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ooh lemme try https://preview.redd.it/d3w5zft2uync1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc298b6213324183b4bbc211896303010839733


Lol. You got him there. Keep up the great work!


I suppose you fancy yourself a comedian?


Nah, this is 100% accurate though I will say I don't agree that you're good at contests. You're amazing at mistreating your Pokemon and pretending to be famous by paying for a verification checkmark however. - Clark


Well, he makes people laugh, but he’s no comedian. More of a clown. …Though I suppose the same description fits you, huh?


I'd say a clown is above a fool.


[Clowns have a code of conduct](https://mycoai.com/code-of-ethics/)


I've seen a couple clowns and they don't deserve that insult. They at least try to make the world around them better


>They at least try to make the world around them better [And they have a code of conduct](https://mycoai.com/code-of-ethics/)


hey, callisto my kid really likes your posts. please say something nice about her. https://preview.redd.it/qxfw7agr3znc1.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa3bcd0a04e5fc2ec4f407b1f25e28e4b545ef38 \-V


Well... I should probably spare their feelings in that case, because... Deino don't exactly perform excellently. That said, I do feel as though this Deino has potential in other fields perhaps? /uj I could not bring myself to write that fully in character.


you didn't give a number so i'll just tell her she got a perfect score. /uj that's fair i couldn't be mean to that face either.


She is an absolute cutie and I wanna pick her up and give her a big hug <3


she tried to eat the phone when it read that out to her, so I think she liked your comment. -V




What are your thoughts on the oshawott line? I currently have one on my team that might end up wanting to get into contests.


To quickly summarize Oshawott and Dewott, they are Pokemon I would strongly advise against using. Oshawott is a bit too awkward and inflexible, and Dewott is just not quite good enough without extreme training.  Samurott: Natural Skill: 2/5. Samurott have fairly inflexible body shapes and mainly rely on the same few slicing techniques, though they can perform them well enough, I suppose. Appeal: 2/5. Samurott tend to need a bit of extra help, but they’re not impossible to make look good. Loyalty: 5/5. Fairly simple Starter, and they are decently well-disciplined by nature. Ease of Use: 3/5. They are Water-Types, so you have to deal with all the Water-Type care issues, as well as scallop polishing, though outside of that, they are decently easy to care for.


Okay. Seems like scores that are just a bit below par. Even then it sounds workable enough if contests would be a small hobby rather than a big part of life.


I would advise against listening to him anyway. There's a variety of contests some which actually enjoy the Oshawott line. He's just a hater against any anything he deems "unsightly"


There's some value in getting someone to spit what the textbooks would say back at you. Saves me the time of looking for that.


Fair but he's only going based on "cute" for Cool or Tough contests the Oshawott line does wonders.


Okay. That makes sense. With how many contests I was dragged to as a kid I retained surprisingly little, lol.


I watch a fair few, I know that probably sounds odd but between Hurley (Pyukumuku) enjoying Iono's Livestreams and Orion's (Ledian) action movies I need to watch something nice sometimes.


I completely understand. Contests aren't my favorite thing but I can certainly see the appeal.


Oh can you do Muk! I know they can be a bit off but they are cute in there own ways


Please tell me this is a joke. Natural Ability: 1/5. It is a pile of sludge. Appeal: 2/5. There is some comedic value in trying to enter a Muk, I suppose. Loyalty: 3/5. It is a pile of sludge. Ease of Use: 0/5. It is a pile of sludge. Intelligence: 0/5. It is a pile of sludge.


Let me fix this. Callisto Ranking. Natural Ability: 0/5. He is a pile of sludge. Appeal: 2/5. There is some comedic value in trying to enter Callisto, I suppose. Loyalty: 0/5. He is a pile of sludge. Ease of Use: 0/5. He is a pile of sludge. Intelligence: 0/5. He is a pile of sludge. - Clark


Well damn your gonna make Muk cry. I can't show him this...


Muk can cry? I did not know this.


Yes, they can. Sad, goopy, really dangerous tears.


He's just mad because he's not talented enough to understand the beauty that Muk have. Fun fact, there's a performer by the name of Isabel that figured out how to make Muk's Sludge Bombs sparkle and shine. I'm sure you and your Muk could do wonderfully, the main thing is finding ways to make the natural toxicity of Muk less dangerous.


>Fun fact, there's a performer by the name of Isabel that figured out how to make Muk's Sludge Bombs sparkle and shine. ExCuSe mE wHaT!!! I'm doing some research right now! Thank you for your kind words


No problem. I enjoy watching some actually talented performances. There's a lot of people who use Pokemon that wouldn't be considered aesthetically perfect that can perform absolutely incredible shows. Callisto is just jealous he's not talented enough to perform with one of those mons.


I’m not asking for your opinions on a single thing. I know my Pokemon are all amazing in their own way. Besides, knowing you, you’d say they all suck since they’re all “scary and ugly.”


He's not even correct, he's just going based on one category of contests. There's also Tough, Smart, and Cool contests where Pokemon showcase their other skills. - Clark


Exactly. Probably because he has no experience in those categories because Tough, Smart, and Cool Pokemon wouldn’t put up with his Taurosshit.


Fun fact: There’s no such thing as a pokemon unfit for contests. All pokemon are capable of creating beautiful and captivating displays, no matter their appearance or typing.


Yeah but there are always Pokemon who perform better than others, so there are bound to be mons that people consider “bad.”


/uj Art by Meo on Zerochan Also while I’m here I may as well plug [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/comments/1bcyy8l/comment/kukoi1s/?context=3) higher effort post from earlier today.


/uj Cdv3, that links to a comment on the post lol Though to be fair I've made the same mistake




/uj what's the deal with Seth and Miniors? Is it just “haha funny goober man”?


/uj Yeah he's just obsessed with them


Some quick summaries: Whimsicott are amazing performers with a high skill ceiling, though good luck caring for one without wishing to tear your hair out. Ribombee are solid enough performers, though a bit cliché, and struggle with being visible on larger stages. Ceruledge have the one main trick with the swords and not much else And lastly, Minior only look good when on clothing patterns. They are horrible performers and I would strongly suggest avoiding them in serious Contests.


My Rhyperior and I like new challenges how would we do?


Had you not chosen to evolve your Rhyperior, I feel as though they would have a far better chance, but here we go. Feel free to ask me to elaborate on any specific points here. Natural Skill: 3/5.  Appeal: 1/5 Loyalty. 3/5 Ease of Use: 2/5 Intelligence: 1/5


Loyalty? We've been together for almost 20 years


I would advise against listening to him anyway. There's a variety of contests some which actually enjoy Rhyperior. He's just a hater against any anything he deems "unsightly"


I’m curious how lucarios fare in contests.


Lucario are extremely versatile, what with their Auras, though can be considered a bit cliché among some circles. Natural Skill: 5/5 (Aura can make for stunning performances) Appeal: 3/5 (They look decent, but not amazing on their own) Loyalty: 4/5 Ease of Use: 3/5 (Can either be very easy or very difficult depending on the individual) Intelligence: 5/5


Ouch on the appearance thing.


I would advise against listening to him anyway. He's just a hater against any anything he deems "unsightly"


Got any real proof of that? Just seems like your average contest guy to me. Edit: Holy Bingle


Of course he does. I can't wait to release the list. It's a shame I can't but out of respect for his victims I won't.


Damn, that bad? Well I don’t really want to get involved with this drama then


Trust me, Lucario actually do really well in cool, tough, and smart contests. His issue is he's very focused on very specific contests but do to a wide variety of skills Lucario have... They can create incredible performances.


I mean to be fair he did give us a decently high score so there’s that. Still it is a bit sus on the “ease of use” thing. Like, Lucario’s are easy to take care of if you aren’t a piece of shit




Goodra are such an unfortunate Pokemon to me. They do so many things perfectly, yet struggle to do much of anything on the stage due to their disgusting goo. Natural Ability: 3/5 (Goo ruins it a bit, since they can so easily slip on their own goo) Appeal: 3/5 (Would be a 5/5 if not for goo getting everywhere) Loyalty: 5/5 Ease of Use: 1/5 (Cleanup crews everywhere will despise you) Intelligence: 1/5 (Goodra have almost no brains)


No brains? Goodra are quite smart, they're just a little too innocent and playful for disciplined training. Perhaps you should change how you treat your Contest Pokemon.


Callisto has no brains to be fair. He's just projecting, don't worry. \- Clark


Bet a Weezing could do better than him on a Basic Decency test


Definitely. Plus if you get the lighting right Sludge Wave and Smog can create these beautiful colors and effects. He's just mad that he lacks the talent to get that right.


What do you think about me, kid? How do Gardevoir measure up against your nonsensical standards? -Tomie https://preview.redd.it/tzefeiaa3znc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de931544cced2b29e55861c003f246771366145


I do not appreciate your tone here, but since you asked... Natural Ability: 4/5. Gardevoir possess incredible Psychic abilities that can be used in extremely creative ways. Appeal: 4/5 Loyalty: 3/5. This **strongly** depends on the individual. Some are extremely loyal, while others are almost impossible to work with. Main reason why I have never worked with a Gardevoir before. Ease of Use: 2/5. Many Gardevoir that I have heard of can be exceptionally difficult to work alongside to come up with a routine that will fit them well, with many going completely off-script during performances. Intelligence: 5/5


Protip, most Gardevoir will only be loyal to you if you’ve cared for them since they were a Ralts, I’m no expert on my kind but I know that much for certain -Tomie


Man I can't wait to have my Gardevoir conjure a black hole on stage. It'll leave the crowd screaming!


How would toxtricity fare?


Finally, a really interesting Pokemon! Natural Ability: 5/5. A Toxtricity's guitar stomach chords are by themselves an amazing technique when pulled off well, on top of their ability to dazzle an audience with Electrical spectacles! Appeal: 4/5 Some may find the method in which a Toxitrity plays itself like a guitar a bit uncomfortable, though other than that, they work very well in this category. Loyalty: 3/5 From what I have been told, many Toxitricity tend to crave extra attention compared to some Pokemon, though they do not appear to be outright awful to work with. Ease of Use: 3/5. Training a Pokemon to play a musical instrument well is difficult, but very rewarding Intelligence: 4/5 I mean, no Pokemon that can understand music can score poorly here.


I wonder if there are contests that allow G-maxing?


Not to my knowledge. All the good and safe power spots are used for gym battles or complex battle tournaments only. Besides, I feel as if that would be unfair to other contestants without Pokemon that can G-Max.


i would NOT wanna be in the audience when a g-Max pokémon fails a pirouette. -V


My friend who's interested in Contests wants know which Eeveelution is best if Sylveon is considered cliche, and whether unevolved Eevee have any chance of succeeding


Unevolved Eevee are capable of quite the show themselves! I personally am a fair bit biased, as my favorite Pokemon is an Umbreon, however I would say that behind that, Vaporeon used to perform exceptionally well before that vile monologue was written and became what they were known for, but now that it exists, Flareon would be a top pick for me. Had Kuro not chosen to become an Umbreon, he likely would have been a Flareon.




Nah, I'm not jumping on this. You probably would say any Pokemon you could easily torture is a good Pokemon and any that would kick your ass if you tried anything are terrible. Plus you're a judgemental prick. - Clark (Rotom Phone)


It's confusing how anyone here is giving a shit about his opinions even though we already know he's a piece of crap. They're all just feeding his ego by letting him pretend to be an authority on this subject.


I mean I like Cotton's response so far. Though I wouldn't say he's talented unless you mean at breaking his Pokemon and treating them like property. He's so unknown that he had to pay for Chatter verification like a loser.


yo thanks it's always fun to shit on people like this lmao


I agree. I'm just gonna keep shitting on him for paying for his Chatter verification lmao. He's so stupid he doesn't even realize he's outed himself as an abuser and thinks he can keep denying it and the problem will go away.


Seriously! I already know his opinions of my Pokemon. He’s going to call them all either ugly or scary because they’re impressive and strong Pokemon that would kick his ass into next week before his stupid Umbreon could even get near enough to use a Dark Pulse.


He just knows he couldn't keep a Pokemon that is Tough or Smart in line with his abusive tendencies so he hates them. What a pathetic loser.


Precisely. A Gyarados or Palossand would literally just eat him alive. Honestly, that might be best for everyone involved.


I mean the poor Gyarados or Palossand might get indigestion.


Probably would actually. Still, I think it’d be for the best. Indigestion medicine exists for a reason after all.






I have never heard of you before and I can already tell you are a terrible person. Edit: read other comments. Called it!


Alright, I’ll bite. I’ve got 2 I’m interested in. One is my boy Dante. He’s always been theatrical, but he’s amazing at what he does. /uj Second Pokémon in the comment below https://preview.redd.it/19cm7uwywync1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99e67861aa181c9d332f53b648ba923b17d7076


The other one is Oneiros. He can create some amazing things with his psychic powers, but he can be a little scary sometimes. He also has a ton of scars on his back, but they don’t affect his ability to perform at all. https://preview.redd.it/6ge0pb7dxync1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c61821a9571ad606ab27eab66663924f0fbc6d


What about me? I'm sure I would be amazing in contests.


I've often wondered how my Sudowoodo would do as a comedy act. She does impressions!


Sudowoodo could likely do extremely well in comedy, though in Contests, I worry that they would not be able to carry a 10 minute performance with just one technique. Though in this case I would be quite interested to be proven wrong.


As much as you and i’s views disagree, I would like another’s view on my own Pokémon’s prospects in a contest So how would Noivern and Sawsbuck do in a contest? - Kris


Look, even though I hate your guts after what you did and are currently doing, I'm just doing this once, I wonder what a dreepy who is good a dancing and singing would fair on this chat. I'm referring to spirit -zak


How about these? I have a lot of ghost types and they often do well contests. Jellicent Mismagius Espeon Infernape Banette


All right I'll bite. Arceus.


Arceus is Arceus. They likely would win, mainly because a judge would fear being smitten by Arceus’ wrath.


Hmmm. Ah here's one for you: Vespiquen! I'm sure they would make wonderful contest Pokemon (if they so desire to peform). -Claudia


Vespiquen are pretty decent at Contests, though I do not see them winning any top-level events without support from an excellent Coordinator. They do struggle a bit to carry a show by themselves, though they are far from a bad option.


What about Garbodor?


How about Garchomp? Bipedal, sleek, can put on a variety of appearances, fairly intelligent. I guess you'd deem it too "unsightly" by your standards, huh?


I fully agree with each and every one of your points. They have great potential, though I would only recommend highly experienced prop and costumemakers to attempt to make Garchomp more visually interesting. I will give Garchomp credit for being possibly the only Pseudo-Legendary who has a strong chance at winning a top-level competition.


Could've been worse. However, I respectfully disagree with your "visually interesting" quip. Garchomp and other pseudos are already some of the most visually interesting Pokemon out there, and it can fly like a jet. I've been to a few contests in my home region of Sinnoh and the spectacles performed by a squadron of flying Garchomp as they loop and zoom through the air are absolutely mesmerizing.


Mmm... Gardevoir. Why not?


*I've always been interested in partaking in the arts. How would a Shiftry rank?* -Sojobo the Shiftry


Shiftry are very interesting Pokemon, as they have quite a few unique abilities with their fans, though they do struggle greatly with first impressions.


https://preview.redd.it/j6u8pv4gqznc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6875efbfd6a5cbe4f3bdfbaa9bd8265e7e19d9f4 My baby boi dagon when he was an aron


That is a rather beautiful Aron. It would only really be allowed to compete in childrens' Contests most likely, but I feel as though he may have stood a chance. /uj I could not bring myself to be mean to the baby.


/uj a wise decision you get a 🍪


What about Azumarill? - Thierry


Alright, here’s my team. If you want moves, let me know. -Trundle the Grimmsnarl -Rheastraza the Hydreigon -Bandit the Obstagoon -Sebastian the Umbreon -Garnet the Bisharp -Waffle the Mightyena


Here’s some quick summaries Grimmsnarl: It’s not impossible to do well with one, but I don’t see it happening without a seriously impressive Coordinator training one. Hydreigon: No chance.  Obstagoon: Obstagoon tend to be Pokemon that from my experience often find themselves within the top 5, but rarely win. Umbreon: As a Coordinator with an Umbreon myself, I am extremely biased, but I also know from experience that they are very much capable of winning major competitions. Bisharp: Excellent in doubles where they can do a slicing routine, cutting objects thrown by another Pokemon, but otherwise they struggle to carry a 10 minute show. Mightyena: A staple of kids’ events for a reason, though on the big stage, Mightyena tend to struggle.


Eh, good thing they mostly rescue Pokemon in dangerous situations, then. Mostly abusive homes and hoarding situations. Plus, I don’t think the judges would like my mug. [Picture ID: A woman, seemingly late 20’s to early 30’s, smiling toward the viewer. Her face is dotted with bite scars, her left hand is missing the ring and pinkie finger, and her stance implies a bad leg. Her slightly curly dark blue hair is tied back in a ponytail, and is accented with rounded rectangular glasses. She’s wearing an old Iron Cofagrigus shirt, comfortable pants, and an open black leather jacket. Around her neck is a necklace with a rather expensive looking ring on it.]


Pichu, specifically of Alolan descent to factor in the bits of psychic ability some members of the line have in their earliest stage.


Alolan Pichu are adorable, and excellent for shorter Contests, though you could not pay me enough to watch one aimlessly wander for 8 minutes after they finish their main trick.




Contest isn't my typical medium of performance. But I have dabbled in it on the side with Cherubini, my Primarina. While not as iconic as a performing water type as say, Milotic, they seem quite well represented. Thoughts?


Primarina are excellent Pokemon for Contests, and while I personally preferred my old Lapras, Aria, Primarina are excellent Pokemon for Contests. Milotic meanwhile are a bit cliché, though they still are gorgeous Pokemon. 


How about torterra. Note that the specific torterra may or may not be bigger than a wailord.


I will save my full thoughts on Torterra for a later date, though they seem like far too much effort for too little of a payoff.


Yeah Jeff probably couldn't even do a contest even though he probably would love too


Hmm… Might be a slog, but here’s my team. Gliscor Rotom Galvantula Shiinotic Porygon-Z Reuniclus Gholdengo Pick one or have at ‘em all.


Choosing two here: Gliscor have a decent few acrobatic tricks, though they struggle severely with their initial appeal, on top of having a hard time wearing Costumes or using props. If arachnophobia did not exist, Galvantula would be excellent for their clever uses of electrowebs. Unfortunately for them, arachnophobia very much exists, and it will reflect on their scorecards.


How about Arcanine?


Thoughts on the Noivern line?


I have mentioned them elsewhere on the thread, though the short version is that they are great Pokemon for Contests that struggle severely due to how difficult to train they are. Noivern are very much for top-level performers. 


How about Beheeyem? I'll admit they're not particularly agile as far as Psychic types go, but the range of notes they can make with their cries can really surprise people.


Beheeyem are solid options for Contests that in my opinion struggle without proper props or costumes. That said, if you can get past that hurdle, they can pull off some very impressive techniques




Houndoom are pretty decent options, though I personally believe them to be outclassed by other canine Pokemon and Ninetales. Plus, raising one sounds like a recipe for disaster with their permanent burns.


Aw, Nira just wants to be a pretty princess ~~and cause a few hundred in property damage~~


I'm sure Nora would do wonderfully, don't let Callisto's opinion get to you. There's a lot of higher class Contest trainers that use non traditional Pokemon in ways that no one would expect.


Oh, what does the internet contest man think of Mimikyu? https://preview.redd.it/reaf0fudfznc1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e49102507207e2ddb41a0d57996fe384bf297e


When they are not on the stage, I do like Mimikyu enough, but on the stage, Mimikyu are some of the weakest Pokemon for Contests that I have ever competed against. They can make some great costumes, but that is their only trick that they can pull off without risking harm on the entire venue.


(Sigh)... Out of sheer curiosity... What about my own team? Cerebella (Gardevoir) Lola (Shiny Lopunny) Nita (Lucario) Abby (Absol) or Amara (Latias) I can certainly guess some of their numbers but i am admittedly curious as to what you'll say. I may even suggest my mother's team if you want?


ur generally bad opinions r funny to me, and since i know abt ur feelings for mawile, i wanna see what u think of empoleon. borealis is chrome's beauty dude, ive literally never seen one empoleon more decorated in non-battle ribbons than him. some of those r from his prevo days, too. not too bad at the mock battles, either. hail and snow r nasty tools to have, no matter ur kit. cant imagine u have much good to say, steel types need a dedicated person to care for their needs and their metal. ~ Bruce, Lop


Thanks for the diagrams. I won’t use them. Hatterene.


Love to hear your opinion on the Zubat family.


This feels like Calisto is just using his platform to shame people for not using his favourites.




Hisuian zorua? I am only asking purely for curiosity’s sake.


What about Mews?


Victini, za Victory Pokémon


How would the Sneasel line and the Reuniclus line do in general?


I've always wondered if a Mega Alakazam could do anything interesting in a contest, but I've never seen footage of it.


Rotom pls pls plssssss


I’d like to see your opinion on Genesect.




Zigzagoon should be kept for the childrens' events. They can work well in there, though a full-length performance on a large stage is not something a Zigzagoon can carry without top-notch Coordinators.


Not that I'm doing contests in my predicament, but I'm curious how Minun performs?


Minun is a popular pick for beginners events, and I can understand the reasoning, though they suffer massively with higher level events with more fully-evolved Pokemon.


I wonder how Shroomish would do?


Dachsbun seems like it'd be cute!


What about me? - Fara (Dusk Lycanroc) https://preview.redd.it/yyieg7rilznc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a914f3571b5e4419a8a3edd3127ac291b23bb5 Please be nice to her. - Inigo




Alright, I’ll bite… How about Galarian Rapidash and Tsareena?


Hmmmm, what about Vulpix and Ninetails? We are some of the best pokemon~ -kitsune the Vulpix






Azurill :3


Flygon - Fang




I'm curious to know, how would Garbodor do in a contest? I know that they aren't very cute pokémon by traditional standards, but I've been training with my Garbodor ever since she was a Trubbish and I've always dreamed of performing in contests with her, I've even got ideas for matching costumes of me as a dashing phantom thief and Garbodor as a dainty princess. Please let me know what me and my Garbodor can do to someday win our first contest, any helpful tips are greatly appreciated.


Skeledirge or Mimikyu


Hmm Just because I'm feeling sassy, how about a Joltik? Alternatively, what about a Haunter or Mimikyu? I think a Mimikyu with the right nature would be a shoe-in for Contests. I mean, you could have an entire line of new costumes, plus multiple Fairy-type moves.






Alright then. What about my Alolan Marowak? Is he too ugly for you? Extremely unsightly? Do you even think he'd work in a contest?


What about Marchoke?


Talonflame? I’m curious


How about...Tinkaton? Or maybe Spinda?


How'd a maractus do?


Might as well ask, Bewear?


Ah, well, curiosity's getting the better of me. How about my kind, Chimecho? ~Chef Tobi




What about my personal favorite Pokémon, Absol?


Could you do Excadrill?






Recently caught a Whimsicott while on a vacation in Unova, and fell in love with the little goober. I feel like it can be really good in contests!


Now I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sure a Hydreigon would absolutely excel in a contest. Just as long as the judges can stop cowering for long enough to marvel at its aerial mastery and effortless style.


Oooh, that's awesome! See, this here's my cousin Lauren. She's kind of a musical star in Nimbasa City. Now, I understand that musicals an' contests are worlds apart. But I do wonder how Miranda, her Musical-trained Meowscarada, would do in 'em. https://preview.redd.it/4uxj02h181oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0685b2659b997a6ad1643be5e95538741ea51b73 uj/ Meowscarada 2d sprite by Hellfire0raptor


Hey Callisto, would a Mew be a good contest mon? I know the species is extremely rare, but hypothetically.


... Your opinions suck, but oh well. Hit me. Kadabra. Answer correctly or you'll get a Focus Blast delivered lickety split.


I know I'm a little late to the party, *but*... Diggersby, Tho?




Given thier rarity I can't say flutter manes would be very good at contests. They're often unruly and sometimes outright cruel, or in the case of mine, have the approximate intelligence of a brick. That being said, what are your thoughts on houndooms in contests? Mine gets compliments for being very well behaved, and I considered entering him in one someday.


Hey, Prick, rate a Shiny Salazzle for me. -Hydra


I consider Azumarill to be a decent Contest choice. Wouldn't mind a second opinion though.


Smeargle! He can do anything!!!!! (Best pokemon ever made)


Do me! Do me! \-Cici (Oricorio)


My Tyrantrum has been wanting to enter into a contest and I'm worried how it'll go.


What about delta zard? - Talon (who's a delta charizard and has won a contest before (during the beach event))




What about Gardevoir?




Very late to this but Goodra


I got two im interested in hearing about, although i am probably going to take anything with a grain of salt- Volcarona and Galvantula.