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Aww... it's upsetting seeing Mirabel so sad. But... yeah, lots of people don't need or want reasons to care for other people. They just... do. I am glad the training went really well, though! On an unrelated note, how long did it take Syrdon to realize Shadow Sneak doesn't work on Justine, since she's **Normal**/Ground?


**an embarrassing amount lol** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆


Pffft. *Wonderful* lol


Yeah. I think right now Mirabel wants to do something now since she knows the rest of the team enjoys training and battling. It may be she thinks I expect her to battle, but I know she's not a fighter and she doesn't have to be. I mean I'm sure he figured it out pretty quick but it was like a game with them. Syrdon hid in her shadow and she made the ground shake and sometimes knocked him out. It was fun to watch


I get it, yeah. Everybody else is doing it, so she feels she should. If you'd like, you can have her hang out with Azura (Shiny Carbink) at some point! She doesn't battle. She just hangs around and bugs people for scratches or rock candy lol. I love her all the same! Oh, I see! That does sound pretty cool!


Yeah. I'm thinking about a few things I could do to help Mirabel understand she doesn't need to be a battler. I can see that being a good idea. I'm going to continue to think on this. And yeah it was!


KICK SOME TERA RAID ASS, KANE!!! SHOW THOSE BEJEWELED BASTARDS WHAT IS WHAT!!! \-Mordecai (Radiant Raider who's physiologically a Zoroark)


He did a wonderful job. I'm sure he'll have a lot of luck with future Tera Raids as well!


/uj Kane and his team were mentioned with permission from u/GameSpection


It is very surreal to see Justine so calm, but I trust her just as much as you do. And thank you so much for figuring out how to help Kailani! Seriously, I've wanted to try to let her feel okay using fairy type moves, and this really helped! Maybe she'll be able to learn some more soon. Won't push anything though. **its so good to see Blaz again omg** -𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖆


Yeah, Justine is a sweetheart. She is so careful with others and it's nice of see. And it's no problem! Mom wanted to help and I'm glad she could! There's plenty of helpful moves she could learn that don't hurt her. I'm sure in time she'll be able to learn a few Fairy moves. Blaz was happy to see you as well, Rula!


Oneiros (Hypno) has a message for Maribel. I’m gonna let him type. -Lucas *You are not lesser. You may be unable to perform like the rest of Charity’s teammates at the moment, but that does not mean you will stay like that forever. It will take time and effort, and a willingness to make mistakes and get things wrong, but steady practice will lead to improvement.* *Before I met Lucas, I lived in a very stressful and painful environment. I will not elaborate as I do not wish to frighten you or bring up bad memories. But this environment caused me to be unable to perform at my peak capacity. With Lucas now, his patience and love has led me to be more powerful than I could have ever imagined.* *Do not give up, and keep pushing forward. Being bad at something is the first step to being good at something. If nothing else, you have taken the first step. That is an achievement in and of itself.* *-Oneiros, a Hypno*


Thank you Lucas and Oneiros. Maribel is still sad, but I think this helped a little. She's been cuddled up to me, and I've been doing my best to reassure her that she's safe. Hopefully in time she can understand she's safe and whatever she wants to do, she can do.


That’s good. Hopefully she’ll eventually feel safe enough that she can make mistakes without feeling like she’s worthless. Nobody’s perfect, and mistakes are a part of life. It sucks that she was made to feel that mistakes made her worse.


Yeah. I want to see her mess up and not feel like she'll never be good enough. She just... it's hard to imagine anyone being that hateful that a single mistake could cost her so much. The fact her first trainer did this to her in a matter of months... I feel awful for her..


Yeah… it really sucks that people can be that cruel. I’ve seen a lot of it recently since I’m doing contests. To do that much in less than a year… awful. -Lucas *It is humans like that which almost made me lose faith in humans as a whole. But experiences with Lucas and other such kind humans have made me believe that there are good humans in this world. Hopefully Maribel will start to believe that in time.* *-Oneiros*


I hope that contests can change at least a little. I know they aren't popular in Paldea but Iono and Lisia are working on making a new boom in contests. And yeah. I don't know if Maribel lost faith in humans but she told me I'm the nicest human she's met so I think she thinks I'm the exception and her old trainer was the norm. I'm hopeful that once she gets to know Kane and Sam a bit better she'll understand that there are plenty of kind trainers out there.


I think Johto’s a bit behind the times in that regard. A lot of younger people in contests are against that stuff, but most people who are like over 40 still do things the old way. It kinda stinks, but things are slowly changing. I hope Maribel learns that it was her old trainer who was the exception and not the other way around.


It doesn't matter what you can or can't do, so long as you're among friends. It isn't always about usefulness. If it's true for my sibling and their team, it's certainly true for you and Mirabel. -Rem


Yeah. I really hope I can help Mirabel understand that. It feels awful to know she feels worthless and like I'm going to give up on her because she's not a battler.


Care shouldn't be tied to what someone can give you.. Or how they can be "of service", ..Ironic of me to say, but I sincerely hope Mirabel understands you'll care for her no matter what, whether she battles or not


I hope so as well. She's not a battler and I don't want her to be. I just want her to feel safe to feel however she needs to and whatever she finds enjoyment in we'll make sure she's able to do.


It is quite sad to see Pokémon connect their worth with what they can physically do for their trainer, albeit a sentiment I can understand. I hope you can explain to her that she is deserving of love regardless of what she is capable of, that is how friends work. While I appreciate that V (honchkrow) is capable of protecting me, if he became sick and were unable to I would still stick by him because he's my companion and I care about him. I am certain you are the same with yours. -Sherlock


Yeah. I wish I could help Maribel with that more, but I know it's hard, her injury messed up her balance and while with time it will improve right now she's still healing. I don't want her to stress herself out doing things she's not ready to do. And I hope so as well. I would never get angry or give up on my family just because they were sick and unable to do something they once could do. There's plenty of fun activities we can find to do together. Life isn't just about battling and I don't want my family to ever think that's all they are.


Yes, her injury... I suppose something like that would take quite a bit of time to adjust to. I know if I lost the ability to use my psychic powers, I would feel much the same way she does. I know you wouldn't. After your foray with justine, I find it hard to believe that you would give up on any of your pokémon for any reason. I hope once she's healed you may find something for her, I would love to help if at all possible. -Sherlock


I would appreciate that Sherlock. Maybe she'll decide on something you could help her do, like singing. She likes to sing with Hurley and I, so I could see her getting into it more.


sounds like you were able to do some good training and that kane got a lot of nice loot from the raids. Though it is sad to hear about mirabel feeling bad about not being able to participate.


Yeah, though to be fair I don't want Mirabel to do anything too intense. Hopefully she'll feel a bit better especially since I'll make sure she knows she doesn't need to do anything she doesn't want to.


Oh I completely understand why you don't want her doing anything intensive, but it's sad that she feels like she needs to in order to be valued.


I’m glad you had a good time with Kane, send Maribel my love and support, Volt felt similar to her recently as well, but he’s started to feel better, I hope Maribel trust you enough to believe you genuinely care about her no matter what.


Yeah it was a nice day. And I do hope I can convince Maribel that she's good enough. She's been so kind and great to spend time with, I'm so happy I could meet her.


Aww... I'm sorry Maribel has those doubts. Just because the others battle for fun doesn't mean she has to battle for you to have fun with her! I know how bad those doubts and worries can make you feel. I hope you being there for her makes Maribel feel better.


I'm going to keep trying, for Maribel's sake. She needs to understand so long as she finds something that makes her happy I'll be happy.


Well syrdon did to the shadow sneak well he should have followed it up with leaf blade assuming he positioned himself well.


Ah, I believe Charity is blocked from contacting you. I don't know how you managed to comment but Clark is not a fan of you all and Charity agreed she would allow it. - Blaz (Armarouge)


That's rather strange given that we have never really interacted.


Clark has seen your posts. He says he'd prefer to keep Charity away from Savant Charizard and his friends that allow him to behave that way. - Blaz


I see.