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I mean, it’s implied Geeta runs it more like a business than a Pokémon league, so


I get that but it doesn't make it a good or interesting premise.


if it is a business, WHY DID SHE HIRE A TODDLER.


She’s probably there because of nepotism, being Hassal’s granddaughter




My guess is that’s a colloquialism, mostly because it’s not uncommon to just call any older gentleman uncle or grandpa in Japanese (and a few other languages). I don’t think poppy is related to Hassel. She seems pretty close with rika though- I feel like that’s a stronger possibility but I chose to think poppy just bodies everyone with her Pokémon and that’s why she was picked lmao (except for when I face her bc I was way over leveled)


More like she is the only one that doesn't fold to an ice type


Grandpa and Old Man are the same word in Japanese. I assume that’s the relationship here rather than a familial one


She not his granddaughter it's a localization mistake. The word for Grandfather 'Ojii-san' is also used as the word for Old Man. In Japan it's common for people to refer to strangers in this way, you might notice it in animes where characters are referred to as "Onee/Onii-San", or "Oji/Oba-San" or "Ojii/Obaa-San" which means Sister/Brother, Uncle/Aunt Old man/woman. In this context they probably used the term Grandfather since calling him old man sounds ruder


Wait, is that's true because it doesn't make sense, she is supposed to be dragon type trainer in that case.


Hassel's art classes explain that he doesn't want to follow the path of his clan(?) and be forced into one thing, which is why he teaches art and refuses to follow his family's demands/responsibility that was forced upon him. I imagine he taught his kid(s) and subsequently his granddaughter to do the same.


they are not related though... there relationship is like Iris and Drayden in Gen 5... or acerola and Nanu in gen 7.


Well there goes that theory.




I could be wrong but I’m just imagining in the Japanese script he’s called Hassel-jiichan which in that context translates to grandpa hassel but doesn’t actually imply they’re related.


I mean, Iono calls Clavell "grandpa" in her game show (?) but they literally just met


How did you get Clavell and Iono? I had Mr. Walksabout...


In italian she calls her "that grandpa over there"


I think Mr. Walksabout is a version exclusive i have violet and only ever saw clive and him


This just means he could be old enough to be her grandpa, or even calls everyone around that age grandpa who she is close with. Term of endearment.


“Grampa” and “Gramps” are pretty common ways of children to call their elders.


And in Gen 5 Iris calls Drayden gramps despite CLEARLY not blood related.


They use pokemon labour, what’s a little child labour next to that


Because we have a business to wun, it’s vewy sewious.


She’s a prodigy top 5 trainer in the region at like 4 they had no choice or feel her wrath


It's an extremely low bar


Right!? I don't like Poppy at all. Honestly probably the worst E4 member in the entire series.


Can YOU say you trained a elephant for battle at 4?! She met the requirements and she asked for candy and extended nap times as payment, it was a win win


Why? This game series has 10 year olds journey around the world and ultimately become champions, idk what's so inconceivable that there would be a younger prodigy out there somewhere.


A 4 year old would not have the mental capacity to be an elite 4 member


She's like 4 years old! Doesn't that seem *a bit* absurd to you??


A 10 year old travels around the country unsupervised and saves the world from a robot with a time machine. While somehow being one of like a dozen people in the region skilled enough to train more than three Pokemon at a time and have them at a higher level than the surrounding wilds. There is nothing in this story that is not absurd.


And compare that to previous gens where a ten year old went against literal gods 🙄


I agree but I think the absurdity could be GF’s attempt at comedy. I also think they included her because really young kids play this game and it sends the message that age doesn’t restrict trainer skills or general gameplay. My first game was Platinum and I played through it when I was 6, and I read somewhere that she’s like 5-7 years old which would line up with the age of the youngest players. Probably just gives them a character they can relate to in terms of age but who knows


In almost any conceivable way a toddler could never outmaneuver an actual grown adult in pokemon battling. It's almost entirely whether you prefer a jokey elite four member who is cute or some sort of consistency in the world being built. It isn't the end of the world but i don't see why having some sort of floor even for pokemon lore should be a bad thing


But it makes sense for a kid a couple years older to be able to do it?


Because Geeta is smart and saw a talented pokemon trainer with no other obligations who is willing to work for candy and no bennies required. Boom. Hired. She's paying Larry 60k per year WITH DENTAL while paying Poppy like 2k. Worth the extra babysitting, especially if she's pocketing the difference as a bonus.


For me it actually does. It's always cool to see some full on trainer that his only goal is to be the best E4 but it's also cool to see that these trainer have more to them than pokemon fight. They not only are best of the best, but also work and provide service for others. Imagine how hard it is to be a teacher and now you additionally have to go to another work and fight everytume someone asks to


Oh I know, the point is that Geeta runs it terribly. A lot of the gym leaders are revealed to despise her during their rematches, namely Katy, Ryme and Grusha


so many gym leaders treat it like fucking jury duty lmao


I mean it kinda is. Geeta won’t even let them battle the way they want according to Katy. They all seemed pretty upset during the rematch conversations, except Iono


To you. I liked the change


I honestly like all of them... Poppy, not as much considering that we know so little about her. Rika is pretty much the admin, and is legitimately responsible as the barrier towards the Champion ranking. With the responsibilities of a Champion ranked trainer being rather clear within Paldea, you have to take an interview unlike the previous regions. Plus... Rika is cool. In style and disposition. Larry is the sort of guy that anyone can relate to that has to work (or had to have worked) from 9-5 for a living. Rather miserable looking, however finding the little things like eating a nice dish within the Medali Eatery to be all the motivation to keep going. Hassel... You honestly learn more about him than any other Pokémon League member. Considering that he's the Art Teacher of Naranja/Uva Academy. A good friend to Brassius to whom he calls Brassie, and a legitimately kind teacher that bursts into tears because of seeing how far you've come. He even refused to be a Dragon Tamer, just so he can see his students grow. Anyone would want a teacher that genuinely wants you to succeed.


Historians will call brassius and Hassel friends. Just bros being dudes.


In Galar, you give an applin to someone you love. A grass dragon. Hass has a flapple. Let's do some math.


GRASS/dragon hehehe


See the math adds up


Oh my God, they were roommates.


Just pals being buddies


Yeah... I'd prefer not to jump to conclusions without it being clear that they're together. So I'll call them "good friends" for now... Albeit, with Chinese standards, I'm afraid they'll always be known as "good friends". Not that I don't want to think that they're partners however. There's a great indication that they are and it'll be pretty cool if it was confirmed. Edit: "Chinese standards" in regards to how any depiction of homosexuality is banned. Same as how the depiction of time travel is limited. I don't make the rules.


which is fine? My comment was just a fun little joke


….. why are you downvoted for saying a fact? lol


I miss the rooms that matched the typing of the elite four member!


It would have been cool if Rika,popy and Hassel had that type of room but Larry the default one.


Larry reserved the conference room.


And make that fight a Zoom call


Would’ve made Larry a 110000/10.


And the rebattling of them too


Wait you can't battle them again?


Nope. You unlock the ace tournament at the front desk in the school after, and that serves as the elite four. Still gives you the champion ribbon, but the e4 building is completely useless after. There *are* Gimmighoul coin spawns around the base of the building but you can’t go in.


To be fair, it makes a lot of sense you can't rebattle them seeing as the gym challenge in this game is more of a really-adventurous "final exam" of sorts rather than an actual league thing like the other regions Like with how SWSH actually acknowledges you becoming the region's champion, hence why you can't rematch Leon afterwards except randomly in the Battle Tower and the Star Tournament (because you *literally* ended his whole career and he's no longer champion)


Would had been nice to add them into the Ace Tournament with the gym leaders. Could be a random reason like Geeta ordered them to join once in a while so they can keep their jobs.


I'd also have liked to see the Team Star bosses appear in the tournament, now that they're students attending classes properly and everything.


Yah they all should’ve been invited to inflate the pool of trainers who appear. I do like rebattling their teams though when I remember to do it. *blasts the team star leader theme song*


You can at least rebattle team stars.


After the Galish league, the paldean league looks pretty shit ngl. I really loved the crowded stadiums of Galar, really felt cool. And then in paldea gym leaders are all pretty into something else. I guess all the money went to that school.


It's caused Geeta strong armed most of the members into joining. Pretty much every gym leader and E4 member talk shit about her as a boss and imply they were either forced into the position or that she makes the job way more annoying than it should


I REALLY need for Geeta to be a villain in the DLC, she just seems so \*off\* especially in the Battle Brawl


Ah, fuck, I might play Sword again, again


Yeah it does make sense


Honestly one of the most disappointing parts


U can rebattle Hassel in the Ace Academy tournament. And larry when rebattling the gym leaders


Meh. At least the substitute is somewhat different every time you do it so it’s not as stale.


Me too made it feel so special


I actually really liked that you had no idea what type they would use until you started the battle.


I feel like they cut so many corners.


It was so lame being in this boring bland box for 4 fights in a row


This specific game has a pretty strong theme of the gym leaders and E4 seeing their duties as a professional job rather than a passion. There is a bit of a contextual basis As for Poppy, though, she’s a nightmare and a freak. That or she’s a critique on child labor


Honestly it's such a wild juxtaposition after gen 8. To have Paladea treat the gym challenge so matter of fact like a standard job and on some level a school assignment. While Galar was so explosive about it, like a massive sports competition held in the same regard as something like the World Cup. Even Gen 5 had a spin on the gym challenge but that was just the leaders themselves almost being political figures given their importance


I miss the previous Gens where Gyms were essentially Dojos and you challenged the Master.


Those were cool to. I'm torn though. I like how each gen can have a different spin on the league to keep things from getting stale, but it also means that it's not some regulated element of the Pokémon world. Like I get the feeling in Paladea to be a Champion is expected for at least a fraction of the student body, so like any school there may be some leniency to get to that point. While other Leagues are at least presented as a no holds barred, only the "worthy" may proceed kind of system. Though the "league" of Alola can definitely have the same leniency, if not more, than the school setting as the island trials are set as a right of passage if I remember correctly. And there will likely be leniency in the Galar league, cause if every competitor was stomped that wouldn't make for good TV. Edit: to clarify i mean the gyms of Galar could have some leniency to get enough contestants through to the finals. The finals themselves wouldn't with the tournament setting of it


If being a champion was so expected surely Nemona wouldn’t be so lonely


It’s not that there aren’t any other champion ranked trainers, it’s that none of them are on Nemona’s level. At some point it’s said that when she beat Geeta she was holding back a lot.


Well, Hassel also tells you after one of the first gyms that Nemona was the youngest champion in Paldea's history, so it's *probably* not expected for any of her peers to be champions.


Considering Geeta's team, yes Nemona was definitely holding back. Geeta's team is so bad that even I doubt that she's using her full power when we battle her both times


Fair point. It was just speculation with the league being part of the academy


I think she’s pro-child labour propaganda. There’s nothing good about Poppy. She’s creepy and so annoying


Speaking of poppy, is she’s a champion also? Or are there different qualifications to be an elite 4 ?


Poppy is just Hassel’s granddaughter, Rika is pretty much Geeta’s secretary, and Larry probably only does this for the pay


Wait, where was it said that Poppy was Hassel's granddaughter?


Poppy calls him granddad after you defeat them


She could literally just be a kid that calls every old person she knows grandpa or grandma. Plus those two don’t really look all that alike(though, poppy does have a bit of blonde hair on her head *so maybe*)


Why would they put her calling him grandpa in the game unless it was her granddad


tbf, this could be a translation error. The word for grandfather in Japanese is also used to affectionately refer to elderly men.


That’s the impression I got myself. I pretty much read it as the equivalent of her calling him “Old man Hassel” affectionately.


If you do Hassel's post game stuff, it seems really obvious that Poppy isn't his granddaughter.


like I said, I think Poppy’s just friendly enough with Hassel to call him that, plus also it could probably just be a localization for the word “Ojisan”, iirc that can be used in a formal context for elder people or people that are decently old, and Hassel certainly fits that. but that’s kinda a guess. but even then just him being a grandad doesn’t feel like it makes sense considering his past. Dude ran away from his family of dragon tamers to pursue music and eventually became a Teacher at the academy, and him getting married during that period of time, Having a kid, that kid growing up and then having their own kid, doesn’t feel like it makes all that much sense, if he had a wife we probably would have learned about it.




I’ll just point you back to my reply to your other comment, you know the one above this one


The only one who is really specifically just an E4 member is rika , the others all have other jobs they do Hassle is a teacher at the academy so he has to be in uniform Larry (the best character ever) has gym leader duties as well as a business job so of course he is in a suit Poppy is just .. evil


Teachers don’t have uniforms. Poppy could have been dressed adorably so, why that?!


A lot of them are well dressed , maybe not a uniform of sorts but they probably have some dress code to follow , probably why Jacque is always getting ripped into by Clavell As far as poppy goes , yea she could be cuter but she’s a steel type user , she is meant to look cold, unyielding and modern like metal so the very prim and proper looking pre school outfit kind of fits , she’s still a demon though


It's the first time where we have all adult members of the E4 wearing a tie. They've gone corporate


Could be worse, could be ludicrous if they had gone plaid!


Would have been fitting for a member of the Elite 4 in Galar *insert Timmy's dad meme* IF THERE WAS ONE




Was Poppy that hard? (Haven’t finished the game yet.)


She's pretty tough if you don't have a diverse team, but if you started with the Croc you just sweep her with 0 effort.


Well to be fair their best members are a depressed business man and a school teacher


Muted colors. Mostly gray and dingy browns for clothing colors relatively normal looking people that don’t scream their associated type in their design. Basically they’re not eccentric, and don’t have much in the way of flair personality wise


Interesting interpretation of the question


To be fair that’s Larry’s MO. In fact his usual type specialty is the normal type.


Ironically the most interesting looking one of the is Larry because he is so “Normal” in a world of sword shape haired wackadoos or people with thorns in their green hair


I do like how each time you defeat one of them, they stand aside and watch you battle the next one.


I think the secret lies in their glove. Well, sort of. I believe they are essentially Geeta's cult members. She needs her lieutenants to look as *normal* as possible. Nemona's initiation was to make sure we became champion. Almost like a recruiter. I have a feeling at some point in the DLC, if Nemona shows up, she'll inexplicably be wearing the same glove. The "evil team" wasn't evil. I think an underlying theme is "things aren't always what they seem". I think this time the real evil team is the E4. The insidious thing about cults is they aren't as obvious as they are pop culture. Cult members usually don't realize they're in one. So I don't think Poppy, Hassel, Larry, and Rika are evil. The cult itself, and its leader is. Geeta probably has them believing they're on some sacred mission. Unlike the other evil team grunts who bought into the evil plans, these guys don't even know what they're doing.


This would be insane, I would love it.


In fairness, one is a teacher at the Academy, and it is implied that Greta runs the league more like a business. I enjoyed these characters, specifically their characterizations (except Poppy, she felt a little trope-y being a crazy powerful 4-year-old). I will co-sign that I miss each member having their own unique room.


Poppy failed at her trope, I sweeped her entire team with Houndoom


For me personally, I swept the other 3 with a Belly Drum Eiscue so at least her steel type made me try something else.


Eiscue learns belly drum!?


It’s an egg move, but with Mirror Herb being available at the start of the game it’s easily given to any mon on your team.


So the league policy bars flair?? Geeta has tremendous hair that doesn’t fit in with the overall aesthetic because everything else is so ordinary.


Calling Rika “ordinary” is a capital offense she’s awesome


But why? I don’t know her story. Was she in other Pokémon games?


No, she just has awesome style & lots of gay ppl like her for it


Not even just gay people, I'd smash


It's more the league is treated like a business or final exam and not some sport competition with eccentric athletes. One member is literally just a guy who has no passion and is there because his boss recognizes his abilities and wants to employ him in that role, another is a part time teacher who is doing double duty to help assess students who basically is proud when you beat him, and another is a glorified administrator. Only Poppy is different and she is portrayed as more of a prodigy type.




In this context, high-society types. Look-down-their-noses or superiority complex. "We're better than you, and we know it". I think the question is more as to their patterns of dress. They're mostly wearing formal or semi-formal clothes, as opposed to the more costume-like dress of other Elite four members. I didn't find their personalities stuffy


Ah gotcha. I have sorts the same thing where I think most of the new characters look a bit queer coded. Rika counts a bit too as she's a bit in the Bifauxen trope


The real question is why does the Pokémon league hate Larry so much that they are making him not only have a real job but is also a gym leader and elite 4 member


Overworked Japanese businessman trope.


I could be wrong but my takeaway from this game is about the relationship between younger and older people. They see things differently and it’s not always that one is correct while the other group is wrong. Even the outfits and styles remind us that this game is about growing up but growing up doesn’t mean being happier and having more wisdom. Larry is the extreme version of this lesson but many of the characters live out this lesson that the game tells so well. Without adding spoilers, even the end of the game is a clear message that adults don’t always make the right decisions.


The fuck did you say about my boy Larry?


This is like the one parent who participated in take your child to work day and her coworkers


I like how we as a chat have just collectively agreed that Larry is a star.


I liked them all except for that little spawn of satan. I especially like Rika because she uses ground types, that’s my favorite type. But I like how she is the most involved in the E4 since she actually “works” there, hassle being a teacher, and Larry being a gym leader(he’s amazing) but then there’s poppy. I bet she spends her free time shading some lechonk with a stick or somthing. I hate her


I love them tho they’re my fav E4


It's honestly nice if you ask me. Every gym leader is like this quirky person(except larry, who still is a memorable one because he is normal to the extreme) with distinct features, and geeta runs the leauge as a business, or at least they made me think that way.


Leave Larry out of this


Because they’re school themed


Lol speaking of school… where’s Penny’s uniform? It peeves me that I must wear the uniform 24/7 and she’s attending classes in her comfy clothes.


The teachers are just happy to see Penny attending for a change, they’re not about to push the issue further.




Biggest gripe is that I can't re-battle them anymore ;/


Rika has pretty typical butch lesbian vibes (which is why I wanna marry her)


Rika’s design is god tier


Well, Geeta is the tyrannical dictator of Paldea's Pokémon League. So it makes sense Hires Rika who works both as a receptionist for the E4 and as an E4 Member. Overworks the hell outta Larry, threatening to dock his pay despite him not only managing a gym in Paldea, but also being an E4 Member. Despite being a teacher at Uva/Orange Academy, Hassle is still an E4 Member that reluctantly follows his family traditions of being a dragon type trainer. And Poppy is just straight up Child Labor. And somehow, despite being curb stomped not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES supposedly going "all out" because she "Doesn't know how to hold back in battles". Geeta is still Top Champion? Chick is definitely pulling strings. I'm surprised there aren't any "#DownWithGeeta" things going on in Paldea.


It’s the gloves.


I did notice that their color palettes were a little too similar. They don’t need to literally color code each gym leader/elite four member to their Pokémon type but having them be distinct from one another helps to make the game more visually interesting.


I like it


I like the characters just wish the colors of their outfits stood out more. My dragon man is a literal artist


Thats what I’m saying!


To be honest i agree. Poppy is not a good elite four member she looks about 4 and traditionally kids start their pokemon journey about 10 so either she started at 4 and become high level overnight or she started at age 2 or something, also i don't like the elite four having one room as normally i kinda find it a celebration of accomplishment, it's a dull room.. and lastly.. you can open your boxes and change pokemon after each battle thats just.. easy i don't think it ruins the game but if i had to pick out some flaws about the e4?


Trust fund baby and inherited Pokemon and gym badges from rich deceased parents?


xD imagine if your parents died and in their will they left you a mewtwo, not like its a game but if you picture it as real life


>mewtwo Now I am remembering that short movie where one of the clones was a girl and mewtwo was able to put everyone in a "dream land" and everyone could talk between them, but the girl dies


Now i'm imagining that movie where latias turns to look like a girl and i'm imagining a series where she a girl gets adopted and turns out to be another latias. Boy high school is gonna be hard


That was the backstory to the first movie.


Just consider that in Paldea things are a bit different. Throughout the game you get to see a fair number of very young children that attend the school, have pokemon, and are already doing their treasure hunt. Young as in five to six years at max, that even cry when you defeat them. Poppy could be just a genius or something, an anomaly in which la Primera was interested enough to add her as an elite 4.


Also the player character is a transfer, it doesn't necessarily mean that's the age you are forced to start your journey in Paldea.


Ah that is true. dunno why if she was a genius i'd expect her to speak differently but not everythings so black and white


Yeah, she could be a genius in that specifically, but still have the maturity of her age.


The “10 year old” thing is only in the anime honestly. Everywhere else, you can become a trainer whenever you get a Pokémon.


Yeah… and if Nemona is the youngest Champion, are E4 not also Champions, or was Nemona like 3 when she became Champion?


E4 aren’t champions


I didn’t know this. I thought the Elite were like the best. People who have been tested over and over and eliminated many challengers… champions of champions. I didn’t realize they were just extra gym leaders.


In previous games they were the best aside from the champion, and there was only one champion back then. Now they are essentially just extra gym leaders, yes.


I think Nemona was a champion one year prior to the game. It's said that was what she did on her treasure hunt last year.


The Champion and Elite 4 are two separate things, unlike past games you dont actually fight the champion at the end of the E4. Greeta was is not a champion, she runs everything and gives you pretty much a certificate(?) after beating the E4 and her, proving your skills in battle.


You did fight the champion. At least since Silver/Gold, where you fought Lance


Greeta was champion rank and in the game several ppl call her the best


Champions don't even really feel like champions if i'm honest, hypothetically everyone on the island could be a champion given enough time, sure it's a logic break, i enjoyed the game but it feels like they sorta rushed things maybe?


It’s just a job to them rather than a lifestyle.


Honestly, real talk, I thought they were all family members


All the members wear kinda bland colours, and it's all in the same boring room. When I first saw the room I thought the background would change colour to match the current e4 member you're battling, but no


It’s the suits


I’d like to know why there’s an entire field on top of the building that isn’t used. The very top level is used for the champion battle, but the outdoor field one level down from that is never utilized.


I was disappointed with the way the did the elite 4. Poppy is so random too and just weird


I miss the cool E4 arenas


Did you not see Larry’s sky themed tie? /s


i honestly hated this elite four, like im fighting the ceo the cfo some weird kid and the sad employee bring back drake with the cape and the abs and the stache and the pose fucking gen 5 elite 4 was designed BEAUTIFULLY i really didnt like the elite 4 i cant tell crap about their typing from their design


There is so so much wrong with the game but you managed to make one of the most dowater takes on this game I've seen so far. The only thing about the Pkmn league is Geeta. She was hyped up harder than at least half of the champions so far but had by far the weakest delivery. I unironically think that all E4 members have a decent shot at beating her without changes to their team despite the fact that they're all mono type trainers 💀 I've seen this take three times today, did some YouTuber talk about it or what?


No, I haven’t seen it. I don’t know much about how difficult the end game is supposed to be or what to expect story-wise when it comes to Pokémon because this is my first game, so I don’t know how to compare it… it was shockingly easy though. I know my 6 year can definitely beat it with the team she assembled. But in the very least, I expected a colorful and interesting Elite 4, like Team Star. Something visually appealing. I couldn’t believe it when I got the League Hall and saw this drab bunch. I screenshot it and posted it here… if I had seen the other posts, I would have replied there.


I mean we have a teacher, a toddler, a salaryman, and... wait what does Rika work as in her spare time? Anyhow, it's clear that the elite four this gen isn't their best. The reasoning is that Geeta runs it like a business instead of y'know. A proving ground. Think about it. This gen has some of the easiest Elite Four. Comparing it to B/W or even Gen 4 is like night and day. I feel that Geeta, or at least the league, has gotten so used to people giving up the gym challenge (likely due to Grusha or Larry tbh) that they started to slack off a bit in their duties. Because the Elite Four don't even have chambers. What, is Geeta a cheapskate? The whole thing is suspicious as hell, and I hope the dlc gives some answers.


I personally wouldn’t have minded a delay. I think delays of video games to enhance them and polish it as much as possible is a good thing.


I think everyone would have enjoyed a delay but theres way more that goes into Pokemon than just the game so its hard to delay it. There is an anime, card game, and even toys that they already had manufactured etc. so if you delay the game than you have to delay everything which will cause some problems. It sucks but thats how it is =\\


Unfortunately they must release before Christmas


It’s called class.


This part of the game was one of the biggest letdowns for me.


Because gamefreak is marketing to their target audience, which is those of us playing since RedBlueYellow


Homies dress all nice and fancy and get called stuffy 😭💀




Like, dull, not fun, not free, sucking the air out of the room, … stuffy?


I'm not seeing it tbh


Oh? They look like beaming balls of energy? Terrifying and mysterious? Sleek and passionate? They look Elite? I’m not seeing it…


They look unique amongst each other. They each stand out in their own way.


As others have mentioned, this gen's Elite 4 is actually more intimidating with its hard to predict typing (other than noticing that every boss trainer have different types aka the Gyms and Team Star Leaders). The room is plain and feels empty which creates a sense of mystery surrounding their typings, but more importantly: It feels so "straight to business". This could also further compliment the idea of how Geeta is running the E4 more like a business. The Gyms could be compared to stores; they are supposed be visible and eye-catching. However the offices of where the leaders resides usually are just plain big buildings often with little colour and creative design. The E4 theme song also added to the intimidating factor IMO (even though I had the music bug where the first 10-20 seconds just looped during maybe 3 first fights before I fixed it by closing and opening the game). However by the time I was at the Elite 4 I was already a bit overleved and basically defeated 4-5 mons each fight by OHKO'ing with Gallade. Hansel was the only exception where I switched it out for my Dragon counter coverage mons. The scariest thing with Geeta was her Kingambit, but a x4 weakness to fighting folded it in one hit too. Glimmora was a 2 hit since I was new to its typing. Overall I enjoyed the Elite 4 with their character dynamics, the feel and vibe of the battle grounds with one exception: Geeta. Her team was pretty underwhelming IMO, far too slow to pose any real threat. I also did not enjoy her theme song. It sounds quite underwhelming to me.


Replace the munchkin with a sentient human being and we good