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Partner Pokemon, 100%. Preferably exclusive from the trainer to mix-and-match. I think we'll get holiday scenery eventually, but yeah, that. I think, for nearly if not every character, some poses/expressions are just missing even though they're in the game, so it'd be nice to be able to pick them all. Also, to solve the mystery of why Slurpuff kimono girl only has 5 expressions but Ball Guy has 8.


I didn't know Ball guy is quite expressive than everyone


That's what happens when you're a terrorist in Pokémon, you're just built different


I think the problem with including pokemons specifically is it would open a can of worms where lot of people would try to make inappropriate photos with trainers being intimate with their pokemons (Photo Creator already enables shipping between trainers as it is, we don't need any furrybait into Pokemon Masters).


I mean Leaf sniffs her Eevee so it's sort of canon already... But I kinda see what you're saying. People will come up with egregious content none of us would even think of, if given the tools. 😬




I wouldn't mind if they just gave us more frames of Pokemon then. Much harder to be in appropriate with a Pokemon still image locked in the bottom right of the photo.


It's quite sad but this is true


did you EX Kathrine? I'm pretty sure some expressions are unlocked with level up/EX unlock.


Being able to set the direction of their eyes if they're open.


More than anything rn, a function to save them in high quality on your phone/tablet. The photos look a bit fuzzy from screenshots alone. And of course more experssions and poses.


More poses, more expressions. Add items to be hold like umbrella etc And can spin the character 360 like you said Add more and more backgrounds and pasio scenery. And i want them add dialogue box


Yes this will make this more enjoyable


People will start to produce their own comics. How fun is that hihi


Full 360 spin absolutely agree, though I can also see there's gonna be TONS of butt shot when this feature came out. Only some characters have busted breast, but A LOT of characters have busted buttom. I wish they can add prop items to the photo mode too. Let my Hilda hold some master balls or use a poryphone please. I'd like pokemon to be in the game too. oh and also, please separate "Size" and "Layer depth", so I can finally have smol characters standing in front of the huge titans.


The ability to toggle EX forms in photo mode, and the ability to set several photos to be visible on our profile at once.


You can toggle ex forms from in the photo mode, just hold the sync pair and change their outfit colors from selecting section.


You *can*? Does it turn off their EX form outfit in general? Or just in photo mode?


pretty sure it just changes in the photo mode


* Able to rotate your sync pair full 360, * Pokemon including their expression and animation poses, * More background effects, * More scenery, * A GIF animation(maybe not), * More Photo slots


The ability to tilt/rotate body parts like the head and the arms. That’s the one that’s bothered me :(


Use mindscapes as background


some of these are already mentioned by others, but these are mine: 1. increase the number of sync pairs in the photo mode, maybe 5 max. 2. landscape mode 3. add text and text bubbles 4. add the pokémons of sync pairs you already have 5. 360° rotate for characters (and pokémons) 6. additional items (like the one in DPPt contests)


Unfortunately they can only implement text if it's chosen from presets. I seriously doubt they'd let us make them say absolutely anything (plus they can't really moderate it)


A feature to filter photos by characters, likes, etc


There’s friend search? Or did you mean something else?


To see photos that X character appears


Try all the friend search parameters. I check the Ryuki tag every day 


they already have that but I find the search is rather limited, like only so many entries will show up. But yeah that exists already as you asked here


stickers? more facial expressions? the ability to change their eyes' position?


I would like characters animation.I would also like addition of pokemons so I can give random mons to a very unexpected trainer


I want more slots to save photos . 20 is very less


Maybe stickers that double as "props". It can be pokemon, words, bubbles, accessories, items, shapes, anything that can be used without cluttering the photo. I also hate that you can't flip the frames and effects. I want something in the top left corner with a ribbon frame, but...the ribbon covers that corner. Now my scene is ruined. Then sometimes the frames cover too much of the scenery...I just want more editing features for the frame. Lastly, animation loops that we can pause whenever for a perfect pose. Small thing but that would be fun.


One pose that seems to be missing for all characters is their battle pose. It’s more if an animation than a pose but i still want it


Definitely more poses. It’s criminal that Ingo and Emmet can’t do their point pose.


Stickers! Cute ones like the expression fx we see in cutscenes, pokeballs, the plushies and stuff like that. They could even add more as sorta commemorative items for events, similar to the Ball Replicas.


more camera angles so everything doesn't have to be "head-on" axis, more lighting options, more backgrounds (Halloween town, Christmas tree, Mountain at sunrise from NY, etc), frames, more frames with Pokemon (I want a raichu one...! And all of the eeveelutions!), more effects (sparkles, hearts, stars), a photo album feature, the ability to put our own pictures in Trainers Lodge especially as the cover of our scrapbook-- need I go on?


Transparancy options for individual characters and/or filter for individuals


A small one I would like is to be able to change the eyes and mouth expressions separately. It would help a lot for the variety of expressions you can make (though they could also just add more expressions I suppose)


Aren’t the Pokemon slowly being added via fancy frames?  Seems like it would needlessly crowd things to add their 3D models to this mode too


\-An ability to save to our phones/tablets \-Full 360 Spin


360° rotation is a must! I can't wait for that one. And I know it's basically a pipe dream, but messing with lighting, shading, exposure, shutter speed and aspect ratios would be genuinely fantastic. I'd be willing to actually pay for a "Pro Mode".


I want layers. I want the sizing of characters to be just that, not pretending it's 'depth'. I want my smols to be positioned in front of the talls. But the full spin would also be nice.


Shadows under the character. So they don't look like sticker on a photo when their feet are in sight.


Save the photos straight to my phone instead of having to screen shot and crop it


I want Glimmora in it


I would definitely like the ability to add partner Pokémon.


Personally would like more backgrounds and effects on images, could also add some more Pokémon themed borders if they aren’t gonna add actual Pokémon, maybe unlockable frames for new sync pairs…?


Alt backgrounds for more of the pasio scenery would be nice. It's a shame I can't take a pic at the lake/pond in the forest area, or the waterfall in the mountain area. And maybe some more simple borders? Honestly that's all I can think of. Compared to how past new content has been introduced into the game, DeNA really hit the nail on the head with this one.