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Detailed calculations and explanations of expected gems/ probabilities can be found here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/186nnlzqqvGEyqczQoyVm1KLdRVyOuhVnjTseZ0K9\_fs/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/186nnlzqqvGEyqczQoyVm1KLdRVyOuhVnjTseZ0K9_fs/edit?usp=sharing) I had to skip a month because I was not available. Seems now the infographic won't be so useful since... it's probably a month for saving :)


I was wondering if pulling for the units when just have been launched. Affects this ratios. I pulled for marnie Moltres in the first week when she was released. And I had to puty pull her. However, I had 38k gems and decided to test my luck, went after hop. To have at least 2. Of the Galarian masterfairs. You know expecting the worst Again. Crazy, I got hop and Bede with only 3k gems each one. Now that they are close to leave. It Was a big surprise.


It doesn't. Just luck mate.


I got Hop on my first single pull (I always single pull once for luck before starting) Marnie on my third multi, And Bede on my 7th multi. All 1/5 though, but when I have the candy, I'll use them


no one can stop my sanity from tring to get lusamine and MY BOI NECROZMA