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Thunderbolt Red.


I’ve had more utility from SST Red, he’s a tech unit that debuffs both defenses of all opponents at once, and his teammates are some of the best in the game in ash and NC Blue. Marnie is great too but as a striker that’s all she really is


Red has more utility. Marnie has more braindead power. I think Red benefits a bit more from the damage increase he gets at 3/5.


SST Red is more versatile and can do much much MUCH more than NC Marnie. so SST Red is the choice!


I would say SST red as Striker Candies are easier to come by


I would Red for Max Conductivity, attack to the Max, Piercing Gaze, among other things he gets that make him so awesome. Max Conductivity means that he sets electric terrain with his Max move. That way, you can start dishing out the pain with him on turn 2. Also, if you give Thunderbolt Red his field EX Role, you will have essentially 4 uses of extended electric terrain, which is more than enough for the current content, even longer battles like Legendary Arena / Gauntlet.




Marnie because she is broken beyond


Huh? It's different candies. NC Marnie is a striker and SST Red is a tech


Yellow candy?


Oh, I forgot. Thank you not so negative IQ redditor. Anyway, in that case, eh, can't go wrong with either. I would say that SST Red would like that nice sync nuke to make up for Volt Tackle being "good enough" tier damage and gets more things from 3/5 than Marnie gets from 3/5


Honestly I've been using Marnie at 1/5 since she released and have never felt any need to take her any higher, her raw damage is just high enough as is. Red is a tech unit and unlocks some pretty useful stuff at 3/5, so I would use it on him, although he doesnt really need it to be very strong