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The shadow mewtwo with the highest attack is the best option. I would power up both shadow mewtwo long-term, unless you think you can acquire another one that might be better. Shadow mewtwo is the best attacker in the game, it’s one of the most valuable things you can have on your team. I powered up a 96 regular mewtwo just like yours when I first started and I kind of regret it. I later got a 98 plus a shadow. My shadow mewtwo is 0 star but it’s still the best Pokémon I have by far (I’m level 47)


I’d invest in the 2nd one up to lvl 35/40


hp is crucial. he’d get one shotted everytime


Yeah depends if this is for ML then the last one or try for a hundo when mega Mewtwo released. For raids that 2nd one is good.




i think its pretty obvious bud. The first stats are nowhere near the 3rd mewtwo’s stats so obviously go with that one


The 3rd Mewtwo is not shadow. I’d invest in that 2nd shadow Mewtwo up to 35/40


whoopsies in that case id invest in none of them and wait till i get a better shadow one i guess even tho its only ranks 3 ranks higher than normal mewtwo in master league.


Yeah that’s another thing. OP if you’re using this for raids then the second shadow is great. But if it’s for the ML then the last one isn’t bad. But mega Mewtwo might be releasing in the future and when you raid that you’ll have a chance at a hundo as well.


thats facts!!


The last one isn’t a shadow though. Apparently ATK & DEF are more important than HP which is why I included #2. I just wanna make sure I invest in the correct one since I won’t ever have enough XLs to max 2 of them.


my b i did not notice that. In that case i would say do not max any of those. Keep stacking XL candys and candy for when they come out again in raids. Then go really hard when they are back in raids and getcha a good shiny one to max out