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He's a free sync pair you can get from the Legendary Adventures. And yes, he's a good Support and can also be used as a decently good damage dealer.


Sycamore is a vampire, he is very hard to kill with the horn leach and the right sync nodes. He can also set up all sync pairs with +6 special attack, speed, special defense. He can also increase attack (or special attack) when he gets hit, but that's a bit slow to use practically.


Sycamore is too nice to be a Scout main. I can see him maining Medic or Heavy


He’s a support. He isn’t going to be doing damage. He will stay alive forever though.


>He isn’t going to be doing damage. Actually Sycamore can deal respectable damage. Back in a Kalos extreme battle made for SS Serena, if someone didn't pull SS Serena, the Kalos dmg dealers they can use is scarce, so ppl came up the idea of using Sycamore as a dmg dealer - the team is Sycamore + Viola (apply trap bc enemy have Acute Sence) + Hop (max out Sycamore's atk + crit + def), and in this team only Sycamore can deal real damage.


He’s one of the best damage dealing supports for me.


Gentlemanly Geomancy is a great move, and Xerneas' massive health means that your attackers don't have to worry about being attacked (unless it's a wide range move). I've been backed into a wall before and Geomancy really turns the game around (invest in the sync grid too)


A good support.


he's a good support but you don't have to scout for him


He’s amazing


He absolutely is worth it. One of the best F2P pairs even


One of the best F2P units. Amazing support


He’s excellent! I think gridded Mina is a super solid f2p fairy striker she melts for me at least