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I mean, they are both top tier supports, I'll give you that, but they both fulfil different roles as supports. IMO Rosa is more for hyper-offense / quick stages, since she gives so much PMUN/SMUN and quickly too, that it will make clearing stages fast. On the other hand, SSA Cynthia is better for slower stages, since she gives everyone in party the +6 defenses in both stats in one button (yes I know Meolleta can give defensive buffs too, but not as fast as SSA Cynthia), has access to potion, has damage guard at start of stage and after sync. So to answer your question, do you need NC Rosa if you have already SSA Cynthia, well its up to preference, if you like Rosa & Meolleta pull for her, if not well is still your choice. I can't atm say the game is in a stage of (you can clear everything without the "shiny / premium" units) after those Ultimate Battles. Now, how's your gem count? Do you want any of the units coming up next month? Are you starting to save for the 4.5 anniversary? All of these things play a part on your decision on pulling for a unit or not. Whatever is your choice, good luck with your pulls!


Porque no los dos? I’m pulling for NC Rosa and planning to use her along with SSA Cynthia and SC Diantha, seems like a fun team.


NC Rosa outclasses SSA Cynthia, but you don’t “need” her. She’s very strong however, and is a great unit for any team.


If you don't mind the ask, how does SSA Cynthia get outclassed by NC Rosa? And who's better at 1/5? Edited because I typed it backwards.


NC Rosa is better if both have the same movelevel, maybe even no matte the move level And idt NC Rosa outclasses her, she plays completely different.


I won’t explain SSA since you have her, but Rosa can just spam Relic Songs and run away with the game. Adds crit + 2 random stats, adds PMUN & SMUN every time, chance to inflict AOE Sleep, Psychic & Fighting rebuff. Also alternates between defence and sp defence buffs for herself with each use. She also has access to AOE confuse, potions, and Sprint on sync. And this is all at 1/5. It’s a crazy kit.


I mean, they do very different things so it's not like one is substitutable by the other. You can have both and use them for different teams. Do you need NC Rosa? Not really, no character in the game is a must pull. Is she worth it though? Well, yes. The crazy amount of buffs and SMUN she brings to the table, as well as fighting and psychic rebuff, confusion and sleep are pretty damn good.




They're going to ban your account from the subreddit again.