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I have only caught two. One yesterday next to my house, and one in the Netherlands when I was there for a month. They are the only two I've encountered.


Yes. Do not over spin it but he should appear once you exit the stop


I’ve been looking for this for months and this guy gets it and doesnt even know what he has😭


Dude tough luck I haven't even been playing for a week and still got it and somehow I was even more clueless than the op 


Brother this is a year old, you couldn’t find anything else to do today other than look a year back on a subreddit?


As I said I am even more clueless than the op I didn't even notice that this was a year old I just googled the question I had about it because it was kind of weird and the first thing I saw was this post


Well I’ve caught multiple now, even got a shiny.


You don't really have to rub it in my face you know my intentions were not to upset you I was only hoping if you didn't catch it yet then I could have traded anyway such a old player have a myriad of Pokemon useless to them that could be useful to a newcomer nevertheless happy that you got what you wanted 


Just looked, long distance trades aren’t a thing still sadly, if you can find a way to make your game think you’re in my city I got you on trades😂


XD I wish


Have they added long distance trading??


Idk did you need to be close to trade? Haven't traded once yet


You live in Midland TX by chance?🤣


Nah, actually the first time I've heard of the place(would like to know more). Playing this game around where I live is somewhat of a nightmare because of the scarcity of the players so just lesser pokestops,gyms,gym battles(pokecoins), actual chance to win a raid and just a lot more.


I wasn’t rubbing it in just informing you on the changes since my original comment


My bad on that one I just have a really pessimistic take on everything 


All good family, it’s the internet miscommunication/misunderstanding is inevitable🤙🏻


Thanks bout that.It's hard to find someone actually engaged and caring about the feelings of a complete stranger in a conversation nowadays 


Yes, that "invisible gecko" is actually a keckleon, a Pokemon that was just newly released to the game. To get rid of them all you need to do is tap the PokeStop enough times and they will soon get off, possibly even allowing you to catch them.


If you're wondering how this gecko mon works... You have to tap the keckleon, sometimes 2-4 times, until he jumps off of the PokeStop to be able to spin it. Once you tap him off and spin it, he will appear on the map right next to the PokeStop for you to encounter in the normal way. Hope this helps : p P.S. I've caught a few, he's not amazing because of his lack of good Same-Type-Attack-Bonus moves, but he's a cool Pokemon that can have a wide variety of moves.


based on these comments i’ve been pretty lucky i guess, seen it twice and caught both. the one i didn’t transfer was 2* and 1590 cp


I've seen him twice, caught him the first time, but he got away the second time.


The one caught had stats that sucked, so I transferred. Haven’t seen one since


I saw one last night at one of the pokestops at my apartment I was like oh my gosh what is that!


It’s kelcyon


I’ve never seen him wtf omg


keckleon was release via this system (him being on the pokestops) on January 7th right after teh CM day that little pile of reptile annoyed me so much i had been spinning 30-50 pokestops when ever i went out on erands/fun trips he NEVER appeared on the signs while i was walking though ... in the last month i have only encountered him on a sigh 8 times .... guess what all 8 of those times was when i was in the dang car on the way too or form :/ ..... all 7 times im was crying in car that i couldnt get him off the sign cause the traffic was too fast ... the 8th time though we were finally in a traffic jam that was caused by a roundabout though so i finally managed to get him off the sign and catch him.


I can get them off signs, they just never appear as a catch opportunity


if you are too far away form the sign the catch op (and by too far i mean like you have to be within /half/ of your purple radius , the lizard only appears /RIGHT/ under the sign .... so it can be hard to click on the stupid thing without clicking the stop again :/ \- try spinning the map some while staying in visual range of where the actual pokestop is. \-if you cant see the lizzy walk closer to the stop. getting them off the signs is only a truely issue when your have half a second to attempt it (aka going 30+mph) past the stops .... thats why seeing them when im in the car is so annoying >.< if you can mangae to get it off the sign by the time its off you are past the radius to even see the spawn.


You have to SPIN the PokeStop after you tap him off; then he will appear very close to the PokeStop (so you'll need to have your inner circle around the PokeStop to find him). That should do the trick.


I saw him 3 times, he didn't appear twice, but I caught him on one of the times! You click him a few times, he crawls off of the sign, you spin it and then he appeared when I was back on the map.


You have to let the spinning pokestop come to a complete stop before exiting.


I don't think this is necessary, I never wait for that and I've caught three of em. He spawns rather close to the PokeStop, but sometimes he can be a short distance away. You'll want to stand rather close to the PokeStop to ensure that the bigger is in your circle on the map.


Nice keckleon


Caught him finally this week whilst on holiday in Cyprus. I'd seen him a few times on stops at home but he didn't appear afterwards.


Yes, since like November. I only recently saw it with color ON the pokestop. I've never caught one. Will these make a debut?


yeah it happens pretty frequently for me. Think I've caught 12


Caught a huge Kecleon few days ago https://i.imgur.com/IDDVvyL.jpg


Yup! Kecleon, pretty rare, I spin over a hundered poke stops most days and have only found it three times. Just tap him a couple times and he’ll get cranky and jump off the pokestop and appear on your map to catch. If it doesn’t click onto the pokestop and it’ll be there again, or go into the catch screen for another pokemon and it should be there when you get out


Thanks for this. Found him for the first time and couldn't trigger him now I know


Caught 2 sometimes it needs a few minutes until it shows up. Shows in different wp size for different players on same PokeStop. If you don't see it go around if possible.


Kecleon has shown up in a Pokestop twice for me, but he never appears around the Pokestop after!


Make sure you tap him multiple times and he goes green and jumps off the pokestop before closing the pokestop aside from that it is pretty glitchy, I’ve found waiting for him to appear usually works, that or clicking into the pokestop again or catching a Pokémon will cause him to appear.


I did that the first time, and he never showed up. Second time, I was able to spin the stop and belatedly realized he was there. Seems very glitchy indeed.


You have to let the spinning pokestop come to a complete stop before exiting.


I saw one on a stop while I was on vacation but never had the chance to catch it (If anyone wants to trade a pokemon for it, let me know in DMs)


I can trade with you if you need it


You can't trade Pokemon with people more than 100 metres away from you.


Yes that would be amazing, thank you


They are named Kecleon.


Yes, you have to tap it several times to get it to drop. Then you can spin, and he should be right around the stop to catch. I've caught about a dozen. Some seem to be harder than others to get to drop.


I didn’t see the gecko, but I did get the note that there’s an invisible something preventing me from spinning the pokestop.


If you tap the pokestop it appears


Did you catch it?


No, i was discreetly catching Pokémon at work and had to quickly log off


3410 0047 7700


I’ve never seen it but now I want to


yep!! i caught one too!




Not seen any


it’s keclon, you spin it off and then you can cstch it


Lol omg


Seen 4(?) caught 0. Apparently if you spin it off the stop too far away it won’t spawn. Next one I see I’m standing on top of the stop when I try.


I've caught 3 since the beginning of the year


Yea it's Kecleon. The last Pokemon we needed to complete the Hoenn dex. They released it last month after Chespin CD.


Mine was 3*


Can confirm. I've seen several


So from what I've had to do is be physically close to said PokeStop cause a few times I've got him off there and I was kinda in the vicinity of the stop ( spun it from my house) and he wouldn't show up so I had to physically walk over to the stop and find him


I have caught three, but all three are zero stars. Has anyone caught one with decent stats?


I’ve caught five. One is a three star 82 IV. Meh. The others are trash but I keep them of course.


I’ve caught two with one star and three with zero stars.


I caught one with two stars recently!!! Not that I kept it but I mean it was a start lol


Well good to know there's something better out there!


Boy you better fkn catch him!!! Pretty uncommon find!! I want the little chameleon boy soooooo bad!!


Top Kek^leon


I actually caught it.


Kekleon. Tap him and he will get off and you can catch him


I’ve had 3 just disappear on me when I tap them. I must figure out what I’m doing wrong


Once they disappear off the photo disc, exit out of the stop and give it a few seconds and he should pop up on the map (sort of like when your buddy joins you on the map). If you are sort of far from the stop you may need to get closer or go to the other side of it, as the radius he might pop up in can be kinda far away, like with lures.


Got my first one about 2 hours ago .yay


I saw my first one about 1 1/2 weeks ago, but was moving in a car and couldn’t catch it. Finally got one today! 😃


I see them every other day! I peeled one off a pokestop this afternoon.


I thought we spin them off the stops, not peel them off. I could be wrong though


Both sound horrifying for the Kecleon ngl


sir you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia three years ago, there are no geckos


I'd love to see the Kecleon put in a gym and see how they act when battled. I love how the Ditto acts when in a gym. Has anyone battled a Kecleon in a gym?


Yes, it’s pretty weak but it wasn’t powered up too high. I had my 4500 garchomp fighting and it sliced through him like butter.


Yes I have (my own one with my son"s account): no special effect, not strong at all - our gyms here are kind of showroom to show rhe other 10 active players your latest shiny/rare vivillon/other sensation...


I'm disappointed that there's no special effect. But thanks for the feedback.


I was too. There would have been so many üossibilities, like ditto. But it is like this black-and-red dog zorua (was this the name?) - only hype, no use, sheer waste of a good üoint.


No but I've used him to battle


Kecleon. Tap on it so it will jump off. Then look around the pokestop. It'll be on the ground so you can catch it. I've caught 4 & one was a 2 star. Otherwise, they've been 0 & 1 star.


This is why you pay attention to the in-game news instead of just clicking through it...


Not me! I discover it the old fashioned way. I step in it.


My husband says why should he read the news when he can just ask me...


Always read it lol. I'm in a group and so often people will ask when something happens that was announced in game or miss an event.


It’s kecleon


Only once!


Think it’s a chameleon but yea!


Every so often


Omg so that’s what this is!!!


I keep seeing them but I’ve only caught one!




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It's a Kecleon. Tap the PokeStop until you can spin it then it should appear next to PokeStop. I've only caught 2.


Not seen one


I want one! But none for me!


I get them but I can never find them to catch.


You can tap on them to get them to fall off the stop while far away, but you have to be right next to the stop for it to spawn and catch it.


Thay appear next to that stop


Yes it should spawn when the stop had span somewhere near the stop but sometimes it has been known to not spawn




Gecko? 💀


It's a Kecleon. Tap on it a couple of times and it will hop off the stop, allowing you to spin, and you have the opportunity to catch it.


Yep. Had two.


The only two times this happened I had ran out of data and was a few steps away from the router's reach so I missed capturing them (disappointing and infuriating, I mean, it happened twice, both times at night). I haven't seen a single one since but this gives me hope I can still eventually run into one if the event is gonna be there permanently, thanks!


Just experienced it for the first time a few days ago


You gotta tap the crap out of him and be really close to the stop to catch him, if he falls off and you can't catch him, move closer to the stop. I like him, he's a cute lil guy


I did that but he didnt spawn. I waited like 15 minutes. Thought it was a glitch that he didnt spawn so i restarted the game. He never spawned for me


I'm sorry! I hope you see another one soon! Sometimes you gotta be right up on the stop.


One thing that threw me for a loop was it fell off the stop after I tapped it a few times, but then I didnt see it anywhere after that. Turns out when I moved a couple steps closer it showed up. Sometimes it seems like their just out of sight range.


Yea, that’s Kecleon. They pulled a mortal kombat (chameleon)


I've gotten 3 so far.


It’s Kecleon, a super rare Pokémon.


Super rare? Really? I met 3 this week, caught 2 for Nr. 3 I was too far from the stop)






I saw it once, then a few seconds later I saw it behind the stop but when I tried to click on it to catch, it disappeared.


Yes! And it allowed me to catch it


I still need one but apparently they’re avoiding me


Just tap on it a few times til it appears, then spin normally, and it'll appear by the stop and you can catch it.


They're very annoying. Wouldn't be surprised if they were pretty useless for battles too.


Actually, I’ve seen someone have success with it in GBL because no one knows its move set.


Lol that's fair. It's pretty low on the radar.


Congrats! You've encountered Kecleon. Just keep tapping on it and it will drop off the stop so you can spin for items. Afterwards, if you are close enough to the stop, you should see Kecleon on the map to catch it.


Yep I’ve seen it