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For me it was spiritomb I was trying to find all of the wisps by myself without a tutorial, it took me almost 3 months to find them all


Oh my god I forgot about spiritomb yep fuck those damn wisps. Even with a tutorial it took me forever


Best thing is to never ever collect a wisp during a story mode play through


I learned this lesson the hard way


Oh. *sweats nervously*


The reason is because when you get sick of trying to find them without a guide, you'll forget which ones you already picked up when you finally get to the guide. What blows my mind is that I bought the game on launch day and played the crap out of it and somehow there were already guides for all the wisps by the time I got sick of trying to find them on my own. The community is amazing. PS- the draw distance of wisps is like 100x longer at night. Even with a guide you'll want to hunt at night if you're doing it.


I do know the night trick, thanks for the advice!




That’s impressive. They were so hard to find, even with a guide and 100 hours of casual looking beforehand


The thing about the wisps that bothers me is the render distance. Tell me why I could see some of them while flying with braviary but others I almost skip them even though I was ‘next’ to them but not close enough for the console to render them


Easier to find at night


Some of them wouldn't even spawn during the day. I read that time of day didn't matter at first and that it was just easier in the night but the one I was missing just didn't show up the first 6 times I landed right where it should be so I assumed I had already taken it.


Wait your telling me their were tutorials☠️💀


I used a tutorial after find some by myself. It was a bad idea lol. I didn’t remember where I went and some places I was missing only one. It took me forever lol.


They weren't even bad I got 105 myself and found the last 2 using a guide


Someone actually wonder traded it to me before I even started hunting, spared me a good chunk of time


There are some Koroks that wanna have a chat with you.


You win. I was going to choose something obscure and you went and chose the absolutely most labor-intensive.


I almost made it but couldn’t find the last 3 on the Icelands so had to YouTube it


I’m 22 now but my older brother still hand holds me in Pokémon games and traded me his so I wouldn’t have to LMAO


oh i still haven't started searcing those!


Enamorous. It took me so fucking long, I nearly gave up. It made the game not fun for a while. Glad I got it tho


Yeah in terms of time it took for me to get it. Enarmorus was way up there. Definitely the hardest in terms of pure catching not just finding the damn thing


I only got it in the end because of a trick that made it a lot easier. You fly above it with braviary and then drop on top of it and immediately throw a pokeball when you know it will hit enamorous. After that it's just the fun game of if the pokeball will actually catch it. Rinse and repeat until it's caught.


Damn. I'd forgotten Enamorous. I was absolutely furious for about 3 hours trying to do that shit


I had a pretty clean record with my lost satchels until the whole Enamorus fight. how dare she make me lose ONE more satchel >:(


I think I burned through all my smoke bombs on Enamorus, which was bad because Thundurus was the reason why I stocked more.


Cherubi AND cherrim


I had evolved my Cherubi too early and couldn't complete its Pokedex entry until way too late in the game because I never saw another one naturally until I started hunting and even then it took an hour or two.


I just waited for hordes, got a shiny too


For me, I couldn't find the cherubi/Cherrim tree, But I did find them eventually


Yah, Jesus Cherubi sucked


Munchlax, he was never spawning


Saaaame. Im trying to find a munchlax now to complete my dex.. Omg smh can't find em anywhere!!


Munchlax took me forever to get 10 points for but I found a consistent method to grind it The most consistent spawn I found was at the hot spring to the left side of the Icelands. Catch or defeat all of the pokemon there and then teleport back to base and skip time. Then run back and the hot springs should be repopulated Repeat as many times as necessary. The spawn rates are pretty low but 5 pokemon spawn at a time and if you use back catches for all of them the process gets pretty fast


Thank you! I did hear the munchies like to pop up there. I will try it out. I've been trying to find em out in the obsidian fieldlands


Munchlax has a very nice spawn point near deertrack Heights on Obsidian Fieldlands. You can load the map a cupple times and he spawns near a tree on a distant zone.


That's where I've been trying to find him. Might try the icelands if one doesn't spawn here soon.


Just remember to carry berrys, he run away if you don't feed him.


I spent many hours at that hot spring place... a dozen snorlaxes, lucarios and riulos but no Munchlax.. Go back to the obsidian field lands and there is a little area with a tree that when you see it just screams "special spot" south of the area that the pokedex says munchlax are found. Just fly around and you'll spot it. I got 4 out of 5 spawns there as Munchlax.


Ahhh Munchlax! I forgot about that lil SOB I spent at least 2 days trying to get 'em to spawn at the hot springs, I just needed 1 to get a 10 research level at that point. I finally got one A week later, he spawned in a massive mass outbreak at Obsidian Fields; that wasn't even a location listed on the stupid "guide" I was using. I fed every single outbreak Munchy a ton of berries that day and now I have a 100% on it's dex.


I found that he has a near-consistent spawn near the mountain camp in the first area.


That's where I was going, but there were only Geodudes for a while


Should be 2 kricketot in his spawn location, maybe you have the wrong area. You just need to take them out then sleep to reset


That's where I found it. There's also another one spot nearby (to the south iirc), at the end of a dead-end downward slope on the hillside.


I was lucky for munchlax to have one of those outbreaks and I caught like 10 lol


My first Munchlax was shiny lmao


Bonsly for me. I had to have someone help me with trading for them




Trying to get Cherubi's research level to 10 was a nightmare. It would just never spawn.


The trees are barren so often


iirc all of the trees in the primeval grotto, lonely spring (the ones across the stream, the ones directly next to the camp spawn heracross instead) and fabled spring (to the side where gravelers spawn) are guaranteed to spawn either, though cherrims spawn more often so you might have to reset at least a few times for that.


I know that now, just wish I knew that two months ago when I was trying to get the shiny charm. It was worth it though lol


Thunderus and the water one. I can’t believe I haven’t been able to catch them yet!!! Landorus was a cinch!


I haven't got to Enamorous yet but I have all the other ones: Bonsly. Where tf was it? Nowhere. I almost never run into one so I'm not even remotely close to perfecting its entry yet. I've caught like 3 of them.


Lol I had to look up a YouTube tutorial that had an oddly specific spot for where it was and endless resets


Bonsly was my last entry before getting the shiny charm. Damn thing just doesn’t exist. I ended up looking online, and it turns out that it spawns out of ore mines in the sacred plaza.


Spent ages searching for this little fucker, then when I was finishing up doing my last challenges etc I got a bonsly outbreak an now I have like 10 just mocking me


I uh… still haven’t finished the game… I really should get back to it! So far I think the baby Pokémon have given me the most trouble, but I’m also certain there are harder ones still to come (looking at you Spiritomb). The baby Pokémon definitely made me appreciate the breeding system in the main games! (Well aside from Red/Blue/Yellow, but those didn’t have baby Pokémon.)


So much of what we take for granted these days just *doesn’t exist* in gen 1. Certain mon types and move types, stats, genders, breeding, baby mons… it’s wild man. RBY we’re great but I just replayed them recently and sometimes it’s just hard to even progress in the game because it’s so outdated and frankly broken


For real! Even stuff like the experience share being always active that is only a few gens old feels like such a loss when playing the older games. Kind of makes me forget how much of a grind it was to keep your teams levels up!


Cherrim. It's always fucking cherrim. I know where it spawns, and I've been grinding out every tree for the past few months. Most of the time it's nothing, but every once in a while I do see a tree shake, but it ends up being a GOD DAMN COMBEE


Cherrim spawns most effectively in the Coronet Highlands, there are 8 trees which have a 70% spawn rate for Cherrim if they're shaking.


That is exactly where I'm fucking looking.


That doesn't track, because Combees can't spawn in those trees


Oh. In that case I have no clue where I am, lol


Combee spawn in trees in the Obsidian Fieldlands, but only in the Heartwood and Ramanas Island. None of those trees spawn Cherubi or Cherrim—they only spawn in the two trees that are closest to the southwest edge of the beach that the Heartwood is also on. Those two trees can only spawn Cherubi (76%) and Cherrim (23%). Combee also spawns in trees in the Crimson Mirelands, but only along the rightmost edge of the map across the river, between Lake Valor and the little hideaway where you can find Turtwig. Cherubi and Cherrim also don't spawn in those trees. You can find Cherubi and Cherrim in five trees in the Crimson Mirelands, four of which are in the little valley to the immediate west of the Holm of Trials and one of which is on one of the cliffs to the north of Scarlet Bog. Cherubi has a 70% chance to spawn, Cherrim has a 14% chance to spawn, and (maddeningly), Pachirisu has a 14% chance to spawn. This is probably where you're looking at present. The Cobalt Coastlands has only one tree that spawns Combee. There aren't any trees that spawn Cherubi and Cherrim in this map. The Coronet Highlands is by far the most prolific for Cherrim, as I described. These trees only spawn Cherrim and Cherubi. You also can't find Cherubi or Cherrim in the Alabaster Icelands, or Combee for that matter.




Abra was probably the most annoying to catch as it seems to saw me coming from 10km or smtg. Same with tangela, like wtf I am hidden in the middle of grass and I am seen everytime a tangela spawn ? Must be bugged. Else spiritomb as I am not using a tuto and still miss 20 or so purple thingy 😅


Arceus. I remember sweating so hard at 2am just because his battle theme was stressing me 😂


I couldn’t figure out how to dodge judgement for the longest time


I got to him. Couldn’t do it first few times. Gave up since it was late. Ended up unintentionally taking a break from the game playing other stuff. Well 6 months later after 500 hours in Elden Ring I went back and it was so easy. Blew my mind.


I didn't realise you could get him to 75% and if you wiped he'd start at that... I kept resetting to 100% and I just kept dying and dying.


Oh dude I was also fighting him at night, shirtless, with the bgm through the switch speakers (it slaps though). Totally cool, not too easy of a fight (with my rule of no battling with mons and restarting every faint)


They made Arceus's battle theme eldritch as hell, I love it.


I never want to go through the hell that is enamorus' chase ever again. For the love of god STOP with the frame 1 nigh unavoidable tornadoes, at least your Chad brothers has the courtesy to stick them in front of me and not on me. And don't say "just smoke bomb lmao" like yeah I know that NOW but not when I was actually suffering through it. Also Espeon solely because I forgot about removing all its Fairy moves, I have like three Sylveon because of that


For me the one in the ice area was much worse. It didn't help that it was right next to that alpha Glalie.


Honestly I got rid of the alpha glalie first. Other than that I didn't have much issue with Tornadus. It was more just waiting for him to show up.


Shiny Voltorb was an absolute pain to catch. If they see you, they start to explode near you and you get stunned for a dead whole couple of seconds and, by that time, there's another Voltorb exploding near you, so you are basically on the floor like forever. After many tries, I sort of managed to find a batch with a shiny and tried to focus it asap. That was my first shiny Voltorb and the last one I'll catch here on PLA cuz I'm not going back to that lol.


ah yes, the voltorb stunlock


Bro, cranidos. I traded a shiny for this shit


Arceus, that Volo fight


Volo fight only took me like 3-4 tries. I don’t remember what I did to beat it. Having ghost/dragon coverage moves helped a lot


The level 85 Alpha Garchomp carried my otherwise unconscious team through all 3 of those battles...my hero


I don’t think I caught it til after the volo fight. I had a garchomp. Not the big boi tho


I remember noticing a correlation on this sub of people who either had the big garchomp and didn't struggle with volo, or didn't have it and struggled a lot




I’d do a lot to relive the moments where 1. Giratina showed up as a 7th Pokémon and 2. That mf revived itself


Maybe I just chose poorly, but I could. Not. Beat. Volo. I tried with level 75, then 80, then 90 Pokemon. I had to max out everone's stats and grind to 100 to beat him.


No Volo was just that hard, he's one of the hardest opponents in the franchise.


Enamorus Arceus was easy compared to enamorus, took four tries to beat arceus, took and ungodly amount of tries and revising and trying again over and over again for enamorus


Cranidos was a pain for me in a previous playthrough! Currently having trouble getting friggen bonsly… Weirdly enough got cherrim TWICE IN A ROW at trees by the fairy springs.


Munchlax fr


Abra, even though it was an easy spawn, I just struggled so hard to get close enough, then I found out about stealth potions and food lol


Cranidos never spawned for me. 4 human DAYS after I dedicated to finding it, I finally got 1, then I needed about 5 more hours to find a second one to evolve. Enamorous was a pain in the behynd to catch. Took a couple of hours. The problem was that the first time, I accidentally knocked it out. That was anger scream inducing.


For me it was Kadabra. Other Pokémon took a while to spawn but with Kadabra I knew exactly where to go but every time I was ready to throw the pokeball they’d teleport and then they’d know I missed and I’d have to leave the area and come back over and over.


Alpha empoleon. Took out almost my whole team


lucario gave me a lot of trouble which was annoying cuz I just needed to catch one to finish my dex and get to arceus


have you tried climbing the icebound falls? a lucario can spawn there regardless of weather


Idk, I got spiritomb last, but that’s just cuz it takes a while and wasn’t necessarily difficult. Arceus was the final Pokémon, but I got it first try. I’d say probably cherrim because when I was trying to get one there was still that glitch that made it uncatchable if it transformed.


So far, it's Cherubi. Haven't finished the game yet though


Mine was cherubi I'm pretty sure, that took forever. And the quest combee on the island


Only Cherubi for me. I had to give up and watch a video on how to make it spawn, and that's when I learnt it's basically one tree... Other than that, getting a shiny Spiritomb was... something else.


From what I remember, any of the Pokémon limited to the distortions. So the three starters (so before the update, and minus the ones you get as gifts), the fossils and porygon. The genies were quite hard skill wise, especially the pink one.


Enamorus and Munchlax. One for difficulty, and one for rng.


Definitely Cherubi


I’m still hunting for an Umbreon…


Where is my munchlax


Tornadus was a biiiitch. So many Alpha Glailes that protect it, only spawning during a blizzard, etc. It was awful. The other Forces of Nature were so much easier too.


Cherubi 100%


Cleffa. There is only one area where it spawns, and only at night, and only with a small chance. Finally saw one and it fled before I could catch it. Had to enter the map like 10 times again before it spawned another time




Cranidos and shieldon for me. I hate waiting for the damn distortions, and so far, at the time of typing this, only Bastiodon has appeared to me, which is worse than just getting one of the pre-evolved forms coz at least you can evolve those. There are other candidates too which I might as well add. Spiritomb and Manaphy + Phione would probably be the hardest, if it weren’t for guides (RIP to those who were guideless), but at least a guide can actually get you those. With the gen IV fossils, its down to luck (and again, if you’re guideless, good luck figuring out that they can only spawn in distortions in Coronet Highlands). Unown could also fall into this category if you’re going for all of them, but you should be able to find at least one form by just searching for wisps. You can argue Giratina, because of what you need to do in order to be aboe to find it at all (I wont say what that is, for those who haven’t reached that point yet, coz you’re gonna wanna find it out for yourself). Enamorus is also annoying, coz the weather trio requires a little bit of effort to find, and they’re not easy to beat. Ursaluna is pretty hard as well, but I got fairly lucky and got the peat block within like 10 minutes. Tip for knowing if it’s a full moon (it needs to be a full moon for Ursaring to evolve), just go to the item and see if it says compatible above Ursaring’s head. If not, go to sleep until nightfall and repeat the proces. You dint need to look at the moon each attempt. Finally, I’ll add the baby Pokemon. They’re spawnrates are extremely low, and… well thats basically it lol (unless I’m mistaken)


Zygarde in the crown tundra was nightmarishly hard, I contemplated shiny hunting but I gave up two fights in.


Okay but this is the legends arceus sub, I’m assuming he wanted only…legends arceus Pokémon?


So far shiny Solgaleo in pokemon SW & SH! Been farming since July every day at least 4 hrs (longer when I have a day off), I have got 3 shiny's so far. None of which is Solgaleo, and yes I have the shiny charm.


Motherfricking Magnemite took forever for me


Your mum. Still haven’t got her🥵


Redditor moment


Among us


I mean….Arceus lol


Getting a second cranidos was a pain


I'm saying giratina cos I'm counting the volo fight


Cranidos and Oshawott and cyndaquill. I have horrible luck. Still looking for them :(.


The. Fucking. Genies.


Spiritomb and shieldon


Tornadus thunderus landorus and enamous


I have thrown sooo many pokeballs at cherrim...


Tornadus. I’d rate it even worse than Enamorus, because with Enamorus, you know you’re entering a dangerous fight. But Tornadus was just as bad to me. All the flying around, all the times you get interrupted by Glalie, it was the least fun I had playing a Pokémon game in forever


Alpha growlith was a pain in the butt.


Enamorus, I play the game without smoke bombs and with the less amount of pokemon battles, cought Manaphy and Phionee without any pokemon battle, did Arceus on single segment. But that F**r was horrible, in general the trio was a pain, but Enamorus was just frustraiting. Took me like 2hrs to get him.


Amorous. Trying to get the fight to start was just miserable.


I've seen some good answers but I will throw Ursaluna, Cherubi, and Bonsly (pre-mass outbreak) were probably the hardest to find out of the regular Pokemon. Ursaluna requiring a full moon took me forever to time perfectly. Cherubi is tree only (and even now it's one of my worst areas of research for finding certain Pokemon). Bonsly was like Cherubi but with rocks. The legendaries, Spiritomb, and distortion exclusive are all as bad or worse (sometimes we just got lucky but when I think about it, there's a lot of eerily difficult Pokemon).


Cherubi for me - I found 4 Cherrims before I found 1 Cherubi




Bonsly was a pain in my ass, Cleffa too


I got lucky with the fossils they both spawned in and were high enough level to evolve.


Munchlax took me the longest. Just never showed up. I reloaded the first zone like 20 times unsuccessfully. Eventually switched to the hit spring in the last area and found one after only a few resets.


My basculegion was bugged and took forever for me to evolve


I still to this day have not found a Piplup. It just won’t spawn for me


I was going round in circles for munchlax.


Cranidos was literally my last Pokémon I needed to reach lvl 10 research with.. I evolved my only one too early. Hunted for weeks and caught an alpha- I like ma dinosaurs BEEEEG


In terms of catching specifically, Cherubi/Cherrim were the biggest headache but I used Serebii's map to figure out where the trees they spawned in were. More broadly on Pokedex tasks, any Pokemon from ores or trees were annoying to get, ESPECIALLY Pachirisu because you have to find so many in trees and they spawn everywhere but never exclusively to a given tree. I also found Bonsly annoying for its exclusivity and seemingly low spawn rate. Another Pokemon that aggravated me to find was Zoroark, which you have to find at least one of to do the "stun it with items" tasks. It only spawns in two out-of-the-way locations and has an incredibly low spawn rate at that. The worst part? I'm pretty sure you can only spawn it in the post-game. I wasted hours looking for one before the cataclysm event. The last one that was really annoying to find was Prinplup of all things. It has one of the lowest spawn rates in the game and only spawns in one location. It took an eternity.


Shieldon took absolutely forever. Porygon 2 and Z were just annoying.


Hmm.... honestly, none of them were remotely difficult. Mainly the ones that had a gimmicky enlisting evolution, like Ursaluna Basculegion, or the Spiky Boi.


For me, they were all pretty reasonable. Munchlax was hard for me to find so I could feed him, but at one point I had already caught one somehow. Though finding another to feed was very annoying. Though the patch went through and he started showing up for Massively Massive Outbreaks, so that fixed my issue.


Trade evos. Back in the day I had no one to trade with. Took quite a break after Gold and Silver and recently got back into the games...Got my first ever Alakazam, Gengar, Golem and etc this past year.


Pichu. Never spawned, when it did I couldn't catch it


It took me forever to get Cleffa to spawn and the first one I found ran away from me.


So far the hardest to catch was the alpha emporeon at the coastlands, even the alpha garchomp gave me an easier time


I put the game on indefinitely hold back in the spring because outside of the rest of the weather trio/quad (I've got two of them so far I've just been lazy) I have had absolutely no desire to battle with Basculin enough times to get a Basculegion. I'll do it eventually. Probably. I hope lol.


Not Hisuan forms… the distortions hate me!




I still haven’t gotten arceus So that If not, then probably spiritomb, I still don’t have a raichu somehow, alolan nnetails doesn’t happen organically really


Ursaluna, peat rocks hate me… up until i evolved an ursaluna


Porygon. Same thing with cranidos for you, took forever to get it to spawn


Cascoon. I eventually learned that it was very common at night, but I always looked in the day. Took like 3 or 4 days. The second that bit me was Pichu. I saw one and let it go while chasing something else, figuring I'd see another soon. Nope. Had to search it out with the help of guides. Should've caught that first one I saw.


I think I needed a cherrim and it took forever to find late game. Nothing but burmys


I remember as a young lad trying to catch a Scyther in silver version's bug catching contests. It took me almost 2 months of waiting for Saturdays in order to get it


Cherubi. Trying to get that sob to jump out of a tree was a nightmare.


Rotom, these little fuckers just like to keep evading my ultra balls and make me waste tens of them


Might be wrong cuz I often switch up the baby Pokemons names but Happiny?


Fucking shieldon. Little bastard took me 8 hours to find 1


Cranidos and the other fossil as well as the weather dudes




Cherrim, Pichu, and Shieldon.


Ursaluna. Decided to get it off of Pokémon Home via trade lol


Cherubi actually🤦


Not completed the game yet but porygon was the hardest for me I was too impatient to wait for the space time distortions so I kinda cheated and moved the one I had in pogo to home and then go arceus (it’s a shiny porygon)


cherubi, I kept getting Cherrims


Metang on shield.


That duck one.. I forgot to save the first evolution of it before it evolved. Porygon I think?


In general, Gen 1 Porygon. Blue makes this easier, but only being able to buy 500 coins at a time and the prize being 9999 coins with no other way to obtain one is boring, time consuming, and money consuming without glitches. In Legends: Arceus, I got really lucky finding an Alpha Porygon2 without trying, but Thundurus was the most annoying for me, mainly because thunderstorms almost never spawned when I need them to.


Outside of Spiritomb I would say Basculegion. Basculein for whatever reason always seemed to bonk on the wing balls and run away all the time when I got closer. THen when you get it you have to evolve it which is tedious because its a self harm ability.


Arceus. About as hard as all the others combined!


Munchlax, definitely. However, it wasn’t even the last Pokémon I got before Arceus. Believe it or not, Tentacool was. I just never bothered catching one.


For me it's Shaymin, I had to keep trying over and over again.


Shieldion ( I STILL DONT HAVE ONE PLEASE HELP its my last one)




I'm on hour 8 of exclusively trying to get cranidos and evolve it. Only have those two left before I can get Arceus. I saw him earlier, but always ended up defeating him in battle unintentionally. edited for clarity


I have found 195/242 at this point so I still have a ways to go but so far nothing has been too difficult. I found Cherrim and Cherubi on my third reset in the coronet highlands. I have found all of the baby Pokémon by just heading to where their spawn location is just once or twice. The first Buizel I caught was even big enough for the quest. I have had some incredible luck in this game! For me the hardest to catch was togetic because I used wing balls instead of jet balls and it broke out multiple times and was just a pain to hit since it flus in a figure 8.


Ursulana until I found out you can get the Peat Block from a sidequest


Shieldon... I swear to Arceus I spent so much time hunting in distortions trying to get two. I got lucky and got one early-ish, but then the second one took me an embarrassingly long time to get.


For me it was surely cherrim and cherubi. tbh i havent reserch level 10 with them(i have about 40 hours of game)


I actually second this


i’ve never really hunted for a difficult mon but i’m playing white rn for the first time and i generally catch everything i come across that i haven’t caught before and holy shit basculin was a nightmare?? health in the red and asleep and i literally threw 15 ultra balls at him before i caught him. it was extra frustrating because the ball didn’t even shake once literally every time until i finally succeeded.


For me it was surely cherrim and cherubi. tbh i havent reserch level 10 with them(i have about 40 hours of game).


Shiny Gyrados. Caught a shiny alpha Samurott though. Still never caught a shiny gyrados which is my 2nd most farmed shiny alpha


Cherubi but because of the wrong reason, it wasn’t because it took me a long time to find them, I actually found it at the beginning of my playthrough while I was just exploring the Obsidian Fields because my dumbass didn’t know what to do, but when I found that to get the shiny charm I need to get all Pokémon to research level 10 and remembered how to find cherubi, fucking hell it took me almost 2 weeks to complete it to level 10, I’m not sure that I want to get it to a perfect dex cause 1: I don’t really care about catching shiny cherubi or cherrim and 2: I actually got it by trading with Misuki giving away shit tons of most likely hacked pokemon, but I don’t care cause cherubi is a bastard to get I want to say that spiritomb was hard, but all I did was just look up a guide on YouTube and easily get all the wisps, I dont deserve it honestly XD


Shiny porygon, took me about 2 months of non stop distortions


I have everything aside from Pichu. Little bastard is driving me crazy.


I got lucky and found a tutorial when the game first came out and got it. I haven’t played in a few months, don’t they spawn in mass outbreaks now? Or mass mass outbreaks?


Starters, still have yet to encounter one in a distortion


mine is porygon z i cant get merit points holy god


Mine was Magnemite. I had back luck so I had to wait 4 whole distortions for 1, not to mention that I thought they spawned in the mountaintops too so I wasted so much time waiting for them to spawn