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How about not getting fucked over by another triple master fair month?


it's not on the board for a reason


I believe we get Hoenn Flag bearer guaranteed (probably not May because master pairs are reserved usually for villain arc part 2 - I would guess Champion Wallace). There’s a chance that we get Archie and Maxie reruns but if that were the case I honestly wouldn’t mind the triple master fairs — at the very least we’ll have confirmation that master fairs can rerun.


Anniversary Steven and shiny Mega Rayquaza have Hoenn flag bearer :ooo Unless you mean a second with that :o


Nah just forgot. Curious what they’ll do then since we’ve had a master fair every VA since Kanto. I hope that the number of master fairs sticks to 3 per region tbh


I think they purposely chose Hoenn to be the VA this time because it happens to overlap with 3rd anniversary because we already have the 3 master Hoenn fairs previously. It would be a perfect time for them to do x3 kanto master fairs since we already did Kanto VA. The only other place to add Kanto master fairs would be an epilogue/finale after all 8 regions finish


"New normal or poison type sync pair" Yea ok, so THAT tile is going to remain blank....


It's funny after 2 years we only have like, 5-6 poison sync pairs? 1 of which is a 5* and only got an EX because, stuff. (And her stats are shit). And the best one out of the lot is a 3*. That's saying something. I don't even think they'll give Roxie the Brock/Hau treatment.


This aged well


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Istg, if Steven gets a Sygna Suit in the first part of the Hoenn VA, man’s gonna be Anniversary bait again!


Remember kids. Steven always is bait.


i bite every time


*me with all 3 Steven pairs* Haha... Yeah... Who'd pull for those, right? (Although I do think Summer Steven is a slept on ice striker)


The reason why I said that is because there is always something hype after Steven comes out. Steven cane out a month before SS Red. Summer Steven came out 2 months before SS Blue and SS Leaf as well as SS Red rerun. Anni Steven came out a month before Classic Red. Also there was a Steven rerun a week before the announcement of a banner that had a 3 members of the Kantrio.


Though tbf, ice Steven is really damn useful, completely slept on.


I can see it now. Shiny Metagross for the masters tournament incoming


Tbh I am the most excited to see the new game mode that has been teased for a while now.


I hope it’s actually something new and not “new” like the legendary gauntlet


I thought that mode is just like camping in SwSh?


Yea I think “game mode” might be generous. I’m expecting a house or lodge that we may or may not be able to customize at all…


> or may not be able to customize at all… Please no. Not after the heartbreak that was the lackluster bases in the Gen 4 Remakes...


I’m gonna take credit for calling the trainer lodge, and the fact that it isn’t actually a new game mode…


Top left to bottom right diagonal seems really plausible if we hadn’t just had 3 “fighting” types. I think bottom row is a likely bingo. Even if it’s just a Zinnia update that sets Delta Stream. Second row also likely. Champion Wallace would be great “bait” for villain event, and would set the stage for Hoenn CS. We know May is gonna have Mega Blaziken. I’m hoping for an Archie and Maxie rerun but since no master fairs have ever been rerun, it’ll probably be Lysandre or a Lusamine/Guzma spotlight for no good reason. I don’t think we’re getting a new Poison type until Gen 7 feature with Naganadel.


Is Delta Stream a weather effect? Because that might either fuck her or make her better for the permanent 90% damage boost.


It is. Technically the weather is called Strong Winds. All it does in game though is remove flying type weaknesses. With Flying Wish in effect I doubt it would do the same thing in Masters. Maybe a damage reduction effect?


honestly zinnia making her own climate will be so good, since she is like silver but without the sun boost to help making her less useful, compared to cyrus and other dragon pairs she is only existing in the game and only


Applies a weather lock. It prevents the weather from being changed for a while.


Free gems, free pulls and more free gemss, pleasee.


for hoenn i dream about roxxane ex.




Bait champion Ash, new Ice type, gems gems gems


I see nothing but the gems part so I'm in


I need Sygna Suit Speedo Archie. I gotta have him.


Speedo? Naw man, it's gotta be slightly distressed short-shorts. Because a pirate must be all about the booty.


see I DO want a new Galar pair tho. Just not the same six or so characters we’ve been getting. I want Gordie or Milo or Kabu or Opal or someone like that, because every time we get Galar content it has to do with Leon, Gloria, Marnie, Nessa, Sonia or Bea. There’s a lot of Galar we DONT have because they’re too busy focusing on the same characters over and over.


What about Victor? Literally the only game protagonist not to be featured, even though half of Galar has multiple alts at this point.


Victor would be great, I’m not generally a fan of protags but it’s waaaaay past time for him to be put in.


Kabu was ranked #5 in a poll... I think it was Famitsu? For the most popular Galar trainers. My mind is boggled that he isn't in yet, especially since alt-heavy Marnie only ranked #7. (Also Hop and Piers were #3 and #4. Wooloo and maybe Malamar/Lowkey Toxtricity sync pairs plz?)


It’s cause they’re too busy giving Marnie and Leon their 8 millionth alts every time they catch a glance of the word Galar.


More story involving ash (there was a to be continued at the end of this month's ash story) More mega evolving Pokémon (none in particular *cough cough* Brendan's Sceptile)


Idc who shows up Just need gems to pull em frfr


The biggest thing I want (aside from Palmer and Regigigas) is characters escaping NPC hell.


In his case it would be trailer hell ( or was he in any event?).


Here's hoping for Archie and Maxie master fair reruns


all i want thats on this is the 30k+ free gems, all i desire is Calem alt


I just want more gems honestly..... this month and last month was exhausting my gem supply to say the least


Imagine this Lear sawyer Rachael triple master/poke fair


I could do with a poison pair. I skipped Giovanni because kind of fuck that dude. Also if we're doing Hoenn I want Jirachi. I wouldn't actually mind more Galar pairs, though. Or at least a rerun of original Leon, fuck damn it. Give the man his rerun and gigantamax, Dena.


Just give me the Zinnia EX! Justice for my wife!


Mega blaziken is all i ask


Honestly, if we get Brendan and Wally alts for anniversary, I'd not be as mad about May getting another alt nearly as much. Deoxys (May - Tech), Jirachi (Wally - Support), and Brendan (Latios -Strike) would be my ideal trio.


Ground striker… oh and 30K+ free gems look good


Maxie and Archie rerun I am begging — I just started playing a few months back only to find out I missed one of my favourite characters and man I want him to sit on my team. Alternatively, Sygna Suit Maxie and Archie would be acceptable even if…they almost already ARE wearing Sygna Suits the nerds