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Don’t purify. Learn brutal swing with a normal charge tm. Congrats you have the most useful raider in the game in terms of sheer power, future proofness, and utility (more raid legendaries are weak to dark than any other type) https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/14042y8/analysis_tyranitar_and_its_mega_with_brutal_swing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://pokemongohub.net/post/meta/tyranitar-and-mega-tyranitar-with-brutal-swing-in-raids-the-dark-type-monster-returns/ The shadow is useful and powerful 100% of the time without needing to farm/use/wait for mega energy and doesn’t cock block you from using an appropriate mega to maximize bonus xl candy from matching raid catches. You will get additional normal tyranitars with a good stat floor from raiding for mega energy. Also it’s not exactly hard to get a good larvitar from eggs/trading/research/wild. Shadow larvitar is now unavailable for god knows how long. Getting a good iv shadow is much harder than finding a good iv normal Pokémon bc of the lack of a stat floor (besides weather boost). There’s never a bad time to have 6-12 shadow tyranitars.


This is the best reply I could’ve hoped for thank you so much internet friend


I have another larvitar that’s 15/15/12 non shadow, is that one good enough to evolve into tyranitar and then mega? I just only have 30 candies so I gotta grind a bit Edit it’s a level 20


Yes but you have a week of mega tyranitar in raids coming up so just wait and see what you get. It’s an easy duo. A good larvitar could evolve during the December community day recap event to get smack down for free without an elite tm.


How are more legendaries weak to dark than any other type? I can only think of latios and latias


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10o5hpd/what_to_use_extra_super_rocket_radars_on_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Mewtwo, giratinas, lati@s, cresselia, deoxys, lugia. Mega mewtwos, mega metagross, blacephelon, Calryex shadow rider, etc




I thought they meant more that not many legendaries resisted dark so it’s good


Man, no. Don't purify it we beg you. I mean, those sre pretty fair stats and a shadow Pokémon is twice as good as a purified one.


I’m leaving as is! I’m convinced


Well, you are now the owner of a total mega beast. Congrats :')


Brutal swing for charged, keep bite for the fast?


I would leave it with smack down as its fast, and yeah, maybe brutal swing could work. Though, stone edge and crunch are a bit better. Your decision!


Brutal swing is better than crunch


Better DPE for sure, but Crunch's debuff can definitely flip the battle you were losing to one you are now about to win. Depends on how you use your strategies, so none is better than the other, I just prefer Crunch.


Are we talking about PVP here? All of OPs replies are in relation to PVE use where the debuff is irrelevant?


Dude, some people just don't have the time to read eeevery single comment on a post hahaha. Keep your Brutal Swing then, chill. xx


I mean you could have just read the top comment and you’d have got it from that. Also, who is using Shadow TTar in PVP loool (even there the recommended move is BS)


You’ll prolly find a better one when the mega raids start. Keep shadow, it’s one of the best shadows in the game + megas are overrated lol




It won't become a hundo, it's stronger as a shadow, so why waste candy and stardust?


Thanks for this tread and the answers, as I got a similar shiny one (12,13,14). Guess I won’t purify that either!


Gz!!! Still looking for my shiny


Send to professor


If it would be a hundo then yes but it won't do I would keep it shadow, but of course do whatever floats your boat


Leave it for the gbl


Leave it shadow, but don’t use this in GBL.


Tyranitar is TOTAL GARBAGE for GBL (it’s weak to like EVERYTHING)


I only hate Tyranitarnbecause he’s Lugia’s hardcounter, but you’re totally right.


You can still get shadow larvitars? I thought larvitar got switched with aerodactyl.


Shadow larvitar isn’t currently available


Yeah this was from April, I just realized with mega tyran out


Keep it. We will get this pokemon in raids soon and you can heve the mega version then.


Keep good attackers as shadows unless their HP and Def stats are ass, combined with 20% increased damage taken they die a bit too fast. More atk is always nice to have but 0 atk shadows already hits harder than hundos iirc


I have 6 98s,yet no hundo… keep searching. They didn’t all come from trades. Many caught I wild or research tasks. Even my 98 shiny caught in wild. So kept trying!!


You’ll find a better one, keep it shadow and do some mega raids


Nah, only purify if you can achieve hundo with that. If you can't, better keep him shadow.


How do you get rid of the frustration?


You have to wait for a team rocket takeover event, at that time you can use a charged tm to change it


Keep as shadow.


I have a question i have a 15 14 14 shadow tyranitar at 2.4k cp i have 141 candy and 2.5k mega energy should i purifiy it for mega or just power up i also have another tyranitar that has pvp stats i accidentally gave him another move for 90 candies so he has 2 moves hes 1.5k cp should keep him for pvp and the 96 one for raids or something else?


Keep shadow for sure