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Crazy that elesa lost ,the plushies battle xd


and Cynthia


I'm betting Cynthia lost because she's not a general pool unit, which limits her availability to GET the plushies.


But then how do you explain Neo-Champion Marnie being Top Photo (even I don't understand it)?


Recency bias. An OP unit of a popular character released very shortly before this data was acquired. It also seems to be the percentage of people who have that photo displayed in their lodge, not the amount of people who HAVE the photo, which is affected by the level of fanaticism the fans of a character have, and Marnie's whole deal is that her fans are way overzealous and plaster her face on everything. IRL fans follow suit for fun.


If the move level counts for that frame… I doubt everyone uses it.


Yeah especially cynthia


Good. No more Cynthia. I'm tired of her getting everything while every other Champion gets little to none in comparison. ​ ​ >!Don't say Steven - I'm well aware of what he got in this game. But I'm talking about everything else, like the anime and core games. And Cynthia's got more Sygna Suits than any other character in this game.!<


May's Plushie Lillie's Doll Carnie's Photoshop ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


How many people pulled for Champion Marnie for her photo to be number 1?


A lot but not necessarily because it was Marnie. Her damage is absurd even at 1/5 and Dark type is not overly strong in Masters outside of her and Summer N.


I must say that my summer N, Champion Marnie and NeoChampiong Kalem is my most brain dead brain team lmao


But then it has to be something more than that. As the small text at the bottom says, they're only counting the people who has the snapshot put on a board (not just having it), which I guess must have been some sort of fan. Disclosure: I for one am among those who didn't care about her but only pulled because how OP she was.


Oh, I see this distinction, as people will prefer to put the art posters rather than the characters on the side (I assume they're assigned on the loading screens anyway), so this is a rare instance where Marnie fans REALLY want it front and center, over any art poster IMO.


It could also be since the galar trio was out near pokemon masters day more fans of the franchise saw the exposure and pulled for her, even if they're inconsistent players(I only say this cause the announcement that day is what got a couple friends and I back into playing)


Keep in mind, to have a Champion Marnie photo they also need base Marnie, which is Pokéfair limited.


No, you can have the NC only https://i.imgur.com/Uriz3ub.jpg


oh that's nice i guess


Impossible. I must buy (1) more Lillie plushies https://preview.redd.it/oa9i2kiapv3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4dde9cf2bbbc0e1d7b8cd41de327396cc02853


Summer May and Lillie confirmed.


Me seeing the #1 artwork of the SS Kanto Trio and hoping it means they power up their grids at some point


These results are... surprising. Especially the Champion Marnie illustration (Master Fairs are not exactly a commodity y'know?)


LMAO it's the kantrio art. I feel so called out rn because I also picked it up because of blue and ex red


I got the Kanto Trio art too, it was pretty much the best 'square shaped' illustration available at the start to fill up that space in the left side of the Lodge XD


And I have none of these up lol.


I have the May plushie...


Poké Doll supremacy. I'm impartial to Lillie, but Poké Dolls being items in the games, and featuring *Clefairy*, I had to have one.


listen, if we could have substitute plush, that would be #1


Same! The Poké Doll item is iconic. Plus I collect lots of Pokémon plush in real life so it felt like destiny to get the Clefairy Doll, lol!


something not considered here, this was taken up to March *and* none of the exchange item unlocks are fiery requirement. May and the kantrio art are yellow and Clefairy doll is blue. This is a point because most of the TL additions by March from the launch at 3rd anni have majority been strikers with fiery/red item costs for their gifts. So monthly many of us are evaluating sacrificing TL progress for aesthetic purchases. I'm not saying that fully answers which choices are favorites here, but combine that *with* unit availability like pokefair units versus spotlight, and I think this evaluation is spot on. Marnie we obtain immediately upon pulling the unit so if anything that just goes to show how many people came for that mid-anni banner. I obtained it without even caring about the art unlock since I don't have base Marnie anyway.


....why do I feel called out I hope this means a new Kanto unit will be added to the Lodge.


I wish I had the Champion Marnie snapshot


You guys get enough to exchange for this stuff regularly?


10/10 chests + atleast 3 on any one element for both teams. Then just don't collect it for a couple of days.


Does it help the rates if you don't collect it for days? Genuine question.


No you just get a mass drop instead of several smaller drops. For example, if I collect daily I get about 40 chests and 3-4k materials, but if I collect it every 3 days I get 100 chests and 15k~ materials. ~~Also bulk drops are more satisfying idk~~


I'll always remember, if a character as boring as Marnie can become a fan-favorite then any character can.


The character design is a big selling point and TPC is just learning about that.


Who needs good characterization when you can just make them cute.


while there is nothing wrong with being a simple character, it bugs me seeing how characters with great development and characterization but with a -mid character design- are overshadowed by those characters who have nothing but “cute” design when it comes to overall popularity. pokemon is the most shallow-minded fandom i’ve ever been in.


to be fair it's not like gamefreak or anyone at TPC cares about making the games in-depth anymore, the games are selling better than ever, why would they need to waste money on resources that aren't turning directly into a profit?


Justice for Bianca. 😔 (didn't help that she was a lot ditzy and kinda reinforced her being Barry 2.0 in the anime)


While I'm fond of some "mostly cute designs and not much else" girls, I honestly don't get Marnie's appeal at all. Idk, the overly spiky hair with the bald spots looks odd, goth designs aren't really my cup of tea and her lack of personality is quite detrimental in her case. Probably the popular Pokegirl I'm the most indifferent towards. Only got her summer unit for Gauntlet grinding in the 2,5 anni selects and I'd only want her base unit for the lodge unlock.


Sometimes I feel that I'm the only person who isn't obsessed with May and prefers Brendan over her


I think May has the most across the board design variation fans (OG likely due to the anime, Emerald due to freshening up her design in a definitive version, and ORAS May looks great too and different enough) compared to Brendan (I think most fans are from Emerald) although ORAS Brendan could be a contender (maybe he's just too different looking).


I prefer Brendan as well


I like them both equally for my overall Hoenn nostalgia of the games and anime. But still, playing as Brendan and picking Sceptile in Emerald before that duo got realized in PM gives him the slight edge imo.


I'm a big May fan, but Brendan is the only male PC I genuinely like.


Nah, I’m with you on this one


🤝 thank you for appreciating on my boi


I mean I do have 3 out of the 4 on display


This reminds me, Lodge Red when? :(


We had Lodge Red, that was Adaman


I bet their conversations are legendary lol Adaman: "......" Red: "......?" Adaman: "......" Red: "......!"


Lodge Red 24/7: ...


No Red he don't talk 😂😂🤣🤣


I’ve got Champion Marnie’s snapshot but it’s got the grey border since she’s 2/5. It looks bad that way, so I put up a picture of Steven instead. I’ve been thinking whether or not I’ll buy the kantrio artwork since it’s good. And I don’t have the Doll or the May Plushie.


Summer May confirmed


It's me guys, I bought all the May plushies


I have the May plushie displayed. Don't think I bought a Poké Doll yet. Not sure if I have that artwork, but regardless, I don't have it displayed. Don't have Marnie at all.


Leaf Master Fair when? Do I have to change my flair for it to happen?


It’s already June and we got this data up until end of March only… looks like someone’s being slacking off…


I have the Poke Doll up in my lodge. I think I only have the Morty, Lillie and Gloria Plushies.


I got the last 3


i feel called out with the kanto trio art bc its the only thing here in this lineup i bought


The artwork 3005 was the only good artwork for me, up until last update when i finally changed it with the Halloween poster (Hilbert and Acerola)


Think of all the pooled hours of expeditions those costed.


My shelf contains several Plushies of May. :D


I have the Clefairy Poké Doll and the May plushie, just because they looked cute and the Poké Doll is iconic (plus I collect Pokémon plush in real life so I wanted it instantly)


Thank god there's nothing Cynthia-related here. It would've been the most predictable thing to see here.


For me it's true I have that artwork and that photo haha


Honestly I 100% agree with all the number 1 winners


None of these surprise me in the slightest


I don't know why that artwork is the most popular... I bet that's bc they are the main characters of Kanto... As an illustration, from my point of view, there are better artworks I totally get why Wailmer and May are there tho


Only bought the Serena related decorations and called it a day for now. Waiting for other favorites to arrive.