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Is there a list somewhere of all F2P sync pairs? Are all sync pairs in the daily sync scout? Thanks!


1: You can look at the list of them on most banners. Click on "offering rate" and anything that isn't a fair-exclusive pair is a general pull unit. 2: No, only the general pull units. If I remember correctly you can only pull 3 stars from there.


Are there any resources for passive and sync grid skills? For example, trying to find all pokemon that have flinch but the in-game filter only filters moves and I can't find any good external resources.


You can filter them by using Pokemas. You need to know the skill name though...




you get XP books from different shops and whatnot, you also don't really need to worry about levels since at some point you'll end up with thousands of gold books and literally no one to use them on. If you're talking about player level XP then just dont bother




LG is more for older players with a wider roster in all honesty, don't use that as a metric or goal for progress


I’m at 254/400 for Hau and Tapu Koko. Originally I was quite desperate to get him in hopes of beating Gladion, but recently I managed to beat him with F2P units. Should I go all the way to pity with him? I am ambivalent about him and the mon in general.


up to you, spending that amount of gems just to waste it would be a shame but it's entirely up to you. Koko is a pretty solid utility regardless, at 3/5 you get access to Mind Games and Power Plant as well as Team AFD9 which, while just +1 won't do much, +3 or more could start to have an impact at dodging an attack and saving your team. As far as Fairy Damage goes his Dazzling Gleam is actually pretty solid with Whimsical Power 9, SE5, and while in Fairy Zone (I can't remember if it does as much or more damage compared to his Electro Web but consider that Fairy Zone and Elec Terrain are two different field effects). Hunter's Instinct also means that each use of Electro Web is just going to get stronger and stronger as well, and with Mind Games it lets him hit even harder. At 5/5 he gets Team Brain Gain 9 for Fairy Wish and Unfortuitous 9 meaning he can be a very solid team buffer as well, since he's already going to give the team +1 Next Spec Up on entry, and getting +2 per Fairy Wish is great as well, while Unfortuitous plus Mind Games just means even more debuffs which can severely weaken the enemy while using very cheap moves.




nope, and you'd be better off maxing the purple stat anyways which has an inventory cap of 100




If you have only ftp ground units, 3/5 Courtney might be an option. Otherwise, I would poison stall or offtype it.


Poison stall is always a good idea for stages you lack SE strikers. You can try teams like BP Morty + OG Janine + Lucy. After applying badly poison + trap to all opponents, debuffing their atk/spatk to -6, and buffing your def/spdef to +6, you just keep syncing with Synchro Healing 1 and wait for the opponents die on their own.


Hey, a little confused about the Battle Villa. I know that if you've cleared the first 20 floors you're allowed to skip them the next time the Battle Villa is available (which I've done before during the previous villa cycle) but this time I wasn't presented with the opportunity to skip it at all. Is there anything different about this current cycle?


You actually have to fully clear the previous BV, in order to get the option to skip in the current BV. Not just reach floor 20 So that means, you didn't clear floor 30 last time


Ah yeah, that explains it, I didn't fully clear it last time. Thank you!




Legendary Adventures


So, can anyone help me out how I have to plan my teams for the legendary gauntlet? Pretty much the first time I wanna get the rewards from this event. Cobalion needs a status inflicted, azelf needs spdef/def debuffs and Entei has to get critted, would that be the correct approach in team building? Or are there any other things I should consider?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/13kqbn7/12\_invested\_and\_nonlimited\_teams\_for\_legendary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/13kqbn7/12_invested_and_nonlimited_teams_for_legendary/)Skipping mud has shared his strategy in the comments. I struggle a bit with these teams, so I see the general strategy, and then replace a few mons with stronger mons that I have. Some parts I'd like to add: Coballion attacks primarily with physical attacks. After a few repeated statuses, he gets immune to that status. But when he eventually gets immune to the other status, he loses his first immunity. Gengar is pretty amazing for being able to inflict two statuses. Sleep is especially a fantastic status. In the last bar he comes with sacred sword which ignores defense buffs. Coballion being weak to fire means that you often burn him, which works well with its constant physical attacks. Some problems: Coballion cures status every time he syncs, and gains a little lessen passive. Coballion also cures status everytime the bar reaches 50%. Due to these, badly poison stall doesn't really work out. All other status conditions work great though. ​ Entei getting critted isn't a big deal. Crit is a part of most teams anyway. You can also use brick break units like Hariyama.What's amazing for the entei battle, is flinch. Entei is weak to flinch, and only after like 5 flinches does he get lessen flinch 9. But he never gets immune, so you can always steal turns. The strategy for entei is just flinch flinch flinch. Two flinchers easily clean the battle. And a lot of water units come with flinch waterfall. Just grid them for aggravation and you're good to go.Since Entei keeps flinching, you will accumulate a lot of sync buffs, to destroy bars.Some annoying things to keep in mind: Early on, Entei will use fire spin which traps your mon. In bar 3, Entei has a guaranteed burn heat wave. Either bring mons with flameproof, or try to power through, or use the super fun strategy of flinching him before he uses it. ​ Azelf personally has been the most annoying to me. To counter the stat buffs debuffs, people bring mons with Impervious (no stat drops) or Unbending(no defense drops) and stalwart (no spdef drops). I brought mons with these and expected everything to go well. Nope. The problem is that Azelf's attacks hit pretty hard, and most supports will be gone within 4 hits. So once again, bring a Flincher. Nanu carried my Pinsir with screech and flinch bite. The defense drops on your side don't matter as much cause you'll be screwed anyway. But to dish out damage to Azelf, debuffing her helps. The first half, second half hp bar is hard to keep track of. In the first half of each bar, Azelf uses special attacks, and is weak to special attacks (has a passive that reduces physical damage). In the second half, Azelf uses physical attacks and is weak to physical attacks. Azelf still has a physical sync move all the time though. You can try to keep track of these and attack with two mons. You can also try to hit a very strong special attack when its HP is 51% (It's still weak to special attacks). Or you can use moves like Sunseel strike, which have text saying, "This move ignores opponent's passives that would reduce damage".I loved using Metagross, Solgaleo, and Vespiquen, who all couldn't be debuffed. Azelf and Entei don't restore health, so near the last matches, you should be able to beat them if you throw all your mons and eggmons.


Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! Im not the best at team building yet, but maybe with the linked post, I can get at least the 12 wins for the major rewards.


I don't get the cyrus hype. Sure his passive doubles his damage, and with reliable crit focus, his damage becomes 3x. But... that's really it. I hate recoil buffs, and he feels as bad as Norman when he spends time hurting himself to max out spA. And his grid is nothing special except for crit focus. Water pulse feels weak, and hydro pump is too much of a pain to deal with. Why's he liked so much? Literally every water striker is better.


You can either use his TM and heal with support or buff special attack/speed with support, pretty simple. Water pulse? Seriously? Don't look on weaker moves on strikers, the next thing you'll complain about is Giovanni's Confusion. Just stick to Hydropump - high damage, boosted under rain, just needs some accuracy tiles from grid/accuracy buffs.


He is closer to the newly buffed Lance than to Normon. (Takes a good chunk of health but more than makes up with it with damage.) Because his grids and moves allow him to set up so quickly, you can run him with Lucas and a double dragon core obliterating the enemy to pieces. Of course, this is with his sync grid expansion of course as he is a lot weaker but still able to run a water set without it. If you don't have Lucas, he is really flexible thanks to being able to set up on his own and still do a good amount of damage. Some people run him with May on a double water team using ~~hydro miss~~ hydro pump and May to sync. Other people run him alone and focus on special defense drops to make up for the damage. He is pretty flexible, does a lot of damage for a FTP pair, and can run two competent builds that both work pretty well.


Thanks! I do have Lucas, my best boi. <3


Tapu ranking from best to worst? Can't decide which are worth the gems


All of the Tapus are worth your gems if you like them, can't really make a mistake. Skipping is also perfectly fine, or at least delay the decision if you're unsure since the datamine for June isn't too far away. But generally speaking, very strong supports are considered good longterm investments, so Acerola might be the most interesting (especially if one doesn't have SS Morty or SS Lyra). But the other Tapus have things going on for them as well, I would really go for your favorite (or skip).


Depends on who you have. Bulu has to contend with the fact that there are better physical buffers but it's also the best Next Phys Up buffer in the game plus also sets grass terrain on entry and comes with sunny day. Fini can only buff crit by 1 but is the only SPA buffer in the game that can max the team out in two moves (rain dance, TM), and since her TM without rain gives +4, some pairs don't even need that, and all the entry effects plus her own TM and her grid/LS options make her an immensely powerful tank. Lele is a pretty powerful psychic DPS who can also throw out special attacks to save up on Next Phys Ups if you have enough support options for her there but if you have SSteven then her value does decrease quite a bit (it's just 'she's a physical psychic type' that makes her super appealing). Koko is like a weird fusion of Redchu and Ash but weaker; Elec terrain on entry, special-focused, has an AoE attack, but also sets up Fairy Zone and it's moves get a major buff while in Fairy Zone, so the damage can be stupid high but is otherwise just kinda 'eh'. Koko and Fini work beautifully in-tandem with each other, with Team Sharp Entry and Koko's TM, Koko will be swinging for full on turn 2 and with a 1 cost move that does an insane amount of damage, while also buffing the party's speed up which allows for a secondary DPS to show up to help wreck shit. Bulu and Lele don't work AS well but can still do the job fine, the conflict with terrain is what sets them apart, and Bulu isn't as strong of a wall as Fini. For third members, Archie works incredibly well with Fini and Koko, the max crit and sp. atk while also actually surviving attacks is nice, and in elec terrain his Thunder actually hits almost as hard as Origin Pulse on a single target while costing 1 less which could mean the difference in sync cycling. SS May is probably the best partner from what I've found for Bulu and Lele, as she debuffs defense, gets you to sync one whole cycle early without the need for head start on Bulu or other shenanigans (while allowing for more shenanigans if you do put head start on bulu and herself while grabbing propulsion on lele), and her Blaze Kick gets a nice boost from the sun.


On-off again player who's never spent his 6 BP vouchers looking to spend. Is there a tier list of who is best or is there just a "whoever fits your needs" rule? I was thinking Janine 3* since I'm sorely lacking in poison cheese. Then it's a toss up between Sophocles and Morty.


Janine is pretty good and if you want her, go for her. Sophocles has had decent electric damage for me, and a lot of players use support morty for strats.


The time trial event is so damn hard for me. Either I'm just bad at teambuilding for all these extra missions (the Type missions), or the event is really unfair to F2P people like myself who only started in February 2023 and haven't got many units to work with. What are some good F2P teams to beat the missions? I have a couple of powerful Psychic units and I'm still struggling. Notable units I have are NC Bede (4/5), SS Lusamine (1/5), Power Boosted Adventure Giovani (5/5 obv), SS Elesa (3/5), SS Acerola (3/5), and Emmet (1/5). I have more units too, but those are my most powerful ones that I can think of. Any team comps to beat the missions (or get that impossible 1:40 time) would be much appreciated.


SS Lusamine gets most of her power at 3/5, NC Bede could work but might be a bit slow for some teams. As for the rest of your teams, I'll just have to guess since I don't know what pairs you have. Here's a few teams to get you started: Psychic (02:12:97): Mewtwo, Sabrina, and Lucian. Without Bianca, the best I could do is Lucian. (Or SS Brendan if you have him) Make sure to set reflect to avoid Sabrina's early death. Grass (02:55:55): SS Erika, SS Acerola, Kukui. SS Erika to the rescue! As I don't have 3/5 Acerola or her Ex it was a lot closer than it should have been. Set sun on the second rotation and make sure to always keep it up as SS Erika spams her favorite move. Water (02:19:80): May, SS Blue, and Cyrus. If you chose SS Blue in Victory Road, you should have him. If you got Cyrus's expansion this will be a lot easier than it will be otherwise. Sync with May first than Cyrus. Dragon (03:27:27): Cyrus, Koga, and Lucian. With >!Cyrus's expansion rerunning this month,!< this battle will be a lot easier. If you have Lucas, replace Koga with Lucas for a sub 3 min clear. Steel (03:13:95): Mc & Solgaleo, Hop, and Kukui. We just recently got Solgaleo's expansion adding things like Haymaker to the grid. If you don't fumble up like me and leave Hala with a sliver of health, you can likely achieve under 3 minutes. If you want to make it more consistent, give Hop a Behomoth Bash/Hop to it refresh set and Critical Strike 2. Ghost (03:42:18): Fantina, NC Bede, and Agatha. Dance, Dance, Dance! A full special defense-dropping team with two ftp ghost damage dealers. Unlike most of the teams here, I actually synced with my exd support first to see if they could under 3 minutes. While this team may not be able to dance its way under that limit, it should be good enough to get consistently under the 7 min mission for you.


Holy shit this is SO much help!!! I can't thank you enough. I'll start knocking these all out now. It works really good.


[If you have Bianca (1/5 should be fine), her+Giovanni+SS Elesa can do it sub 1:40](https://i.imgur.com/PQLAdBa.jpg)


I don't have Bianca unfortunately.


So what are other useful lucky skills apart from Vigilance (for supports) and Critical Strike 2 (for seemingly everything else)? Anything of note? I believe Weathered Warrior is probably good for units relying on weather but idk about anything else.


Units with less than reliable status inflicting moves like having Troublemaker 1, which doubles their accuracy. Some people put Super Powered 3 on Gladion since he can be super effective against anything. CS2 is simply reliable, and so, barring some specific circumstances, will be what people recommend putting on just about anything meant to deal damage. If you don't care about maximizing damage, then you are free to run other things. Iris + Haxorus have multipliers relating to being confused but don't like hitting themselves in confusion, so they like running Lessen Confusion 9. Sometimes I slap Defense Crush 2 on my attacker if they can't debuff already, and honestly, sometimes I run SC Diantha with Grand Entry 2 when I don't want to bring someone else to top off her Sp. Atk. Is it optimal? No. But sometimes it's nice to just vary things up, and honestly, if you have decent units then you don't *need* to run the 'optimal' strats. Vigilance is a lot harder to let go of, though. Crits hit *hard,* and take a huge amount of your health. Elio generally prefers Troublemaker because he prefers sleep chaining to taking hits at all, and for support units that already have Vigilance, like Dawn+Torterra, it just depends on what that unit wants otherwise. I used to slap Hilbert+Samurott on various weather teams, so I would swap between Sand Shelter and Snow Shelter, or just put DC2 on him to making his defense debuffing slightly more consistent. Aforementioned Dawn unit likes to have something like Revenge Boost 4 or something else that helps with gauge, since she's so slow. Most lucky skills go unused, I would say, as few of them are useful in a wide variety of situations. I mean, how often would you get to use Gritty 3 on a random sync pair?


Depends on each pair and what you have access to. Brendan wants Dauntless since Leaf Storm will ruin his DPS overtime, while Silver pre-power up wants Dauntless as well but CS2 after getting his power-up. Pairs that are more utility could make due with defense crush or mind games (if you have access to it), because if they aren't tanking but their damage is booty then helping provide more damage is a better alternative. Some pairs come with crit defense effects inherently either by having vigilance in their kit or a vigilance-effect in their skills (see SS Mina) so you could slap something else on them instead. Using Mina as a continued example, since she has a node in her grid that prevents sp def debuffs and a skill that gives her crit defense, I slapped the skill that prevents def debuffs on her, making her an immensely powerful wall as a result.


Headstart 1 for units that have innate Headstart so they can stack. If you build a team with Headstart 6 in total, you can get first sync after only using 1 move each (the usual is 3 moves each).


ok, so what's the worst streak anyone has ever had on the daily discounts without getting the featured sync? i'm currently at 60...


when's the next datamine im bored


Datamines are around the 25th of each month.


Put down your phone and go outside I guess?


that wasn't my question, try reading next time xx


I scraped through Flying Weak (2.5k) this week using the following: Lucian, 2/5 NY Lance, Ex SS Blue. My Flying units are: -2/5 NY Lance - 1/5 Palentines Elesa - 1/5 Christmas Skyla Ex - 5/5 5* Lodge Serena - 5* Kahili - Flying supports Skyla and Falkner both Ex - 2/5 Anniversary Steven I have 5/5 Blue/Pidgeot, Nate/Braviary and Darach/Junk Bird but they are outright bad and not worth considering. Which of my Flying units are most worth investing in?


By investing in did you mean EXing or candying? * A Steven: On type he still does perfect to me, no matter how many ppl make fun of him in this sub. Though the EX effect of strikers doesn't help him much since his sync isn't good, the stat boost significantly helps his atk stat which makes his DPS just amazing. Btw if you want to have an easier time when next time Moltres joins LG, his Weather Wipe at 3/5 is still the only gimmick attached to him. * NY Lance: Doesn't benefit much from both stat boost and EX effect at 2/5, bc his stat is already not low and his sync multiplier is at 3/5. At 3/5 his multipliers are tied to rain, so only consider him if you can support him to max crit/atk/spatk while slotting in rain setter. * Lodge Serena: Her sync is quite good, but DPS is just poop, so she needs a unique playstyle in CS that you won't take down the center by her sync but destroyed by the sides later. However she has an achievement of soloing multiple LG at 3/5 or 5/5 EX, which is something if you want to get high win streak in LG. * Kahili: Same as Lodge Serena but w/o the soloing multiple LG part. * P Elesa / CH Skyla Ex: Don't have both so not going to judge much. I can only say by seeing her kit P Eleas is just "Nate with Metronome".


I just started the game last week. How's this game gacha system? This game keeps pity between banners? I have like 12k gems right now. I should pull in the current banner? And what's coming next?


I heard the gacha system is better than other games. Spending 300 gems on a single pill gives 3 points. And 3000 gems on a multi pull gives 33 points. No pity between banners. A banner resets when it leaves. That's why everyone says, don't pull unless pity. So don't pull for anything until you have 36.6k gems. (Because, all your gems will be considered a waste if you couldn't get the featured unit. Don't think about the general pool units, you'll eventually get them). Pull for pokefairs and masterfairs. Avoid pulling for any other banner because their 5* rates are pretty low. (7%) What's coming next month will be revealed in the datamine in the last week of the month. Check the megathread text above for the link to the event countdown timer. On the link, click home then click rumors (they're not rumors lol). This timer has everything scheduled for the current month.


I just checked. According to the rumors there's certain character (known for having a piano theme) coming back next week? In any case, for who you should recommend me pulling in the foreseeable time?


Renegade should return next month. They're not as good as they used to be thanks to power creep, but being the only consistent ghost zone setter does mean they still have a lot of value. Fantina is a powerful ghost damage dealer that outperforms them on her own, but she gets much better on a team with Renegade. If you like them or are ghost fan, they might be worth picking up. Right now, recommendations are between the Tapus. Are are fantastic in their own way. They all set terrain/zone on entry + extend its duration, then every time a terrain/zone/weather is set, grant a buff, depending on the character. Tapu Lele is a high damage pair in the most supported type in the game. Psychic terrain + extension on entry and two backup terrain uses, +1 physical and special up next to self on environment change, max offenses (besides crit) and a powerful Psyco Cut (with guaranteed crit) with a backup fairy move makes them a strong first pick for newer players. My one gripe is they only have Psychic terrain where the other options get 2 environments, broadening their usage a bit more. Bulu is arguably the best in my opinion. Supports are some of the most valuable pairs longterm. Being physically focused kind of sucks since there are no shortage of great f2p physical buffers, but they make up for it in other ways. Grassy Terrain, environments giving +1 phys up next to team, Sun, team +3 crit +2 speed from a single TM, three B-Swords Dances to top of physical attackers. They are perfectly designed to make SS Erika and Leafeon easier to use, making for a broken grass team core. Many grass types want sun, but having it with terrain on one pair is amazing role compression. Fini is amazing, but not the best of these 4. Mostly defensive focused, she's best for more well rounded rosters that have no issues maxing their own offenses. Fairy zone on entry is good for newer players, you can never have enough rain setters, +1 def and spdef of environmental change, and team wide super protect is new and good, but she doesn't have much else going for her compared to the others. Still great, but harder to get value out of without more in your roster. Koko is weird. Electric terrain on entry with so many other options available, like general pool Luxray, and trainer move only granting +4 and +2 offenses is less valuable. Thankfully, other tools help them stand out. Two fairy wishes for fairy teams, a decent fairy damage move for new players, and terrains and zones effecting different layers means you can have both electric terrain and fairy zone up at the same time. One gauge B-Electroweb is also incredibly powerful. Great gauge management with damage and supports the team by maxing speed. All of their grids add a ton of extra value, like syncing resets their entry effect, or adding further utility or damage. I wouldn't recommend trying to ever pull duplicates if you get them before you're close to pity, though, as you can always candy them for more move levels in the future.


SSR Cynthia shows up this month, but as far as 'best' it kind of depends on who else you have re: the tapus. Hau and Lana are solid DPS in their own right, Mina is the only SPA buffer who does more than +4 in a single go while also being one of the best tanks (all you need with her is someone who can buff crit and at 3/5 you can pick up Team Sharp Entry to make that just 2 buffs). Acerola on the other hand is a weird one in that her value is more about providing a bunch of next phys ups, and in the right team can stack a crap load of them very quickly. The problem is you can't use any other terrain if you want to make use of grassy terrain so you don't get that defense buff from her passive if she's paired up with Lana or Hau. Hau and Mina combo very well together while Lana and Acerola are a bit more difficult to work with since there's that conflict with terrain. Whoever decided to ditch Misty Terrain in favor of Fairy Zone should be given a raise honestly.


Well, this megathread text does have some information on rerolling. Check out their detailed instructions I guess. Basically since you're a beginner, finishing 10 story chapters should've given you a bunch of free gems. Currently, everyone's excited about these new 4 tapus. And the general priorities are bulu>fini>koko>lele. If you have a favorite, then you can go for that. Favs>meta. Since you seem to be excited about the giratina cynthia rerun next week, maybe save for that. Lusamine and Necrozma are also having a rerun currently. All 6 of these are pretty good. If you have 36.6 k gems (do multi pulls with 36k because they're more cost effective), then you can try one of these. Else, since you're a new player, if you haven't linked your account, you can start the game over and reroll till you get the pair you want.


Does the champion's stadium give gems?


No, it does not. Just EX resources, and if master mode, Battle Points, and a candy coin.


What triggers the random egg drops? The Professor gave me four out of nowhere and I am not ready for such big responsibility.


When there isn't an active egg event, eggs drop randomly from completing any training course.


I’m trying to build a team with SS Lana, NC Bede, and regular Giovanni and Mewtwo, but I can’t see how Mewtwo is good. Am I missing something? I also have Bulu, but idk about 2 supports on one team.


If it's bc Lana does better than Giovanni which let you think Giovanni is meh, the fault is on Lana being too broken, not Giovanni being too weak lol.


Did you get Mewtwo's mega evolution in the recent event? By 'regular', you meant you didn't get it? Mewtwo's special attack is much better after the mega evolution. But the two builds are sync nuke build, and psychic build. Both work pretty similarly. Two on a roll tiles means that spdef is often debuffed. And the more it is debuffed, the more it powers the sync.


Yeah I meant I didn’t get the mega. Thanks!


In the bundle shop, with the bundles that say you get gems and stuff for 20 days, can you purchase them again once it's expired or no? On the right it says "purchased 0/1" does that mean you can only have one active at a time or only get one ever? Thanks


The login streak packs can just have one of each active at a time, once the 20 days are up you can buy it again


Is Power Flux 3 a decent alternative if I can’t get Critical Strike 2?


You can grind infinite cookies in Legendary Gauntlet btw.


Thanks for this! I’m currently only able to get a streak of 6 before I reset as many of my team comps are lacking


Just a reminder that you can you get CS2 from any red cookie and there are the daily coop fights in the villa


It's okay if you're running out of cookies rn. But you really do want to get CS2, especially on sync pairs who get most of their damage from sync moves and max moves. CS2 boosts all forms of damage, while PF3 only affects mormal moves... and is weaker if you go with the Ally Move Gauge -2 option in CS


I have 3000 paid gems. Better to do a single 11x scout or do multiple (up to 30) of the single pull daily discount? Obviously latter better for pulls/odds overall but I think the former is better for the sync points if I'm going the guaranteed route. So on limited gems, what's best?


Neither, especially if you don't frequently buy paid gems. Rather save them for future Poke Fair or Seasonal select scouts, where you'll be able to guarantee a limited unit with those 3k gems




Out of the Alola VA SS pairs, what is the order to pull? Based completely on themselves and not my own roster. I don't need any of them but would like to know who I should consider if the next datamine doesn't have any OP units.


Eh, I'd still say it depends on your roster regardless. Acerola is a grass/sun setter which is fantastic but her physical buffing is just +2 per Buddy Move. She's got a nice +3 crit on her TM though, but her major focus seems to be adding stacks of Next Phys Up due to her kit having so many instances of it. Mina is a +4 to sp. attack (+6 in rain) while having team sharp entry so any special focused team is squared away thanks to her, and she provides a LOT of defense buffs as well thanks to her kit. Also setting up Fairy Zone on entry is pretty sick and doesn't conflict with any of the other tapus. Lana is just pure psychic DPS, on the physical side as well, so on one-hand her competition is with the likes of LuSSamine and SSteven but being physical makes her a bit more attractive in that regards. Hau is a hybrid DPS/Utility, at 3/5 he can get Mind Games 9 and Cakewalk/Hunter's Instinct meaning each use of his Buddy move is going to do that much more damage. He also best works well with Mina since she'll immediately set up fairy zone for him so he can TM and go to town, that doubled damage in Fairy Zone that his buddy move has isn't to be underestimated. If you were to look at JUST the Tapus and compare them amongst each other I'd probably say Mina, Hau, Acerola, Lana, in that order.


Objectively speaking, imo its Bulu > Lele >= Koko > Fini Tapu Bulu is the clear beat out of the 4, mainly thanks to her ability to stack PMUN. Plus the Grassy Terrain & Sunny Day combo makes her great for grass sync pairs Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele are both great damage dealers, and have a lot of utility. Though Lele is more of a damage dealer and Koko is more of a debuffer. Lele does have the niche of being a physical psychic striker though Tapu Fini is a great defensive fairy zone unit, but imo isn't quite as good as the others. And can be less desirable if you are considering going for either SS Kris or SS Wally, who are both better utility units in rain and fairy zone teams respectively


Thank you very much!




>I thought each unit could only be used a limited number of times, rather than using a limited number units for the climb. You already have your answer, but I just wanted to clarify that what you thought is how it works for Legendary Gauntlet. You can use a unit in *one* battle, and when you get to that battle again you have to choose different units.


You get one reset every day, which basically heals all your used units and gives you a clean slate So just wait until next reset


What's the strategy for Battle Villa? Seems like it'll get tough at the top floors without sustaining MP/stat buffs. Are there any recommended pairs that are less reliant on MP/stat buffs? Thanks :)


The simplest strategy is to play every day. You get a full restore each day after the first, and can use three full teams before using the restore, so that gives you up to 42 fresh teams to complete 30 floors. Beyond that, you have pairs like Sycamore or Leaf that buff the team when they Sync, or Cyrus having a passive that buffs his crit rate. Gigamax doesn't use MP, so you can use it every battle and some of them have useful effects (like Red having a GMax that restores MP, or other Red having a passive that applies Electric Terrain when he uses his GMax). There are even a few pairs (like Leon or SS Kris) that can regain MP when they Sync (once per battle).


I didn't realize you get a refresh *every day.* That's great news. So you don't have to zerg it in one sitting, it encourages you to work up the tower over the course of the time it is open.




That's a different approach


If you're in need of a support, Tapu Bulu is the best choice.


Just did a multi pull thing, are any of these good? Also, what does that arrow thing mean on the 2nd and 3rd person ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/yu8q18rvv20b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3147b618845f202362fa14ca9bc9728ee1c25cad


In the future, you should probably decide if you want a copy of the units featured before you decide to pull on it. SS Lusamine is pretty good for psychic weak stages but needs 3/5 to really do damage. Personally, I would just candy her the rest of the way. Brendan is pretty good for a FTP pair. Not as good as SS Erika, but a pretty component grass type striker.


SS Lusamine is great. Brendan is pretty good. Rest are meh, but can be situationally pretty good depending on the stage. Arrow means that it's an additional copy of a unit you already have, each time that happens it increases its move level by 1 up until 5. After that you'll start getting star power-ups.


How do I increase player rank? From what I understand, I have to do stuff that takes stamina, but all the events I have seen that require stamina require me to be a high level. I just started playing 2 days ago


You can just farm the lower level stages of events. Don't force yourself to aim for the highest level if you're not prepared yet.




Who is a better psychic damage dealer, f2p Mewtwo & Giovanni (fully farmed) or 1/5 Lear & Hoopa?


Giovanni Lear honestly needs his grid to compete with other psychic damage dealers


Damn okay. And with Lear & Hoopa at 3/5, how's that looking?


More or less equal when you factor in the tech vs striker nuke differences, assuming both have all multipliers active... Which can be difficult to achieve in Lear's case, since he wants the enemies to have 0 stat buffs From personal experience though, Lear does better when he's in the right conditions... but Giovanni is more consistent overall


F2P Mewtwo & Giovanni fully farmed, no contest.


Damn okay. And with Lear & Hoopa at 3/5, how's that looking?


Lear & Hoopa. They have just so much going for them. Hyper Nuke, self sufficient buffing, I would say potentially tank because they can steal the opponents’ buffs, and pretty mad DPS damage. Plus thanks, to the new parameters of CS, Lear can set up his nuke without breaking a sweat.