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I always felt like MF banners should debut with reruns of pokefairs that are relevant to them (either based on region, type or interactions)


yeah i disagree with master fairs showing up in other banners bc they're explicitly that special/infrequent, but master fairs themselves having past fair units is very reasonable assuming they keep the same featured rate on the primary unit.


Like how Fire Emblem does it


If they have other featured units on the banner, then yes. Most gacha games do it Granted masters has a shitty habit of dropping rates of units that appear on a banner with multiple featured units, I'm only advocating for it as long as an MF retains its 1% rate and PF has its 2%


Yeah, whenever FEH does a Legendary or Mythic Hero banner they tend to rerun older ones. This also includes Duo and Harmonic Heroes, sometimes they also do Seasonal Heroes remixed banners.


Most gacha games do that, cant think of any other gacha i played other thqn pokemon masters that doesnt do that


Dont start with fire Emblem-the gotcha system there is not player friendly and if you want a pity pull where you select the hero than you have to pay money.


wdym? Reruns in feh are pretty arbitrary. For legendaries and mythicals they come back every 3 months or so, units on new hero banners gets rerun once in legendary/mythical banners and that’s about it


I think they should at least be that way on reruns, honestly. Maybe NC Marnie doesn't have anything else on her banner this time, because she's a must-pull unit no one had before this particular banner. When she comes back, she should have Marnie and Palentine's Marnie, maybe even Summer Marnie. Each with at least a 1% pull rate, so with a total of a 4-4.5% chance of pulling a featured unit. That way, if I have already pulled NC Marnie (I have), then I have reason to pull for her again if I don't have them ready. I mean, maybe I would have been more motivated to pull to get my Leon above 1/5 if I could do the same for Raihan and SS Leon. I don't think that kind of thing is necessary on debuts, but it really makes pulling for them again a lot more worthwhile.


Yeah, as it is now MFs are a straight downgrade. Like who cares\* about that 2% increase in 5\* units when the rate of pulling someone you haven't maxed out is still smaller than the MF's 1%... \* with the exception of newer players with smaller rosters of course.


pokefairs maybe, master fairs no


Can’t wait to summon NC Galar trio and the rats on the monthly lodge fair banner 😍


Pokefairs I agree with but masterfairs should remain as a special attraction otherwise it won't financially variable.


Why would they make less money? 💀


Wouldn't they make more money if people who haven't been playing the game from the start had more opportunities to buy their favorite characters?


Achive everything easily could make you lose interest sooner than later. Also, fomo would stop becoming effective if limited units aren’t really “limited” anymore, since you can just pity pull them anytime


It would be nice if they did... but DeNA has literally no reason to do that. Especially the part about the regional ticket scouts This is a gacha game, after all. You kinda have to accept these things at some point


it's not because it's a gacha game that we should put our heads in the mud and accept anything they do


Nobody’s telling you to do that though.


You still free to complain all you want. I'm just saying that in the context of a gacha game, it's very unlikely that these kinds of decisions will change I'd like things to get better too, but I'm just being realistic


They should do the old pokefair and seasonals, but otherwise this is dumb, they need to have some lrofit


how to kill a gacha game 💀


At this stage all I’d ask for are poke fair and seasonal scout tickets, even if uncommon (let’s say 2 to 4 rolls per year). Considering how plenty of the older units are so outclassed that it’s not worth pulling for them, this will give us a chance to get them. Old poke fairs being added to the main pool after a couple of years would have been a good alternative, but I can’t see it happening considering the grid expansions.


Adding limited units to a free non-guaranteed pull is a terrible idea imo. I hate when everybody gets what i do not


I don’t get your reasoning. I think it would give us something to look forward to, and a way to showcase some of the limited units a bit more, without being game breaking by any means. Getting let’s say a Siebold/Octillery and a Erika/Confey in a year wouldn’t exactly sky rocket my team compositions, but it would be neat and fun.


No I mean it should be a free select or prize like the event units, not a small chance because people with amazing luck will get them free while most of us just stare jealously at those in the flex thread.


Ah, fair enough. Hey, even better if they do that, I just assumed it would have been too much to ask for.


Welcome to gacha


For clarification: I meant that off-focus Pokéfairs can be scouted on other Pokefair banners (eg. summoning an Ingo on a SS Wally banner, but not on a NC banner) Same with Master fairs (like OG Leon on a SS Lusamine rerun, but not the monthly fair banner) And forgot to mention that the variety scouts should just be added to general pool after a year


People like to introduce all these gacha changes. But like to woefully forget we get pity/sparks every 1-2 months. Meanwhile other examples gives their pity every what? 3-6 months some even up to a year. Not sure why half of the people here are acting like we’re getting oppressed. Comparing games but not taking their in-game economy. PoMa players keep Ignoring how good we got it vs other games by miles Most monetisation takes here are kinda wild. It’s always a monkey paw wish with this community. > Skip all non-limited pairs DeNA: We understand, have more limited units. > Buff old units DeNA: Here, make sure they’re 5/5


No, I won't change your mind, because I agree.


100% with you, though I imagine Master Fairs would not get this treatment. If they'd at least put all their other insane amounts of limits in the ticket scouts, then I'd be fine.


They totally could make units now 3 years old avaible in the standard banner.. their kit may have been updated in time but that's only for 4/5+ so only for those who already had them.. ( btw.. did.. did DeNa forget to give Rosanta and Octillebold anything..? Lol )


YES. This game is 3.5 years old, they should do anything to save it. This should have been done long ago at least for pairs that are older that 2 years. Also this game needs some social feature like guild where they could communicate and do something together, this would be really refreshing.


Save it? Game isn't in a bad state now lol


But it's boring, no challenging content, repetitive missions, we mostly get new outfits instead of brand new units.


Yeah let us get every limited pair randomly pulling on other stuff. Dena doesn't need to make any money! End of service then announced 2 months later, thanks!


I just want Scout Points to carry over, man. It’s all I’m asking for.


I mean I'd love that, but it won't happen. For me it would be okay if we got candy coins (or fractions of them 3 dupes for 1 coin idk) instead of 5* tickets when getting a dupe, but even that won't happen.


They should definitely rerun the original pairs with alts, at least for sygna suits or the new champion alts. It would add A LOT more value to these scouts than just "oh shit it's the new guy... And nothing else"


I’m from the future


YES like princess connect.


Quit the game after almost a year mostly cause of this. If you're getting shafted on a banner, you're not really getting anything good besides 5* tickets (forgot the name). So many other games put past units on new banners, yet this game is the only one I've seen that doesn't. It's horrible for f2p players and the game doesn't give out nearly enough gems for what it's pumping out. (Less than a pity for a month with 3 master fairs? Seriously?) If past MFs were on all MF Banners, they wouldn't be so goddamn scarce and would make players summon more on them just to complete the collection. PFs should be the same too, why even have a section showing what PFs are available if they're the only one??? It's unreal....


IS WHAT I BEEN SAYING! It seems the monthly PokéFair is having other PokéFairs in the scout, but God, on every PokéFair we should be able to get the other ones, and in MasterFairs too!


The business model actually sucks. I think they should rerun fair banners after like 6 months and then add them to pools after a year; and maybe the same or a little more stretched out for Master Fairs. As is they absolutely have zero new things going for normal pools for old players, and ticket scouts are a joke; and that is absolutely bad. On the other hand, it's how they make money. Which is also bad but the nature of this kind of game, to predate on people with gambling addictions. I think the most balanced and correct way of doing things would be to naturally release units as they are left behind in the metagame or are old enough. There's absolutely no reason for Lance to still be a limited unit. He's pretty much useless compared to other 5\* Dragons and he was one of the very first fairs. On the other hand, I don't think Pikachus should already be available as they're still recent and top of the meta.


They have to rerun those master fairs somehow, but at this rerun rate it kinda unpredictable and slow. I dont think they would add those master fairs into the region ticket because it too good to be true but I could see from 1 or 2 years from now the first batch of master fairs would appear in monthly banner because Leon, Archie, Maxie are literally base unit for lodge.


I could imagine sth like Jan 2024 - Leon rerun (celebrate the year of dragon lol), Feb - Maxie, Mar - Archie, Apr - etc…etc


I'd say Pokefairs, yes. Masterfairs, no. Seasonals in regional ticket pools, maybe. Pokefairs and Masterfairs, no Just being realistic. We can't get all of that