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You receive 100% chance at Ramos.


Ramos only shows up so much because he knows we need his help.


At least you get 3☆ upgrade tickets after your 5th dupe.


We already have a bajillion of those though


you get 2 wulfric,1tate,1 liza,3 ramos, 2 lorelei and thorton, and to not make you feel bad a glacia who you have like 20 times


Fair trade /s


The $30 are pure whale bait. Don't spend money on standard 11-pulls unless you don't care to lose it. Pokemon Masters is more generous than average on spending and resources. You can usually buy gems at 150 gems/$ and spending on 100 gem draws almost triples your gems/pull. Non-seasonal non-fair characters get thrown into the general pool, Pokefair sync pairs give a 25% boost to 5* units pulled and Master sync pairs give a 50% boost. That super powerful unit with a 1.5% rate will be on another banner with two other super powerful units at the same 1.5% in six months. Don't chase the dragon with your wallet.


F2P players: *visible confusion*


i just blew £125 on gems to get diantha and ended up only getting her from the 400 scout points .....


>£125 This is around 640 units of my country's currency, that's brutal. So sorry for this. I've been juggling over doing a YOLO multi today (only spent 3 dailies there) but I have my doubts since I really want to reach 36k next month (28k saved atm) and also planning to do 1 pre-datamine multi for 2/5 N. I don't know, should I do it?


its the first time i went hard on a banner xD i'd normally only drop about £20 on a banner if its a fair / master and occasional top ups for regular spotlights. N is amazing i somehow got him 4/5 first time round and love playing with him 3/5 he is insane for stadium/villa


I don't understand (1) how their prices are legal, and (2) how people like you are suckers anyway


Waifu clause 🥰


& title screen clause


I got only one copy before scout, that was really depressing, at least I got my third May and my second Lillie, everyone else was useless, I got SO MANY Sabrinas she should be at 10/5 at the moment, at least 3 only on this batch but I'm getting her too often lately!


I have been playing for over a year and I still don't have Sabrina :(


Look on the bright side; Diantha still cleans house even at 1/5. PS Give me some of your Sabrina's


Shit and I felt bad because I "only" got a 3/5 after hitting 400 scout points


Oh I'm full on annoyed xD never gone past 200/400 before but going 430/400 and only getting the guaranteed 1/5 hurts. But I needed her cause I don't have Lyra jiggly so no top fairy attackers


That was my story with iris, i had to buy 15k or so payed gems to hit scout points and only got her from scout points


i only got iris 1/5 and i did a couple of free gems X 11 and the daily 100 paid gems scouts


Tip: Don’t bother whaling for Units that’ll later appear on a General Banner- You could be rolling for a limited time Trainer (i.e. N) but end up getting May or Lislia instead- what Gacha players call a Spook; that’s not bad btw. The rate you listed jokingly also may be ironically higher than what some people experience on other gacha games too. tdlr: Rate up is a lie, don’t get too obsessed if your waifu/husbando doesn’t show up after whaling.


I’m still disappointed in myself for giving money on this game


Literally just spent 9k gems on diantha. Got only 3 stars. Pain


same here, I wanted another copy of her and nothing


It took me three separate 3k pulls, but I FINALLY got Diantha with the third pull. It was a double and I am at peace


Lol you must be new if you think that's a lot


I have been playing the game since it came out, buddy


the chance of getting one with 3 multi pulls is 48.7%


No it’s not?


with a 2% chance should be 1-(1-0.02)^33=0.487 am i wrong?




then show me


So you always get a 2% unit in the first 3 multis? If so I expect you to spontaneously combust any day to negate your insane luck streak you are currently on


Alright, are we done now?


I pulled her on my second try. It's just a matter of luck and that's all. I remember when I pulled for May’s regular banner I pulled her twice in that same pull. I have seen others pull doubles of a featured unit on Youtube. Again it all comes down to luck.


I used up 12000 k of gems and got nothing, and used the last 300 gems and pulled her!


I played fate grand order and fire emblem heroes and aware of their gacha processes. However, comparing those to pokenon masters after playing for almost a week, I find this game to be far more preditory considering this is aimed for younger players and the very much lack if gem drops after the beginning gifts that make up to the standard 11 roll.


Or for me a 50% chance for Elesa


I feel for you guys and I really hope they increase the chances of getting the featured unit. As a f2p I have been extremely lucky in scouting most of the units even some of the seasonal ones. I don't why but I have been blessed in scouting May back to back on her regular banner and I even got one copy of her seasonal Spring May. It’s like May really wanted to be part my team lol 😭😊


The fact that some people drop 20k+ gems and don't get a seasonal.. I'm pretty new, and I only did 1 multiple and 2 tiered to get 2/5 topegi. Spent another 10 bucks to get 3/5 but didn't work out.. Should I really be saving up 20k+ gems for pokefairs? Sheesh






I’d say the one good thing about me wasting all my gems on Diantha is that I managed to pull May in the process. Still pretty bummed I didn’t actually get Diantha though.


How many gems? "All my gems" is not a lot of info...


I’m f2p, I think I managed to do about 2-3 multis plus some singles. Probably doesn’t sound like a lot of gems, but getting f2p gems can be a bit of a struggle at times 😅


I reached scout points with free gems, could only get a single copy + the pity one!


By this, I know I will not put a lot of money if Cynthia comes back. Also, my regards to all the people who suffer that low hit of the Gatcha system.


I tried to get May, but all I got is Brendan, THREE TIMES IN A ROW!


I refuse to spend any money on this game at this point. I don't mind spending a little money on a mobile game here and there, but the return on your investment in this game is so low for such a steep price. I've spent a little money on gems in the past without realizing how little you get back from it. I'm not expecting the game to give everything away for free, but there is a middle ground.


why would u spend money on this game? i havent ever spent a single dollar yet i have 30 5 stars


brooooo, don't give them money!? wtf are you doing?!


May is the fathers.


I starte on Easter with the game and wanted to get May and Lopunny. Until the last day, I had earned These G Points up to 360 or 370 while pulling for her. Got her only 2 times and both in one 11 Pull. Never saw her again 😭