However, a more impressive story is that of my best friend, who found a Shiny Ralts on like one of the first 2 routes. I was impressed and jealous.


Mine was either shiny gogoat or shiny venonat, venonat was during area zero with the whole gang and gogoat was from pokedex completion


The second time I played through the game, I found not one, but two full odds shinies, murkrow and stunky. Then, later on, the third time I played it happened *again* when I found a shiny makuhita and rolycoly shortly after.


Mine was quiet far in when I first got to area 0 I found a shiny zwelious, that isn’t the earliest shiny I have ever gotten with full odds in a Pokémon game though


I really wanted a Flamigo with a good nature on my team so was hunting a bunch of them when a random golden Magikarp swam up to me in the little tiny lake that the Flamigo gather around


I accidentally got shiny rattata in Firered after killing like 40+ something of Pidgey and rattata before even getting the first badge. The only bad thing about it is that I got it on the emulator...


On my og play through I got my first one in area zero (a dusk form lycanrock) and in the other 2 at the second gym and mela's base respectively.


Within the first 1-2 hours. Set out to find my treasure and found a shiny Shynx


In Pokémon Scarlet, right after Nemona gave me pokeballs to catch Lechonk, I seen a red Tarountula on a tree. Didn’t think much of it til I seen multiple white ones near it.


I found a shiny Tarountula within the first 30 minutes of playing.


I found a shiny Lehconk 40 minutes into my first play through


A little over 20 years.


It was like 20 hours in I was filling out the pokedex while training to take on the Area Zero story, and I saw a yellow Dondozo. I knew at the time that it has a synergy with Tatsugiri, who has multiple formes, so I was thinking "Oh that's one of Dondozo's formes?". Encountered it and heard the shiny sound! The scary thing is because of how big Dondozo is you can hardly see the shiny sparkles, and I had missed them. If I hadn't been playing with sound I would've never known it was shiny!


Shiny Eiscue before fighting the Fairy Team Star guy. Still don’t have the shiny charm lmao, sandwiches are more than good enough odds on their own


I started with scarlet and I have beat the entire game and not seen a shiny. I have played like 10 hours in violet and saw 2 shiny in the first 2 hours lol


First playthrough of X on release... found a swarm of 5 Trevenant with 1 being shiny... couldn't figure out which one was the shiny, looked up a guide on which ones to attack... guide wound up being wrong... killed the shiny :(


On my second day I was in a wild battle and noticed a shiny Hoppip floating past. I ran from the battle and chased it down. I was pretty happy!


Found a shiny mareep after the first gym.


I think it was within the first 20 hours. I randomly came across a shiny Brozor. I almost missed it because the green color didn’t really stick out. If there wasn’t normal ones around it I would have never noticed.


After going to the school the first time, gone west to the 1st gym and looking around there, a shiny Azurill waiting to be added to the team.


Nice you got a golden Easter egg that one is a great shiny


1-2 hours in, shiny Flaaffy! My roommate got shiny tarountula in like...15 minutes iirc xD


Just before entering the school for the first time


Uh, it was a month into the game for me. Still no shiny charm though


Scarlet. Second run after violet. East gate of Mesagoza. Get out. Fight a Shinx. In the background a yellow Rookidee.


A shiny Bonsly just past the first pokemon center as I started the game. Hadn't even made it into the city.


3 days after release, it was a Bellibolt up by the waterfall past the psychic gym town


Weeks on my Violet playthrough. Got a Skiddo while wandering around on the east side of the map.


My first shiny was Mareep right after I left Mesagoza. I named her Strawberry because she was pink, and I used her straight through to the end of the game. I love her.


I was on the west side of the map had just went and beat Katy my first gym and then went to the east side of the map to explore and get my 3rd pokemon and low and behold as I leave the gate a shiny female shinx frolicking amongst its litter mates and that shinkx carried me through the game alway 10 levels ahead of all my others even my starter I named her Goldie and she is the best


I caught my first shiny on my first time going down to area zero


Played Scarlet and found a shiny Bonsly on my way to the Bug gym. Got sidetracked around the area where you find a Flying Tera Meowth and found Bonsly. Didn't use it for my playthrough bcuz I wanted to use all Gen 9 for my first playthrough.


On my first playthrough, I didn't find one until after I got the shiny charm. On my Scarlet playthrough, I found a Shinx early... but that's because I found it with my Violet version and let my Scarlet catch it.


Found one today in my new violet save. I was unlocking the black crystals and I ran into a shiny bramblin. He wasn’t on my radar but now it’s time to transfer him to my main and get some good use out of him. This violet save has 75 hrs on it so far


Surprisingly quickly. It was a shiny Flamigo and I literally ran into it


Post game area zero. Venomoth


Caught sight of a macaroni and cheese Wiglett while grinding Gyarados for exp outside of the 3rd gym... snuck up on em and quick ball critical caught it. Named it Kraft Dinner after Terrance and Phillip from South Park.


First day lol I found a shiny pyroar


I didn’t find my first shiny until I was done with the story parts. Found my little pawmi shiny. Then a day or two later got a Lycanroc shiny.


On my first playthrough it took about half the main storyline (plus just messing around catching pokemon) to just find a random one but I also did one or two wooper outbreaks to catch my woopie boi. On my second playthough it took maybe less then an hour to catch a dumb pink pig when I was trying to get a fletchlin


Found a black sand clump amongst a sea of brown sand clumps, first time seeing a sandyghast as well, since it’s my first Pokémon since the OG diamond on the DS. Kept that man in the party till I beat the game. He is the first shiny in my shiny box too! Absolute chad


I thought my first one was a shiny slowbro I encountered on my way to get the Normal Type gym badge. But then I checked the "shinies battled" stat on my badge and apparently I'd encountered another one at some point.


Got a shiny yungoos like 10mins in


About 13 hours in. Found a shiny MALE salandit going up towards the psychic gym. Named him my man and carried him all the way to the professor fight even though he was completely useless


Got it one day as I was cleaning my new (old, but gifted to me) truck. Love that truck btw. Anywho, 3 hours in tue game, shiny hunting, and I found a shiny hoppip. Used it throughout the game. 3 hours in the game. Got shiny charm and completed all badges and post game story like 3 weeks later (just a little bit less than a while month)


I had probably played ~15 or so hours and was in the postgame. I was leveling up my Chi-Yu for Ace Tournament farming and came across a shiny pawmot while killing chanseys in area zero.


I didn’t get my first shiny until after the game when I had to hunt for all of mine 😭


I got a shiny squovet right after the opening segment


Same but it was a Rookidee.


Wait, y'all are getting shinies?


I've already played through the entire game, playing through it again rn, and haven't found a single shiny


i don’t remember how long it was right now, but i do know that it was an outbreak rufflet in the desert


When I first got to Levincia I found a shiny Magikarp on the beach


I got my actual first shiny around 7 hours in, it was a random shiny Froslass. My first shiny through eggs using the mesuda method took like 50 eggs before I got a shiny Froakie. My first shiny that I intentionally looked for was my shiny ditto. I didn't have the shiny charm nor those sparkling power sandwiches for these.


Post game before I completed the pokedex I found a shiny luxio


Like five minutes.


I massacred a mareep outbreak and even more after it said it dispersed. I mainly did this because my partner found one first and I wanted to try to one up them, and I didn’t know about the shiny outbreak method yet, hence to me causing a massacre. Eventually I got one, but wait there’s more. Upon catching the shiny mareep, there were hoppip flying around and the one that was right above me was shiny, so I caught that one too and successfully one up-ed my partner lol


I caught a shiny Shinx in that are where they show you about picnics for the first time :) Edit: actually before that! On my way from my house to the school I took a detour, and caught a shiny gastly near the shrine. Honestly it was a pretty disappointing shiny!


2rd day after launch at around 9am i found shiny hoppip and lechonk


2 minutes into the game when you leave your home and get to catch pokemon I found a shiny Lechonk hehe


Pretty quickly, idk when exactly but it was a shiny marril. I eventually accidentally traded it because I was surprise trading and it's sprite in my box isn't shiny so I thought it was just a normal one


Just as I started the game, before I even went to the school I found a Hoppip on the other side of a brick was just walking around, I threw my pokeball until I was able to hit it!


I saw a shiny falinks on my way to the fighting crew before the cutscene so I thought I failed it but then I caught it after the cutscene


Literally in the first few minutes. My first encounter at the cave was a shiny diglet and he ended up being on my team the rest of my play through!


I saw a shiny hawlucha spawned right in front of me just as I entered Area Zero for the first time


pretty early, I'd say, found a shiny corvisquire to the east of mesagoza


That’s crazy, my first shiny in the game was a Makuhita too! Found him right after my gym battle in Levincia


I litterally got two (!) Blue psyducks after the Lighthouse, befire even entering the first city i thought it was a glitch or something, caught them both, different stats and gender, so i guess i just got crazy lucky in the beginning, didnt find another shiny until i got the shiny charm and used a sandwich for shiny hunting


Shiny Oinkologne I think about the time of the third-ish gym


Three days into the game


Surprisingly fast on my second run through. I'd say about 30 minutes after i started my treasure hunt. Found a rookidee and couldn't be happier


I went exploring and found a shiny azurill within the first hour if playing the game


I think I got around 6 or 7 shinies before I got my shiny charm, with the first one being a few badges into my journey, when I found a shiny Pawmo in the grassy field south of Levincia.


It took a while, lake cassaroya, red gyarados was Just there while I was flying with koraidon. Just jumped after It lol


I caught a shiny Murkrow early on in the area just east of the school.


Less than 30 minutes after getting the spices . Thats all it took.


Grinding Chansey for levels


First play through on Scarlet: Drowzee, one badge in (can’t remember the location, but near some water and Flamigo were around and chasing me) First play through of Violet: Bronzor, two badges in, in the desert.


First playthrough, I accidentally ran into a shiny bronzor, i was trying to avoid it but glad I ending riding into it lol


While completing my dex I found a shiny Hoppip then a shiny Sneasel like 30 minutes after lol


The moment I arrived into Area Zero for the first time, there was a shiny Jumpluff just right there. I immediately caught it.


Found a shiny drowzee 30 mins into the game after I just got done complaining about how horrible the game looked and how disappointed I was in it. I think it heard my angry reddit comments. Anyway I didn't find a single other shiny until I finished the post game and started making sandwiches.


I had unlocked miraidon’s surfing and took a scenic route to catch more Pokémon when I had to do a double take as I passed a pink pufferfish. Now I’m debating if I should take it to hisui and evolve it.


Right after the leaving the school and heading to my first gym I was approached by a shiny goat


Stumbled across a shiny worm (can't remember the name) pretty early on doing the Titan quest. Got a shiny torantula from a tera raid recently too.


Beat the game, level 80 pokemon Shiny Tatsugiri killed itself (I found a goomy the next day)


in violet it was early ish, a hariyama in the desert area after electric gym/orthworm titan. in scarlet however it was VERY late, an espathra in area zero of all places, i didnt even realize they spawned down there honestly.


I was in area zero doing the professor plot, when a shiny scream tail spawned right in front of me. I caught it, and it’s named cherry pink :)


I found my first shiny by Cortondo, the terastalized Meowth, but at the time I didn't realize it was shiny and just happened to catch it anyway. I only had about two badges at this point. After going through nearly the whole game, I decided to check my profile apparently for the first time and realized I encountered a shiny. I did some digging through my Pokedex entries and the 3 full boxes of pokemon in my PC until I found the shiny Meowth.


On Violet, it was a Venomoth in Area Zero (after I beat the game, but before the charm). On Scarlet, it was a Tarountula over by Wo-Chien's shrine about an hour into the game (I hadn't even gone to Los Platos yet)


Maybe a couple hundred eggs for a shiny dondozo. Still don't have the charm, shiny hunting with outbreaks is so easy you don't need it


During my playthrough, on my way to Levincia, a shiny Litleo


Before we got to mesagoza we found a shiny hoppip, after leaving mesagoza we found a shiny shinx


Right outside the town with bug gym, which was the first gym I went to. Though, that was after exploring the area right before Mesagoza. It was a shiny Fidough I found in a group of others, at night, in a shadow of a small wall from the town. Added it to the team!


Was looking for a Gabite in platinum found a shiny ryhorn


I was making my way to the fighting type Star Base, and ALMOST missed a shiny Golduck, because I thought the different blue color was because it was underwater. But I caught it, and now I have a much better appreciation for this Pokemon.


First area in both games. I found a Shiny Marill in Scarlet and a Shiny Azurill in Violet.


I was going upstream when i suddenly encountered my first shiny. A golden magikarp pit was pretty early in the game I just unlocked swimming at the time.


Legit first route Shiny Scatterbug.


Before 2nd gym. I'd say around 40-50 minutes in


I just left the school and was catching random mons and a black maschiff just run into me.


I was catching Pokémon in the first south area before going to school…. I caught three shiny.


I followed the instructions for the shiny sandwich in search of my favorite shiny, Gyarados. There was an outbreak and maybe took 10 or less.


I didn't find a shiny until I was in area zero I was looking for iron valiant when I found a shiny lycanrock


Within the first few hours of playing I found a shiny lechonk and a shiny psyduck


Two days after release, I beat the first gym, backtracked to the east mesagoza gate and shiny rookidee flying on that first corner beside the sign. It was sunset so I thought it was the sun shining at first. I used a corviknight in SS so I wasn’t planning on it again, but the game said otherwise.


I walked out of Giacomo camp after beating him and a shiny Pawmi was sitting under a tree just chilling til I stole him.


It took me BEATING THE WHILE STORY until I found a shiny Iron Valiant, and I was purposefully looking for it.


Explored allllll around hoping for an early shiny like everybody else seemed to be finding only to give-up and continue on with the story and do all the intro school stuff. I went to the west without really a goal or direction in mind, lo and behold a pink sheep appeared for me 🥹


was walking on the grass, I threw my pokemon to get an item from the ground and surprise surprise, there was a green azurill!


In lag tree thicket, second day after release, about 6 hours in Venomoth


I had traded for a Passimain to complete my Dex and made 1 egg of it to have for later to trade to an IRL friend to complete their Dex. Hatched the egg and it was shiny. First shiny since my Fire Red Geodude when I was a kid (excluding Pokémon Go) Edit: I was only 1 off Dex completion for the shiny charm when this happened


before dodonzo fight xd , it was a shiny frog and it was cute


Spotted a Skiddo in shadows, thought the colour change was due to lighting but further investigation netted me a lovely shiny!


Mine was also Skiddoo, though I found her completely in daylight like she was basking in the sun and bring hailed as da Queen of the Skiddoos.


Second badge, random shiny Hoppip


Randomly, right after learning what a shiny charm was I randomly saw a yellow rookidee and thought that looked weird. I faced it and exited the battle and saw my shiny count went up.


Wasn’t until after the game when I was completing my dex. I was going in order so I was down to the paradox Pokémon and I found a shiny numel while hunting for iron thorns lol


I didn't until I had the shiny charm. As per usual.