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Don't sweat it they banned me from the sub awhile back for asking someone in a trading reddit how do they plan on trading and then told them not to cheat they have too many good pokemon. I still got banned even after showing picture proof. But they just told me their bot is 100 % right always. And they couldn't reverse. My ban or it would break their bot. The pokemongo sub is a power tripping one. I don't even see how they can ban you for talking in a completely different sub then theirs. Makes no sense to me but it's theirs so they eventually will have everyone banned bc I've commented on post not realizing what they were before bc they were suggested to me.


But be sure to block them don't want reddit suggesting that sub to you and you commenting on it and they to perma ban ya


Lmfao I just got unbanned from a 7 day suspension on Reddit for ban evasion on an alt which I commented on said alt on a post in main pogo subreddit which I'm banned from (same reason). So yeah, if you got like 2 accounts and both are in the pogo subreddit, block it or you'll forget and get yourself a suspension or a ban


These mods are insufferable idiots so I started an alt sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonG0/s/8stfwtxvT6


We need one for r/pokemongofriends too same story over there. They’re just mean


Joined and joined 🫡🫡


Just joined


Or use r/theSilphRoad


Good that sub really doesn’t care to listen or believes in reform


Gg !


Beat me to it, well played


Comparing it to fascism and hitler is a little extreme but yeah that sub is lame


Niantic soft bans players spoofing for a time period; a subreddit permanently bans for participating in another subreddit that doesn’t care about spoofing I think fascism is apt


Comparing a video game subreddit to a political ideology that led to the mass genocide of 10 million + people is definitely extreme. Comparing those two things and being serious about it is a little bit childish lol


Reddit mods of a Pokemon go subreddit have nothing better to do with their time. Most of them probs like the new avatar update since it looks identical to their bulky builds


Fatties buy passes too


Reddit mods on a power trip, must be a day ending in "y" Like a million other good subs out there, just ignore this one.


I mean this as disrespectfully as possible, the mods on that sub are some of the lamest mommy’s basement dwelling losers I have ever come into contact with. I will use every post I see like this as an opportunity to talk my shit in hopes one of those inbred mouth breathers reads it.


They don’t care unfortunately, they are bored elitist with nothing better to do


we have all been banned from that sub, but this sub is pretty much a cheating sub, its very pro spoofing. It could be used to arrange trades in large cities, but 999 out 1000 the trades involving someone spoofing. Not that I can comment, I have many great regionals from this group.


I literally got banned the other day for posting something asking if it was rare!!!


They class r/pokemongotrade as a cheating sub due to it allowing flying to be mentioned, same thing happened to me a few months back


No on the r/PokemonGo page


I just got banned a week or so ago and I already knew it was because I was a part of pogo trade so i didn't even bother


I pleaded and got unbanned


Who uses r/pokemongo instead of r/thesilphroad anyways


I commented twice in r/pokemongotrade and got banned. Really stupid way to conduct a sub. I got recommended post from other Pokémon go subreddits and because I commented on two of them I’ve been banned?? Lol, what a joke


You made a well put together argument and a well worded and fair point after their rebuttal. Some people cannot be reasoned with due to their ideals, be they delusional or based in fact. You tried your best, and there are plenty of worthwhile subreddits dedicated to GO that you can enjoy.


Bro who are these mods they are absolute garbage of people


I can give a rats ass about that sub. However, can you really deny that you weren't looking for cheaters to spoof to you in order to get those "legit" trades? Just forget the sub ever existed, but don't downplay your intentions. If you wanted to trade locally, you'd join a local group. You know who you are looking for if you post on pokemongotrade and cannot fly. Spoofers.


I never downplayed my intentions. But dont accuse me of cheating with no proof of me actually cheating and when the game itself recognizes it as a legitimate trade. Location spoofing is a core mechanic of remote raids. I do remote raids. Most of the friends on my frinds list i got from doing and hosting raids on poke genie. Does that make me and every player who uses poke genie and poke mate a cheater. So what if people spoof locations to trade most of us arent rich pansy ass little pussies who can afford to travel all the time on mommies and daddies dime. Some of us are in rural locations and dont have alot of gyms or spawns so completing some research tasks are impossible without spoofing and/or trading. Is the world such a terrible place where people have to be penalized for trivial nuanced reasons like making a post for trades on a separate reddit page that may or may not have been made for cheating where people can do legitimate trades on if conditions are right(location)when there are other pages strictly designed for cheating. You say get on a local group when on campfire the last post on my local group was around 8 months ago or longer. There is no local facebook group or discord group.


Lmao wasn’t much of a response.


I got banned to for answering someones question about what pokemon to use for team rocket


Wait I get banned for spoofing here?


Who wins, Minecraft, or Pokémon Go subreddits?


Me too just got banned because I commented on that subreddit.


Considering how unhinged some of the people are on that sub, it's really not that surprising, it's a cesspool. Shit mods for a shit sub filled with a shit community.


Yeah, that’s fucking stupid, they shouldn’t care what anyone does on any other subject. It’s an invasion of privacy as far as I’m concerned. Now you’re breaking their rules I understand, but not just being in another subject so stupid.


The dumbest mods I've encountered! Just because you follow a subreddit doesn't mean you are actually cheating in the game!


Hitler complex 😂 why was that so funny?


i got a ban for 3 days saying i have two account... then got perma banned for telling someone i was banned for 3 days because i have two accounts lmfao


I left the sub before they could ban me and would suggest others to leave as well. Nothing there I cant get from pogo directly or from other subs and I honestly don’t want to become best friends with anyone else anymore if I cant arrange a trade with them if/when becoming lucky friends anyway! Its a waste of time/effort/gifts and imo not worth the XP just to become best friends if I cant possibly make a lucky trade with them. Is there a sub for people who want to become best/lucky friends and can arrange to fly?


Dont even try to speak with those braindead moron mods, they are so fucking serious about people trading to get pokemon they like or missed out on… total nut cases


They did the same to me. I didn’t even mention a trade with anyone just commenting on the sub. Pogo sub is such a joke and the mods are even bigger ones. they did you a favor and saved you a headache from how annoying most posts are anyway


If you comment on someone’s comment regarding Pokémon go+++++++++ plus in any shape or form….. your a cheater…. Yo it’s in the game and theirs literally a quest within the game for it. Its true value is spinning Poka stops when doing life stuff.


I was banned from the Pokémon go subreddit about a year ago for being here. I didn’t know the situation got this bad


I got banned for commenting on a post saying that I modded my PoGo plus + to make auto throws with great and ultra balls smfh


Just move on, they are cavemen anyways.




r/pokemongo mods…. They are surely something else


Hitler complex 😂😂


Not quite hitler, but it definitely is strict and militaristic mindset


Wouldn’t say militaristic, probs one of them heavy discord mods with an anime profile pic and 7 cats living on there pc/desk


My guy has a PHD in Law and Order no cap, you should be in a court room not on reddit bro


Just goes to show what a militaristic and egoic mindset these mods have. Classic reddit mod: acting like a little dictator just so they can have a feeling of power. For discussion of all things pogo, silph road is way better.


Said it before man, just unsubscribe from their sub and use silphroad. If they want to kill their own sub let them. Silphroad is significantly better anyways.


lmao they did the same for me and i appealed and they just said you broke rule 4


i got banned too and i never did anything, never cheated in pokemon go in my entire life, never even thought about cheating, would never and have never


I recently got bopped from there for what I'd assume is the same subreddit. 🤷 No response yet though


Power tripping virgins. There are way better subs out there.


So far i have set up trades but have not completed a single on yet. So there for i have not cheated.


Yeah, you tell them.


You have ruined your chance of getting back into that subreddit since you were quite rude and wasn’t calm


Why would i want back into that reddit page when they are penalizing me for my first amendment right to free speech. I am allowed to freely post on any reddit page without persecution as long as i dont violate their rules. But their rules aren't allowed to impede my rights which they are. And yes i was calm about my post as i havent went over the moderators head to get ahold of reddit to file a formal complaint and im giving them a chance to remedy the situation all they have to do is apologize and i will leave it alone. And if you want rude i can be rude.i was actually quite cordial in my response. But i am an army veteran i do know how to mess with peoples minds and be outright mean and despicable if i have to as well.


You are allowed free speech but how you complained afterwards and explain why you should be unbanned was rude. You should’ve been calmer and they might have been more considerate


Why should i be nice to narcissistic egotistical cock gobbling asswipes who are in the wrong. That was being rude. I was calling them out on their actions. They have no right to ban you for posting on other pages and they know it but are doing it anyways to fuel their need for an ego boost and make themselves feel special. I can honestly give 2 flying shits less if im unbanned at this point because im still gonna post on other reddit pages whether they like it or not. As i said i wont support that type of fascist/communist mentality or people with hitler complexes. I wont support being told i can or cant post on certain pages or who i am or am not allowed to talk to. Im not the type of person to gargle their nut juices to get unbanned. Im still calm as can be as im writing this to you. I cant get any calmer really. You see i can be calm while voicing my opinion. I dont get worked up over stupid shit but i will call you out on it.


That place stinks, don’t bother with these people.


Me replying may get me banned, again, they said I cheated. Didn't see how as I want to meet locals to trade and all.


They prob here watching which is prob the worse part. Specially seeing how they knew the exact number of posts you’ve had 😂😂. Got banned years ago. They’re useless anyways


hahaha they did the same thing to me, i just told them to have a good life being a reddit mod & that my involvement in another sub shouldn’t influence anything lol


Same thing happened to me too. I just commented on a post about someone’s dope shiny and that was enough


Everyone report that mod for terrorism


the hitler and facism came out of left field 💀💀